
10.My wife and I moved into our home two years ago.We had a yard with a lot of(41)C.Very often when we have flowers,Denise or I would plant some between the rocks,just to add some(42)Ato the area.
   Last summer,I found a tiny little(43)Din the yard that I could not immediately identify.I knew I didn't plant it and Denise said she didn't either.We decided to let it(44)Bgrowing until we could find out what it was.
   Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the(45)Cplant,it appeared to be a sunflower.I decided to(46)Athe weeds around it.As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds,I noticed something(47)D.The sunflower had not(48)Bwhere I saw it begin.It actually had begun under a big(49)Cand grown under and around it to reach the(50)C.
   That's when I(51)Athat if a tiny little sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its(52)Bof developing,we too have the ability of doing the same thing.If we(53)Dourselves like that little sunflower,we can reach where we(54)Cto go and get what we need for growth.)
   We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the(55)A to achieve our goals.Like the(56)B,it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had(57)Din itself that it would succeed.Stand tall like the sunflower and be(58)Cwho and what we are,then the environment will begin to(59)Aus.We will find a way to go under or(60)Bany"rocks"in order to reach our goals.

53.A.fill inB.put inC.worry aboutD.believe in
58.A.aware ofB.afraid ofC.proud ofD.tired of

分析 作者通过介绍自己院子里面顽强生长的向日葵,从而悟出了一个道理:如果我们相信自己,我们就可以克服一 切困难.

解答 41-45 CADBC     46-50 ADBCC     51-55 ABDCA    56-60BDCAB
41.C 考查名词辨析和上下文理解.A.flowers花;B.insects 昆虫;C.rocks岩石;D.vegetables蔬菜.从下一句话可知院子里有很多石头.所以选C.
42.A 考查名词辨析.A.color 颜色;B.water水;C.fertilizer肥料;D.shape形状.种一些花朵为了给院子增添一些色彩.所以选A.
43.D 考查名词辨析和上下文理解.A.weed杂草;B.seed种子;C.rock岩石;D.plant植物.后文提到那是一株向日葵,所以是一种植物.所以选D.
44.B 考查动词辨析和上下文理解.A.stop停止;B.continue继续;C.improve提高;D.escape逃跑.从后文until we could find out what itwas 可知作者想让它继续生长.所以选B.
45.C 考查形容词辨析.A.weak虚弱的;B.lonely孤单的;C.strange奇怪的;D.pretty漂亮的.到目前为止作者还不知道它究竟是一种什么植物,所以选择C.
46.A 考查动词辨析和上下文理解.A.remove去除;B.tend照顾;C.watch观察;D.collect收集.从下文的As I pulled…the weeds.可知作者要除草.所以选A.
47.D 考查形容词辨析和上下文理解.A.wonderful 精彩的;B.terrible可怕的;C.valuable有价值的;D.unusual不寻常的.从下文可知,向日葵并没有生长在我最开始发现它的位置.这件事是不寻常的.所以选D.
48.B 考查动词辨析.A.passed 通过;B.started 开始;C.left 离开;D.died死.向日葵并没有生长在我最开始发现它的位置,start表示开始生长.所以选B.
49.C 考查名词辨析.A.tree树;B.table桌子;C.rock岩石;D.wall墙壁.文章前面提到院子里有很多石头,另外我要为它除草的时候搬走了石头可知,它应该是长在石头下面的.所以选C.
50.C 考查名词辨析.A.air 空气;B.top顶端;C.sun阳光;D.house房子.向日葵是朝向太阳生长的.所以选C.
51.A 考查动词辨析.A.realized意识到;B.doubted怀疑;C.regretted 后悔;D.hoped希望.以下是作者意识到所发生的事实.所以选A.
52.B 考查名词辨析.A.place 地方;B.way道路;C.course课程;D.process 过程,stand in one's way表示阻碍,挡道.所以选B.
53.D 考查动词短语辨析和上下文理解.A.fill in填写;B.put in放入;C.worry about担心;D.believe in相信.作者认为如果我们也能像这株向日葵一样充满信心,与下文的55空前的内容相呼应.所以选D.
54.C 考查动词辨析和上下文理解.A.forget忘记;B.hate讨厌,不喜欢;C.aim 瞄准;D.wait等待,等候.最后一段作者提到"achieve our goals",所以此空应为aim.所以选C.
55.A 考查名词辨析和上下文理解.A.ability能力;B.wish希望;C.plan 计划;D.idea 主意.have the ability to do sth.表示有能力做某事.下文"it knew it had the abilityto get over the rocks…"有提示.所以选A.
56.B 考查名词辨析和上下文理解.A.yard院子;B.sunflower 太阳花;C.home家;D.summer夏天.就像这株向日葵一样,与前文相呼应.所以选B.
57.D 考查名词辨析和上下文理解.A.energy能量;B.virtue 美德;C.courage勇气;D.faith信念.与前文提到的believe in 相呼应.所以选D.
58.C 考查形容词辨析.A.aware of意识到;B.afraid of害怕;C.proud of 骄傲;D.tired of厌倦于.像向日葵一样挺拔,为自己而感到自豪.所以选C.
59.A 考查动词辨析.A.support支持;B.affect影响;C.upset使…不安;D.forgive原谅.周围的环境和事物也会开始对我们有所帮助.所以选A.
60.B 考查介词辨析和上下文理解.A.into进入;B.around在…周围;C.through通过;D.from来自.与50空前的"under and around it to reach the…"相呼应.所以选B.

