
We arrived at the hospital only to find Dad weak, but his smile was as sure as ever. My husband and I had to work, so our relatives would help him get home from the hospital and look after him. But I wanted Dad to know that we cared about him, too, even when we weren’t with him.
Then I remembered a family tradition (传统) when our children were small. When leaving their grandparents’ home, each child would write a love note for their grandparents to find after we were gone. They hid notes in the food box, or even in the fridge. For days their grandparents would smile as they discovered these notes of the children’s love.
So as I cleaned Dad’s room downstairs before he got home, I began writing notes. Some showed my love. Most notes were in his room downstairs where he would be able to find, but one note was hidden upstairs under his pillow. “Dad, if you have found this note, you must be feeling better. We are so glad!”
My notes were a reminder (提醒的事物) of our love for Dad. Just like his medicines made him better physically (身体上), these would improve his mental (精神的) health. Several weeks later, I made a phone call to Dad and asked what he was doing. He said, “I’ll tell you what I’m doing. I am just reading the note you left under my pillow upstairs!”
64. Which of the following did the author NOT do for her father?
A. Writing notes.            B. Driving her father home. 
C. Making phone calls.       D. Helping to clean her father’s room.
65.  The underlined word “these” (in Paragraph 4) refers to “______”.
A. medicines             B. the relatives’ care and help
C. notes                    D. delicious foods
66. The author hid most notes _____.
A. in Dad’s room downstairs     B. in the food box
C. in the fridge               D. under Dad’s pillow upstairs
67. From the passage we can know the author’s notes couldn’t ______.
A. show her love for Dad            B. make Dad remember something
C. make Dad healthier mentally        D. improve Dad’s physical health

