
Friendship is important in our life.1.is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend is the person 2. can share all our sadness and double all our3. (happy). And he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort.

4. (know) how valuable friendship is, we should be very 5. (care) with our choice of a friend. We should choose those people with a good character as our 6. (friend), but we must try to avoid making friends 7. a bad man. Besides, we should forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much 8. possible.

A true friend can always 9. (trust), loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she 10. (will) tell others. Friends share their joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. In conclusion, if you have a good friend, don’t forgive him or her.


Aerial performer Jennifer Bricker was born without legs, but she never let it stop her.

Wrapped in a loop of red silk hung from the ceiling Jennifer Bricker climbs and twists to the music. Her head hangs down and her strong arms let go as she balances on her back, high above the ground a move that’s all the more daring because she has no legs.

Jennifer was a few months old when she was adopted by Sharon and Gerald Bricker. She had big brown eyes, a bright smile, and huge amounts of energy. When a doctor advised her adoptive parents to carry her around in a kind of bucket, they refused.

Jennifer soon learned to walk — and run — on her hands and bottom, and grew up fearlessly climbing trees and bouncing on the trampoline(蹦床) with her three older brothers. “My parents didn’t treat me differently so I didn’t grasp the concept that I was different. I knew I didn’t have legs but that wasn’t stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do.”

At the age of three she was fitted with artificial legs, but she never really took to them — she moved more freely without.

In 1996 the Olympic Games took place in Atlanta. Jennifer loved to watch the women’s gymnastics team, and especially adored the 14-year-old Dominique Moceanu who competed for the US. When Moceanu and the women’s team won gold, Jennifer decided she was going to be a gymnast, too. She took up power tumbling, which involves performing floor exercises down a runway. But Jennifer did not want any allowances to be made for her disability.

At the age of 10 she took part in the Junior Olympics and by age 11 she was tumbling champion for the state of Illinois.

Jennifer now travels the world as an inspirational speaker and acts as an aerial performer.

1.Why did Jennifer determine to be a gymnast?

A. She knew that she was different from others.

B. She wanted to make allowances for her disability.

C. She was eager to participate in the Junior Olympics.

D. She was greatly influenced by Dominique Moceanu.

2.What do we know about Jennifer Bricker?

A. She felt embarrassed without legs.

B. She was carried in a bucket as a baby.

C. She was brought up as a normal child.

D. She lost her legs when she was adopted.

3.Which of the following can best describe Jennifer Bricker?

A. Self-respected. B. Cautious.

C. Sensitive. D. Clever.

Last month, Justin Valdez, a college student, was shot in a subway station in San Francisco. The surveillance video(监控录像) showed that before Justin was killed, the killer pulled out his gun several times, and even wiped his nose with it. However, nobody noticed the killer. The surrounding passengers all focused on their cell phones.

We may see the same scene everywhere in our life: in subway stations, restaurants, elevators and so on, people are watching their cell phones. From a family reunion to a date with a friend, people couldn’t stop checking their twitter and facebook on the cell phones and ignoring the persons in front completely, Phubbing(低头症) not only involves young people, but also the elderly and kids.

“Phubbing” is a new term which comes from the words“phone” and “snub”(冷落). It describes the habit of snubbing someone in favor of a cell phone. The word “phubbing” was included in the Australian National Dictionary in 2012. Obviously, the indifference (冷漠) and rudeness of the information age are spreading globally.

A Stop Phubbing campaign website has been set up. You can find the slogan of the website as follows: “stop twittering, stop posting photos…enjoy your food, enjoy the music and respect others.”

Phubbing appears harmless. However, it does influence our life. Jimmy, an epicure(美食家), wrote in his blog: “I can no longer focus on what I am eating since I started twittering. My skill of food photography has improved very fast, while my interest in food drops as a result.” Let us put down our cell phones and re-enjoy the real taste of our food and the warmth of interpersonal communication.

1.The case of Justin Valdez is given in the first paragraph to show       .

A. gun violence happens easily in the US

B. phubbing may lead to terrible disasters

C. the killer didn’t mean to kill him

D. the killer had made a careful plan

2.What will probably happen when you ask a phubbing person for help?

A. He will give you an immediate reply.

B. He will stop looking at his cell phone.

C. He will pay no attention to you.

D. He will be very angry with you.

3.Jimmy’s words suggest that       .

A. phubbing is actually harmless

B. phubbing stops people enjoying their life

C. phubbing affects people’s eating habits the most

D. phubbing helps people improve their photographic skills

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. The phenomenon of phubbing.

B. The popular campaign of stop phubbing.

C. The meaning of the word “phubbing”.

D. The great harm of phubbing.

Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.

Born in September, 1897, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies’ two daughters. Along with nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Sévigné in Paris.

Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X-ray facilities(设备) to help save the lives of wounded soldiers. Irene continued the work by developing X-ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgrum. Her services were recognised in the form of a Military’s Medal by the French government.

In 1918, Irene became her mother’s assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taught him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.

Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed leukemia because of her work with radioactivity(辐射能). Irene Joliot-Curie died from leukemia on March 17, 1956.

1.Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?

A. Because she received a degree in mathematics.

B. Because she contributed to saving the wounded.

C. Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.

D. Because she worked as a helper to her mother.

2.Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederio joliot?

