
— Sally, our monitor, was late for her class this morning.
— ______? As far as I know, she never came late to class.

A.How comeB.What forC.So whatD.Why not


解析试题分析:考查交际用语:How come=怎么会这样? so what=这有什么关系? why not= 为什么不? what for=why,句意:---sally,我们的班长今天早上上课迟到了。--怎么回事?据我所知,她从不上课迟到的。选A。


Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.
Important words to learn:E Essential I improver A Advanced
noun [C] DEVICE 1 A a piece of equipment which is
used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place
8 type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of
fastening it to the foot which is worn by women
3 [USUALLY PLURAL]  type of flat shoe, like a BALIET dancer’s shoe when is worn by women 4 [USUALLY PLURAL]UK a flat·shoe made of heavy cloth, which is worn by children for doing sports.
liquid or gas to move somewhere:our latest machine can
pump a hundred gallors a minute , o The new wine is
pumped into stirage tanks.o The heart pumos blood
through the arteries/round the body. INFORMATION2[T]
INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information,
especially in a way that is not direce:She was pumping me
for details of the new projece.
Idioms pump sb’s hand to SHAKE someone’s hand
(="hold" their hand and move it up and down, espacially
In order to greet them)·pump lron INFORMAL to lift
Heavy weights for exercise: These days both men and
Women pump iron far fitnets.
Pharsal verbs pump sth into sth to spend    
Money trying to make something operate succesfully:
They had been pumpinh money into the business for some
Years without seeing any results.
Pump sth out(M)REMOVE1 to remove water or other
liquid from something using a pump:We took turns
to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated,
forceful and continuous: The government keeps pumping
out the same old propaganda.O The car radio was
pumping out music with a heacy beat.
Pump out sth someone’s stomach is pumped out, a
Poisonous substance is removed from it by being-sucked
Through a tube. She had to go to hospital    
Stomach pumped out.
Pump sth up [M] INFORMAL to make someone feel more
contident or excited: He was offering them advince and
trying to pump them up.O[R]The players were pumping
themselves up by singing the national anthem, before the
Pump sth up[M]1 to fill something with air using a
pump: Have you pumped up the balloons yet?O I must
pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase
something by a large amount:The US was able to pump
up exports.O Let’s pump up the tolume a bit!
Pump-action /pamp ek/ n/adjective describes a device which operates by forcing song     especially air ,in or out of a closed space or container, a pump-action shotgun , a pump   action   
Pump priming noun specialized the activity of helping a business ,programm ,economy    etc   to  develop by  giving it money.  The government is carding small,pump-priming grants to single moter who are starting their own businesses.
noun a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sound like another word:she made a couple of dreadful puns.  This is a well-known joke based on a pun “What’s  black and white and red   all  over   A newspaper
Verb  to make a pun
Noun      (c)a forceful hit with a fist (="closed" hand) she gave him a punch lik on us in the nose effect
2 U the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people ,I felt the performance speech presntation lacked punch DRnk  3  a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices pieces of frut and often wine or other alcoholic drinks tool  4  a piece of equoce  which cuts boles in a maena by pushing a piece of met through it a ticket punch have you seen the hole puneh anywhere?
Verb(t) hit 1  to hit someone or something with your FIST (="closed" hand);He punched him in the stomach.2 MALY US to hit with your fingers the bugins on a telephone or the kdys on a keys on a keyboard USE TOCL make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment:I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper  .This belt’s too big .I’ll have to punch an extra hole in it.
Idioms punch sb’s lights out informal to hit someone repeatedly very hard punch the clock us to put a card into a special machine to record the times you amive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock,he just disappeared one morning and was mever heard from again.
What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?

A.Talk withB.ask for information.C.Listen toD.Provide with evidence
When Sally says“The TV propram kept pumping out commercials”,she may be______.
What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?
A.sums of moneyB.Raw materials
C.informative and significantD.intereing and powerful
When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not_____.
A.fluent and impressiveB.logical and moving
C.informative and significantD.interestitng and powerful

Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.

                          Important words to learn:E Essential I improver A Advanced


  noun [C] DEVICE 1 A a piece of equipment which is

used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place


8 type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of

fastening it to the foot which is worn by women

3 [USUALLY PLURAL]  type of flat shoe, like a BALIET dancer’s shoe when is worn by women 4 [USUALLY PLURAL]UK a flat·shoe made of heavy cloth, which is worn by children for doing sports.


liquid or gas to move somewhere:our latest machine can

pump a hundred gallors a minute , o The new wine is

pumped into stirage tanks.o The heart pumos blood

through the arteries/round the body. INFORMATION2[T]

INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information,

especially in a way that is not direce:She was pumping me

for details of the new projece.

Idioms pump sb’s hand to SHAKE someone’s hand

(=hold their hand and move it up and down, espacially

In order to greet them)·pump lron INFORMAL to lift

Heavy weights for exercise: These days both men and

Women pump iron far fitnets.

