Black History Month is also known as the African-American History Month. It is celebrated all over the United States of America and Canada in the month of February, while in the United Kingdom it is celebrated in October. Each and every school and university conducts various activities to make the generation aware of the importance that African-American history holds in the nation. The electronic media is filled with themes in relevance to the occasion, and many activities are carried out across the country to remember the contribution made by African-American citizens in the development of this nation.

Black History Month was first started by a famous African-American historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson in the year 1926. February was chosen as the month to celebrate the African-American history because it was the birth month of two of the most highly valued people among African-Americans. These were President Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, and Frederick Douglass, who was also the first vice presidential nominee (被任命者) among African-Americans. Initially, Black History Month was known as the “Negro History Week”. This was Dr. Woodson’s attempt to encourage awareness among citizens about the contribution of African-Americans towards the building of the nation. It was only in the early 1970’s that the name “Negro History Week” changed to “Black History Month”. And later, in the year 1976, the entire month of February was declared to be the National African-American History Month, or the Black History Month.

Every year, National African-American History Month is celebrated by many activities with various ideas and themes for the younger generation. In 2013, Black History Month celebrates the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at which Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous speech “I have a dream”. It also marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation (解放黑奴宣言). The theme for Black History Month in 2014 is “Civil Rights in America” remembering the important milestones by African-Americans and others in the battle for civil rights and equal treatment under the law.

1.What is the purpose of Black History Month in America?

A. To remember African-Americans’ contribution to America.

B. To remember the history of African-Americans in America.

C. To encourage African-American children to study hard.

D. To increase African-American children’s confidence.

2.February was chosen as Black History Month because ________.

A. Dr. Carter G. Woodson liked February.

B. slavery was officially ended in February.

C. African-Americans contributed a lot in February.

D. two great American leaders was born in February.

3.How is the second paragraph developed?

A. By giving examples.

B. By following time order.

C. By making comparisons.

D. By making classifications.

4.What does Black History Month in 2014 celebrate in America?

A. The 50th anniversary of the March of Washington.

B. Martin Luther King,Jr’s speech “I have a dream”.

C. The 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

D. Important people and occasion in the battle for civil rights.

The Beagle Brigade

When returning to the United States from a trip abroad, passengers will have their baggage inspected at U.S. airports by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Beagle Brigade, a team of beagles and their human partners. Working with their human partners, the beagles search for agricultural products carrying diseases and pests which are likely to infect American agriculture.

An orange or apple, for example, might harbor a Mediterranean fruit fly. Ham could carry a disease such as cholera. These and other pests could do harm to farmers’ crops. “Once we introduce something that is not part of the environment, there may not be any controls for it in the environment,” notes USDA’s Lisa Davis at the National Dog Detector Training Center in Orlando, Florida. “The best thing for us to do is to prevent it from coming across the border and spreading.”

When a beagle smells food smells, it signals its partner by sitting there. The human partners then investigate. When the dog is right--which happens 90 percent of the time—it gets something to eat.

“The dog is not out there working,” explains Davis. “It’s out there playing. It’s a game to the dog.” The partners give the beagles plenty of food and loving. They make sure they get first-class medical attention, too. When the dogs finally retire after 9 to 11 years, the USDA finds caring homes for them. It’s a dog’s life indeed!

Their people partners work and study somewhat harder. As specialized quarantine(检疫) officers, most hold degrees in the biological sciences or related sciences.

How well does the Beagle Brigade do its job? “On the average,” notes Davis, “each year our 54 teams prevent around 75,000, restricted(限制的) items.” Since even one infected item could cause widespread destruction, that’s a great result for America’s agricultural environment.

1.The beagles at the airport in the USA are used to __________.

A. conduct the check on foreign passengers’ baggage

B. stop the local products from being taken abroad

C. help inspect the baggage brought from abroad

D. keep their people partners safe

2.What will the beagle do when it finds a possible food product?

A. Signal by sitting next to it.

B. Bark and run around it.

C. Draw it to its partner.

D. Play a game.

3.How is the last paragraph mainly developed?

A. By listing the restricted food.

B. By analyzing the result.

C. By providing the facts.

D. By using examples.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the use of beagles?

A. Curious. B. Uninterested.

C. Doubtful. D. Positive.

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