A. At the Curie Institute. B. At the Cniversity of Paris.

C. At a military hospital. D. At the College of Sevigne.

3.When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?

A. In 1897. B. In 1927.

C. In 1932 D. In 1926.

4.In which of the following aspects was Irene Cuire different from her mother?

A. Irene worked with radioactivity. B. Irene combined family and career.

C. Irene won the Nobel Prize once D. Irene died from leukemia.

As I went through school, I came to understand that life was about competition. The only thing that mattered was doing better than everyone else. I watched this cycle through the lives of my four older brothers. I watched them win awards time and time again and admired by teachers and adults alike. And I wanted all of that. But then I learned that I couldn’t compete with my brothers or with others for that matter. I didn’t enjoy math and science nearly as much as I enjoyed English literature. My stomach would often hurt thinking about the amount of time I’d have to put in studying and working to get ahead of everyone. Around the seventh grade, I decided that I didn’t care about being a top student anymore. I just wanted to do what brought me joy. I wanted to just read and write for days.

Then I watched my older brothers enter the workplace and not enjoy the career path they had chosen. That made my stomach hurt, too. At the same time, they were making a lot of money and were able to afford expensive cars and go on trips that seemed enjoyable, but I decided that I’d not trade the cars and trips for having a job that brought me joy.

So I did just that. I majored in English in college with a concentration on creative fictions. For the past decade, I’ve had a career in a non-profit organization serving children in need. It has brought me great joy. There’s not a daily drive to compete in the market place and be better than another organization so that we increase our profits. The drive is to serve another person with excellence. And the other unexpected aspects are that while I have never made a lot of money, I have a car and have been fortunate to take some pretty amazing trips for work.

1.What did the writer think of life at early school?

A. Competitive. B. Stressful.

C. Enjoyable. D. Difficult.

2.Why did the writer change his attitude towards competition?

A. He failed competition repeatedly.

B. He wanted to follow his heart.

C. He was afraid of competition.

D. He often had stomachaches.

3.What can we learn about the writer?

A. He makes great contributions to society.

B. He is less successful than his brothers.

C. He doesn’t travel anywhere.

D. He finds great pleasure in his work.

4.The writer may agree that .

A. we should not compete with others

B. we should try to do better than others

C. we should do what we really like

D. we should be devoted to helping others

You wait in a long queue in the supermarket, but when it’s finally your turn to pay, you can’t find enough money in your purse. 1. While you are bending down to look for them, the people behind you are getting angry. The cashier is pounding her fingers impatiently on the counter.

2. But the good news is: scientists have thought of a way to make queues shorter and paying for things easier. They have invented an eye scanner. In the future, when you pay for food at the supermarket, an eye scanner will take a picture of your eyes and a computer will identify you. 3.

Students at Venerable Bede School, England, have already got an eye scanner in their cafeteria. After the students choose the food they want, the scanner looks for their information and sends a list of the food to their parents. 4. Also, parents pay for the meals at the end of the week, so the students don’t have to take money to school and wait in long queues to pay for their lunch.

If all shops had eye scanners, shopping would be easier. 5. So, it seems that it will be a while before most of us get our eyes scanned at the cashier.

A. Sometimes shopping can be unpleasant.

B. You take out your credit cards, but they fall on the floor.

C. If students aren’t eating a healthy diet, their parents will know.

D. Stores are trying several new ways to get shoppers to spend more.

E. Parents are urging the government to introduce better security safeguards.

F. However, eye scanners are very expensive and many shops can’t afford them.

G. As soon as the machine finds your information, it will send it to your bank which pays for your food automatically.

Sometimes called Amazonia, the rainforest of the Amazon River basin is the largest in the world. It stretches (延伸) across more than half of Brazil and parts of seven other South American countries (and French Guiana). With a land area of 2.7 million square miles, the Amazon rainforest is almost two thirds the size of the US.

Rainforests are important to the health of the entire planet. Often called "the lungs of the planet", the Amazon rainforest, with its rich plant life, stores carbon dioxide while giving out the oxygen we need to survive.

At one time, rainforests covered 14 percent of Earth’s surface. Deforestation has reduced that figure to 6 percent today. Much of the loss has been in the Amazon.

Fortunately, over the years, Brazil has also become a world leader in rainforest preservation. A law called the Forest Code, originally passed in 1965, requires the Amazon’s farmers to protect 80 percent of their land from farming. And democratic governments beginning in the early 1990s began to enforce it seriously.

Efforts to save the Amazon increased under President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2002—2011). Brazil set aside about 150 million acres of the rainforest, an area about the size of France, for protection. Deforestation fell by 74 percent between 2004 and 2009.

Other countries of the Amazon have also done their parts. This year, Peru created a forest reserve about the size of California’s Yosemite National Park.

1.What is the size of the Amazon rainforest?

A. About the size of France.

B. Nearly half the size of Brazil.

C. Over half the size of the US.

D. About the size of seven South American countries.

2.How much of the rainforest has been lost due to deforestation according to Paragraph 3?

A. 6%. B. Approximately 8%.

C. 14%. D. More than 50%.

3.Which country contributes most to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest?

A. Peru. B. Brazil.

C. The US. D. French Guiana.

4.What does the author feel about the situation of the Amazon?

A. Optimistic. B. Moved.

C. Worried. D. Uncertain.

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