点评 完形填空的做题步骤是:根据首句提供的信息,快速阅读文章,从整体感知全文,掌握大意.这是第一遍阅读,读时要跳过空格,不看选项,不懂之处不要停留,力求把注意力集中在文章的主线上.要注意文中的暗示,努力找出关键词.如果是故事性文章,关键词就是时间、地点和人物.抓住了关键词就抓住了故事的线索,进而理解全文.然后根据文章的大意进行第二遍阅读,此时可边阅读边粗选答案,这是为了尽量减少空格,帮助更透彻地理解全文.

1.It's wise that students sometimes step out of the classroom-after all,they can learn  a lot from the world we see outside the school windows.Let's take a look at what some teenagers got up to recently when they took a break from their textbooks.
Lu Runqiu,17,Shanghai No.3Girls School
Earlier this month our class had a week away from the campus to work in a field in the suburbs (郊区).We learned how local farmers grow their vegetables and prepare watermelon plants so they will survive the winter.We helped the farmers harvest cotton and soybeans and weed the field.But in the evenings we couldn't just fall into our beds and talk away the time till sleep.We had the mid-term exams to think about-we would sit them just five days after we left the farmers.
However,to tell the truth I would really like to go back.I really miss-the food-the potatoes,tomatoes,cabbages,come and eggs are delicious,much better than anythin8; we can get in the city!All in all,I'd say it was a great experience.
Luo Sai,16,No.I High School Attached to Central Chin a Normal University in Wuhan  Imagine having to walk for five hours!But that's exactly what we did two weeks ago for our out-of-school experience.At the beginning,we were laughing and talking all the time,so excited were we.But we soon learned we needed strength to keep going,and singing"Unity Is Strength"really helped with that.We walked for 22km,stopping just a handful of times before we reached the military center.In the end our feet were swollen(肿胀的).We had had little experience walking such a distance,but I think the day taught us something:how important it is to presevere!We sweated,but we grew
15.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A
A.A Big World Out There.
B.Helping the Farmers Harvest
C.Having to Walk for Five Hours           
D.We Sweated,but We Grew!
16.Which of the following is not true of the week on the farm?C
A.Students can learn a lot from the world they see outside the school windows.
B.Lu Runqiu would take the mid-term exams in five days after having a week on the farm.
C.In the evenings students just fell into bed and fell asleep for being tired from the harvesting.
D.Honestly,Lu Runqiu would really like to go back to the farm.
17.Along the way walking for five hours,Luo Sai and his classmatesC
A.were laughing and talking all the time
B.were singing Unity Is Strength"which really helped them to calm down
C.only stopped just a handful of times before they reached the military center
D.were so excited that they soon learned they were tired out
18.The underlined word"persevere"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toB.
A.help           B.continue         C.experience          D.laugh
19.What's  the  most,important  meaning about Luo Sai's out-of-school experience?
A.Building up their bodies.
B.Building up their mind.
C.Losing weight.
D.Visiting the military center.
18.A poor shepherd,whose name was Tony Barbara,lived in Scotland.It was his business to take care of the sheep which belonged to a rich landholder(地主).Sometimes he had several hundreds of lambs to look after.He drove these lambs to the pastures(牧场) on the hills and watched them day after day.
He had a dog which he called Hugo.This dog helped him watch the sheep.He would drive them from place to place as his master wished.
One dark night Tony Barbara was on the hill with a flock of seven hundred lambs.Hugo was with him.Suddenly a storm came up.The wind blew hard; the rain poured heavily.
The poor lambs were frightened.The shepherd and his dog could not keep them together.Some of them ran towards the east,some towards the west,and some towards the south.
The shepherd soon lost sight of them in the darkness.With his lighted lantern in his hand,he went up and down the rough hills calling for his lambs.
Two or three other shepherds joined him in the search.All night long they looked for the lambs.At last Tony Barbara said,"It's of no use; all we can do is go home and tell the master that we have lost his whole flock(群)."
They had walked a mile or two towards home,when they came to the edge of a narrow and deep valley.They looked down,and at the bottom they saw some lambs huddling(挤作一团) together among the rocks.And there was Hugo standing guard over them.They counted them and were surprised to find that not one lamb of the great flock of seven hundred was missing.
54.The underlined word"He"in Paragraph 2probably refers toA.
B.Tony Barbara
C.one of the sheep 
D.the rich landholder
55.What happened suddenly one night?D
A.Tony Barbara lost his way
B.Tony Barbara met his close friends
C.Hugo left Tony Barbara alone
D.There was a terrible storm.
56.Tony Barbara decided to go back home probably because he thoughtC
A.his dog had brought the sheep back home
B.all the sheep must be safe with his dog
C.it was impossible for him to find the sheep
D.his dog was taking care of the sheep for him
57.When Tony Barbara saw all the sheep in the valley,he feltB
5.Are you an optimist?Do you look at your glass and see it as half full?Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining and that things generally turn out for the best?Do you believe that if something is meant to be,it will be?If you reply"yes"to all of these questions,then you are an optimist.You probably are enthusiastic,cheerful and outgoing.You may be successful at work and in love.
But you may be misguided because things don't turn out for the best.You may believe that when one door closes another one opens (for example,you may fail to obtain a new job; another chance will come around soon).Wrong.When one door closes,another door slams (砰然关上) in your face.That's bitter reality.
Now a book has been published which confirms what pessimists (悲观者) have suspected all along.It's called The Positive Power of Defensive Pessimism.Its author argues that defensive pessimism can lead to positive results.Defensive pessimism is a strategy used to manage fear,anxiety and worry.Defensive pessimists prepare for the things by setting low outcomes for themselves.They carefully consider everything that may go wrong and plan for ways to handle these problems.And this gives them a sense of control.Lawrence Sanno,a psychology professor,says,"What's interesting about defensive pessimists is that they tend to be very successful people,so their low opinion of the situation's outcomes is not realistic.They use it to motivate themselves to perform better."
So far,so good.This is not rocket science.Defensive pessimists prepare carefully and consider what might go wrong,whether at work,on date or even in a sports game.It makes sense to have a back-up plan.There are many sayings in English urging caution.For example,"Don't put all your eggs in one basket."And"Don't count your chickens until they hatch."To have a confident and optimistic approach to life's problems is good.But listen to what Woody Alien,the American comedian says,"Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem."
There are pros and cons(利与弊) to being an optimist and a pessimist.Don't feel bad if you see the glass half empty.You are a realist.But lighten up and hook up with someone who sees the same glass half full.