If you don’t have a college degree, you’re at greater risk of developing memory problems or even Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆). Education plays a key role in lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder, and it's well documented that those with a college degree possess a cognitive(认知的) advantage over those less educated in middle and old age.
Now, a large national study from Brandeis University published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry shows that those with less schooling can significantly make up for poorer education by frequently engaging in mental exercises such as word games, puzzles, reading, and lectures.
“The lifelong benefits of higher education for memory in later life are quite impressive, but we do not clearly understand how and why these effects last so long,” said lead author Margie Lachman, a psychologist. She suggested that higher education may encourage lifelong interest in cognitive efforts, while those with less education may not engage as frequently in mental exercises that help keep the memory agile (敏捷地).
But education early in adulthood does not appear to be the only route to maintain your memory. The study found that intellectual activities undertaken regularly made a difference. “Among individuals with low education, those who are engaged in reading, writing, attending lectures, doing word games or puzzles once a week or more had memory scores similar to people with more education,” said Lachman.
The study, called Midlife in the United States, assessed 3,343 men and women between the ages of 32 and 84 with an average age of 56 years. Almost 40 percent of the participants had at least a 4-year college degree. The researchers evaluated how the participants performed in two cognitive areas, verbal (言语的)memory and executive function --- brain processes involved in planning, abstract thinking and cognitive flexibility. Participants were given a series of tests, including tests of verbal fluency, word recall, and backward counting.
As expected, those with higher education said they engaged in cognitive activities more often and also did better on the memory tests, but some with lower education also did well, explained Lachman.
“The findings are promising because they suggest there may be ways to level the playing field for those with lower educational achievement, and protect those at greatest risk for memory declines,” said Lachman. “Although we can not rule out the possibility that those who have better memories are the ones who take on more activities, the evidence is consistent with cognitive plasticity (可塑性), and suggests some degree of personal control over cognitive functioning in adulthood by adopting an intellectually active lifestyle.”
小题1: What is the text mainly about?
A.Higher education has a better cognitive advantage.
B.Better memories result from college degree.
C.Cognitive activity does good to one’s mind.
D.Poor education has more risk of memory declines.
小题2:According to the result of Margie Lachman’s study, we can conclude that ________.
A.education is responsible for the lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder
B.education early in adulthood can be the only route to maintain your memory
C.those with higher education did better on the memory tests than those with lower education
D.an intellectually active lifestyle does help to maintain your memory
小题3: What do we know about the study called Midlife?
A.Participants each were given a battery to test their memory.
B.The average age of the participants are 56 years old.
C.Participants had to perform in one of the two cognitive areas.
D.One in four of the participants had a 4-year college degree.
小题4:Why are the findings of the Lachman’s study promising?
A.The lower educated may have the same opportunities to keep up memory.
B.We may have ways to cure the people who have memory declines.
C.Adopting a different lifestyle can control cognitive functioning.
D.We can find out the possibility to have better memories.
I clearly remember my mom telling me to drink milk every day—one glass in the morning and another at night. I also remember loving it while my sister thought quite the opposite—she would surreptitiously pour her milk into the sink or water the plants with it! I guess I should thank my mom for making us drink a lot of milk, so rich in calcium(钙), during those important years.
Today, calcium shortage is one of the main concerns of women in their 30s or even early 20s. The great fear is that when we reach our 50s or 60s, osteoprosis(骨质疏松症)will set in. That is why you can see a lot of advertisements for products supposedly containing a lot of calcium.
Because calcium is not that easy to acquire from the food we normally eat, busy women these days should take calcium supplements(补充物). There are a lot of different forms of these---calcium carbonate(碳酸钙),oyster(牡蛎)shell or bone-meal-based calcium supplements.
You have to be careful when choosing which kind to take. This is because calcium is not easily absorbed by the body. So the fact that you are taking supplements doesn’t mean that the body is actually benefiting from them. Different supplements may have different instructions on dosage(剂量)and manner of intake. You can ask your doctor to help you determine which supplement is the best for your needs.
小题1:From what the author’s mother did we may infer that___________________.
A.her children had osteoporosis
B.she knew her children would benefit from milk
C.she must have suffered from osteorosis
D.she didn’t like her daughter who didn’t obey her order
小题2: Based on the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.The author’s sister will suffer from osteoprosis when reaches her 50s or 60s
B.Many businessmen have already been selling products supposedly containing calcium.
C.We can’t get enough calcium only from food we eat every day
D.Women as young as their 20s should be concerned about calcium shortage
小题3:What does the underlined word “surreptitiously” in the first paragraph probably mean?
小题4:We may infer from the last paragraph that____________________.
A.what one chooses as a calcium supplement might not work
B.one shouldn’t take in calcium without the permission of a doctor
C.the more calcium supplements one uses, the more calcium one can take in
D.it is dangerous to use calcium supplements without the guidance
I know what you’re thinking : pizza? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the a. m. if you want to.
I know lots of women who skip breakfast , and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it . Some say they don’t have time. others think they’re “saving” calories, still others just don’t like breakfast food . 
But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose weight. “Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking , R , D , who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece. 
Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southem California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal. 
So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers-it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow,” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it…you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects. 
小题1:The word “leftovers” in Paragraph 1 probably means__________.
A.things left undoneB.food remaining after a meal
C.meals made of vegetablesD.pizza topped with fruit
小题2:What can we infer from the text?
A.Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B.There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.
C.Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.
D.Eating vegetables helps save energy.
小题3:According to the last paragraph, it is important to____________. 
A.eat something for breakfastB.put away the leftovers instead of eating more.
C.heat up leftovers for breakfastD.eat calorie-controlled food
小题4:The text is written mainly for those_____________. 
A.who go to work earlyB.who stay up late
C.who want to lose weightD.who eat before sleep

Chemicals used for industrial processes often create dangerous forms of waste. The amount of these chemicals has risen heavily in the past few years, as more areas of the world industrialize and new products are produced. Over 80,000 different chemicals are used in industries world wide. Around the world hundreds of millions of tons of harmful waste are produced each year. Often, it is difficult and expensive to get rid of these chemicals or to store them in a way that does not endanger human life and the environment.
Every year, major health problems result from harmful waste. Sadly, it is often when someone has died or, become seriously ill that governments will take action and reduce levels of dumped harmful waste. In 1989, a school in New Jersey had to be closed because students there had suffered too much exposure to chromium. It was later learned that large amounts of chromium had been dumped nearby and blown over to the school area.
Research has been done to provide information on the effects of every chemical. Because waste chemicals often mix together, it will also be necessary to learn how the combinations of these chemicals affect human health.
Some governments have realized how serious the problem is and are making laws to get rid of harmful waste. They are also trying to limit the amount of waste industries are allowed to produce.
Not only governments but the public as well must form part of the solution. They can choose not to buy those products which require the production of harmful waste, attempt to affect policymakers, and produce less harmful waste themselves. Many scientists think that waste production can be cut. The waste can be reduced by at least one-third using existing technologies and methods.
57.What is mainly discussed in the text?
A The effect of every chemical.          
B.Problems of harmful waste.
C.Chemicals used for industrial processes.
D.Events related to waste chemicals.
58.From the text we know that ______.
A.chromium can poison people when there is a wind
B.chromium pollution makes the local government close the school
C.Some governments don’t realize how serious the problems are until people suffer a lot from harmful waste
D.about two-thirds of the waste can pollute the environment
59.Which of the following least matches the solution the writer refers to?
A.Chemicals used for industrial processes should be banned.
B.People can make use of the existing technologies and methods to reduce the waste
C.Policymakers make laws to limit the production of harmful waste.
D.People choose not to buy products which may produce harmful waste.
60.The writer of the text thinks that ______.
A.governments should have forbidden the production of waste chemicals
B.mixed waste chemicals can always be stored without endangering people
C.industries must not produce waste chemicals which harm people so much
D.everyone can do something to help solve the problem of waste chemicals

