
                                                   Free to Fly with the Wind
     One windy sprind day,I observed young people having fun by flying their kites in the wind.Colorful   1 
 of varying shapes and sizes filled the blue and clean skies like beautiful birds    2  . As the strong winds
blew against the kites,a   3  kept them in control.
      Instead of blowing away with the wind,they went up against it to achieve great  4  .They shook and
pulled,but the control string and the long tail kept them under  5  , facing upward and against the  6  . As
the kites struggled and trembled against the string,they seemed to be saying,"Let me go!Let me go!I want
to be  7  !"They flew beautifully even as they fought the control of the string.Finally,one of the kites  8  in
breaking loose."Free at last,"it seemed to be saying,"Free to fly with the wind."
    Yet freedom from control simply put it at the  9  of an unsympathetic wind.It
  10  ungracefully to the ground and landed in a wild mass of weeds."Free at last"-free to  11  powerlessly
in the dirt,and to be blown  12  along the ground...
     How we are like kites sometimes!The Heaven gives us adversities(逆境),limits and rules to   13   from
which we can grow and gain strength.Control is a  14  opponent to the winds of opposition.We can never
go up high enough to achieve our goals sometimes if we lose our necessary 15  or the rules.
(    )1. A. balloons    
(    )2. A. dancing    
(    )3. A. belt        
(    )4. A. skies      
(    )5. A. charge      
(    )6. A. wall        
(    )7. A. quicker    
(    )8. A. ended      
(    )9. A. mercy      
(    )10. A. trembled  
(    )11. A. sit        
(    )12. A. patiently  
(    )13. A. escape    
(    )15. A. opponent  

B. clouds  
B. singing  
B. string  
B. lengths  
B. repair  
B. wind    
B. higher  
B. stuck    
B. top      
B. dropped  
B. stand    
B. silently
B. follow  
B. friend  

C. creations  
C. fighting    
C. wire        
C. depths      
C. condition  
C. tree        
C. free        
C. failed      
C. bottom      
C. struggled  
C. exist      
C. helplessly  
C. break      
C. assistant  

D. planes          
D. chatting        
D. cloth          
D. heights        
D. control        
D. ground          
D. quiet          
D. succeeded      
D. expense        
D. pulled          
D. lie            
D. comfortlessly  
D. suffer          
D. supporter      

1-5: CABDD  6-10: BCDAB  11-15: DCBBA
     This happened years ago when I was a waitress,but I still remember this specific incident so vividly.As
the end of the night was__1__,ten minutes before our restaurant closed,a gentleman came in.I was the
__2__waitress who got to stay after closing to serve him his food.
     The customer was quite__3__with how his food was prepared.He sent his__4__back twice.When it
eventually arrived to his liking,he__5__some fresh coffee.Meanwhile,my manager and our cooks were
__6__me closely,as they wanted the last customer of the__7__to finally leave so that we could__8__the
shop and go home. At that time I was frustrated and tired.I also knew he would probably not__9__very
well,seeing his inexpensive meal.__10__,I tried to give him good service.
     Then in the last ten minutes,as I was refilling his coffee,I somehow__11__it on the table as well as his
plate.I apologized,but I was__12__to get him another plate of  food as everything was shut down in the
__13__.Knowing  his previous temperament  (性情),I had a certain__14__of how he might react.He
asked to speak to the manager.
     But he__15__shocked me at this point.Instead of__16__to my boss,he simply said,"This young lady's done a fine job.You need to keep her__17__as long as you can!" After  that he paid his bill and left,and I eagerly went home.
     The next morning when I came to work and __18__my tips-you often don't get it till the next day
__19__a customer charges it on a credit card-I was__20__that thecustomer had offered a $15 tip for his $8 dinner.People are often much nicer than they look!
(     )1. A. darkening  
(     )2. A. lucky  
(     )3. A. pleased  
(     )4. A. order    
(     )5. A. changed  
(     )6. A. following
(     )7. A. day    
(     )8. A. turn up  
(     )9. A. speak  
(     )10. A. Instead  
(     )11. A. spread    
(     )12. A. eager    
(     )13. A. kitchen  
(     )14. A. communication
(     )15. A. gradually  
(     )16. A. explaining
(     )17. A. off      
(     )18. A. held back  
(     )19. A. unless    
(     )20. A. convinced  
B. approaching  
B. first        
B. familiar    
B. bill        
B. sold        
B. checking    
B. time        
B. close up    
B. behave      
B. Besides      
B. left        
B. willing      
B. rain        
B. expectation  
B. fre quently  
B. apologizing  
B. around      
B. brought up  
B. if          
B. learned      
C. leaving    
C. unlucky    
C. interested  
C. note      
C. needed    
C. watching  
C. place      
C. set off    
C. tip      
C. Otherwise  
C. spilled      
C. shameful    
C. line        
C. tradition
C. rudely      
C. attending
C. away      
C. picked up    
C. although    
C. told       
D. happening  
D. young      
D. dissatisfied
D. mail        
D. threw      
D. helping    
D. room        
D. turn off    
D. eat        
D. However    
D. broke      
D. unable      
D. operation  
D. hesitation  
D. really      
D. complaining
D. out        
D. looked for  
D. in case    
D. reminded    

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