
【题目】My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it the other day and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked well, but I found one of my husband's socks missing. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

The next morning, I got ready for school as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in, I greeted them and told them what we were going to do that day. When I turned around to the blackboard, the class broke out a roar. They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was afraid the headmaster would be in and to see this. I asked the class to stop, but the more I talked, the more they laughed. I decided to pay no attention to them and continued to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they roared even more. Finally, the teacher who was in the next room came in to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too!

"Good heavens," I said. "Will someone please tell me what is so funny?"

"Oh, God, "said the teacher. "You have a brown sock stuck to the back of the skirt!"

So that's how I found my husband's missing sock.

"Oh, well," I said to the class, "Let's just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity (静电学). "

【1】From the passage we know that the writer cannot be __________.

A. a physics teacher

B. a good wife

C. a cleaner

D. a clever woman

【2】What happened when the writer turned around to write on the blackboard?

A. The class didn't pay attention to what the teacher said.

B. The class began to laugh loudly.

C. Another boy made faces in the classroom.

D. Another teacher came in.

【3】The reason why the writer couldn't find one of her husband's socks was that __________.

A. it was torn to pieces while being washed

B. her husband himself had taken it away

C. she had left it in the washing machine

D. it was stuck to the back of her own skirt

【4】 How did the writer react (反应) when she got to know why her students laughed?

A. She gave an explanation for the matter in a clever way.

B. She wanted to punish those students who laughed at her.

C. She tried to persuade the class to study physics well.

D. She regretted not having taught her students physics well.







【1】细节理解题。从最后一段static electricity可知,她为物理老师;I looked everywhere for it可知她是一位好妻子;最后一段她巧妙地处理教学事故,说明她聪明。

【2】词义猜测题。从第二段 the class broke out a roar. they laughed and laughed.可知 。


【4】推理判断题。从最后一段"Let's just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电学)."可知选 A。


【题目】The Beijing International Marathon has acquired a new name among some disappointed participants: Smogathon.

About 30,000 runners, many from other parts of China or abroad, awoke in the Chinese capital on Sunday to an orange sun glowing weakly through a dirty haze(雾霾). Some ran anyway. Some ran away. But no one cancelled on the advice of the organizers, the Chinese Athletic Association and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports, because those organizations did not call it off. That has made participants call the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), which has approved the 26-mile, or 42-kilometer race, to set air quality standards in the future to avoid damaging the runners’ health. The association could not be reached by telephone on Sunday.

“Does the IAAF have guidelines?” asked Chas Pope, a British engineer who took part in the marathon on Sunday. “If they don’t, they should consider it,” said Mr. Pope, who has lived in Beijing for 11 years and runs several long-distance races each year. “It’s meant to be fun and good for your health,” Mr. Pope said of the marathon. “But in such air, it’s just ridiculous to be running,” he said. He abandoned the course. “Most of my overseas friends pulled out,” he said. “And quite a few of my Chinese friends too, but a lot didn’t. I think they don’t know as much about the health impact.”

Images on Twitter and Chinese social media showed Chinese runners wearing a variety of face protections, from light cloth masks to World War I-style gas masks. Still many completed the race without masks. “Today’s race should definitely have been called off or rescheduled,” said Zhang Kai, Beijing-based campaigner with Greenpeace East Asia. “What happened today to this sports even is just another reminder to the government that much remains to be done to China’s energy and industrial structure to solve pollution,” said Mr. Zhang. “If the battle against pollution is a marathon, it is now time to catch up on speed.”

In the end, the race was won by two Ethiopians: Girmay Birhanu Gebru won the men’s race in 2 hours, 10 minutes and 42 seconds while Fatuma Sado Dergo won the women’s in 2 hours, 30 minutes and 3 seconds, breaking Chinese women’s advantage of the race for the last 22 years.

The favored Chinese woman runner, Gong Lihua, told China News Net that the smog didn’t affect her too much but it interfered with many people’s ability to sweat, affecting their performance.

【1The underlined sentences “Some ran anyway. Some ran away.” mean _____________.

