
There was one shop in the town of Mufulira which was widely known for its racial discrimination. It was a drugstore. While Europeans were served at the counter, a long line of Africans queued at the window and often not only were kept waiting but were treated rudely by the shop assistants. One day I was determined to make a public protest (抗议) against this kind of thing, and many of the schoolboys in my class followed me to the store,
I simply went into the shop and asked the manager politely for some medicine. As soon as he saw me standing in the place where only European customers were allowed to stand he shouted at me in a bastard (怪声怪气的) language which is only used by a boss when speaking to his servants. I stood at the counter and politely requested in proper English that I should be served. The manager became angry and said, “Even if you stand there till Christmas, I will never serve you.”
I went to the District Commissioner’s office. Fortunately, he was out, for he was one of the old school; however, I saw a young District officer who was a friend of mine. He was very concerned to hear my story and told me that all I had to do was come to him personally and he wou1d buy my medicine for me. I protested that that was not good enough. I asked him to accompany me back to the store and to make a protest to the manager. This he did, and I well remember him saying to the manager,“Here is Mr. Kaunda who is a responsible member of the Urban Advisory Council, and you treat him like a common servant.” The manager of the drugstore apologized and said, “If only he had introduced himself and explained who he was, then, of course I should have given him proper service.”
I had to explain once again that he had missed my point. Why should I have to introduce myself every time I went into a store … any more than I should have to buy my medicine by going to a European friend? I want to prove that any man of any color, whatever his position, should have the right to go into any shop and buy what he wanted, After all, the money which I paid across the counter was exactly the same money as was paid by a European customer.
72. The writer was, at the time of the story, _________.
A. a European officer
B. an African servant
C. a drugstore assistant
D. a black school teacher
73. The manager of the drugstore shouted at the writer in dirty words because     .
A. he could not speak English in a polite way
B. he thought the writer wouldn’t understand English
C. that was the language he used when speaking to Africans
D. that was the only language he could speak when he was angry
74. In paragraph 3, the underlined sentence “he was one of the old school” means    .
A. he stuck to those old racial ideas
B. he graduated from an old white school
C. he was in charge of an old black school
D. he was an old official in the government
75. Why didn’t the writer wait at the window of the drugstore like other Africans?
A. He believed his white friends would help him out.
B. He wanted to fight for equal rights of all black people.
C. He thought he was educated and should he treated differently.
D. He thought, being an important person. he should not be kept waiting.

Why should you learn Sign Language? Do you want to improve your communication with a family member or friend who is deaf? Do you want to be able to communicate with deaf people in general? Would you like to advance in your career by being able to communicate in ASL? Do you want to be a Sign Language interpreter?
Sign language is not just a random (随意的) collection of gestures but a full-blown (完全成熟的) language in its own right, complete with its own grammatical rules. Each country or region has its own sign language, as different from each other as English is from Spanish. Each version of sign language is somewhat linked to the spoken language in its region. For example, American sign language does share similarities with English, even though it is its own language.
The advantages of knowing sign language in addition to a spoken language are many. Communication becomes possible on many levels with the deaf community, with other people either hearing or not in any of the above situations, as well as many more.
While other languages take years to learn, American Sign Language can be taught in a much shorter time period. It is one of the easiest languages to learn because most of the signs were developed to mimic the actual word or phrase it is representing. Even the alphabet signs look like the letters of the English alphabet.
American Sign Language, or ASL, is the third most used language in the United States. Used by the deaf community, interpreters, and friends and family of the deaf. There are a lot of sites on the internet that not only shows you the sign with video, but will help you practice reading signs as well.
Teaching even hearing babies sign language seems to be the fashion in recent years and for good reason. Communicating in sign language is fun and natural as babies naturally use body gestures in early communication. Teaching baby sign language actually appears to enhance the learning of verbal skills and brain development of the children involved.
小题1:Which two regions share similarities in their sign language?
A. Spain and Britain.
B. Mexico and USA.
C. Australia and Canada.
D. Japan and Korea.
小题2:Sign language ________.
A.is a collection of gestures
B.is easier to learn than English
C.is not very popular in USA
D.has no link to the spoken language
小题3:One of the reasons for learning sign language is that it ________.
A.increase self-confidence
B.provides more choices of career
C.trains brains
D.is interesting
小题4:Babies’ learning sign language cannot ________.
A.help them talk sooner
B.help them walk sooner
C.increase communication at a very early age
D.enrich relationship with parents and the people who take care of them
小题5:Which of the following topics is not discussed in the passage?
A.What is sign language?
B.The advantages of knowing sign language.
C.The relation of American sign language and English.
D.Ways of learning sign language.

