

As Nicole and Mike Zupan get closer to retirement, they worry about more than just covering their own living expenses for the next several decades.

【1】 He is autistic(患自闭症的) and may never be able to live on his own. Their idea of retirement is to live a quiet life close to their son. 2 They want to create a special needs trust to help pay for treatment and other expenses he might face as an adult.

“Because of our son’s needs, I guess I never really considered true retirement for us,” she says.

3 She is to attend college in a few years.

The Zupans’ ideal plan is for Mike, 60, to retire first, in five to seven years, and for Nicole, 52, to continue working for several years beyond that before she joins him in retirement.

But before they can get there, they want to pay off the $18,000 in credit card debt, partly because their son’s treatment is not covered by insurance. They have about $230,000 left on the mortgage(按揭) for their home in Fairfax County, Va., which they assess will take about 12 years to pay off. 4

Matters are complicated by the fact that Nicole, who worked as a preschool teacher, is now unemployed while she recovers from foot operation. 5 Mike’s $120,000 income, which he earns as a government clerk, is enough to cover their basic living expenses. But Nicole wants to get back to work so the family could afford more treatment for Josef and pay down their debt faster. They also would be able to save more for their long-term goals, including retirement, their daughter’s college tuition and their son’s future living expenses.

A. Besides they have a $14,000 loan they used on home improvements.

B. It’s unlikely that Josef will go to college.

C. They’re also trying to save for their 14-year-old daughter, Elshaday.

D. They want to set aside enough money for their 15-year-old son, Josef.

E. It could be a few weeks before she can return to the workforce.

F. Can their retirement savings cover them?

G. He may need to move into a group home when he gets older.








试题分析:Nicole和Mike Zupan临近退休,他们担心接下来数十年的生活费用。

【1】D 第二段是在讲夫妇俩有一个自闭症儿子,他们想给儿子留一点钱,并担心他长大后的治疗和一些需求。可知36,37题分别选择D,G

【2】G 同上题解析



【5】E短文最后一段第一句Matters are complicated by the fact that Nicole, who worked as a preschool teacher, is now unemployed while she recovers from foot operation.说到妻子还没从脚手术康复过来,所以没有工作,在她重新工作之前还要几个周,目前只有丈夫的工作收入。由此可知选择E


【题目】After 30 years 【1】_____ a pilot, Captain Peter Elliott got to fly holiday-makers on a Thomas Cook flight from Birmingham, UK, to Tenerife, Spain with his daughter.

Senior First Officer Laura Elliott 2____(fly) for six years but has never before got to work with her father. “It’s my dream to be able to fly with my Dad,” she said.

It had seemed unlikely that the pair would ever co-pilot 3_____ same aircraft because Miss Elliott learned to fly on Airbus planes when she joined the company in 2009, and her father flew Boeings. However, after Peter Elliott, 59, retrained to fly Airbuses, their dream of flying together came true.

Miss Elliott, 30, became interested in flying when4____(inspire) by her father with a trial flight as her birthday present. Miss Elliott said: “Becoming a pilot was never something I had considered. It was only when my Dad bought me a trial flight for my 18th birthday5____ I considered following in my Dad’s footsteps.”

The pair finally sat in the cockpit (驾驶员座舱) together and Mr Elliott made an announcement to passengers6___ the flight made it a special day for him as he was flying with his daughter.

Miss Elliott recalled the flight, 7____(say), I was initially nervous and he kept asking 8_____ I was nervous or not. It was like going for a driving lesson with him. Thankfully, everything went smoothly and the passengers loved it. If it ever happens again, I will defiitely be a lot9____(relaxed).”

【题目】According to a new study by a Chinese newspaper, many young Chinese people are forgetting how to write their traditional Chinese characters. It is quite common that most Chinese school children grow up remembering more than 3,000 Chinese characters. However, the study shows they seldom need to write them by hand and are forgetting these characters. Instead, young people today are using their mobile phones and computers to write in a system called “pinyin” on the key board. A list of characters then appears on the screen for the writer to pick out the right one. The report said 83% of the 2,072 respondents (调查对象) have problems writing characters, while 43% said they only write when they need to sign something.

The problem is that they often take up their pens and forget the characters. Chinese characters are the oldest writing system in use in the world. They date back over 3,000 years. University student Li Hanwei, 21, said, “I can remember the shape, but I can’t remember the strokes (笔划) when I need to write it. It’s a bit of a problem. The phenomenon is common in China as well as in Japan, where Chinese characters are also used in writing.


1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词就“Don’t forget Chinese characters” 为题,写一篇短文,内容包括如下要点:






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