
【题目】Many people may think it’s ridiculous that animals should have their feelings. As a matter of fact, animals’ feelings are sometimes even 1(warm) than we can imagine. Savanah, a one-and-a-half-year-old leopard, and Max,2 dog who is just a few weeks younger, have become the best friends at Ohio Zoo. They get along quite well with each other and chase after each other all the time cheerfully. 3Savanah was just 10 weeks old, they have been put together. From then on, their friendship has amazed large numbers of 4(visit) to the zoo. 5moving story occurred in Turkey. Winter 6 (sweep) the Northern Hemisphere, but perhaps no one had been hit as hard by 7(freeze) temperatures as five donkeys in Turkey. The unattended (无人照顾) donkeys in a small Turkish village were covered by snow, with icicles(冰柱) 8(hang) off their bodies. Later, a rescue team found the donkeys, some of 9, however, were so frozen that they couldn’t move and had to be carried away by a truck.

10 being housed in a warm shelter, all the donkeys were “defrosted (解冻)” and alive because of their strong determination.







6was sweeping







2根据前面Savanah, a one-and-a-half-year-old leopard,可知此处填a表泛指,与后面构成Max的同位语。

3根据后面的have been put可知从句是since引导的时间状语从句,故答案为Since。

4large numbers of修饰可数名词的复数形式,故答案为visitors。


6句意:冬季正席卷着the Northern Hemisphere。根据句意可知用过去进行时态,答案为was sweeping。

7介词后面用doing做宾语,by doing sth.,可知答案为freezing。





【题目】Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains. He hunted wild animals there and he also took other men to hunt, which was his work.

One day a letter brought Andy a new job. This job changed both his feeling about animals and his way of hunting. The letter said, “I want to write a story about bighorn sheep(大角羊). I need pictures to go with my story. Will you get pictures of the sheep for me?"

Andy's two sons wanted their father to take the job. "We will help you!” they said. Bighorn sheep are very wild. Andy knew it would be hard to get their pictures. “But why not try?" they said.

For days, Andy and his sons tried to get their pictures, They did not want the sheep to hear them or see them, so they walked softly. They hid behind rocks, but the sheep always ran away.

Then one day, Andy and his sons walked around a big rock. They met some sheep face to face, but they didn't run. "Now I know why the sheep run away," Andy said. "They run because we come up behind them. From now on, we will stay where they can see us."

The next day; Andy saw some sheep right out in the open. He and his sons walked toward them. They did not try to hide, and they did walk slowly. They knew that any fast move would frighten them away.

"Don't look direct at the sheep," Andy said. "Wild animals do not like to be looked at. They will run away. " They looked off to this side and to that side, and they walked closer and closer. And soon they were close enough to get good clear pictures.

They made good friends with the wild sheep—and sent many fine pictures to the writer for his story. Since then, they have never hunted the bighorn sheep again.

1What was the new job Andy got?

A. To hunt bighorn sheep.

B. To protect bighorn sheep.

C. To take pictures of bighorn sheep.

D. To write a story about bighorn sheep.

2What is the right way to get close to bighorn sheep?

A. Looking directly at them.

B. Walking slowly to their faces.

C. Running to them from one side.

D. Following them from behind.

3What did Andy gain from his new job?

A. He won respect from his children.

B. He was well paid by the story writer.

C. He knew better how to use a camera.

D. He learned more about bighorn sheep.

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
No matter what type of business you run, it has to deal with things that go wrong from your customer's point of view. Complaints can be a great source of information for organizations to make corrections as well as further improvements.
1)You should listen actively to what the customer has to say by maintaining comfortable eye contact.
2) It's important for you to know that your apology must appear sincere to the customer, and not an empty excuse. And also you should show the customer you've accepted the responsibility and provide him with choices or you'll do something about his complaint.
3)Talk with the client and discover the best means to resolve his problem.In this case it's important to let your customer know an estimation(估计)of how long it will take to take action on his complaint.
4)A simple “thank you” is one way to let the customer know you appreciate the time and effort they've taken to inform you about a problem with your company's service or product that you need to know about.
5)Create a procedure for recording different types of customer complaints.
A. They are a valuable source of information to determine various root causes that need to be addressed within your company.
B. You should also show your customer that you do understand him by giving full attention.
C. When you have received a complaint, you should apologize for the failure the customer has identified.
D. Listen to your customer's complaints and you can improve your service.
E. So it's important to learn to deal with customer complaints efficiently.
F. Don't feel ashamed of the failure in your service or products.
G. There will be times when you'll be unable to resolve the issue immediately.

