
I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day, a sociologist(社会学家) proposed that the   36  society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would become a victim of the consumer society, I   37  hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood.   38  the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson was selling me the bicycle, he said, “This is the best thing you   39  have done. Life has become hopelessly   40 . A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you   41  things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise.” I agreed. Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I   42  at the other end of the town. I was   43  that this simple vehicle could let me   44  long distances in a fairly short time. But how   45  did I really go?
Since I hated to be   46 , I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to   47  an odometer (里程表) on my bicycle. He agreed, but   48 , “An odometer without a speedometer (速度计) is like a   49  without a knife.” I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (装置) were   50  to the handlebars of my bicycle. “What about a horn?” he then asked. “Look, this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many   51 .” Attracted by these functions, I bought the horn.
“You can’t leave the back part   52 ,” noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons   53  the seat, and said, “Is there anything better than this oven(烤箱) when you feel   54  on your way? I can give you a special discount.” I was not strong enough to   55  the offer.
“I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done,” said Mr. Johnson in the end.

A.adultB.humanC.consumer D.bachelor
A.gave upB.broke downC.calmed downD.ended up




       It takes courage to stand up at work.Now more and more people are standing up when they are working on something important.Standing up is in fashion.Medical researchers have found that people who stand at work tend to be much healthier than those who sit.But I wasn't just looking for better health — standing would also improve how I work and relax my body.

       In recent years, many office supply companies have begun to sell adjustable desks.These so-called "sit / stand" models are equipped with an electric motor that lets them shift from chair height to person height at the push of a button.Unfortunately, sit / stand desks tend to be expensive, hard to find and not very easy to test in person.

       I discovered that when I worked standing up, my mind was clearer and new ideas kept coming to me.I suspect that this is because when you're standing, you feel a bit unchained from your desk.If I got stuck on a word or sentence as I wrote it, I found myself shaking my arms, bouncing (跳) on my feet or stepping away from the desk for a bit — things I couldn't do in a chair.Often, standing up seemed to relax my mind enough for me to get over creative barriers.

       There's another thing about standing for a long time: I tend to get hungrier than I do when I sit on a chair.That feels like confirmation(证实) of the stand-up advocates’ belief that you burn more calories when you stand than when you sit.For this reason alone, I' m hoping that one day mass-market furniture companies can make many low-priced versions of sit / stand desks.We could all work with a bit more standing up.

The author likes standing up while working because __________.

       A.he wants to show that he has a lot of courage

       B.researchers say standing makes one healthier

       C.he intends to catch up the fashion trend

       D.he hopes to improve his work and relax himself

It can be inferred from the text that   ________.

       A.adjustable desks are mass-produced now

       B.adjustable desks are easy to operate

       C.cheaper adjustable desks will soon be available

       D.adjustable desks can be tried out easily

What is the main idea of the text?

       A.Standing up at work is a better choice.

       B.Standing up at work takes courage.

       C.Standing up at work burns more calories.

       D.Standing up at work will replace traditional sitting.

We all accept that sports should stress skill over luck,and fairness over privilege(特权).
They should be accessible to many and fun to watch.In the end,a sport,s champion should re-
present shared values and served as a role model.
But with today,s advances in technology,the power of sports equipment makers offers great
opportunity for the athletes who have access to the latest technology.
In 2008,108 world records were broken in the sport of swimming.The average number of
world records set in swimming in all past Olympic years is about 22.The average number of
world records set in a non-Olympic year is about 5.Now there are no“old”world records.
Suit technology has been the most widely recognized difference.The sharkskin suit and the
“paper”suits were all made public by suit manufactures before the Olympic.
As records continue to be broken,the Internet message boards for the swimming community
have taken a darker view of suit technology.“Time is meaningless”is one quote.I tend to agree.Some of the times I see being posted today are simply legends(传奇).
Am I against suit technology?Not really.But 2008 marked an unbelievable change in the
sport of swimming.People are saying,“Bigger,faster,stronger at any cost!”,wanting no limits on technology,either suits or drugs.I am not one of those people.
I am a guy that recognized the sport of swimming being as simple as man vs.water.It used
to be the swimmer in the suit,not the suit on the swimmer.How times have changed.
53.According to the first paragraph,it is a common belief that________.
A.only a few people have chances to take part in sports
B.the latest suit technology should not be used in sports
C.sports should be interesting for people to watch
D.luck plays an important role in Olympic Games
54.It can be learned from the passage that_______.
A.the author is against the latest technology in sports
B.the athletes have become more skilled than before
C.some records are hard to break without technology
D.advanced suits and drugs can be used in Olympics
55.What does“Time is meaningless”mean in the swimming community?
A.Breaking records in swimming is too easy for most athelets.
B.It,s technology rather than skill that counts in some records.
C.Many athletes break records by luck and taking drugs.
D.Some rules aren,t obeyed when Olympic records are broken.
56.What,s the author,s opinion of the present sports?
A.Latest technology should be encouraged in compitition among athelets.
B.Time should be measured in a different way in modern Olympic Games.
C.All of the athletes should wear the same suits to ensure fairness.
D. Competition in skill should come first instead of that in equipment。

   Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes mostly because they misunderstand the process and journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, “I’ll be happy when I get my new promotion.” or “I’ll be happy when I earn that extra 20 pounds.” The list goes on and on. You probably have a few of your own you could add if you want.

   This thinking is dangerous because it presupposes that happiness is a “response” to having, being or doing something. In life, we all experience stimulus and response. Stimulus is when a dog barks at you and bares his teeth. Response is when your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty and you prepare to run. Today, some people think that an expensive car is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A great paying job is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A loving relationship is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. This belief leaves us thinking and feeling: “I’ll be happy when…”

   It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true. I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is what life brings to those who are truly happy. When we are happy, we tend to have more success in our work. When we are happy, people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships. When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health. Happiness is NOT a response — rather, it is a stimulus.

   Happiness is a conscious choice we make every day of our lives. For unknown reason to me, many choose to be painful, unsuccessful and angry most of the time. Happiness is not something that happens to us after we get something we want — we usually get things we want AFTER we choose to be happy.

   I have made only one simple rule for my own happiness: Every day above ground is a GOOD day. Therefore, I tend to have a lot of good (and happy) days continually.

1.The second paragraph mainly tells us that people seek happiness_______.

   A. in the same way     B. in different ways  C. by working hard    D. by taking drugs

2. What does the underlined phrase “This thinking” refer to?

  A. The thinking of being promoted.         

B. The giving up of happiness.

  C. The process and journey of finding happiness.   

D. The misunderstanding of happiness.

3.The underlined word “stimulus” in para.4 probably means_______.

A. something causes an action        B. something helps to expand  

C. attention                       D. improvement

4. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to________.

  A. tell people how to enjoy happiness                      

B. encourage people to seek happiness

C. express his attitude towards happiness  

D. criticize the wrong ideas about happiness



We all accept that sports should stress skill over luck,and fairness over privilege(特权).

They should be accessible to many and fun to watch.In the end,a sport,s champion should re-

present shared values and served as a role model.

But with today,s advances in technology,the power of sports equipment makers offers great

opportunity for the athletes who have access to the latest technology.

In 2008,108 world records were broken in the sport of swimming.The average number of

world records set in swimming in all past Olympic years is about 22.The average number of

world records set in a non-Olympic year is about 5.Now there are no“old”world records.

Suit technology has been the most widely recognized difference.The sharkskin suit and the

“paper”suits were all made public by suit manufactures before the Olympic.

As records continue to be broken,the Internet message boards for the swimming community

have taken a darker view of suit technology.“Time is meaningless”is one quote.I tend to agree.Some of the times I see being posted today are simply legends(传奇).

Am I against suit technology?Not really.But 2008 marked an unbelievable change in the

sport of swimming.People are saying,“Bigger,faster,stronger at any cost!”,wanting no limits on technology,either suits or drugs.I am not one of those people.

I am a guy that recognized the sport of swimming being as simple as man vs.water.It used

to be the swimmer in the suit,not the suit on the swimmer.How times have changed.

53.According to the first paragraph,it is a common belief that________.

A.only a few people have chances to take part in sports

B.the latest suit technology should not be used in sports

C.sports should be interesting for people to watch

D.luck plays an important role in Olympic Games

54.It can be learned from the passage that_______.

A.the author is against the latest technology in sports

B.the athletes have become more skilled than before

C.some records are hard to break without technology

D.advanced suits and drugs can be used in Olympics

55.What does“Time is meaningless”mean in the swimming community?

A.Breaking records in swimming is too easy for most athelets.

B.It,s technology rather than skill that counts in some records.

C.Many athletes break records by luck and taking drugs.

D.Some rules aren,t obeyed when Olympic records are broken.

56.What,s the author,s opinion of the present sports?

A.Latest technology should be encouraged in compitition among athelets.

B.Time should be measured in a different way in modern Olympic Games.

C.All of the athletes should wear the same suits to ensure fairness.

D. Competition in skill should come first instead of that in equipment。


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