
A man heard that a certain government wanted a clerk, so wrote and asked for the position. But while he was waiting for an answer, a friend of his introduced him to the head of the department, who gave him the job. Several months later, while the man was working in the department, he got a letter that had been sent to him from the place he used to live in. This letter said,
“Dear sir,
We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot offer work in this department because we do not think that you would be able to do the work successfully.
Your faithfully.”
The man laughed, but when he looked at the letter more carefully, he saw that he had signed it himself.
【小题1】At the beginning of the story the man wanted ____.

A.to be a clerk in a certain governmentB.his friend to introduce him job
C.to visit the head of the departmentD.to get an answer from the department
【小题2】 The first paragraph mainly tells us ____.
A.how the man knew the news that a clerk was needed
B.how the man got a job with the help of his friend
C.how the man wrote to the department to get the job
D.how he was waiting for the answer from the department
【小题3】He got a letter that had been sent to him, which means ____.
A.he himself received the letter
B.someone else got it and then didn’t bring it to him
C.someone else got it and then brought it to him
D.the government sent it to him
【小题4】What do you think of the man?
A.He was too careless.B.He was very honest.
C.He was very clever.D.He was rather stupid.
【小题5】Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.
a. He got a letter one day   b. He got a job in the department.
c. The letter told him he was unfit for the job.
d. His friend introduced him to the head.
e. He found he signed the letter himself.
f. He wanted to get a job in the government department.




Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A--F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. TV’s Influence on Children’s Life
B. Argument Against Violence on TV
C. TV’s Influence on People’s Leisure Activities
D. The Importance of Violence in Real Life
E. Attractions of Violence on TV
F.  TV’s Power
Television has probably been the most powerful medium in shaping the new community. The electronic community gives us our mutual friends, our significant events and our daily chats. The “produced” relationships of television families become our models for intimacy. We know media stars better than we know our neighbors. Most of us can discuss their lives better than we can discuss those of our relatives. We think a man who plays a doctor on TV actually know something about medicine
TV isolates people in their spare time. People spend more time watching music videos but less time making music with each other. People in small town now watch international cable networks instead of driving to their neighbor’s house for cards. Women watch soaps instead of attending church circles or book clubs. When company comes, the kids are sent to the TV room with videos.
Parent are not the main influence in the lives of their children. Some of the first voices children hear are from the television, the first street they know is Sesame Street. A child playing Nintendo is learning different lessons than a child playing along a creek or playing dominoes with a grandfather.
The time devoted to violence on TV in no way reflects its importance in real life. In real life, most of us exercise, work, visit our friends, read, cook and eat and shop. Few of us spend any significant amount of our time solving murders or fleeing psychotic killers. On television there are many more detective and murderers than exist in the real world. A rule of thumb about violence is “If it bleeds, it leads.” Violence captures viewers’ attention. Our programs have become increasing violent.
Some might say that there is nothing new under the sun. Of course, in a narrow sense, they are correct. There have always been murderers, and stories about violence have been the theme of literature and song. However, things are different now. Children are exposed to hundreds of examples of violence every day. The frequency and intensity of these images is unprecedented in the history of humanity. We have clear records that this exposure makes it more likely that children will be violent and increase their fear levels about potential violence.

The famous scientist Albert Einstein died in 1955. His___36__ now is in the central state of Kansas of the U.S. It belongs to a retired  ___37__ doctor, Thomas Harvey. ___38__ did this happen? And why?

In the 1950s, Albert Einstein and Thomas Harvey __39__ each other when they both lived in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein was working at Princeton University____40__ Doctor Harvey was working at Princeton Hospital. When Einstein died, Doctor Harvey was __41__ to examine his body. It was then that he started to study __42__ has become a long time examination of Einstein's brain. His goal was to __43__ some physical evidence of the scientist's genius.

Doctor Harvey, ___44__, did not tell Einstein's family that he __45__ the great man's brain. It was only later ___46__ the family learned of Doctor Harvey's work. They did not ___47__ the idea at first. After Doctor Harvey explained his idea to them, they agreed to __48__ him to study the brain. Doctor Harvey then asked __49__ scientists to help. They cut the brain __50__ three pieces. They marked each piece before placing it in containers __51__ chemical formaldehyde (甲醛) to protect it. Doctor Harvey has been ___52_ Einstein's brain since then. He has carried it with him as he moved from place to place. He has also lent parts of the brain to other scientists ___53__ study.

Only one researcher has found something ___54__. A doctor at the University of California found that the left part of Einstein's brain has more certain cells (细胞) than __55__. Such cells are known to feed brain. This may mean that the cells could affect intelligence.