A. Some runners who dropped out returned to run.

B. Some runners gave up after running a short distance.

C. Not all runners continued to run.

D. Most runners quit the race.

【2Why did participants call the IAAF?

A. To tell it the Beijing International Marathon was also named Smogathon.

B. To appeal to it to set air quality standards in the future.

C. To tell it the 42-kilometer race should be cancelled.

D. To appeal to it to make some laws to prevent pollution.

【3Which of the following states does Chas Pope agree to?

A. A dirty haze is harmful to health.

B. Running in any air is good.

C. The marathon in China should be cancelled.

D. Friends should learn from each other.

【4Zhang Kai thinks the battle against pollution _______.

A. will be the most urgent thing in China.

B. should be got rid of immediately.

C. is connected with China’s unreasonable energy and industrial structure.

D. will remind all the Chinese to reduce pollution.

【题目】 You might take a car, a bus, or a bike to school. But in Bangladesh, instead of waiting for a school bus to come down their street, many students wait for a school boat to come down the river. That’s right—these students attend school on a boat!

Bangladesh is very close to sea level.____ 【1】_____ The flooding creates many problems. For the nearly 160 million people living there, the periodic flooding means that they are often unable to access roads, electricity, or telephones.

Growing up in Bangladesh, Mohammed Rezwan was often troubled by the destruction. In 1998 he founded an organization called Shidhulai. The name means “self-reliance .” The purpose of the organization is to help the people of Bangladesh receive an education and also to bring technology and an improved quality of life to poor people in remote areas of the country. In 2002, Rezwan began transforming boats into schools. Each boat was built to house between 30 and 35 students. _______2_______The only difference was that they floated on a river.

______3_____ Today Rezwan and his organization operate 88 boats in northern Bangladesh. About half the boats are used as schools, and the other half are used as temporary houses during the flood season. In addition to the schools and the temporary housing, there are also a floating technology and training center, a library that allows students to check out books, and a health-care center. The school boats travel along the rivers and pick up students for classes that include computer technology, agriculture, and human rights.

At night the boats provide additional learning opportunities for students and adults. ______4______ They study using solar lamps that are charged during the day at stations near the river. Special equipment on the boats also projects lessons onto big screens made from sailcloth. People can come down to the riverbank to watch films. In all, these boats help educate close to 90,000 families in Bangladesh.

By floating down the rivers, the school boats provide more than books. ____5______ “This ‘library’ boat inspired me,” said 18-year-old student Shanto Islam, who enjoys reading science fiction books. “I started to dream.” Islam now wants to attend a university.

A. The boats had everything you might find in a regular classroom.

B. Parents living in the area are happy to have the boats.

C. These boats have been a great success.

D. Both of them can attend evening courses.

E. He did not want to design houses, though.

F. For this reason the land is flooded for five months of every year.

G. They also deliver knowledge, opportunity, and hope to all generations.

【题目】For many times, you have got the feeling that a white guy who is 20 looks like 30. And they go bald faster too. Though there are also some who look really young for their age, white people generally look older!

Why do they look older? I think its because of both genes and lifestyle. White people are generally taller, which makes them appear older. Moreover, they like to be sunburnt, which ages and damages the skin and causes wrinkles. A 15-year-old white girl is addicted to sunbeds and has been using them for 3 years and her skin is literally baked and dermatologists (皮肤科医生) say that she has the skin of a 35-year-old!

In fact, aging is based little on race, as it is on diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices. We tend to eat more skin-friendly food, like fish and beans, but white people do not eat them so much. Makeup is bad for skin and ages it quicker too, and generally, white people start to wear it much younger and use a lot of it. Some even start to experiment with makeup at about 8 or 9 and wear makeup properly at around 12 to 14. Some white celebrities might look a little younger due to their makeup, but still they look older than their age.

【1】 Whats the function of the first paragraph? (no more than 5 words)


2Why does the author think that the white look older? (no more than 5 words)


3How does the author prove that being sunburnt is harmful to ones skin? (no more than 4 words)


4What is aging mainly connected with according to the last paragraph? (no more than 6 words)


5According to the last paragraph, what makes white people look older than their age? (no more than 3 words)


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