
UFO stands for "unidentified flying object"(不明飞行物). Many people reported having seen UFOs in the sky. A lot of countries tried to research into them and in 1952 they got the name of UFO.

There were several reports published in the 19th century which were related to UFOs. Denison Daily News in its report of 25th January, 1878 wrote that a farmer, Martin saw a flying object in the sky and it was just like a plate. This was the first time that the word plate had been related to the UFO.

First reports on UFOs came during the World War II. In 1947 the pilot Kenneth Arnold said while he was flying near the Mount Rainer he saw a very bright object in the sky. He told that it was like a plate, too. The information given by Kenneth got lots of attention from the media and people.

Several research organisations gave their reports on the UFOs. They showed direct or indirect physical evidence of UFOs, and sometimes UFOs’ appearance was found in the radar (雷达) screen. Many people try to take video tapes or photos of UFOs as proof. Most UFOs are in plate shape while many UFOs are like cigarettes or half balls.

Many films and TV shows are made about UFOs. There are two famous movies which are created on the topic of UFOs and aliens (外星人), War of the World and Star Wars. UFOs have created a new field in science which is known as Ufology (飞碟学).

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People named the flying object UFO in the 19th century.

B. The UFOs Martin and Kenneth Arnold saw were in different shapes.

C. Kenneth Arnold was given much attention for his discovering the UFO.

D. Martin was the first person that described the flying object as a plate.

2. What does the underlined word "proof" in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. Research. B. Evidence.

C. Appearance. D. Exhibition.

3. The next paragraph following the passage probably talks about ________.

A. the introduction to UFOs’shapes

B. famous movies on UFOs

C. the new science —Ufology

D. effects of UFOs on humans

4.This passage is mainly telling us ______.

A. how to discover UFOs

B. who discovered UFOs

C. a new field in science

D. UFOs’ discoveries and research






试题分析: 本文讲述了UFO的历史由来以及人们对它的研究






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It was a cold evening. My daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didn’t notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box. But Nora . She wasn’t even four, but she at my coat and said, “That man’s cold. Daddy, can we take him home?”

I don’t remember my . But I do remember a sudden feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her , whether it was flying or children playing. But now she was noticing and beggary.

A fewdays later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and it to an elderly person. It was quick and easy. I signed us up. Nora was about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to myself to leave the house to fetch the food package. On my way to the school, I fought an urge (强烈愿望) to turn . The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home. Why do this? , we phoned the elderly person we’d been appointed. She us right over.

The building was in a bad state. Facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress. She took the package and asked us to come in. Nora ran inside. I unwillingly followed. walking inside, I saw that the department belonged to someone poor. Our hostess showed us some photos. Nora played and when it came time to say goodbye, we three hugged. I walked home .

Professionals call such a(n) “a volunteer opportunity”. They are opportunities and I’ve come to see. Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something that’s good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I often serve meals to needy people and 54 clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I’ve her grow over these past four years, I still wonder—which of us has benefited more?

1.A. was B. did C. has D. had

2.A. aimed B. replaced C. waved D. pulled

3.A. settlement B. explanation C. reply D. expression

4.A. heavy B. funny C. general D. imaginative

5.A. web B. dream C. castle D. world

6.A. birds B. animals C. plants D. insects

7.A. coldness B. suffering C. illness D. appearance

8.A. represented B. returned C. sent D. posted

9.A. concerned B. sorry C. excited D. worried

10.A. creative B. valuable C. shocking D. simple

11.A. push B. stop C. allow D. warn

12.A. back B. away C. up D. out

13.A. Therefore B. However C. But D. Also

14.A. requested B. invited C. promised D. helped

15.A. By B. For C. At D. On

16.A. in surprise B. in tears C. in reality D. in amazement

17.A. stay B. reception C. visit D. challenge

18.A. attractive B. famous C. difficult D. enjoyable

19.A. design B. make C. order D. collect

20.A. let B. made C. watched D. suggest

Everyone wants to achieve happiness and smile. 1. How do we find real happiness and smile? By getting rich'? In case you are scratching your head,looking for some reasons or ideas to be happy.here are a few.

1.Throw an impromptu(即兴的) party. 2. An impromptu one increases the.joy to a new level.And of course making other people happy is bound to have the same effect on you.

2.Treat yourself Sometimes all it takes to make one happy is a little indulgence(放纵).So,go ahead and grab a cup of coffee and sit inside a blanket with a good book! You will be surprised at how happy it makes you.

3. 3. Happiness is can be transformed! When we feel happy and excited,it can lift the spirits of others.Your simple gesture can transform a person’s day and get him or her prepared to take on any challenge.

4.Have a conversation with a parent.If you are like most kids,you possibly spend more time texting or surfing the Internet than talking to.your family. 4. You will be surprised at the feeling of joy that it brings to you.

5.Finally,don’t forget to be happy every day! While International Day of Happiness may come about only once a year,happiness is around you all day and night 5.

A.You just have to seek it out and grab it.

B.Most of your family members show no interest in texting or the Internet.

C.But life is hard,so it is very difficult to find real happiness and smile.

D.Be friendly to others and smile at a stranger.

E.Set aside your mobile phone for a few minutes and have a chat with a family member.

F.You should try to celebrate the Day of Happiness every day and everywhere.

G.Nothing makes people happier than being invited to a party.

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