For many people,  there is only one good reason to go to an amusement park: the roller coaster. But why do People go on roller coasters?
"Where else in the world can you scream at the top of your lungs and throw your arms in the air?"  Frank Farley asks. "If you did that in most other places, they'd take you to your parents and probably put you through a psychological evaluation  (心理检查)."  Farley is a psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Roller coasters are often attractive to kids whose lives are stressful or controlled.  "Roller coasters are a way of breaking out of the humdrum (单调 ) of everyday life.  You can let it all go and scream and shout or do whatever you want," Farley says. It has been proved that many adults feel the same way.
Compared with skateboarding, extreme mountain biking, and other adventure sports, riding roller coasters is safe. Parents usually don't mind when kids go on coasters.  Roller coasters also have a way of bringing people together.  Riders share the thrill and adventure of surviving what feels like an extreme experience.
Whether you like to ride a roller coaster may depend on your personality.  Psychologists say that there is a certain type of person that naturally seeks out extreme experiences. "They enjoy things like change, variety, and intensity (强度)," says Farley. "These people are actually attracted to thrills."  He describes such people as having Type-T personalities ("T" stands for thrill).
He also believes that these thrill seekers are more adventurous and creative than other people. Albert Einstein was a Type T. "If nobody liked to seek stimulation (刺激)," he argues, "the human race wouldn't be where it is today."
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The disadvantages of roller coasters.
B. The characteristics of roller coasters.
C. Why many people enjoy roller coasters.
D. How people act when riding roller coasters.
2. According to Farley, what will most people feel after riding a roller coaster?
A. Scared.          B. Confident.    C. Nervous.       D. Relaxed.
3. If a person is a Type T, he seems to           .
A. enjoy adventure sports
B. dislike riding roller coasters
C. like popular sports
D. work well with others
4. According to Farley, to our society, people with Type-T personalities are __
A. dangerous            B. important    C. useless               D. harmful

“Love your neighbor as yourself" is a saying familiar to most of us. It means that you must have he ability to love and accept yourself in order to form and keep satisfying relationship with others self-esteem means accepting yourself for who you really are, and believing that you are indeed a ivdrthwhile person who is deserving of love and respect from others.
Self-esteem is our sense of how good we feel about ourselves. It is based on our judgment of urselves, not on other people's assessment, but simply on our own. Our self-esteem is not efaendent on our talent. Some very ordinary people feel very good about themselves, while other extranordinarily high achievers hold low opintions of themselves.
Self-esteem is the primary key to long-term stress managerment. Why? The first three sourees of stress are: predictable life event, unexpected changes and build-up of daily stresscs, These are much easier to handle when we believe in ourselves, A postive, healthy self-estcem gives us the “hardiness”(强健) to deal with the difficulities of life, and to see them as challenges to be met, rather than threals to be feared.
The forth category of streesons is entirely the result of a low self-esteem. It is the category of stress that is most common and tiring over the long run. This kind of stress cannol be overcome, or evenchanged, until the self-exteem problems that cause it are corrected.
Learning to love yourself for who y ou are is the key to overcoming stress. Self-esteem comes form the self, and cannot be promoted by others. A person who fecls that his self-estecm comes from the approval of those around him or her is bound to self-destruct(自毁), One cannot keep the level of “performance” required to please everyone else, especially if that performance disagrees with who you are and is simply a facade that makes you popular with the world. When the applause is gone, there is nothing left.
Only those who can feel the strength of knowing who they are and those who can feel good about that will survive the stresses of life. Sef-esteem is the basis of contentment and positive living.
58. What is self-csteem?
A.A kind of positive lifestyle.
B.The impression we have on other people.
C.Our sense of how good we feel about ourselves.
D.Our understanding of how we are seen by others.
59.What is the key to overcoming stress according to the passage?
A.Removing yourself from stressful situation.
B.Learning to love yourself for who you are.
C.Facing the stress and dealing with it.
D.Getting help from friends.
60.What does the underlined word "facade" (in Para 5) mean?
A.A false appearance.   B.A big worry.
C.A wrong action.       D.A strange feeling.
61.The passage is written to ______.
A.tell people how to overcome stress
B.help people form good relationship with others
C.show the importance of feeling good about yourself
D.provide the different methods to get a clear view of yourself

