
【题目】His tired face suggested that he ________ really tired after the long walk.

A. had been B. should be C. be D. was





【题目】Women are friendly.But men are more competitive.Why? Researchers have found it's all down to the hormone oxytocin (荷尔蒙催生素).Although known as the love hormone, it affects the sexes differently.

"Women tend to be social in their behavior.They often share with others.But men lend to be competitive.They are trying to improve their social status, " said Professor Ryan.

Generally, people believe that the hormone oxytocin is let out in our body in various social situations and our body creates a large amount of it during positive social interactions (互动) such as falling in love or giving birth.

But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone is also let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy.

Further researches showed that in men the hormone oxytocin improves the ability to recognize competitive relationships, but in women it raises the ability to recognize friendship.

Professor Ryan's recent experiment used 62 men and women aged 20 to 37.Half of the participants(参与者)received oxytocin.The other half received placebo (安慰剂).

After a week, the two groups switched with participants.They went through the same procedure with the other material.

Following each treatment, they were shown some video pictures with different social interactions.Then they were asked to analyze the relationships by answering some questions.The questions were about telling friendship from competition.And their answers should be based on gestures, body language and facial expressions.

The results indicated that, after treatment with oxytocin, men's ability to correctly recognize competitive relationships improved, but in women it was the ability to correctly recognize friendship that got better.

Professor Ryan thus concluded: "Our experiment proves that the hormone oxytocin can raise people's abilities to better distinguish different social interactions.And the behavior differences between men and women are caused by biological factors (因素) that are mainly hormonal."

【1】What causes men and women to behave differently according to the text?

A.Placebo. B.Oxytocin.

C.The gesture. D.The social status.

【2】What can we learn from Professor Ryan's previous experiment?

A.Oxytocin affects our behavior in a different way.

B.Our body lets out oxytocin when we are deep in love.

C.Our body produces oxytocin when we feel unhappy about others' success.

D.Oxytocin improves our abilities to understand people's behavior differences.

【3】Why did Professor Ryan conduct the recent experiment?

A.To test the effect of oxytocin on the ability to recognize social interactions.

B.To know the differences between friendship and competition.

C.To know people's different abilities to answer questions.

D.To test people's understanding of body language.

【4】The author develops the text by______.

A.explaining people's behaviors

B.describing his own experiences

C.distinguishing sexual differences

D.discussing research experiments

【题目】The day of my holiday arrived, but I wasn’t looking forward to it. I had little money and had only been able to afford to stay with my Aunt Rosa in Spain. So, I wasn’t really excited as I knew exactly what it was going to be like; Lots of noisy cousins and Aunt Rosa begged me to take her for a ride.

After I had checked in, I made my way slowly to the departure gate. As I was waiting to board the plan, I kept thinking about my ideal holiday destination; Jamaica, with its long, sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

As soon as the plane took off, I fell fast asleep and only woke to the sound of the announcement; “Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts, as we will shortly be landing in Kingston.” I froze in my seat. Was I dreaming? Kingston? Jamaica? I had boarded the wrong plane!

Immediately after the plane landed, I explained the situation to the authorities. It seems there were also three of other passengers heading for Spain. Apparently it had been the airline’s fault, since the flight numbers for Spain and Jamaica were exactly the same! Therefore, with no flight to London for a week, the airline had no choice except to pay for our stay.

So there I was, lying on the beach, enjoying the music and marvelous food of Jamaica! As for Aunt Rosa, I suppose she just had to live without me!

【1】Why did the waiter choose to spend her holiday with her aunt in Spain?

A. She could hardly afford any better trip.

B. Her aunt begged her to go there.

C. She missed her cousins very much.

D. Spain was her ideal destination.

【2】In the story, the writer ended up _____.

A. heading for Spain from Jamaica

B. flying to London immediately

C. enjoying a free beach holiday

D. complaining to the authorities

【3】Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Terrible Adventure B. Nice Dream

C. A Well-Planned D.A Lucky Mistake


An old man in a faded yellow shirt sat in a windowless room on a raised concrete form. The only source of heat came from somewhere beneath the plastic mattress and the rough blanket the blank-faced police woman had handed him after taking his thumb prints. He heard voices and metallic clang as the cell door swung open.

At the front desk a tired looking policeman handed the old man back his belongings, his worn-out cap and the Seiko watch that had stopped working the day his beloved Evelyn left. The policeman dramatically held the blue plastic bag at an arm’s length to the old man who took it and made sure its contents were undamaged: the goat meat, palm oil, leaves and spices. He ignored the confused expression on the officer’s face and signed the document declaring he had been returned the possessions they had taken off him the night before.

No one spoke to him as he walked slowly towards the exit. “Mr. Easy-nwa?” He stopped and prayed to the God who now took care of Evelyn to please take him far away from this unhappy place of expressionless faces, clipped accents and people who did not even attempt to pronounce his name right.