Fish contains lost of omega-3 fatty acids.These fatty acids have been shown to help prevent heart disease,lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes.Researchers suggest that these benefits of eating fish far outweigh the risks of getting sick from contaminated fish.
Ongoing studies find that omega-3 fatty acids work magic on the brain too.Pregnant? Go out and eat fish! One study tracked a group of expectant women who ate more than 340 grams of fish per week.It turns out they gave birth to children who,years later,scored really high on IQ tests.
How can you add fish to your diet? One way to begin is by replacing meat with fish in one meal a week.Instead of frying,which retains more fat,try boiling your fish in an oven or grilling it outdoors.And don’t be afraid to spice up your fish.Garlic,herbs other spices can add wonderful flavors to fish.
For lighter meals,keep a few cans of tuna or other fish on hand at all times.They’re great for making tasty sandwiches or fish burgers.If you get hungry in the middle of the morning or afternoon,try tuna on crackers.It’s hard to find a better snack.And parents,be sure to introduce fish to your children.It’s important for them to get used to eating it at a young age·
67.What does the writer discuss in this passage?
A.Chemicals in popular drinks                        B.The best way to lose weight
C.Famous fast food restaurants                        D.Reasons for having seafood
68.What does the writer point out about the women in the study group?
A.They cooked for their husbands.            B.They were going to have babies.
C.They grew their own vegetables.               D.They lived with elderly parents.
69.What does the author imply about omega-3 fatty acids?
A.They can make kids smarter.                           B.They are found in most foods.
C.They last for just a few days.                           D.They create significant risks.
70.Why is grilling better than frying?
A.It’s fancier.         B.It’s quicker.         C.It’s cheaper.         D.It’s healthier.
71.According to the author,when is a good time to have tuna on crackers?
A.At lunchtime.                                                B.During a party.
C.Between meals.                                       D.After midnight.

Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act as they like. No one, however, can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society without considering the interests(利益) of others as well as his own interests. “Society” means a group of people with the same laws and the same way of life. People in society may make their own decisions, but these decisions ought not to be unjust(不公平) or harmful to others. One man’s decisions may so easily harm another person. For example, a motorist may be in a hurry to get to a friend’s house. He sets out, driving at full speed like a competitor in a motor race. There are other vehicles and also pedestrians (行人) on the road. Suddenly there is a crash. There are screams and confusion. One careless motorist has struck another car. The collision(碰撞) has injured two of the passengers and killed the third. Too many road accidents happen through the thoughtlessness of selfish drivers.
We have governments, the police and the law courts to prevent or to punish such criminal acts. But in addition, all men ought to observe certain rules of conduct. Every man ought to behave with consideration for other men. He ought not to steal, cheat, or destroy the property(财产) of others. There is no place of this sort of behavior in a civilized society.
1. A man cannot have his own way all the time because________.
A. he may have no interest in other people
B. he has to share the same interest with the people in the same society
C. his decisions are always unjust         D. his decisions always harm other people
2. According to the passage, people in a civilized society should usually______.
A. be honest to each other                   B. be cautions in doing everything
C. behave in a responsible way            D. punish criminal acts
3. The purpose of this passage is to_________.
A. tell people how to behave in society
B. illustrate the importance of laws
C. teach people how to prevent criminal acts
D. persuade people not to make their own decisions
4. It is implied that there will be fewer road accidents if_______.
A. the drivers are more considerate(体贴的) of other people
B. there are fewer cars or walkers in the street
C. the motorists are not always in a hurry
D. the passengers are calm but not confused before the accidents
5. We can draw a conclusion that_______.
A. the government should contribute more efforts
B. the criminals should be more severely punished
C. man should be more strict with himself
D. man should have more and more similar interests
   CHICAGO ---Call it a reward, or just “bribery(贿赂)”.
Whichever it is, many parents today readily admit to buying off their children, who get goodies(好东西) for anything from behaving in a restaurant to sleeping all night in their own beds.
That’s what worries parenting experts.
“I think that reward systems have a time and a place and work really well in certain situations,” says Marcy Safyer, director of the Adelphi University Institute for Parenting.
“But what often gets lost for people is being able to figure out how to communicate to their kids that doing the thing is rewarding enough,” Safyer says.
Parents and experts alike agree that the dynamic(动力) is partly a reflection of the world we live in. It’s unrealistic to think a parent wouldn’t reward their children with material things sometimes, says Robin Lanzi, a clinical psychologist and mother of four who’s the research director at the Center on Health and Education at Georgetown University.
“But you want to make sure that they match the behavior, so it’s not something huge for something small,” Lanzi says.
She recalls hearing about a father who offered his child a Nintendo Wii game system for scoring a couple goals in a soccer game.
Elizabeth Powell, a mother of two young daughters in Austin, Texas, knows what she means.
“You want to raise them in a way that they’re respectful and appreciate things,” Powell says of her children. “But sometimes, you wonder now if kids appreciate even a new pair of shoes. ”
小题1:Parenting experts are worried that ____ .
A.today’s children are fed up with material things
B.parents are rewarding their kids improperly
C.today’s children are more and more demanding(苛求的)
D.there is lack of communication between parents and children
小题2:What Safyer says suggests that ____ .
A.reward systems are quite limited in developing abilities
B.reward systems work well regardless of(不管) time and place
C.reward systems are still not made full use of to develop abilities
D.reward systems are often used at the wrong time and place
小题3:What can we learn from what Robin Lanzi says?
A.She holds a different opinion from other parenting experts.
B.She thinks children can’t behave well without being rewarded.
C.She holds a similar belief to Safyer and gives further explanation.
D.She doesn’t believe in rewarding children for good behavior.
小题4:The father who offered his child a Nintendo Wii game system can be regarded as
A.over-rewarding his child
B.giving his child proper reward
C.respecting and appreciating his child
D.giving something small for something huge