74.What's the passage mainly about?A
A.The benefits of defensive pessimism.
B.A book that has recently been published.
C.The dangers of being too optimistic.
D.How to become successful in life.
75.The underlined sentence"This is not rocket science"(Para.4)meansB.
A.there is no real proof              
B.it is quite simple to understand
C.the cost is not so high  
D.it's not a dangerous thing to do
76.Which of the following English expressions would a defensive pessimist believe?C
A.Whatever will be,will be.
B.The glass is half full not half empty.
C.Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
D.Every cloud has a silver lining.
77.We can infer from the passage that the writer is probablyA.
A.a realist    B.an optimist    C.a defeatist  D.a scientist.
15.Children are always taught not to argue with adults for generations. However,new research shows that young teenagers who are taught to argue(36)Aare more likely to resist peer pressure to use drugs and alcohol later in(37)C.
"It turns out that what goes on in the(38)Bis actually a training ground for teens in terms of how to(39)Dagreements with other people,"said Joseph Allen,the lead author of the study. He added that teens should learn they can be taken(40)Bthough discussions with their parents.
      Sometimes,it can be unnatural for parents to(41)Ctheir teens to argue with them. But learningeffective argumentation(42)Acan help teenagers learn to become more (43)Dand how to protectthemselves.
    The study observed 150 13-year-old engaging in arguments,and then (44)Athe same participants three years later about(45)Bwith drugs and alcohol.
    At 13,the teenagers were(46)Csummarizing disagreements between themselves and their mothers.The recordings were then replayed for the mothers to hear.
    The(47)Abetween them would go on to be discussed. The topic would(48)Dfrom household rules to grades to monthly allowances.Once the discussion was (49)Bagain,researchers filmed the teens and their mothers for eight minutes.Teenagers who displayed confidence and used reasons to(50)Ctheir statements were more likely to have refused drugs or alcohol.
    Allen recommended parents should teach their children how to effectively(51)Dtheir thoughts and emotions during conflicts,which in turn teaches children to stand up to (52)Binfluence outside of the home.(53)Atheir viewpoints don't line up,the teens are going to be able take those skills into other environments. Parents should also teach by examples and(54)Cgood discussion practices for their children.
"If they're able to learn how to be confident and persuasive with their(55)B,they'll be able to do the same with peers,"Allen said.