“Ezenwa, He said and looked at a woman with tangerine lips, her name tag said Jessica Harlow, Social Services. “A bit far from home,,,she said as she drove fast and with confidence the way Evelyn used to. He wondered if she meant the 50 miles from Liverpool or the 50,000 miles from Enugu,a city in Nigeria. He did not bother replying as this woman had plenty to say about the weather, bad drivers, her daughter’s school play...

At last she drew up outside the block of flats where he lived.

“Got here in the end”,said she seriously, “Really Mr. Easy-nwa, if you keep getting lost, we will have to consider moving you into a home”.

“No need, I was not lost,,,he answered. He carefully rolled up the sleeves of the oversize bomber jacket he wore and turned on the tap to wash his hands, relieved the pipes were not frozen. In a clean pan he placed the chopped pieces of goat meat. The herbs and spices that had taken him three months to track down, the uziza seeds had taken him into the heart of Granby Market in Liverpool, his uchanwu leaves down a shady back alley in Manchester, and yesterday, among other food items, the finest goat meat from a Sierra Leonean Butcher in Birmingham. That had taken some time, so much he missed the last train and when the police found him shivering outside the locked up station, so cold he couldn’t answer loudly enough the pink-faced big copper who yelled in his face, “What’s your name sir?” spraying his face with spittle (吐沫)as he did so, leaving them with no choice but to search an exhausted, frozen old black man and finding him in possession of mysterious condiments (调味品)including a bag of dried bitter-leaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that resulted in him getting read his rights and charged with ...possession???

He lifted the lid of the bubbling soup, the room was filled with the rich and spicy scent of his culinary (烹饪的)effort. He served two bowls, taking the chipped one and placing the other opposite where Evelyn would have sat. He would tell her about his adventure, it was their anniversary and this was the perfect pepper soup to celebrate.

Ken Onyia, UK (Nigeria) Commonwealth Sport Short Story Prize

【1】Mr. Ezenwa was taken to the prison for a night because________________.

A. he was too weak to move

B. he couldn’t find his way back home

C. he then had nowhere else to go

D. he was suspected of possessing drugs

【2】Which is the right order of the following events?

a. Ezenwa cooked the buddling soup.

b. Ezenwa searched for all kinds of condiments.

c. A social worker drove him back home

d. Ezenwa was sent to prison.

e.Evelyn passed away.

A. b, e, c,a ,d B. d, e, c, b, a

C. e, b, d,c,a D. e, d, b, a, c

【3】Why did Mr. Ezenwa cook the buddling soup?

A. To give his wife a present.

B. To give a surprise to his wife.

C. To entertain himself.

D. To celebrate their wedding anniversary.

【4】What words can be used to describe Mr. Ezenwa?

A. Hopeless and pessimistic.

B. Mysterious and troublesome.

C. Affectionate and persistent.

D. Energetic and sympathetic.

【题目】For many businessmen online education has been a dream. Now it has come true. The investment (投资) in higher education, whether financial or in terms of time, has long been impossible for many of them. But well-known educational institutions have chosen to deliver an internet-based program, and these barriers have been lifted.

That is good news for people eager to improve themselves and is more attractive to employers. It is also a benefit to industry with better qualified candidates applying for jobs at every level.

Having the benefits of a higher qualification without going to the university campus is attractive to many students. Campus study means greater cost, while online programs are flexible and save time, whether at home or at work. Students can achieve their degrees without causing too much disruption to their career or home life.

In addition to affordable, flexible classes and greater convenience, students also have access to the online learning resources of many of the world’s top educational institutions. They can also communicate with their tutors no matter what time it is or whether either party is away for any reason.

This has opened up the possibility of getting a qualification from a university or college that many students could only have dreamed of in the past. It also allows specialists to get the precise qualifications and focus on their studies. As well as seeing the increase of applicants from lower-incomes and housewives, studying online in the US is even becoming popular with younger people of college age.

Employers have become increasingly welcome and positive to online qualifications as more candidates earn them, especially if they’re properly approved by the US Department of Education.

US institutions have led the way in online education provision. Many top US colleges and universities offer a range of online programs that are highly respected and in every way perfectly fit for adults who need to combine their studies with a working life.

【1】According to Paragraph 1, many US colleges and universities .

A. have begun to lift the barriers to financial investment

B. have begun to run an internet-based program

C. have had a dream of offering online education

D. have gained financial investment

【2】Why do people choose online education?

A. They can find jobs more easily than on-campus graduates.

B. They can get qualifications from US Department of Education.

C. They can save money and arrange their time and courses freely.

D. They can invest money in different courses provided online.

【3】The underlined word “disruption’’ in the third paragraph probably mean .

A. dissatisfaction B. Attention

C. attraction D. interruption

【4】Which would be a good title for the passage?

A. Adult Education Online

B. The Best of USA’s Online Education

C. Top US Universities Offering Online Education

D. Online Education Taking the Place of Campus Education

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