
This is voice of America. It is February 13, 2009 and our traditional Valentine’s Day will fall tomorrow. Some famous movies about love stories will be on show at Emperor Theater on February 14. Book online(www. emperortheater. com now for the following movies you can watch them at half price.




Before Sam (Patrick Swayze) is murdered in a robbery, he tells his fiancée Molly (Demi Moore) he’ll love and protect her forever. His love enables him to remain on earth as a ghost and communicate with Molly through a spiritualist(巫师).This movie will make you and your partner get close and embrace each other as you realize how precious life is.



The film lets you know exactly what you’re in for. Oliver (Ryan O’Neal) and Jennifer (Ali MacGraw) are students at famous universities. They’re an unlikely couple who can’t stop arguing. Oliver is a wealthy athlete and Jennifer is a free-spirited music student. Despite everything,love makes them stay together. If your own relationship is rocky,the movie’s famous line will strike a chord(引起共鸣). “Love means” never having to say you’re sorry.





Does sex make it impossible for men and women to be true friends?This comedy features this dilemma(两难选择).Having just graduated from university,Sally (Meg Ryan) catches a ride with Harry (Billy Crystal) to New York City where they both are moving. Over 13 years,they keep running into each other,but the two stubbornly resist dating. Eventually they realize that they were just meant for each other. Platonic(柏拉图式的)friendships are hard to manage,and this movie hits the problem on the head.




Average high school senior Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) has a good heart but limited ambition. He has a secret crush(迷恋)on beautiful genius Daine Court (Ione Skye), who is closely protected by her father. Daine gradually falls for the charms of Lloyd’s nervous chatter(闲聊)and kind heart. But when she gets a scholarship to study in England,she has a weighty decision to make.


1.The above films are especially suitable for watching ________.

A.on Thanksgiving Day    B.on Independent Day

C.at Christmas        D.on Valentine’s Day

2.The following movies are of the realistic theme EXCEPT ________.

A.Ghost           B.Love Story

C.When Harry Met Sally    D.Say Anything...

3.Which film is suitable for couples who are having constant fights or facing troubles?

A.Ghost           B.Love Story

C.When Harry Met Sally    D.Say Anything...

4.________ is the starring actress of the film Say Anything...

A.John Cusack   B.Ali MacGraw

C.Lone Skye    D.Demi Moore


1—4 DABC


1. 推理判断题。这四部电影都是爱情题材,最适合在情人节观看。

2. 推理判断题。从电影名称和内容介绍的第二句等处可知该电影带有神话色彩。

3. 推理判断题。由Love Story内容介绍倒数第二句可知该电影适合那些经常打架吵闹的夫妇观看。




We answer some questions this week in our series on getting into an American college or university.

The first question has to do with our recent discussion of English language tests.Vo Ngoc Toan from Vietnam would like to know about the TOEIC,which is designed to men―sure skills in English as spoken in the workplace.People may be required to take it if they apply for jobs with companies or other employers.But TOEIC scores aren’t used for college admission in the United States.

The Educational Testing Service administrates the TOEIC.It says the test measures the language skills of people working in an international environment.But,American colleges and  universities accept scores from the TOEFL and often the IELTS.If you missed our report on  these tests.you can find it at our website www.unsv.com.

Tahir Mahmood from Pakistan asks how to improve his English before taking these kinds of tests.Well,you can start by looking for ways to use English as much as you can.Watch American movies and TV shows and read books in English.Look for English speakers to talk to.

    The Internet has many free materials for English t learners.Visitors to www.unsv.com,for example,can read, listen and watch programs on many,different subjects. The US. Department of Education recently launched a flee website designed to help immigrants learn English.The site is called USA Learns at usalearns.org,like chinadaily.com.cn in China.Next,a question from Turkey:Hasan Eker asks about getting a postdoctoral(博士后的) position in the United States.This is work generally done by a person who recently earned a PhD.The National Postdoctoral Association in Washington has information about international postdocs on its website nationalpostdoc.org.

And,finally,we have questions from Iran,Afghanistan and Indonesia about how to pay for an education through jobs.There’re rules that restrict the kinds of jobs that foreign students can have while studying. in the United States.


  61.The purpose of the passage is               

    A.to ask some questions on entering American universities

    B.to introduce readers the TOEIC

    C.to attract more people to click the websites

    D.to help do with some puzzles on entering American colleges

  62.What do we know about TOEIC?

    A.It is a must for those who go to American universities.

    B.Those who apply for a job with companies have to take it.

    C.It is to test a person’s language skills in the workplace.

    D.It’s a test designed for students to graduate from universities.

  63.How many questions are answered in this passage?

    A.2    B.3    C.4    D.5

 64.If you want to learn English, you can go to the following websites EXCEPT        

     A.www.unsv.com          B.www.nationalpostdoc.org

    C.www.usalearns.org       D.www.chinadaily.com.cn

 65.We can conclude from the passage that                  

    A.foreign students are not permitted to do whatever jobs they like in the US

    B.IELTS is also necessary for job application like TOEIC.

    C.every graduate from colleges can get a postdoctoral position if they want to

    D.students from Iran aren’t.allowed to have jobs in America

We answer some questions this week in our series on getting into an American college or university.

The first question has to do with our recent discussion of English language tests.Vo Ngoc Toan from Vietnam would like to know about the TOEIC,which is designed to men—sure skills in English as spoken in the workplace.People may be required to take it if they apply for jobs with companies or other employers.But TOEIC scores aren’t used for college admission in the United States.

The Educational Testing Service administrates the TOEIC.It says the test measures the     language skills of people working in an international environment.But,American colleges and  universities accept scores from the TOEFL and often the IELTS.If you missed our report on  these tests.you can find it at our website www.unsv.com.

Tahir Mahmood from Pakistan asks how to improve his English before taking these kinds of tests.Well,you can start by looking for ways to use English as much as you can.Watch American movies and TV shows and read books in English.Look for English speakers to talk to.

    The Internet has many free materials for English t learners.Visitors to www.unsv.com,for example,can read, listen and watch programs on many,different subjects。The US。Department  of Education recently launched a flee website designed to help immigrants learn English.The site is called USA Learns at usalearns.org,like chinadaily.com.cn in China.Next,a question from Turkey:Hasan Eker asks about。getting a postdoctoral(博士后的) position in the United States.This is work generally done by a person who recently earned a PhD.The National Postdoctoral Association in Washington has information about international postdocs on its website nationalpostdoc.org.

And,finally,we have questions from Iran,Afghanistan and Indonesia about how to pay for an education through jobs.There’re rules that restrict the kinds of jobs that foreign students can have while studying。in the United States.

1.The purpose of the passage is                .

    A.to ask some questions on entering American universities

    B.to introduce readers the TOEIC

    C.to attract more people to click the websites

    D.to help do with some puzzles on entering American colleges

2.What do we know about TOEIC?

    A.It is a must for those who go to American universities.

    B.Those who apply for a job with companies have to take it.

    C.It is to test a person’s language skills in the workplace.

    D.It’s a test designed for students to graduate from universities.

3.How many questions are answered in this passage?

    A.2           B.3           C.4         D.5

4.If you want to learn English, you can go to the following websites EXCEPT         .

     A.www.unsv.com             B.www.nationalpostdoc.org

    C.www.usalearns.org            D.www.chinadaily.com.cn

5.We can conclude from the passage that                  

    A.foreign students are not permitted to do whatever jobs they like in the US

    B.IELTS is also necessary for job application like TOEIC。

    C.every graduate from colleges can get a postdoctoral position if they want to

    D.students from Iran aren’t allowed to have jobs in America

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