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题,每题1. 5分,满分30分)
Learn and Earn
Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company (批发公司) together just after graduation. They both worked very hard.
After several years, the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie   36   a salesman. One day Charlie could not   37   it any more. He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained(抱怨) that the boss did not   38   hard-working employees(雇员), but only raised those who tried to please him. He thought that it was really   39  .
The boss knew that Charlie had spared no   40   for the company all these years, but in order to help Charlie to realize the   41   between him and Jackie, the boss asked Charlie to do the   42  . "Go and find out if there is anyone selling watermelons(西瓜) in the market." Charlie went, returned and   43   said, "Yes." The boss asked, "How much per kg?" Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to   44  , "$ 12 per kg."
The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the   45   question. Jackie went, returned and said, "Boss, only one person selling watermelons. $ 12 per kg, $ 100 for 10 kg. He has a   46   of 340 melons. On the table are 58 melons, and every melon weighs about 15 kg,   47   from the South two days ago. They are fresh, red, and of good   48  ."
Charlie was   49    and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie.  He decided not to   50   but to learn from Jackie.
My dear friends, you know, a more   51   person is more observant, thinks more and understands in   52  . For the same matter, he sees several years ahead,   53   you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, so how could you   54   ?
Think: how far have you seen ahead in your life? How   55   are you?
36.A. made     B. became      C. remained    D. kept
37.A. take      B. do      C. get      D. put
38.A. enjoy    B. meet   C. repay  D. value
39.A. unusual B. unfair C. careless      D. selfless
40.A. rest       B. trouble       C. effect  D. effort
41.A. competition  B. relationship       C. difference   D. distance
42.A. following     B. finding       C. shopping    D. searching
43.A. still       B. again  C. even   D. only
44.A. offer     B. answer       C. remind       D. repeat
45.A. difficult B. familiar      C. same   D. simple
46.A. total      B. lot      C. pile     D. number
47.A. taken     B. come  C. bought       D. heard
48.A. value     B. quality       C. condition    D. shape
49.A. struck    B. moved       C. puzzled      D. encouraged
50.A. stay       B. stop    C. work   D. leave
51.A. important     B. intelligent   C. successful   D. hardworking
52.A. time      B. depth  C. need   D. common
53.A. while    B. though       C. unless D. since
54.A. see B. think   C. know  D. win
55.A. hopeful B. thoughtful  C. helpful       D. meaningful

