
29. _______ walk is expected to last all day, so bring ________ packed lunch.

A. A, a                         B. The, /                       C. The, a                      D. A, /


What's on Oscar Film

Themes Symphony Concert Film highlights accompanied by live performances of movie theme music by the China Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Symphony Orchestra,which has recorded the music for many films.Familiar tunes will come from such flicks as Titanic,Jurassic Park and Waterloo Bridge.

Place:Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre

Date:March 8,7:30 p.m.

Admission:80?380 yuan


Fantastic View All the Way

The mountains in this area are not very high,but the views are excellent.This walk is gentle and very interesting,going through valleys,over passes,along a river and through a few little quiet villages that are located in amazing places.Many sites along the walk offer panoramic(全景的) view of the surrounding mountains.

Place:Pinggu,northeast of Beijing

Date:March 9,meet at 8:30 a.m.outside Starbucks at Lido Hotel,or 9 a.m.at Capital Paradise front gate,return 5 p.m.

Admission:adults 150 yuan,children 100 yuan


E?mail:fjhikers @ yahoo.com.

Spring Greetings

Paintings in bold colors in a traditional Chinese style by young artist Tian Xifeng are played to welcome the spring.Tian is a student of famous bird?and?flower painting artist Wang Qing.He has won several prizes at various national painting exhibitions and developed a style emphasizing vivid close?ups of natural scenes.

Place:Melodic Gallery,14 Jianwai Dajie,opposite Friendship Store

Date:till March 31,9 a.m.?5 p.m.



Cala,My Dog

Directed by Lu Xuechang,starring Ge You.The story is about a middle?aged working man,known as Lao Er,whose chief source of stability and comfort in life is his dog,Cala.One day,when his wife is out walking Cala,a policeman confiscates(没收) the unregistered canine.As Lao Er endeavors to recover his dog,the difficult circumstances of his life are revealed.Chinese with English subtitle (字幕).

Place:Dongchuang Theatre,3 Xinzhongjie,Dongzhimenwai

Date:March 13 and 20,8:30 p.m.

Admission:20 yuan


1If you are a music lover you can go to ______ on Women's Day.

A.Capital Paradise

B.Dongchuang Theatre

C.Capital Gymnasium

D.Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre

2The exhibition held in Melodic Gallery ______.

A.is open to the public from 7:30 a.m.to 5 p.m.till April 1st

B.presents the works by Tian Xifeng and his teacher

C.is to display some bird?and?flower paintings

D.costs the art lovers much money to visit

3Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Both adults and children can take part in the walk in Pinggu.

B.Even you don't know English you can enjoy Cala,My Dog.

C.You'll have to dial 65188123 to book a ticket for the film.

D.You'll have a choice of two meeting places on March 9th.

4All the advertisements in this passage are about ______.

A.music B.movies   C.exhibitions D.entertainments


根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
Does a Dog Help a Teen with Low Self-esteem?

A dog is known as man’s best friend for good reason. Loyal and affectionate ,a dog companion can enrich its owner’s life in many ways, 1_____ Many teenagers suffer from periods of low self-esteem (自尊)as they try to navigate the wavy waters of adolescence and deal with all of its associated highs and lows.
A teenager who lacks self-esteem may feel isolated from his peers and unable to tell his parents about personal issues. The company of a dog can be a huge comfort and ease feelings of loneliness and awkwardness. A dog offers genuine unconditional love. 2_____
All dogs need exercise,so taking his clog for a walk is the perfect opportunity for a teenager to get outdoors and benefit from fresh air and physical activity. Exercise allows people to take control of their bodies,which is often the first step toward regaining control of other aspects of their life,says mental health specialist Dr. Alan Cohen. 3    Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins (内排肽)into the brain? which create positive responses in the body ,including improved self­esteem.
Dogs can help teenagers be more sociable and make new friends, suggests HELPGUIDE. 4_____ A dog is a great ice-breaker ,avoiding awkward social situations and putting the teenager at ease with people he meets. The more confident the teen becomes when out and about with his clog ,the more his self-esteem will improve.
5_____ If a teenager is suffering from depression or developing dangerous habits such as alcohol and drug abuse ,more extreme action may be required. In these cases ,professional help should be sought and all treatment plans considered. Parents who suspect that their teen’s low self­esteem is a sign of a far more serious problem should ask a suitably qualified health professional for advice.

A.In some cases, having a dog will not help with a teenager’s low self-esteem.
B.It simply accepts its owner for who he is and doesn’t judge, question or criticize.
C.Pets offer an unconditional love that can be very helpful to people with depression.
D.You don’t have to worry about hurting your pet’s feelings or getting advice you don’t want.
E. In particular, someone with low self-esteem may find a pet dog to be extremely beneficial.
F. A teen may meet his peers while walking his dog in the park or taking part in a dog training class.
G. Many forms of exercise besides walking can be enjoyed with a dog, such as cycling, jogging and throwing a ball.


