
     This happened years ago when I was a waitress,but I still remember this specific incident so vividly.As
the end of the night was__1__,ten minutes before our restaurant closed,a gentleman came in.I was the
__2__waitress who got to stay after closing to serve him his food.
     The customer was quite__3__with how his food was prepared.He sent his__4__back twice.When it
eventually arrived to his liking,he__5__some fresh coffee.Meanwhile,my manager and our cooks were
__6__me closely,as they wanted the last customer of the__7__to finally leave so that we could__8__the
shop and go home. At that time I was frustrated and tired.I also knew he would probably not__9__very
well,seeing his inexpensive meal.__10__,I tried to give him good service.
     Then in the last ten minutes,as I was refilling his coffee,I somehow__11__it on the table as well as his
plate.I apologized,but I was__12__to get him another plate of  food as everything was shut down in the
__13__.Knowing  his previous temperament  (性情),I had a certain__14__of how he might react.He
asked to speak to the manager.
     But he__15__shocked me at this point.Instead of__16__to my boss,he simply said,"This young lady's done a fine job.You need to keep her__17__as long as you can!" After  that he paid his bill and left,and I eagerly went home.
     The next morning when I came to work and __18__my tips-you often don't get it till the next day
__19__a customer charges it on a credit card-I was__20__that thecustomer had offered a $15 tip for his $8 dinner.People are often much nicer than they look!
(     )1. A. darkening  
(     )2. A. lucky  
(     )3. A. pleased  
(     )4. A. order    
(     )5. A. changed  
(     )6. A. following
(     )7. A. day    
(     )8. A. turn up  
(     )9. A. speak  
(     )10. A. Instead  
(     )11. A. spread    
(     )12. A. eager    
(     )13. A. kitchen  
(     )14. A. communication
(     )15. A. gradually  
(     )16. A. explaining
(     )17. A. off      
(     )18. A. held back  
(     )19. A. unless    
(     )20. A. convinced  
B. approaching  
B. first        
B. familiar    
B. bill        
B. sold        
B. checking    
B. time        
B. close up    
B. behave      
B. Besides      
B. left        
B. willing      
B. rain        
B. expectation  
B. fre quently  
B. apologizing  
B. around      
B. brought up  
B. if          
B. learned      
C. leaving    
C. unlucky    
C. interested  
C. note      
C. needed    
C. watching  
C. place      
C. set off    
C. tip      
C. Otherwise  
C. spilled      
C. shameful    
C. line        
C. tradition
C. rudely      
C. attending
C. away      
C. picked up    
C. although    
C. told       
D. happening  
D. young      
D. dissatisfied
D. mail        
D. threw      
D. helping    
D. room        
D. turn off    
D. eat        
D. However    
D. broke      
D. unable      
D. operation  
D. hesitation  
D. really      
D. complaining
D. out        
D. looked for  
D. in case    
D. reminded    
1-5 BCDAC   6-10 CABCD  11-15 CDABD  16-20 DBCBC
     One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had
ordered to arrive. Suddenly I   1   that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing
in my direction, _  2       he knew me. The man had a newspaper     3    in front of him, which
he was   4   to read, but I could     5    that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter
brought my    6  , the man was clearly puzzled by the    7   way in which the waiter and I   8  
each other. He seemed even more puzzled as    9   went on and it became   10   that all the
waiters in the  restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the    11   . When he
came out, he paid his bill and   12   without another a glance in my direction.
     I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had   13  .  "Well, "he said,
"That man was a detective(侦探). He 14   you here because he thought you were the
man he 15  ." "What ?"I said, showing my  16  . The owner continued, "He came into the
kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man.  I   17   say he looked very much like
you! Of course  since we know you, we told him that he had made a __18_." "Well, it's
really  19   I came to a restaurant where I'm known, "I said. "  20  , I might have been in
(     )1.A. knew
(     )2.A. since
(     )3.A. flat
(     )4.A. hoping
(     )5.A. see
(     )6.A. menu
(     )7.A .direct
(     )8.A. chatted with
(     )9.A. the waiter
(     )10.A. true
(     )11.A. restaurant
(     )12.A. left
(     )13.A. wanted
(     )14.A. met
(     )15.A. was to beat
(     )16.A. care
(     )17.A. must
(     )18.A. discovery
(     )19.A. a pity
(     )20.A. Thus

B. unders tood
B. even if
B. open
B. thi nking
B. find
B. bill
B. familiar
B. looked at
B. time
B. hopeful
B. washroom
B. acted
B. tried
B. caught
B was dealing with
B. surprise
B can
B mistake
B natural
B However

C. noticed
C .though
C. cut
C. pretending
C. guess
C. paper
C. strange
C. laughed at
C. I
C .clear
C. office
C. sat down
C. ordered
C. followed
C. was to meet
C. worry
C. need
C decision
C. a chance

D.as if?
D. fixed ?
D. learn?
D. food ?
D. funny ?
D. talked about
D. the dinner
D. possible
D .kitchen?
D. calmeddown
D. wished?
D. discovered?
D. was looking for
D. regret?
D. may?
D. fortune?
D. lucky?
D. Therefore

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