 Pharsal verbs pump sth into sth to spend    

Money trying to make something operate succesfully:

They had been pumpinh money into the business for some

Years without seeing any results.

Pump sth out(M)REMOVE1 to remove water or other

liquid from something using a pump:We took turns


to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated,

forceful and continuous: The government keeps pumping

out the same old propaganda.O The car radio was

pumping out music with a heacy beat.

Pump out sth someone’s stomach is pumped out, a

Poisonous substance is removed from it by being-sucked

Through a tube. She had to go to hospital    

Stomach pumped out.

Pump sth up [M] INFORMAL to make someone feel more

contident or excited: He was offering them advince and

trying to pump them up.O[R]The players were pumping

themselves up by singing the national anthem, before the


Pump sth up[M]1 to fill something with air using a

pump: Have you pumped up the balloons yet?O I must

pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase

something by a large amount:The US was able to pump

up exports.O Let’s pump up the tolume a bit!

Pump-action /pamp ek/ n/adjective describes a device which operates by forcing song     especially air ,in or out of a closed space or container, a pump-action shotgun , a pump   action   

Pump priming noun specialized the activity of helping a business ,programm ,economy    etc   to  develop by  giving it money.  The government is carding small,pump-priming grants to single moter who are starting their own businesses.


noun a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sound like another word:she made a couple of dreadful puns.  This is a well-known joke based on a pun “What’s  black and white and red   all  over   A newspaper

Verb  to make a pun


Noun      (c)a forceful hit with a fist (=closed hand) she gave him a punch lik on us in the nose effect

2 U the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people ,I felt the performance speech presntation lacked punch DRnk  3  a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices pieces of frut and often wine or other alcoholic drinks tool  4  a piece of equoce  which cuts boles in a maena by pushing a piece of met through it a ticket punch have you seen the hole puneh anywhere?

    Verb(t) hit 1  to hit someone or something with your FIST (=closed hand);He punched him in the stomach.2 MALY US to hit with your fingers the bugins on a telephone or the kdys on a keys on a keyboard USE TOCL make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment:I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper  .This belt’s too big .I’ll have to punch an extra hole in it.

Idioms punch sb’s lights out informal to hit someone repeatedly very hard punch the clock us to put a card into a special machine to record the times you amive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock,he just disappeared one morning and was mever heard from again.


What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?

A.Talk with   B.ask for information.    C.Listen to    D.Provide with evidence


When Sally says“The TV propram kept pumping out commercials”,she may be______.

A.excited   B.interested   C.annoyed   D.annoyed


What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?

A. sums of money          B.Raw materials

C.informative and significant    D.intereing and powerful


When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not_____.

A.fluent and impressive       B.logical and moving

C.informative and significant   D.interestitng and powerful



This is voice of America. It is February 13, 2009 and our traditional Valentine’s Day will fall tomorrow. Some famous movies about love stories will be on show at Emperor Theater on February 14. Book online(www. emperortheater. com now for the following movies you can watch them at half price.




Before Sam (Patrick Swayze) is murdered in a robbery, he tells his fiancée Molly (Demi Moore) he’ll love and protect her forever. His love enables him to remain on earth as a ghost and communicate with Molly through a spiritualist(巫师).This movie will make you and your partner get close and embrace each other as you realize how precious life is.



The film lets you know exactly what you’re in for. Oliver (Ryan O’Neal) and Jennifer (Ali MacGraw) are students at famous universities. They’re an unlikely couple who can’t stop arguing. Oliver is a wealthy athlete and Jennifer is a free-spirited music student. Despite everything,love makes them stay together. If your own relationship is rocky,the movie’s famous line will strike a chord(引起共鸣). “Love means” never having to say you’re sorry.





Does sex make it impossible for men and women to be true friends?This comedy features this dilemma(两难选择).Having just graduated from university,Sally (Meg Ryan) catches a ride with Harry (Billy Crystal) to New York City where they both are moving. Over 13 years,they keep running into each other,but the two stubbornly resist dating. Eventually they realize that they were just meant for each other. Platonic(柏拉图式的)friendships are hard to manage,and this movie hits the problem on the head.




Average high school senior Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) has a good heart but limited ambition. He has a secret crush(迷恋)on beautiful genius Daine Court (Ione Skye), who is closely protected by her father. Daine gradually falls for the charms of Lloyd’s nervous chatter(闲聊)and kind heart. But when she gets a scholarship to study in England,she has a weighty decision to make.


1.The above films are especially suitable for watching ________.

A.on Thanksgiving Day    B.on Independent Day

C.at Christmas        D.on Valentine’s Day

2.The following movies are of the realistic theme EXCEPT ________.

A.Ghost           B.Love Story

C.When Harry Met Sally    D.Say Anything...

3.Which film is suitable for couples who are having constant fights or facing troubles?

A.Ghost           B.Love Story

C.When Harry Met Sally    D.Say Anything...

4.________ is the starring actress of the film Say Anything...

A.John Cusack   B.Ali MacGraw

C.Lone Skye    D.Demi Moore


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