The Internet has helped to connect and bring the entire world together. As a result, people now use the Internet to choose services, products and websites that come on the 1st or 2nd page of Google. The Internet has unbelievably revolutionized the whole world and the way in which businesses sell products online.
A recent survey found that Australians are going crazy for online shopping and beating world records for online purchasing. In Australia, over 10 million people now use Google, Yahoo and MSN to find products and services online. 92% of people do not go further, if they find their desired products and services on the 1st or 2nd page of their search. This proves that now consumers have changed their shopping preferences and prefer to shop online rather than visit shopping centers.
There are a number of websites in Australia selling products online. And each website is trying its best to pulltraffic towards the website. It is easy to get traffic, but the whole effort is successful only when there is a sale out of those users viewing your site.
In Australia, people are fond of 100% Australian owned and operated goods. People in Australia prefer to buy things online securely and safely. So there are a few tips that online shoppers should follow before buying online:
☆dentify your dealer and try to know the contact address of the company.
☆Carefully read the description of products before buying and take special note of refunds(退款) of products.
☆Check the cost of products and the way of payment. Also note the extra charges that may be included such as credit cards (信用卡) charges.
☆Get detailed information on confirmation of the order.
☆Check the time between the order and delivery of product.
The main benefit of online shopping is the availability of a huge variety of products in one single website. That makes the selection process easier. If you also want to make your shopping experience unforgettable, then find the best online department store for your desired products and choose the items that offer discounts and bargains online.
60. The passage is mainly about__________.
A. how we can buy things online securely and safely
B. how the Internet has changed the world and the way business is done
C. how the Internet has helped to connect and bring the entire world together
D. how the Internet has changed Australians’ shopping habit and tips for online shopping
61. The underlined word “traffic” in the third paragraph probably means“________”.
A. the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit
B. the vehicles moving along a road or street
C. the communication between different people
D. the trade between different countries
62. We can infer from the passage that __________.
A. you will be charged more if you use a credit card
B. there are many tricks about shopping online
C. the success of an online store isn’t about getting many users
D. people don’t visit shopping centers due to the bad traffic
63. Which of the following opinions probably does the writer hold?
A. Shopping online is a good thing, so the government should encourage it.
B. Shopping online is a dangerous thing, so we should forbid it.
C. Shopping online is a new thing and we need to be careful about it.  
D. Shopping online is a fashionable thing and everyone should follow it.

We were driving in the right lane (车道)when, all of a sudden, a black car pulled out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on his brakes, skidded(打滑). And missed the black car’s back end by just inches! The driver of the black car. Who almost caused a major accident . turned his head angrily and started shouting bad words at us .
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. I mean, my taxi driver was friendly. So, I said, Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to hospital!” and the following is what my taxi driver told me, which I now call “the law of the garbage truck”.
“Many people are like garbage trucks. The run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump(倾卸) it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.”
So this is it: “the law if the garbage trucks”. I started thinking: how often do I let “Garbage trucks” run right over me? and how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, or in the streets? It was then that I said, “I’m not going to do it anymore.”
I began to see “Garbage trucks”. I see the load they’re carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my taxi driver, I don’t make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave , and move on.。
Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. What about you? The mark of a successful person is how quickly he can get back his focus on what’s important.
56.Who acted like a garbage truck in the incident described in the first two paragraphs ?
A.The author                                          B.The taxi driver
C.The driver of the black car                D.Both drivers
57.The underlined part “the load” in Paragraph 5 refers to“     ”.
A.bad mood        B.excitement             C.new products           D.waste materials
58.What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?
A.Ignore unpleasantness and stick to your tasks
B.Try to be good leaders as well as good parents
C.Always be kind and hard-working
D.Do things quickly so as to be ready for the next

A new study shows that fat people in the United States suffer direct economic and social effects because of their size . The findings are from an 8-year study of about 100,000 people . The people studied were between the ages of 16 and 25 when the research began .
The researchers who carried out the study say they consider the people fat if they are in the top of 5% of the measurement in which weight is connected with height . For example , fat women in the study were about 160 centimeters tall and weighed about 90 kilograms . Fat men in the study were about 175 centimeters tall and weighed 100 kilograms . The researchers say that more than 1,000,000 Americans are that big . The researchers found that fat young women were more likely to lose social and economic power even if they were from wealthy families . The fat women also were 20% less likely to get married and they earned an average of about $6,700 a year less than other women . The study showed less severe effect on fat men . They earned an average of about $3,000 a year less than other men . Fat men also were 11% less likely to get married .
64. From this passage we know fat people in America were     
A. admired            B. respected           C. unhealthy          D. unpopular
65. Which of the following was not mentioned in this passage ?
A. The reason why fat people suffered .
B. The cause that caused people to be fat .
C. The standard of fat people .
D. The number of fat people .
66. The underlined word “severe” means         .
A. economic          B. social         C. serious              D. favorable
67. Fat people were inferior to(比……差)other people in      .
A. brain , human rights and payment
B. income , marriage and political rights
C. brain , education and marriage
D. marriage , getting jobs and income

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