36.A. effectivelyB. cleverlyC. activelyD.emotionally
37.A. babyhoodB. childhoodC. adolescenceD.neighborhood
38.A. officeB. familyC. schoolD.house
39.A.linkB. shareC. changeD.reach
40.A. properlyB. seriouslyC. correctlyD.carefully
41.A. admitB. forbidC. allowD.stop
42.A. skillsB. purposesC. reasonsD.results
43.A. trustfulB. legalC. humorousD.confident
44.A. researchedB. advisedC. persuadedD.warned
45.A. satisfactionsB. experiencesC. intentionsD.desires
46.A. trackedB. keptC. recordedD.considered
47.A. disagreementsB. discussionsC. debatesD.agreements
48.A. shiftB. moveC. turnD.range
49.A. raisedB. startedC. preventedD.continued
50.A. presentB. stressC. supportD.tell
51.A. proveB.listC. developD.express
52.A. fierceB. negativeC. positiveD.cruel
53.A. Even ifB. As long asC. As soon asD.In case
54.A. concludeB. hangC. showD.lead
55.A. classmatesB. parentsC. relativesD.friends
2.Although cats may be one of the most popular pets today,little is known about how and when humans and cats set up their close relationship.
The earliest evidence for human-cat interaction dates back to prehistoric Cyprus(史前塞浦路斯),where the remains of a wild cat and a human-dated 9,500years old-were found buried together.
A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has confirmed the first direct evidence of a human-domestic cat relationship among Chinese farmers 5,300years ago.Researchers studied the bones of cats,dogs,deer and other animals unearthed in an excavation (挖掘) near a village in Central China.By using some ways,scientists showed that the cats were living on a mostly millet(黍)-based diet,just like the domesticated dogs and pigs from the site.
"The most reasonable explanation for a high consumption of millet-based food is that the cats had formed a stable and mutual relationship with humans and could easily feed on rodents (啮齿动物) around human villages,find leftover food or even have been fed by people intentionally,"said Hu Yaowu from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing,whose research focuses on the relationship between humans and domesticated animals.
"It is very interesting for us to find the consumption of millet-based foods by the cats,since this kind of evidence had long been missing."Hu explains.Since cats usually eat meat,such a diet would be unexpected,unless the cats were being fed by people,the study argues.The researchers also found that one of the cats survived to reach old age,implying that it had a safe place to live and enough to eat.
Why the farmers wanted to keep cats nearby or make them"pets"could be answered by other evidence.Chinese archaeologists found some storage containers were specifically designed to keep out rodents-a vermin (害兽) that cats could certainly have helped with.
The simplified theory is that rats were attracted to the food of farmers,and so were harmful to farmers.Cats were attracted to the rats,and so farmers formed a mutually beneficial relationship with cats,taking care of them in return for pest control.

66.The evidence found in the remains dating back to prehistoric Cyprus meansB.
A.human made cats pets as early as 9,500years ago
B.human interacted with cats very early
C.cats didn't appear until prehistoric Cyprus
D.when cats became domesticated
67.Apart from cats,Hu Yaowu and his teams may also studyC.
A.the preventions of pests from grains         
B.the history of Chinese farming
C.the dogs and pigs                        
D.the ways to keep pets
68.Which of the following is NOT the evidence of Chinese farms'keeping cats?A.
A.Cats didn't feed on meat.
B.The cats consumed large amounts of millet-based foods.
C.One of the cats survived to reach old age.
D.Some storage containers were specifically designed to keep out rodents.
69.What are the reasons for farmers to keep cats?D.
A.Helping keep other domesticated animals
B.Not letting cats eat food.
C.Supplying meat for human
D.Helping reduce the amount of pests.
70.In which part of a newspaper would be the passage most probably appearC.
A.Entertainment                           B.Environment
C.Human and Science                      D.Life and fashion.

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