1.                A.body           B.heart           C.brain D.head


2.                A.actual          B.chemical        C.natural   D.medical


3.                A.What          B.How           C.Who D.Which


4.                A.realized        B.recognized      C.learned   D.knew


5.                A.as             B.because        C.while D.since


6.                A.called on       B.called at        C.sent up   D.sent off


7.                A.which          B.how           C.that  D.what


8.                A.invent          B.discover        C.prove    D.examine


9.                A.perhaps        B.therefore       C.thus D.however


10.               A.bought         B.sold           C.kept  D.made


11.               A.that           B.when          C.before    D.after


12.               A.hear of         B.like            C.suggest    D.offer


13.               A.promise        B.let            C.have  D.permit


14.               A.other two       B.two other       C.more two  D.two another


15.               A.off            B.by             C.into  D.about


16.               A.for            B.about          C.of    D.with


17.               A.learning        B.studying        C.searching  D.selling


18.               A.for            B.on            C.into  D.about


19.               A.easy           B.difficult         C.particular  D.common


20.               A.ever           B.enough         C.usual D.normal




  The Pathfinder

    When we found him, he was a sorry sight. His clothes were torn, his hands bleeding. Before we reached him, we saw him fall. He lay a moment. Then he pulled himself to his feet, walked unsteadily a few yards through the woods and fell again.

         After we got him out, we went back to find the gun that he had thrown down. His tracks showed that for two days he had circled in the forest, within 200 yards of the road. His senses were so dulled by fear and tiredness that he did not hear the cars going by or see the lights at night.

         We found him just in time.

         This man, like others before him, had simply been frightened when he knew he was lost. What had been a near disaster might have turned out as only a pleasant walk, had he made a few preparations before he stepped from the highway or off a known path.

         Whatever sense of direction that a man may have, it’s still largely a question of observation. A skilled woodsman always keeps an eye on his surroundings. He notes that the shape of a mountain, the direction water flows through a swamp, and the way a tree leans across a path. With these in mind, he may be turned around many times, but he is seldom lost.

         There are exceptions, of course, and once in a while a man does come across some strange problem that puts him into the “lost” situation. A rainstorm or sudden blizzard may catch him without a compass(指南针)in his pocket. Darkness may find him in a rough area, where travel is dangerous without a light.

         When this happens, the normal first reaction(反应)is the fear of being laughed at as a result of his poor knowledge in the woods. He may also be concerned about the inconvenience that he will cause his friends when he doesn’t show up. This false pride may lead him to keep on the move in a false effort to find his way against all difficulties.

         The person who thinks ahead is seldom in great danger. He’ll be safe if he observes carefully, thinks ahead, and remains calm.

1 The author suggested that if the man had not been found, he would have __________.

         A. been shot by a gun                   B. become confused

         C. been attacked by wild animals           D. been in great danger

2. According to the passage, if a person gets lost in the forest, at the very beginning, he would __________.

         A. worry about being laughed at    

B. push himself to find his way out

         C. feel it is convenient to ask for help from his friends

         D. be concerned about being frightened by wild animals

3. When a person tries to find his way in the woods, __________ is the most important 

A. intelligence  B. observation       C. direction      D. chance

4. The author tells the story of the lost man as an example of people who __________.    

A. go into the woods by themselves

         B. don’t know how to signal for help properly

         C. are frightened when they think they are lost

         D. notice everything when stepping from the highway


A young woman was driving through the lonely countryside. It was dark and rainy. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, holding up her hand as if she wanted a lift(搭便车).

“I can’t leave her out in this weather,” the young woman said to herself. She stopped the car and opened the door.

“ Do you want a lift?” she asked. The old woman nodded and climbed into the car. After a while, she said to the old woman “ Have you been waiting for a long time?” The old woman shook her head. “ Strange” thought the woman. She tried again. “ Bad weather for the time of the year,” she said. The old woman nodded.

Then the young woman noticed that the old woman’ s hand, which were large and hairy(多毛的). Suddenly she realize that “she” was a man!She stopped the car. “ I can’t see out of the rear screen(后挡风玻璃),” she said. “ Would you mind cleaning it for me ?”

“The old woman” nodded and opened the door. As soon as “she” was out of the door, the frightened young woman drove off as fast as she could.

When she got to the next village, she stopped. She noticed “ the old woman ” had left “her” handbag behind. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a gun.

1. When the young woman talked with “her”, “ the old woman” only nodded or   shook “her” head because “she”______.

A. didn’t want the young woman to hear “her” voice

B. didn’t want to trouble the young woman any more

C. was so tired that “she” didn’t want to talk with her

D. was worried that the young woman had seen “her” hands

2.The young woman asked “the old woman” to clean the rear screen in order to_________.

A. see more clearly           B. drive fast and well

C. make “her” speak         D. throw “her” out

3.From the story we can see that the young woman was______.

A. kind and clever            B. beautiful and bright

C. foolish and shy            D. strong and helpful

4.What do you think “the old woman” was?

A. A policeman.               B. A basketball player.

C. A robber(抢劫犯).           D. A poor villager.


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