“It hurts me more than you”, and “This is for your own good”—these are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.
That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy for us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.
Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we’ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon Klompus who says of her students “so passive” and wonders what has happened. Nothing is demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to children’s passivity. “We’re talking about a generation of kids who’ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them, instead of saying ‘go and look it up’, you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”
Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It’s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It’s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it’s for their own good. It’s time to start telling them no again.  
【小题1】We learn from the passage that the author’s mother used to lay emphasis on(强调)    .

A.his learning a foreign language
B.his ability to control behavior
C.his natural development
D.his school education
【小题2】According to the author, “the permissive period” in Paragraph 2 means a time   .
A.when children are allowed to do what they wish to
B.when everything can be taught at school
C.when every child can be educated
D.when children are permitted to receive education
【小题3】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Parents should leave their kids alone
B.Kids should have more activities at school.
C.It’s time to be stricter with our kids.
D.Parents should set a good example to their kids.

 Last weekend  I was out walking with my dog. She loves wandering around and seeing           we meet, so it becomes a social walk rather than an exercise.

    Then we      0ur neighbour who was preparing to sell her house.  She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon . After talking a little we went our separate ways .I could tell it was a(n)       day for her.

    After I got home, I quickly      some of the wonderful  lavender(薰衣草) in my garden

Wonderful! They smelled good and  the purple             were so pretty. I wrapped some packing paper around the bunch and           it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression           she saw me there with a bunch of lavender!  It             made me happy. It made her stop and take a deep       and maybe reduced her stress for a second

The next day I had a note in my mailbox from my neighbor thanking me for my         . She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled She said the       0f kindness I showed helped           some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.

    Never        that it's the gift from the heart that is the most        .I think sometimes we hesitate(犹豫) to do the         acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift

1.A. dogs          B. people         C. scenes               D. food

2.A. came across   B. came up       C.   came to           D.   came into

3.A.  exciting     B. natural         C.  active              D.  difficult

4.A. bought       B. cut              C. raised               D. buried

5.A. leaves         B. grass            C. flowers              D. roots

6.A. took          B. posted           C. placed              D. moved

7.A. because       B. when            C. until                D. if

8.A. hardly        B. probably         C. merely             D. completely

9.A. breath .        B. sigh            C. look                D. step

10.A. idea          B. kindness         C. activity              D. matter

11.A. form          B. desire          C. act                  D. service

12.A. Lose          B. realize          C. warn                D. remove

13.A. forget          B. consider        C. change              D. mention

14.A. honest         B. friendly        C. valuable             D. expensive

15.A. total           B. true            C. easy               D. simple



There are thousands of people across the United States without any food or shelter(住所).Every Saturday or Sunday night,my family and I go out and ____the homeless people in the city.

There is one____thing I like to mention here. Before we begin our____,my family and I do not eat. We do this____we know how it feels to be hungry. We all get together in the kitchen and____the food. We then____the food for 30 or more people. I like to write a special____on the bags like “God loves you”.

A lot of people____homeless people. Not all homeless people are bad people. Some are really____.Many people hate them____no good reason. In the beginning,when my family and I  went out on the street,we had to____their trust. Later,as they____us every week,they started to trust us.We____know some of their names. We all have to keep in mind that they also have____.Some of them shake our hands for giving them food,and____ us. Some of them do really funny dances because they are____.

We have become____close to a man named Tony and his wife. After meeting with them several times,he has told us a lot about his____.He graduated from college and has a PHD. He used to teach French and Spanish.

After we get done feeding the homeless,it makes me____what I have at home. Sometimes it makes me sad,and makes my mom cry. I love feeding the homeless,and ____in someone’s life.

1. A.visit            B.introduce     C.save           D.feed

2. A.common        B.exciting      C.special          D.embarrassing

3. A.show           B.journey       C.vacation        D.meal

4. A.so             B.when         C.if              D.because

5. A.design          B.prepare       C.buy            D.give

6. A.bag            B.cook         C.fetch            D.find

7. A.passage         B.saying        C.note            D.message

8. A.please          B.help          C.love            D.misunderstand

9. A.helpful         B.nice          C.funny           D.beautiful

10.A.for            B.at            C.of              D.on

11.A.bring          B.earn          C.create           D.share        

12.A.served         B.told           C.saw            D.needed

13.A.hardly         B.never          C.sometimes       D.even

14.A.words         B.looks          C.desires          D.feelings  

15.A.change        B.thank          C.impress          D.disappoint

16.A.happy         B.great           C.surprised        D.bored

17.A.only          B.too             C.also            D.really

18.A.dream         B.future          C.life            D.friend

19.A.want          B.appreciate       C.keep           D.think

20.A.taking care     B.watching out     C.showing up     D.making a difference


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