

【1______________ ______________巧合地, oil paints were also developed at this time.

【2】Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry --- Tang poems from China __________ _______________尤其.

【3】___________ __________ __________ 尽管all his efforts he failed.

【4】On the other hand ,there are those who___________ _____________ ___________反对this view.

【5】We slowly __________ __________ ________ 前往to the edge of the crater and looked down into the bed.


【1By coincidence

【2in particular

【3In spite of

【4are opposed to

【5made our way



【1】By coincidence 介词短语by conincidence偶然,巧合;名词coincidence巧合的事情。句意:巧合的是,油画也在这段时间里发展起来了。

2in particular 介词短语in particular尤其,特别;句意:你知道吗那位英语演讲家也很喜欢其他形式的亚洲诗歌,尤其是来自中国的唐诗。

3In spite of 介词短语in spite of尽管;后面接名词或者名词短语引导让步状语。句意:尽管做出来巨大的努力,他还是失败了。

4are opposed to 形容词短语be opposed to sth反对...;句意:另一方面,有很多反对这一观点的人。

5made our way 动词短语make one’s way to...前往...;句意:我们慢慢地前往后山口的边缘,向下面看过去。


【题目】The people who built Stonehenge in southern England thousands of years ago had wild parties, eating barbecued pigs and breaking pottery. This is according to recent work by archaeologists—history experts who investigate (调查) how human beings lived in the past.

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year discovered the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village is about 4600 years old, the same age as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. It is less than two miles from the famous ancient landmark and lies inside a massive manmade circular dirt wall, or “henge”, known as the Durrington Walls.

Remains found at the site included jewellery, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, wooden spears and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery. “These finds suggest Stone Age people went to the village at special times of the year to feast and party”, says Mike Parker Pearson from Sheffield University in England.

He said many of the pig bones they found had been thrown away halfeaten. He also said the partygoers appeared to have shot some of the farm pigs with arrows, possibly as a kind of sport before barbecuing them.

An ancient road which led from the village to the River Avon was also found. Here, the experts think, people came after their parties to throw dead relatives in the water so the bodies would be washed downstream to Stonehenge.

Parker Pearson believes Stonehenge was like a cemetery where ancient Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors.”

The recent discovery of the village within the Durrington Walls shows that Stonehenge didn't stand alone but was part of a much bigger religious site, according to Parker Pearson.

People still come to worship and celebrate at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it rises on the longest day of summer. But the days of barbecuing whole pigs there and throwing family members into the river are a thing of the past.

1What was Stonehenge according to the text?

A.A village where hundred of people once lived.

B.A place that regularly hosted large parties.

C.A church where local villagers would get married.

D.A site where dead people were placed or remembered.

2From the text we can infer that the people who came to the village ________.

A.liked to drink wine B.knew how to hunt

C.were from Egypt D.lived by the River Avon

3What do experts think people did after the village parties?

A.Returned to live at Stonehenge.

B.Prayed for good luck in the new year.

C.Hunted farm pigs as a sport.

D.Put their dead relatives in the river.

4When do people most often go to Stonehenge today?

A.When a new discovery is made.

B.At the beginning of summer and winter.

C.On the longest and shortest days of the year.

D.When they want to have a barbecue.


If you’re a fan of The Hunger Gamesyou shouldn’t miss another trilogy called Divergent

The second bookby US author Veronica Roth1(publish) in 2012It has spent 105 weeks on the USA Today best-selling books list and2(current) ranks No 1

The trilogy’s story begins in a futuristic Chicago3people are divided into five distinct groupsEach group is characterized by certain traits – Abnegation (the selfless)Dauntless (the brave)Erudite (the intelligent)Amity (the peaceful) and Candor (the honest)Every childat 16takes a test4(see) which of the five factions he or she belongs toBut Beatrice Priorborn in Abnegationis qualified5threemeaning she is a DivergentAnd she is told not to tell6if she wants to stay alive

