
On their wedding day, a young farmer decided to give his wife a present.The present was a mirror,and it made his wife very   26   because she had never seen herself before    27   in the waters of a pond or stream. When she looked in the mirror and saw her lovely   28  , the young woman laughed with   29  .The farmer was joyful, too. He knew he was lucky to have such a beautiful   30  .

After a few years,the young wife gave birth to a baby girl. But the birth was  31  and the young woman died. The farmer felt   32  sad that he put all his wife’s things   33   in in a box, including her   34   mirror.

The mirror   35   in the box for many years.

The daughter   36  , and with each year she  37  more and more like her mother. One day, her father took her to a quiet garden and   38  her about her mother and the mirror she so loved. The girl was so __39__ what her father said that she could not control (控制) herself. She took out her mother’s old things and __40_the mirror. She  41  the mirror in front of her face and looked   42  into it:“Father,father,come here,”she  43  ,“It’s mother. Her face is in the mirror.”

The face in the mirror is the girl’s face,   44  her father didn’t say a word.

He could not  45  . Tears were streaming down his face.

1.A. concerned      B. proud         C. happy       D. anxious  

2.A. near          B. except         C. between      D. from  

3.A. picture           B. face           C. hands         D. legs  

4.A. kindness      B. excitement      C.joy           D. sadness 

5.A. decision      B. present         C. mirror       D.wife  

6.A. difficult     B. long           C. wonder        D. usual 

7.A. very          B. so             C. rather        D. such  

8.A.up            B. away            C. down        D. off  

9.A. favourite      B. new      C. strange       D. broken  

10.A. put           B. held         C. lay            D. kept 

11.A. thought           B. studied      C. worked         D. grew  

12.A. acted         B. looked        C. laughed       D. sounded  

13.A.told           B. asked          C. begged      D. persuaded  

14.A.amazed at      B. frightened by       C. tired of      D.interested in 

15.A. felt             B. found        C. cleaned     D. watched  

16.A. lifted         B. tried           C. dropped     D. shook 

17.A. carelessly     B.clearly          C. slowly      D. carefully

18.A. answered      B. cried               C. asked      D. smiled 

19.A. but              B. and              C. as          D. since  

20.A. sit            B.believe         C. speak       D. stand 





























4.C。从下句“The farmer was joyful,too. ”可判断 出答案应为joy。



7.B。本句为so. . . that. . .句型。sad为形容词,故不可选D。

8.B。put sth. away指“把某物收起”,农夫因悲伤 而把有关妻子的东西全部收起。put up提升, 张贴;put down放下, 写下;put off推迟。

9.A。从第一段可以看出妻子非常喜欢这个镜子, 且第四段中的“. . .the mirror she so loved.”给出了信息。因 此可判断镜子是“妻子”最喜爱的(favourite)东西。

10.C。lay是lie的过去式,意为“躺”。此处指镜子 一直躺在箱子里。put和keep在此处应用被动语态;hold不符 合语境。

11.D。此处意为: 女儿一年年长大(grow)了。


13.A。农夫跟女儿讲她母亲和她母亲所心爱的镜子的事情。tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事。

14.D。从后面could not contain herself和dug into的动作可知,她迫不及待地想看看母亲的那面镜子,因此可以 判断她对父亲所讲述的事情很感兴趣(interested in)。


16.A。她要照自己的脸,自然是在脸前举起了(lift)镜 子。

17.D。look deeply into深深地看着。



20.C。他的眼泪因感动夺眶而出,哽咽难语,再结合上句“. . . her father didn’t say a word. ”综合判断答案为C。





"Extra? ExtraGasoline hits four dollars a gallon!”

??? No one will really be shockedexcept, perhaps, the old-timers who tell about the good old days when gas was three gallons for a dollar, and people drove around "just for the fun of it".

As a matter of fact; the price of gas has been rising fast and steadily for several years, and many adjustments have already been made.

??? There was, for a time, considerable unemployment in the auto industry, and three quarters of the garages and service stations have gone out of business. However; the bicycle and motor-scooter business has flourished(兴旺); and many people have found employment there: Now that Federal Motors has brought out its new Lilliput, which travels forty miles on a gallon, the auto business is picking up again. The factories that haven't switched over to two-wheel transportation are working on their new smaller models. There is talk, too, about bringing out new steam and electric automobiles that will be just as economical as the old cars.

??? In the meantime, streetcars are gradually replacing buses all over the country because of the greater economy of electric power. And many people who have seldom used public transportation are now riding the streetcars while their automobiles rust(生锈)in their garages. There's no market at all for their big, luxurious cars, for only the wealthy can now afford to operate them. Many people are now shopping in their own neighborhood, and small businesses are thriving.

??? Ministers, educators, and editorial writers are pointing out that there has been a great improvement in family life. Families now stay at home more for their fun, and children and parents are becoming better acquainted. The stores report a booming business in parlor games, hobby materials, books, musical instruments and albums.

??? People have lost their pale indoor look. The revival of the lost art of walking has brought a healthy pink back to many a cheek. This return to the heels has revolutionized the clothing styles; people now need to be ready for all kinds of weather:

??? These conditions, however, may not last. Already our clever chemists are at work on new synthetic fuels which, they say, will put us right back where we wereon wheels. Shall w e wish them success or not?

1.Which of the following is NOT a result of the gas price rising?

A. More people prefer to travel on public transportation which costs less than driving cars.

B. People return to the traditional exercise of walking, which helps them to look healthier.

C. People shop in nearby stores without having to drive, so small businesses are declining.

D. The auto industry has been forced to develop new models which are more economical.

2.The purpose of writing this passage is_.

A. to show the chain reaction of the rising gas price

B. to discuss whether it's necessary to work on new fuels

C. to warn people not to use too much gasoline

D. to picture what life will be like if gas runs out

3.What is the best title for this passage?

A. New fuels on the way

B. Cars or bicycles, that is a question

C. End of the good old days

D. From wheels to heels



Counterfeit (假的) medicines are a widespread problem in developing countries. Like other counterfeits, they look like real products. But counterfeit drugs may contain too little or none of the active ingredients (原料) of the real thing.

People do not get the medicine they need. And in some cases the counterfeits cause death. Twenty children in Bangladesh died last year after being given acetaminophen (醋氨粉). The medications contained ingredients that looked, smelled and tasted like the real thing. The medicine was produced by a local drug company that used a dangerous substitute to save money.

The problem with counterfeit medicines is especially bad in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The W. H. O. estimates that up to thirty percent of the medicines on sale in many of those countries are counterfeit.              . The W. H. O. says counterfeits make up less than one percent of the illegal drug market in countries like the United States, Canada, Japan, and New Zealand.

But the agency also says as much as fifty percent of the medicine sold on the Internet is counterfeit.

Much is being done to fight counterfeit drugs. Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify. And there are existing methods, like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real. Other ideas include things like special tracking codes for drug packages. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back proving that what they bought is listed in a database. Some drug makers and other companies put three-dimensional images called holograms (条形码) on their products as a security device.

1. What advice can we get from Paragraph 4? (no more than 8words)


2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)


3. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more that 4 words)

    A local drug company produced counterfeit medicines by using dangerous substitutes        .

4. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. (no more than 10 words)


5. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refer to? (no more than 3 words)



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