
Michelle Obama, Kate Moss and Samantha Cameron are three of the most stylish﹙时髦的﹚ women on the planet because they have their daughters rather than their style. A new research has shown that women with daughters tend to be more stylish than mothers of sons; a fact partly because of the style advice their daughters offer as they get older.

78 percent of women over the age of 50 say they would be more than happy to let their daughters choose a complete outfit﹙全套衣装﹚ for them. However, just five percent of women say they would turn to their sons for style advice, while 28 percent believe that mothers of boys are less fashionable than women with girls.

“Women who don’t have daughters become less interested in style as they grow older but having a daughter may keep alive her interest in looking great,” comments psychologist Honey Langcaster-James. “And, because of their close relationship, they also have a source of support and encouragement when it comes to their style decisions.”

More than a quarter of women believe that Mums who have sons are less fashion-conscious than Mums with daughters. The most common reasons for this are that daughters are more critical, offer good advice and inspiration, and add an element of competition to look the best while sons don’t seem to care and aren’t as strict as daughters.

Interestingly, although mothers tend to rely on their daughters’ style tips, their confidence isn’t reciprocated﹙互换﹚, with 40 percent of women between the age of 19 and 34 saying they wouldn’t allow their mothers to shop for them as what their mothers would choose for them would not be as good as they expected.

And although they might not appreciate the fashion advice, the research, which was conducted by online retailer Gray & Osbourn, showed that daughters do still need their mothers with 71 percent saying they chat to their female parent every day.

“In short, the research shows just how important relationships are between mothers and daughters,” added Langcaster-James, “and just how much women appreciate an honest and trustworthy opinion.”

1.The opening paragraph is mainly to show .

A. girls influence their mothers’ style decision

B. women with children are often less stylish

C. mothers like to follow their children’s advice

D. boys are actually better advisors than girls

2.Which of the following may Langcaster-James agree with?

A. Daughters usually love their mothers more than sons do.

B. It’s hard for boys to get along well with their mothers.

C. Mothers without daughters show less interest in style.

D. Girls are more independent than boys in some ways.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that girls .

A. show more interest in science than boys.

B. care more about what their mothers wear

C. can help a lot to solve family problems

D. are good at encouraging other people

4.By saying “their confidence isn’t reciprocated” in Paragraph 5, the author means that .

A. some women don’t like to choose clothes for their mothers

B. some women aren’t sure what to wear when attending a party

C. some women often show no confidence in themselves

D. some women would not like to follow their mothers’ style advice

5.What does the author mainly tell us in the passage?

A. It confuses many parents how to talk with their kids.

B. Daughters prefer to talk with their mums instead of dads.

C. It is important for parents to respect their children’s choice.

D. Mothers of girls are more fashionable than those of boys



Learning a life lesson on managing time

One day,an expert was speaking to a group of students about how to manage their time.He ________ an example those students will never forget.

He pulled out a wide jar and put it on the table.He also ________ about a dozen rocks and carefully ________ them into the jar.One at a time.When no more rocks would ________ inside,he asked,“Is this jar full?”

Everyone in the class answered loudly,“Yes.” The expert said,“Really?” He ________ under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel (砾石).He put some gravel in and ________ the jar,causing it to go down into the ________ between the big rocks.He then asked the group once more,“Is this jar full?”

________ not,” one of them answered this time.“Good!” he replied.From under the table he brought out a bucket of sand and started ________ the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left ________ the rocks and the gravel.Once more he asked the question,“Is this jar full?”

“No!” the class shouted.Once again he said,“Good.” Then he ________ a cup of water in ________ the jar was full.Then he looked at the class and asked,“What is the ________ here?”

Immediately one ________ student raised his hand and said,“The point is,no matter how full your ________ is,if you try really hard you can always fit ________ things in!” “No,” the expert replied,“that’s not the point.The point is if you don’t put the big rocks in ________ ,you’ll never get them in ________.What are the ‘big rocks’ in your ________ ?Time with your loved ones,your education,or your dreams?Remember to put these big rocks in first or you’ll never get them in at all,________ you’ll never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big,important things.”

