16£®ÌýµÚ6¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ6ÖÁ7Ì⣮6£®Why did Bonzo get hit£¿
A£®He played on the road£®
B£®He ran into the road suddenly£®
C£®A car knocked over the fence£®
7£®Who is Bonzo£¿
A£®The woman's neighbor£®
B£®The woman's brother£®
C£®The woman's dog£®
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4£®One day£¬I was teaching my daughter how to paint£®I saw that a lot of her energy went into£¨41£©Aher brush into the paint£¬and then into a bowl of water£®But then most of the paint that was on the£¨42£©Bwould just disappear in the water£®As an £¨43£©B mother£¬I was thinking£¬"I am trying to teach you how to paint on paper and what are you doing£¿This is not what you are £¨44£©A to do£®You have to do this way£®"
But she is three years old so she is probably not going to £¨45£©Cdoing it the right way£®She had so much £¨46£©Bdipping the brush in the paint and in the water bowl£®Pretty much within an hour£¬most of the paint was all over the room and I just sat there with my hands £¨47£©Dmy head thinking£¬"Oh my god£¬this girl is hopeless£®"Soon after£¬however£¬she shouted£¬"Mama£¬when I £¨48£©Cpink and blue£¬it turns purple!"
I was surprised£®£¨49£©AI was thinking that she was wasting perfectly good paint and paper£¬she£¨50£©Dlearned something£®What would have been a very theoretical£¨ÀíÂ۵ģ© experiment turned into a very £¨51£©Bexperiment£®
I am a designer and work with software like Photoshop and Illustrator£®When my daughter sees me work on the £¨52£©C£¬she is always very curious and she wants to work with me on the same thing that I do£®She starts to £¨53£©Awith buttons£¬and in that process sometimes lands up £¨54£©Cme things!There will be many times when she will find £¨55£©B new£®I will ask her £¨56£©D£¬and she will tell me£¬"I pressed this£¬and I pressed this£¬and then this happened£®"
One of the things I realized from this is that everyone has a£¨n£© £¨57£©Away of learning things£®When I was growing up£¬I £¨58£©C to literature very well£¬so everything that was turned into a story became my way of learning and £¨59£©Ddifferent concepts£®Some kids understand through art£¬some understand through math and games£¬and it's the job of a parent or a teacher to watch and £¨60£©Dhow children learn and try their best to make these experiences educational£®
But she is three years old so she is probably not going to £¨45£©Cdoing it the right way£®She had so much £¨46£©Bdipping the brush in the paint and in the water bowl£®Pretty much within an hour£¬most of the paint was all over the room and I just sat there with my hands £¨47£©Dmy head thinking£¬"Oh my god£¬this girl is hopeless£®"Soon after£¬however£¬she shouted£¬"Mama£¬when I £¨48£©Cpink and blue£¬it turns purple!"
I was surprised£®£¨49£©AI was thinking that she was wasting perfectly good paint and paper£¬she£¨50£©Dlearned something£®What would have been a very theoretical£¨ÀíÂ۵ģ© experiment turned into a very £¨51£©Bexperiment£®
I am a designer and work with software like Photoshop and Illustrator£®When my daughter sees me work on the £¨52£©C£¬she is always very curious and she wants to work with me on the same thing that I do£®She starts to £¨53£©Awith buttons£¬and in that process sometimes lands up £¨54£©Cme things!There will be many times when she will find £¨55£©B new£®I will ask her £¨56£©D£¬and she will tell me£¬"I pressed this£¬and I pressed this£¬and then this happened£®"
One of the things I realized from this is that everyone has a£¨n£© £¨57£©Away of learning things£®When I was growing up£¬I £¨58£©C to literature very well£¬so everything that was turned into a story became my way of learning and £¨59£©Ddifferent concepts£®Some kids understand through art£¬some understand through math and games£¬and it's the job of a parent or a teacher to watch and £¨60£©Dhow children learn and try their best to make these experiences educational£®
41£®A£®dipping | B£®throwing | C£®breaking | D£®sweeping |
42£®A£®plate | B£®brush | C£®paper | D£®bowl |
43£®A£®optimistic | B£®impatient | C£®energetic | D£®independent |
44£®A£®supposed | B£®allowed | C£®intended | D£®tricked |
45£®A£®keep | B£®consider | C£®bother | D£®remember |
46£®A£®regret | B£®fun | C£®disappointment | D£®trouble |
47£®A£®beside | B£®over | C£®below | D£®on |
48£®A£®add | B£®combine | C£®mix | D£®take |
49£®A£®While | B£®Because | C£®If | D£®Before |
50£®A£®accidentally | B£®immediately | C£®fortunately | D£®actually |
51£®A£®interesting | B£®practical | C£®beneficial | D£®novel |
52£®A£®phone | B£®desk | C£®computer | D£®calculator |
53£®A£®mess | B£®cooperate | C£®go | D£®live |
54£®A£®telling | B£®awarding | C£®teaching | D£®giving |
55£®A£®nothing | B£®something | C£®everything | D£®anything |
56£®A£®when | B£®why | C£®where | D£®how |
57£®A£®different | B£®effective | C£®quick | D£®strange |
58£®A£®stuck | B£®referred | C£®related | D£®turned |
59£®A£®accepting | B£®using | C£®appreciating | D£®understanding |
60£®A£®disturb | B£®teach | C£®respect | D£®discover |
8£®When I entered the theatre£¬to my disappointment£¬the first rows were _____ by noisy children£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | seated | B£® | reserved | C£® | maintained | D£® | occupied |