
A professor and writer ____ present at the meeting last night.

A.had been B.were C.is D.was




试题分析:一位教授兼作家出席了昨晚的会议。这句话的主语是A professor and writer,是一个人,所以谓语使用单数,因为是昨晚的事情,所以用一般过去式,所以选D。

考点: 考查主谓一致



You may not be aware, but digital currency (货币) is a big part of the Internet world. QQ Coins can buy you accessories (配饰) for your QQ images. More importantly, a new digital currency, Bitcoin, is bringing the world’s commerce online.

If you’re traveling, you can spend Bitcoins at restaurants and hotels listed at BitcoinTravel.com. In China, Bitcoins can be used to buy goods at about 134 online shops on Taobao. And at a café named 2nd Place in Beijing, you can even buy fresh coffee with Bitcoins.

So what makes Bitcoin so attractive to investors?

First of all, the Bitcoin system is not controlled by anyone. One central authority cannot make policies to change the value of Bitcoins. The fixed amount of Bitcoins also means they cannot lose value through inflation(通货膨胀), as all forms of paper money have done over time.

In addition, accounts in the Bitcoin system are anonymous and transparent. Users can set up an account easily and track every Bitcoin. All of these features seem to make Bitcoins immune(有免疫力的) from loss, but that is not entirely true.

“The value of Bitcoins can vary wildly as no central government makes the price of them steady. If the value drops suddenly, investors cannot get any compensation(赔偿),” Zhao Qingming, a senior researcher at China Construction Bank, told China Economic Weekly. And Bitcoins, unlike company shares, are not backed by any tangible funds, which also adds to their risk.

While China will not recognize the digital currency anytime soon, Xinhua said, lawmakers and officials at a hearing on Nov. 18 in the US made positive comments about Bitcoin.

Ben Bernanke, outgoing chairman of the Federal Reserve, told the Washington Post that “these types of creations, such as Bitcoin… may hold long-term promise, particularly if its system promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”

1.Bitcoin is ______.

A. actually exactly like QQ Coins

B. only used online

C. a new currency used both online and in real life

D a country’s new digital currency.

2.We can use Bitcoin to buy the following things except ______.

A. online goods B. goods at 134 online shops on Taobao

C. books in physical shops D. coffee at a café named 2nd Place

3.What is the disadvantage of Bitcoin?

A. the value of it can rise and fall wildly.

B. It cannot lose value through inflation.

C. Every bitcoin in your account can be followed.

D. It can even be used at some specific restaurants and hotels.


It is pretty much a one-way street. While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world, there is very little traffic in the opposite direction. Pay has always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job. For some industrial scientists, however, the attractions of academia (学术界) outweigh any financial considerations.

Helen Lee took a 70% cut in salary when she moved from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge. Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was to take advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions. Some areas of inquiry have few possibilities of a commercial return, and Lee’s is one of them.

The impact of a salary cut is probably less severe for a scientist in the early stages of a career. Guy Grant, now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge, spent two years working for a pharmaceutical (制药的) company before returning to university as a post-doctoral researcher. He took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual opportunities.

Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually more significant, the demand for scientists with a wealth of experience in industry is forcing universities to make the transition (转换) to academia more attractive, according to Lee. Industrial scientists tend to receive training that academics do not, such as how to build a multidisciplinary (多学科的) team, manage budgets and negotiate contracts. They are also well placed to bring something extra to the teaching side of an academic role that will help students get a job when they graduate, says Lee, perhaps experience in manufacturing practice or product development. “Only a small number of undergraduates will continue in an academic career. So someone leaving university who already has the skills needed to work in an industrial lab has far more potential in the job market than someone who has spent all their time on a narrow research project.”

1.By “a one-way street” (Line 1, Para. 1), the author means ________.

A. university researchers know little about the commercial world

B. there is little exchange between industry and academia

C. few industrial scientists would quit to work in a university

D. few university professors are willing to do industrial research

2.The word “deterrent” (Line 3, Para. 1) most probably refers to something that ________.

A. keeps someone from taking action

B. helps to move the traffic

C. attracts people’s attention

D. brings someone a financial burden

3.What was Helen Lee’s major consideration when she changed her job in the middle of her career?

A. Flexible work hours.

B. Her research interests.

C. Her preference for the lifestyle on campus.

D. Prospects of academic accomplishments.

4.Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to ________.

A.do financially more rewarding work

B.raise his status in the academic world

C.enrich his experience in medical research

D.take advantage of better intellectual opportunities

5.What contribution can industrial scientists make when they come to teach in a university?

A.Increase its graduates’ competitiveness in the job market

B.Develop its students’ potential in research.

C.Help it to obtain financial support from industry.

D.Adapt its research to practical applications.


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