When you’re trying to find the best place to live,choosing a neighborhood is almost as important as choosing a house or an apartment. 1. .

    Crime and Safety

    Research the Internet.Use a search engine to find some information about the crime(犯罪) reports in that neighborhood.

     2.  The police department will provide details about a particular area. This is probably your best source of information on crime and safety.

Drive around the area.Look for crime signs such as broken windows. Do homes have high fences or bars on accessible windows?

Look and Feel

 3.  Take a note of(留意)the condition of the houses,the front yards, the streets and side walks.See if people you meet make eye contact with you. 4.   Note the traffic and speed and see if the streets seem quiet or noisy.


    How long wilt it take to get to work? Will you be going with or against traffic? Is there public transportation available? If you need access to the airport,how far is the drive?


The sign of a good neighborhood is a well-kept school.  5.  Another thing to consider is how your child will get to school. Is there public transportation? Can they walk? Is it safe? How far is it to drive?

A. Contact the local police department.

B. Find out the value of the house in the neighborhood.

C. If they do, it’s probably a safe and friendly community.

D. Spend time walking through the neighborhood.

E. If there are bars close by, how noisy will it be on weekends?

F. It needs to be safe, affordable and provide you with everything that you need.

G. And if you have children, this is probably the first consideration.




Children have gentle minds. To find the best way to teach children to share and care is easy. Kids are naturally attracted to animals.   71   Also we can show them the cow eating grass on a farm.

Making them have a look at the animals that are dying out and rare pictures from newspapers is another exciting way to make them love animals. The effects of pollution are difficult for them to understand.     72   There are great pictures of animals like cute rabbits and gorillas.

73    Tell them they are our friends, so we can’t hurt them.Take them to the conservation park and show them a monkey or a rare bird. Show them the types of penguins. Teach your children that animals can feel pain but cannot express themselves like us.    74    If you have pets at home, let them accompany your children deal with them well.

One could call an ambulance for injured dogs or nurse a sick animal back to health. Taking a nature walk is liked by kids and also the best way to get along with the family. Kids love to see some newborn dogs and the mother nursing them.     75     .

A.otions are well understood by children and they may have the same feeling.

B.ildren all like small animals, but they don’t consider them as their friends.

C.ach them never to throw stones to hit animals.

D.is can make children know how to care others.

E.e could teach them to be kind to ants and show them how they carry food to save for the rainy day.

F.rents should protect the environment first.

G.erefore one could tell them that the environment should be(kept ) clean.


Here is what I have been told of the matter.

In the spring of 1842, Marguerite was so weak, so different in her looks, that the doctors had ordered her to take the waters. She therefore set out for Bagneres.

Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.  The fact was that the young Duchess was in the third stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she passed away.

One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk. It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged permission to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.

Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked.

Now there were a number of people at Bagneres who knew her, and they made a point of calling on the Duke to inform him of Marguerite's true situation. It was a terrible blow for the old man, for any resemblance with his daughter stopped there. But it was too late. The young woman had become an emotional necessity, his only excuse and his sole reason for living.

He did not criticize her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, he would offer all the compensations she could want. She agreed.

It should be said that at this point Marguerite, who was by nature somewhat highly strung(excited and nervous), was seriously ill. Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition(迷信) led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her regret and shame.

And indeed the waters, the walks, healthy fatigue and sleep had almost restored her fully by the end of that summer.

The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris, where he continued to call on her as at Bagneres.

This connection, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,  gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known till now as an enormously wealthy man,  now began to acquire a name for the prodigality(挥霍).

72. Why did the Duke take Marguerite’s both hands when he saw her?

A. His daughter and Marguerite were once good friends.  B. Marguerite is his daughter’s spirit.

C. Marguerite resembles his daughter.                    D. They haven’t seen each other for long.

73. What’s the right order of the events?

a. The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris.

b. Marguerite set out for Bagneres.

c. The Duke took Marguerite as his daughter.

d. The daughter of the Duke passed away.

e. Marguerite took a gravel walk

A. e-c-b-d-a                         B. c-d-e-b-a                         C. b-d-e-c-a                         D. d-a-c-b-e

74. From the passage we can guess that Marguerite _______.

A. doesn’t believe in God                 B. was once a woman without a good fame

C. was strange to all the people in Bagners

D. kept her own way of life while living with the Duke

75. According to the passage, Marguerite went to Bagners _______.

A. just for a gravel walk                                                 B. to find her sister

C. to visit the Duke                                                          D. for treatment


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