
(1)He felt g after he was caught for cheating Xu yuyu,a girl who had died because of being cheated.
(2)He is e to see his daughter who has been abroad studying for two years.
(3)Can you turn the TV down, please? I can't c on my reading.
(4)You should buy a good piano for your son, for he is a g musician.
(5)The company mainly p books for children, which are sold at large bookstores nationwide.
(6)We were (高兴的) at the good news that Mary was admitted to a top university in Hong Kong.
(7)The plan will be (上交) to our boss next week, so we are checking the details carefully now.
(8)Exams are not the only means of (评估) a student's ability. We should take many other aspects into consideration.
(9)In order to complete the project in advance, I will go there to (协助) him in doing the work.
(10)It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioners were in great (需求).

(2)句意:他渴望见到他的已经在国外学习了两年的女儿。be eager to do固定短语,”渴望做.....“,故填eager。
(3)句意:你能把电视调小点儿吗?我不能集中精力阅读。concentrate on固定短语,”集中精力于,专心致志于“,情态动词后接动词原形,故填concentrate。
(5)句意:这个公司主要出版儿童书籍,在全国大型书店出售。主语是the company,第三人称单数形式,故填publishes。
(6)句意:听到Mary 被香港重点大学录取了我们很高兴。be delighted at固定短语”因为.....而高兴“,因此答案为delighted 。
(10)句意:那年夏天非常热,,因此空调机需求量甚大。in great demand固定短语,“需求量很大”。故填demand。


【题目】Blowing bubbles is fun! The best thing about bubbles is that it's easy to make your own bubble solution(溶液). You can make as much as you want and blow as many bubbles as you'd like. If you add a "secret" ingredient(配料), you'll get bigger and stronger bubbles! Do just as follows:

Measure 6 cups of water into one container, then pour 1 cup of dish soap into the water and slowly stir it until the soap is mixed in. Try not to let bubbles form while you stir.

Measure 1 tablespoon of glycerin(甘油) or 1/4 cup of corn syrup(玉米淀粉) and add it to the container. Stir the solution until it is mixed together.

You can use the solution right away, but to make even better bubbles, put the lid on the container and let your super bubble solution sit overnight.The soap mixture on the outside of a bubble is actually made of three very thin layers: soap, water, and another layer of soap. A bubble pops when the water that is trapped between the layers of soap evaporates(蒸发). The glycerin or corn syrup mixes with the soap to make it thicker.The thicker skin of the bubbles keeps the water from evaporating as quickly, so they last longer. It also makes them stronger, so you can blow bigger bubbles.

Dip a bubble wand or straw into the mixture, slowly pull it out, wait a few seconds, and then blow. If you don't have a ready-made "bubble wand", you can make your own by cutting off the end of the bulb of aplastic pipet. Dip the cut end in solution and blow through the narrow end. You can also make a loop out of thin wire or pipe cleaner.Just twist a round end on your wire to blow the bubbles through. You can even make it heart-shaped, square or use other shapes if you're clever enough to bend it well.

1For what purpose is the text is written?

A. To argue. B. To advertise.

C. To entertain. D. To instruct.

2What does the secret in making bigger and stronger bubbles lies in?

A. The soap. B. The corn syrup.

C. The water. D. The straw.

3What can you use a bubble wand to do?

A. Blow bubbles. B. Mix the solution.

C. Measure soap. D. Shape wires.

4What can we infer from paragraph 4?

A. More soap, more bubbles.

B. Less water, better bubbles.

C. Thicker layers, bigger bubbles.

D. Stronger skin, bigger bubbles.

【题目】Camping without a campfire is not camping at all. Late-night conversations and games around the campfire are essential for a pleasant camping experience. However, you ought to be aware of the fact that camping with a campfire is not all about fun. 1 If you are planning to set up a campfire, or if you are planning to cook during camping, you should remember some fire safety tips.

Choose a campsite which has a campfire pit(深坑). 2 If there is no fire pit, set up your own. However, you should be careful not to place the fire pit near your camping tent. When you set up a campfire, make sure that you put the campfire materials in the right order. This can help you make sure that there will be no flying debris(碎片) once you light your fire. Put the light materials first such as paper or dry leaves. 3 Finally, make sure that you place stones around the campfire pit. Never burn plastics or other poisonous materials, which will disturb your neighboring

campground guests. It will also significantly pollute the air and promote the risk of fire spreads. 4 Use it only when all the other fire-making options fail.

5 Before you leave your campsite or before you go to bed, make sure that your campfire is completely out. Leaving fire unattended runs high risks of forest fires and the like.

A. Then, put the wood.

B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

C. It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

E. This will ensure that you will be capable of controlling your campfire.

F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.

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