
【题目】It is spring now. The flowers sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A. to smell B. smelling

C. smelt D. to be smelt



试题分析:B考查的是非谓语动词作定语。本句的结构:the flowers是主语,其后面的smelling sweet in the botanic garden作定语用,修饰主语,attract是谓语动词,the visitors是宾语。smell的意思是“闻起来”,是不及物动词。句意:春天到了,在植物园里闻起来很香甜的花儿吸引了游客到自然的美丽中来。故选B


【题目】It was about 11:15 pm on the passenger ship California. The night was freezing cold and the water was filled with ice from the North Pole, making it difficult for the ship to sail on.

In the radio room, ship California’s operator Cyril Evans listened to the radio-talk between a nearby passenger ship and the telegraph station on the Canadian island of Newfoundland. Evans interrupted it and said, “We’re stopped and surrounded by ice. Be careful as you pass through these waters.” The radio operator on the nearby ship replied, “I’m too busy to talk now. I have many messages to send to the telegraph station. Twenty minutes later, as he turned off his radio and went to bed, Evans could still hear the ship sending its passengers’ telegrams.

Earlier in the evening the California’s captain, Stanley Lord, had seen another ship approaching. It looked about the size of his own, but attempts to contact the ship failed. It lay dark and mysterious about 10 miles away. At 00:40 am there appeared a sudden flash of light just over the mystery ship. Captain Lord, thinking the ship might need help, ordered his officers to signal the ship by lamp. There was no reply. Three more rockets then exploded, none appeared to go higher than halfway up the mast(桅杆)of the mystery ship. Then at about 2:00 am it turned and slipped into the darkness.

In the light of the dawn there was no mystery ship, but 20 miles away was the scene of a great disaster. Unfortunately, the mystery ship had stopped directly in front of the California, preventing people on board from seeing clearly. If this ship had not been there, Captain Lord would have recognized that the rockets were SOS rockets that came not from the mystery ship but from a more distant ship which the California could not see. If Cyril Evans had kept his radio on for just 30 minutes more he would have heard SOS signals coming from that distant ship he spoke with the night before. That ship was the Titanic which was sinking fast, leaving 1,500 of its passengers dead. It was April 14, 1912.

【1】Why were the rockets really fired?

A. To celebrate the journey.

B. To signal for help.

C. To contact the Titanic.

D. To warn other ships.

【2】What is the main function of the last paragraph of this passage?

A. It shows how unlucky the Titanic was.

B. It describes how the Titanic sank.

C. It indicates that the people on the California were careless.

D. It lists how many people died in the disaster.

【3】How many ships are mentioned in the passage?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

【4】From the passage we know that .

A. the rockets were fired from the mystery ship

B. Cyril Evans worked on the mystery ship that night

C. the Titanic started sinking at dawn the next day

D. the Titanic sent out many telegrams that night

【题目】Theodore Johnson or "Mr. J" was my fifth grade , who taught me the blessing of an unexpected second chance.

One Monday morning, the schoolyard was full of rumors(谣言、传闻) about a fire in the Home Economics Room over the weekend. Mr. J __ us not to go near the room because it could be dangerous.

During a class break, my friend Kim and I decided to the damage. When we carefully looked through the door window, trying to see was forbidden, suddenly we felt a firm hold on our shoulders stop us. A teacher had found us. In those seconds millions of thoughts flashed through my mind. My parents would be mad. Then the teacher led Kim and me back to our classroom, leaving our fate in the of Mr. J.

Mr. J had a(n) lesson to teach. I was met with a look of rather than anger. He spoke softly as he explained why he was disappointed in my decision to go where I might get . I looked at him, and he smiled. I was shocked that he cared more about my than the fact that I’d broken a rule. It was the first time I felt the power of .

At the age of ten, I knew I’d never disappoint Mr. J again. On that day, trust was restored the moment Mr.J . I learned many things that year, but nothing was more important than the power of an unexpected second chance.

【1】A. classmate B. schoolmate C. friend D. teacher

【2】A. persuadespan> B. forbid C. warned D. advised

【3】A. look at B. check out C. search for D. find out

【4】A. which B. that C. how D. what

【5】A. excited B. frozen C. interested D. puzzled

【6】A. face B. heart C. hands D. eyes

【7】A. different B. ordinary C. good D. impossible

【8】A. sorrow B. joy C. concern D. comfort

【9】A. hurt B. changed C. caught D. lost

【10】A. happiness B. safety C. joy D. health

【11】A. love B. admiration C. gratitude D. forgiveness

【12】A. smiled B. shouted C. whispered D. talked

【题目】The film starts out as a normal day at a typical American high school. Friends chat in the dining room and boys play football. But there's a big surprise when the movie with two students going crazy in the 1 shooting and killing people.

This is Elephant,filmed in just 20 days; it stars real high school kids. American Gus Van Sant had no ready-made lines (台词). The student actors their own dialogue,with Van Sant asking them to base their characters on their own .

it may not sound very high quality, the won the Golden Palm (金棕榈奖)for Best Film and the award for Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival in France on May 25. The film is based on the at a high school in the US,where two boys killed 13 people and then themselves in 1999. The of the movie refers to the old expression about a problem that's as hard to ignore (忽略)as an elephant in the house.

The film takes a close look at a few hours in the lives of the victims(受害者)and the . It shows how high school is a experience for everyonefun and friendly, or hard and . In many ways, the two , who carry out the shooting, act like ordinary kids. They joke around with one boy's mother as serves them cakes and play the piano. But,there are hints (暗示)of the 30 they feel inside. One of the most boys is bullied (欺负)at school. The other plays video games. But Van Sant isn't their killings on either bullying or violent video games. In fact, the film doesn't offer any for why school violence happens.

I didn't want to anything. It's up to the to draw its own conclusions, said the 51 -year-old director.

【1】A. deals B. begins C. ends D. agrees

【2】A. school B. country C. city D. room

【3】A. writer B. actor C. director D. student

【4】A. made of B. made up C. carried on D. spoke of

【5】A. lives B. movies C. friends D. families

【6】A. Because B. When C. If D. Although

【7】A. arts B. music C. wine D. film

【8】A. playing B. shooting C. fighting D. teaching

【9】A. actors B. director C. killers D. title

【10】A. killers B. teachers C. children D. people

【11】A. different B. same C. happy D. sad

【12】A. lovely B. happy C. lonely D. excited

【13】A. teachers B. boys C. actors D. girls

【14】A. they B. he C. it D. she

【15】A. hunger B. surprise C. joy D. anger

【16】A. sexy B. lively C. violent D. healthy

【17】A. making B. praising C. discussing D. blaming

【18】A. reason B. help C. introduction D. information

【19】A. understand B. write C. promise D. explain

【20】A. audience B. students C. killers D. listeners

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