1.A.set B.gave C.made D.followed

2.A.handed out B.passed on C.took out D.picked up

3.A.threw B.spread C.turned D.placed

4.A.come B.push C.fall D.fit

5.A.reached B.sat C.got D.stopped

6.A.shook B.covered C.pressed D.raised

7.A.bottom B.distance C.areas D.spaces

8.A.Usually B.Probably C.Obviously D.Simply

9.A.inserting B.packing C.putting D.mixing

10.A.beside B.between C.around D.among

11.A.allowed B.forced C.sank D.poured

12.A.until B.before C.so that D.as far as

13.A.reason B.result C.point D.matter

14.A.clever B.eager C.sensitive D.curious

15.A.schedule B.container C.time D.class

16.A.enough B.small C.extra D.more

17.A.first B.once C.properly D.immediately

18.A.at all B.after all C.at last D.any more

19.A.mind B.list C.life D.world

20.A.and B.while C.but D.for


Music to My Ears

Robby was 10 for his first piano lesson in my class. Much as he tried, he even the basic rhythm. However, he dutifully reviewed the pieces that I required. Over the months he tried and tried while I and encouraged him. At the end of each lesson he'd always say, "My mom's going to hear me play some day." it seemed hopeless. I only knew his mother from a ________as she waited in her aged car to pick him up. Then one day Robby stopped coming. I was secretly ________ that he stopped because of his lack of ability.

Weeks later I informed the students, including Robby, of the coming recital(独奏). To my

_ , Robby asked me if he could be included. I told him he really did not qualify because he had ________ out. He said his mom had been sick and unable to take him to lessons but he was still________. “I've just got to play!" he ________ . Something inside me let me allow him to. Then came the recital night. The gym was________ with parents. I put Robby up________ , thinking that I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer(谢幕).”

The recital went off smoothly. Then Robby came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was ________ . "Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?" I thought. Robby pulled out the piano bench and began. I was not________for what I heard next. His fingers were ________ on the keys. Never had I heard Mozart played so well by people of his age. After he ended, everyone was ________ their feet in wild applause. In ________I ran up on stage and put my arms around Robby. "I've never heard you play like that, Robby! How did you ________ it?" Robby explained, "Well, Miss Hondorf…remember I told you my mom was sick? …________ she had cancer and passed away yesterday. She was born deaf, so tonight she could hear me play in heaven. I wanted to make it special."

There wasn’t a ________ eye in the house. That night I felt he was the teacher and I was the pupil, for it was he who taught me the meaning of perseverance(毅力) and ________ .

1.A. lacked B. had C. showed D. got

2.A. listened B. learned C. checked D. played

3.A. And B. But C. So D. Or

4.A. conversationB. performanceC. distanceD. picture

5.A. guilty B. sad C. anxious D. glad

6.A. relief B. surprise C. pleasure D. satisfaction

7.A. stepped B. worn C. run D. dropped

8.A. acting B. performing C. practicing D. recording

9.A. insisted B. suggested C. complained D. threatened

10.A. lined B. packed C. piled D. filled

11.A. least B. most C. first D. last

12.A. mess B. mass C. neat D. dull

13.A. eager B. concerned C. prepared D. grateful

14.A. hesitatingB. dancing C. touching D. crawling

15.A. over B. under C. in D. on

16.A. chaos B. tears C. silence D. return

17.A. find B. feel C. make D. like

18.A. GraduallyB. Suddenly C. Frequently D. Actually

19.A. dry B. curious C. brightD. wet

20.A. regret B. talent C. love D. courage

One afternoon last week, I saw three tearful children from my son’s school being comforted by teachers. That morning, my 11-year-old had stomach pains, retching(干呕)into a bowl. Talking to other mothers later, I heard about other children with stomachache or difficulty sleeping the night before.

What caused so much pain? Sports day. Sports day might be necessary at a highly-competitive independent school, but not at a village primary school. For the children who can fly like the wind, sports day causes no problem. For those who are overweight or just not good at sport, it is a nightmare(噩梦). Even for those who enjoy running but fall halfway down the track in front of the entire school and their parents, it can prove a disaster.

Why do we put our children through this annual suffering? Some may say competition is character building; or it’s taking part, not winning, that’s important; or that it is a tradition of school life. I just felt great pity for those children in tears or in pain.

Team games at the end of sports day produced some close races, wild enthusiasm, lots of shouting—and were fun to watch. More importantly, the children who were not so fast or quick at passing the ball were hidden a little from everyone’s eyes. Some of them also had the thrill of being on the winning side.

I wish that sports day could be abandoned and replaced with some other less-competitive event. Perhaps an afternoon of team games, with a few races for those who want them, would be less stressful for the children and a lot more fun to watch.

1.What can we learn about the author’s son from Paragraph 1?

A. He talked with some mothers.

B. He comforted his classmates.

C. He had difficulty in sleeping.

D. He suffered from stomachache.

2.Sports day is still an annual event in this school probably because .

A. this is an independent school

B. it is a tradition of the school

C. it helps children lose weight

D. children enjoy watching sports

3.What does the author think about team games?

