
【题目】With my money ______, I went back home.

A. ran out of B. ran out

C. running out of D. running out



试题分析:考查with的复合结构和run相关词组辨析。With+宾语+宾补,宾语补足语可以是不定式(表将来),过去分词(表被动或完成),现在分词(表主动或进行。主句时态为一般过去时,现在分词表主动。Run out是不及物的,无被动,后面不能接宾语。Run out of是及物的,后面必须接宾语。句意:我的钱快要用完了,我只能回家。故选D。


【题目】Dear Ms.Smith,

It is with great interest and enthusiasm that I am applying for the arts education internship (实习)advertised in Sundays New York Times.This position is exactly what I am looking for and an ideal opportunity for me to use my knowledge,educational background,and experience.

My arts education at Pratt Institute has helped me develop a firm foundation in the arts.The courses I have completed at Pratt,along with my study abroad in Paris,has prepared me well for a position in arts education.I have always enjoyed a passion for the arts but my undergraduate (本科)education has taken my interest to a whole new level.I not only enjoy doing art but I find myself even more enthusiastic when I have the opportunity to teach what I have learned.

For the past two summers I have worked directly with children at CityArts.These experiences were amazing since my responsibilities included planning and directing major projects that were planned for the summer program that goes on each year for local children interested in the arts.I was given a concept at the beginning of each summer and I had complete control of how the projects were to be completed.The children were the creative force and often were the inspiration for the artwork that was eventually presented to the public.

I am very excited about the summer opportunity with the Children’s Museum of the Arts since I know that I can definitely make a positive contribution while doing what I love,teaching art to children.I will contact you in one week to discuss my candidacy(候选资格)and see if you have any questions about my education or experience.Thank you for your time and consideration.


Samantha R.Gray

【1】What is Grays purpose of writing this letter?

A.To advertise for herself in New York Times.

B.To show her great enthusiasm for CityArts.

C.To obtain the chance of teaching art to children.

D.To prove her successful educational experiences.

【2】Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that _______________.

A.Gray tries to find chance to devote her rich art knowledge to children

B.Gray has gotten her undergraduate education at college in Paris

C.Gray had given up the art courses at Pratt Institute and left for Paris

D.the education Gray has received makes her optimistic about the opportunity

【3】Which of the following isnt mentioned by Gray in Paragraph 3?

A.Her management ability.

B.Her family background.

C.Her love for children.

D.Her working experience.

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