Stay and Play for 2 Days
Stay in the magic with your friends and family and book a hotel stay at either Disney’s Hollywood Hotel or Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. As a hotel guest, you can enjoy an extra day at Hong Kong Disneyland Park during your stay when you buy a one-day ticket!
How It Works
Hotel guests staying at either the Disney’s Hollywood Hotel or Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel who buy a Hong Kong Disneyland Park ticket will receive an extra park admission for the following day. Guests can buy Stay and Play for 2 Days tickets as soon as you check in at the Front Desk. Ticket price will be based on the first day a guest visits the Park. If the first visit day is a Regular Day, guests can buy Regular Day tickets even though the following day may be a Peak (高峰) or Special Day. If the first visit day is a Peak Day, Guests should buy Peak Day tickets even though the following day may be a Regular Day.
This offer is available 13 May through 30 September 2009. Guests who have bought their Hong Kong Disneyland Park tickets before 13 May 2009 can exchange their unused and not expired(过期的)tickets to Stay and Play for 2 Days tickets at the Hotel Front Desk.
Where to Buy
Guests can book their hotel stay through the following:
Call Hong Kong Disneyland Reservation Center at +852 1-830-830, opens daily 9 am-6 pm.
Get in touch with your travel agent.
Dates to Remember
Offer Period   13 May 2009– 30 September 2009 
Last Day to buy Stay and Play for 2 days tickets   29 September 2009 
Last Visit Date   30 September 2009 
For more information, please click here.
60. As a guest at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, you can enjoy an extra day in ______.
A. Disney’s Hollywood Hotel                 B. a Hong Kong family
C. Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel               D. Hong Kong Disneyland Park
61. You can get a Stay and Play for 2 Days ticket______.
A. from 13 May 2009 to 30 September 2009
B. by calling +852 1-830-830 any time of the day
C. by getting in touch with your travel agent
D. with your used Hong Kong Disneyland Park ticket
62. It can be inferred(推断)from the article that ______ .
A. Disney’s Hollywood Hotel is in Hollywood, the USA
B. Regular Day tickets are cheaper than Peak Day tickets
C. anyone can exchange his park ticket for a Stay and Play for 2 days ticket
D. this special offer lasts a little over six months
63. This advertisement is probably taken from ______ .
A. a newspaper        B. a magazine        C. the website      D. a travel handbook

Good nutrition and a balanced diet will help your children grow up healthily. No matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve nutrition and to encourage smart eating habits. Here are some suggestions.
Family Meals
Family meals are comforting for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new foods to children and to find out which foods they like and which ones they don’t.
Teens may turn up their noses at your plan of a family meal. It is not surprising because they’re trying to establish independence. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents’ advice, so they use the mealtime as a chance to reconnect.
Stocking Up on Healthy Foods
Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what they can get at home. That’s why it’s important to control the supply lines—the foods which you serve for meals and have on hand for snacks. You should have enough fruits, vegetables, lean meat and other good sources of protein, such as eggs and nuts, and healthy snacks, such as yogurt, peanut butter and whole-grain biscuits.
Being a Good Example
The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sugary drinks, you’ll be sending the right message.
No Conflicts over Foods
Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat.
Get Kids Included
Most kids will enjoy making the decision about what to make for dinner. Talk to them about making choices and planning a balanced meal. It can help prepare them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat.
1. Family meals provide the chances for parents to do the following things EXCEPT        .
A. guessing what kids are going to have                            B. finding what kids like and dislike  
C. introducing new foods to kids                               D. reconnecting with kids
2. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means         .
A. teenagers may be interested in your plan of a family meal
B. teenagers may help you to make a plan of a family meal
C. teenagers may show no interest in your plan of a family meal
D. teenagers may refuse to help you to make a plan of a family meal
3. According to the article, which should NOT be done by parents?
A. Forming a healthful eating habit themselves.         B. Forcing kids to have vegetables.
C. Stocking up on some fruits at home.                     D. Making meal plans with kids.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. How to eat healthily.                                    B. How to grow up healthily.
C. Help kids form healthful eating habits.           D. Help kids know what a healthful meal is.

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