It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I was the nurse on duty that day. I didn't think there would be any 1, sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies 2 at my desk, a pale woman and four children.
“Are you all 3?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.
But when it came to 4 of their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, two children had earaches, 5 only one could tell me which ear was affected. The 6 complained of a cough but seemed to produce it.
I didn't say anything but 7 that it might be a little while 8 a doctor could see her. She responded, “9 your time,” and then added, “It's warm in here.”
Then, I checked their registration form out of curiosity. No address—they were 10. The waiting room was warm.
I went back to the nurse station and mentioned we had a homeless 11 in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining of 12 on Christmas, turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get 13 on Christmas. The team went into action, much as we do when there's a 14 emergency. But this was a Christmas emergency.
We were all 15 a free meal on Christmas Day, so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our 16. We needed presents. We 17 from different departments candies, fruits and other things 18 that could be presents. As seriously as we met the 19 needs of the patients, our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.
Later, as the family walked to the door to 20, the mother came running back, gave me a hug and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.”
(1)A.customers B.patients C.workers D.tourists
(2)A.showed up B.took in C.came out D.looked on
(3)A.eager B.hungry C.sick D.warm
(4)A.descriptions B.comments C.instructions D.results
(5)A.so B.for C.thus D.but
(6)A.mother B.children C.nurses D.doctor
(7)A.answered B.imagined C.explained D.analyzed
(8)A.after B.since C.before D.when
(9)A.Make B.Take C.Care D.Spend
(10)A.lonely B.greedy C.clever D.homeless
(11)A.family B.holiday C.woman D.Christmas
(12)A.operating B.interrupting C.managing D.working
(13)A.present B.warm C.relief D.comfort
(14)A.beneficial B.friendly C.medical D.different
(15)A.rewarded B.offered C.allowed D.ordered
(16)A.neighbors B.relations C.brothers D.guests
(17)A.borrowed B.received C.collected D.bought
(18)A.expensive B.fantastic C.generous D.available
(19)A.permanent B.physical C.endless D.ridiculous
(20)A.leave B.travel C.rest D.relax

Get a Better Night's Sleep
You're trying to get a good night's sleep, but why do you still find yourself staring at the ceiling? It's time to listen to what some unexpected experts have to say.
Get the Basic Equipment Right.
There's really good study on the basic equipment for sleep. Firstly, most people prefer a mattress (床垫)that is not too hard and not too soft. Secondly, if your mattress is eight to ten years old, you should get a new one. Seventy-two percent of people said they slept better on their new mattress than they did on their old one.

Watching TV at night may seem relaxing. However, it beams light into your eyes, which is a “warning” signal for the brain.Besides, the cooler white and blue light from a computer screen encourages brain activity and makes your brain difficult to calm down. Download the software at stereopsis.com /flux. It gradually makes your screen less bright at sunset, turning its colors a warmer red one.
Keep you Cool.
One of the best signals from the body to go to sleep is a decrease in body temperature. I suggest sleeping in a very cool environment, about 19℃. A hot bath will increase your skin temperature, which finally decreases your main body temperature.
Make Sleeping Pets Lie.
Sometimes your dogs might need the noise of machines. Many dogs are sensitive to noises outside, like other dogs barking or neighbors coming home late. A noisy machine will drown out the noises that are keeping your pet up, which keep your pet from waking you. If you keep them awake during the day, they're more likely to sleep at night.
A. Read a book before bed instead.
B. Take a bath a half-hour or so before bedtime.
C. You also learn dogs sleep when they're bored.
D. The dog is very loyal to his master.
E. It proved two theories.
F. You don't need a really beautiful mattress.
G. Switch off the Box.

It was a village in India. The people were poor. However, they were not unhappy. After all, their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.
Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived. They told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frog's legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other place.
This seemed like money for nothing. There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was catch them. Agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. For the first time, the people were able to dream of a better future.
But the dream didn't last long. The change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well. More worrying was that the children fell ill more often, and, there seemed to be more insects around lately.
The villagers decided that they couldn't just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides(杀虫剂) and medicines. Soon there was no money left.
Then the people realized what was happening. It was the frog. They hadn't been useless. They had been doing an important job—eating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing more rapidly. They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.
Now, the people are still poor. But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs. These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.
(1)Why did the villagers agree to sell frogs?
A.The frogs made too much noise.
B.They need money to buy medicine.
C.They wanted to please the visitors.
D.The frogs were easy money.
(2)What might be the cause of the children's sickness?
A.The crops didn't do well.
B.There were too many insects.
C.The visitors brought in diseases.
D.The pesticides were overused.
(3)What can we infer(推断) from the last sentence of the text?
A.Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country.
B.Health is more important than money.
C.The harmony between humans and nature is important.
D.Good old days will never be forgotten.

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