A. They should include more stressful races.

B. They are acceptable to different children.

C. They should be abandoned at primary schools.

D. They are less fun for those who love running.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards sports day?

A. Critical. B. Neutral. C. Positive. D. Ambiguous.


For three years, Andy had been battling cancer. The day after he returned from his camp adventure, we went for a check-up. The news was ________ . I didn’t know what to do. The doctor ________ a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植)in a hospital 300 miles away from our home. The next day we ________ our things and left for the ________ .

One of the things I brought was the present Andy had bought for me-- a plastic rainbow. Like most ________ , I considered any present from my child a ________ .

One day, I went to the gift store near the hospital and ________ a rainbow prism(棱镜)for sale. ________ the plastic rainbow Andy’d given me, I bought it and hurried back to his room ________.

“Andy, make me a rainbow.” I put the prism in his hand. ________ Andy couldn't. He was too ________ to even raise his bead.

“Mom, as soon as I’m better, I’ll make you a rainbow.”

That was the ________ thing Andy said to me. Just five days later, the doctors told me his brain had ________ functioning.

I asked if I could ________ him, so after I settled myself in the chair, they lifted him from the ________ to place him in my arms. His leg made a movement and he ________ a clear plastic cup from his bedside table onto the bed.

A nurse opened the curtains, and then as the sunlight ________ the room, the rays hit the cup lying on its side on the bed and the room was ________ filled with flashes of color and dozens of rainbows.

Andy was gone, but I felt ________. He made the rainbow that he had ________ me — the one I would never forget.

1.A.optimistic B.hopeful C.strange D.bad

2.A.operated B.arranged C.determined D.expected

3.A.packed up B.threw away C.sold out D.left aside

4.A.hospital B.office C.school D.camp

5.A.patients B.teachers C.mothers D.doctors

6.A.wonder B.memory C.story D.treasure

7.A.chose B.wanted C.saw D.got

8.A.Missing B.Remembering C.Noticing D.Taking

9.A.in time B.in case C.at first D.at once

10.A.Though B.So C.As D.But

11.A.young B.tired C.weak D.sleepy

12.A.best B.only C.last D.real

13.A.stopped B.kept C.refused D.turned

14.A.feel B.hold C.leave D.visit

15.A.bed B.floor C.chair D.room

16.A.put B.lifted C.knocked D.moved

17.A.cleaned B.changed C.decorated D.filled

18.A.suddenly B.finally C.slowly D.quietly

19.A.Upset B.excited C.disappointed D.comforted

20.A.given B.promised C.owed D.informed

Hypothermia can be mild, moderate or severe. Mild hypothermia is something that most people in cold climates have experienced at one time or another. You feel so cold that your body starts to shake -- not very much, but uncontrollably.

The treatment for mild hypothermia starts with getting out of the cold and, if necessary, changing into dry clothes. Drinking warm, non-alcoholic liquids and eating something sugary can stop the shivering.

Taking a warm bath or sitting by a fire or doing some exercise can also help the body warm up. These are all common-sense treatments.

But treatment needs to change when people enter the moderate or severe stages of hypothermia. In that situation, their body temperature drops below thirty-five degrees Celsius. They lose the ability to think clearly. Their muscles become stiff. They might bump into things or fall over objects.

Members of search-and-rescue teams will first try to prevent additional heat loss. They will place extra covering around the chest, head and neck of hypothermia victims to keep them warm.

Hypothermia victims need medical help as soon as possible. Working quickly to get people out of the cold is important. However, hypothermia victims must be moved slowly and gently.

Any rough or sudden movement can force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body. This sudden flow of cold blood can create shock, a serious condition. It can also cause an abnormal heartbeat. Members of search-and-rescue teams have a saying that hypothermia victims are not dead until they are warm and dead. The process of "rewarming" a person needs to be done slowly, in a hospital setting.

An extremely low body temperature can cause the heart to beat so slowly that a pulse may be difficult to find. In other words, a person who is suffering from the effects of severe cold may seem dead, but still be alive.

1.According to the text, when a person experience mild hypothermia, _____.

A. He feels cold so he shakes deliberately.

B. He can drink some wine to stop the shaking.

C. Some common treatments can help him recover.

D. He should be sent to the hospital immediately.

2.Which of the following expression can take the place of the underlined words?

A. break into B. knock into

C. break down D. sweep up

3.When people enter the moderate or severe stages of hypothermia, which of the following statement is WRONG? _________

A. Their body temperature drops below 35℃.

B. The rescue workers should first help them warm slowly and gently in a proper situation.

C. Hypothermia victims seem alive but dead.

D. If hypothermia isn’t treated correctly, the victim’s heart may not beat normally.

4.What’s the best title for the text? _____.

A. Different kinds of hypothermia

B. Medical help is important in treating hypothermia

C. Emergency treatment for different types of hypothermia.

D. How to avoid cold-weather injuries.

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