So the decision is between staying with her family or being true to herselfBeatrice ends up7(choose) the DauntlessAfter joining her new groupBeatrice renames herself Tris and tries to prove her8(brave) with amazing things like jumping off a moving train onto a rooftopWhile undergoing these extreme physical testsTris must also determine who her real friends are

The story of the trilogy “explores a more common adolescent anxiety – the painful realization9coming into one’s own sometimes means leaving family behindboth ideologically10physically”commented The New York Times


How to Keep a Relationship Healthy and Strong

Are you new to experiencing relationships? Well, let me give you advice on having a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.

___【1】____Do not hide things from them, do not lie. Don ' t be afraid to say things that isn't very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If there ' s no trust, there ' s nothing there. So please be honest and they'll learn to open up to you.

Make sure you give them respect. Now respect isn't just simply treating her or him nicely. There' s a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. ___2__Don ' t just think about yourself ,think about what your partner needs out of it as well.

3__ Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positivity at the same time. Make them feel you are someone they can really count on and build a future with. This is an important step in a relationship. Your partner has to be able to count on you when needed.

Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them ,joke with them. Laughter may seem silly ,but it' s the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. _4____

Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust, but always communicate how you feel, even if it ' s something that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them.__ 5____It 's important to communicate this to them , not keep it bottled up.

A. Show them your personality.

B. Be an honest person with them.

C. Make sure you are reliable to your partner.

D. Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.

E. Don' t start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.

F. Basically , learn to study your partners' moods, wants and needs.

G. If they did something that made you unhappy, tell them about it in a respectful manner

【题目】Hello! The University of Hawaii is located just outside of downtown Honolulu in green Manoa valleyWe invite you to visit and want to let you know about our learning programs, the richness of our culture, the beauty of our environment, the spirit of our students and teachers, advanced equipment and modern buildingsWe look forward to seeing you comeThe following information is given so that your visit will be as easy as possible

You should get in touch with us ahead of timeYou may directly contact the office of the College to schedule appointment service at 1--877-447-3233. To arrange a campus tour, please hand in a request through our Online Campus Visit Request Form

Tours are on weekdays:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

9:00a.m.--9:30a.m.: Meet with a University Representative(代表)

9:30a.m.--11:30a.m.: General Campus Tour with a UHM The University of Hawaii Manoa student

Tuesday & Thursday

1:00p.m.--l:30p.m.: Meet with a University Representative

l:30p.m.--3:30p.m.: General Campus Tour with a UHM student

You also can get in touch with us by:

Phone Number: 1 877447-3233, or 1 808956-6524

E-mail: visituhm@hawaiiedu

How do you get to UHM?

It is in Honolulu less than 3 miles away from Waikiki and about 9 miles from Honolul International Airport

By car: From Waikiki and from Honolulu International Airport

Taxi: Taxi fare to UHM is about $2500, except baggage charges and a tip of 10 to 15percent

Public bus: Luggage is allowed on city buses. Bus stops are on the second floor of the airport.A one-way fare is $2.00in exact change.

1About the University of Hawaii, all is true except_______

A. It has advanced equipment and modern buildings

B. It offers visitors thoughtful campus tour.

C. It is located in the center of Honolulu

D. Your visit there can be accompanied by a UHM student

2If you are only free in the afternoon, you can visit the campus _______

A. at l:00p.m.on Mondays

B. at l:30p.m.on Tuesdays

C. at 2:00p.m.on Wednesdays

D. at 4:00p.m.on Thursdays

3What can we learn from the passage?

A. You need to contact them in advance.

B. Taxi fare to UHM is about $ 25.00, including a tip

C. Only by car and bus can you get to UHM.

D. You can visit the campus both on weekdays and weekends

4The purpose of writing the passage is _______

A. to know how to apply for entrance to the university

B. to introduce the University of Hawaii

C. to make your visit to the campus as easy as possible

D. to show the rich culture of their university

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