
It was the beginning of a new term. As a(n)   36  teacher in that school, I didn’t know any of the students. A little girl was   37  at the gate of the classroom. She looked very   38 .
I walked up to her and asked   39  she stood there. But she said   40 . Instead, a boy shouted, “She is from Grade Four, the   41  student in her grade.” I looked at the little girl, who didn’t seem to be the smart kind. I   42  why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three. I took her hand and   43  her into the classroom.
“Sit here. Now you are my student and I’m your teacher,” I said. She   44  said nothing, but she burst into tears.
I later learnt that her parents   45  in a car accident, and she had   46  talking to others since then. She learnt very   47 . I gave her respect and never   48  her as I know everybody deserves (值得) respect. I   49  her after school, and she was making   50  little by little. I encouraged her and as   51  went by, she was not as shy as before. At the end of the term, she seemed to have forgotten all her   52 . She was not one of the best students when she left that school,   53  at least, she was not that shy and sad little girl any longer.
In the following   54 , she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day. Three days ago, I received a(n)   55  to her wedding. And now, I am at her wedding, and she is smiling brightly.
Everyone deserves respect and everyone can be happy!
A.played jokes withB.thought highly ofC.took care ofD.looked down upon
A.invitation B.cardC.keyD.letter

Holding a cell phone against your ear or stalling it in your pocket may be hazardous to your health.
This paraphrases a warning that cell phone; manufacturers include in the small print that is often tossed aside when a new phone is purchased.Apple, for example, doesn’t want iP hones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters; Research In Motion, Blackberry’s manufacturer, recommends 2.5 centimeters.
If health issues arise from cell phone use, the implications are huge.Voice calls - Americans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion minutes annually - generate $109 billion for the wireless carriers.
Devra Davis, an epidemiologist who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh, has published a book about cell phone radiation, "Disconnect." The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled.
  Brain cancer is a concern that Ms. Davis examines. Over all, there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population.
  "Most cancers have multiple causes," she says, but she points to laboratory research that suggests low-energy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer.
  Children are more vulnerable to radiation than adults, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out. Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid. No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children, she says.
  Henry Lai, a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington, began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiofrequency radiation had damaged DNA in their brains.
  Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone’s speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen.
小题1:We can infer from the passage that________.
A.Cell phone may do harm to our health if we hold it against our ear or store in our pocket
B.Devra Davis thinks that there are many factors contributing to cancer.
C.The increase in brain cancer in the young adults may have something to do with cell phone
D.Children are more likely to be affected by radiation
小题2:According to the passage, how could children avoid being hurt by cell phone radiation?
A.They can keep cell phones away from the abdomen.
B.They can send short massage instead of making phone calls directly.
C.They can pay more attention to the small print on the phone.
D.They should use more advanced cell phones.
小题3:From this passage we can learn that.________.
A.American cell phone manufacturers did not give any warning to their customers
B.American cell phone manufacturers benefit greatly from their products
C.Scientists have found the connection between brain cancer and ceil phone
D.Cell phone should be banned because of the increase in brain cancer
小题4:In which column can we most probably read this passage?
A.Advanced technology.B.Entertainment.
C.Science and life.D.Celebrity.
I’ll never forget my first daughter, who died too early from a bad accident. During those years, life was   36  . One Christmas I found my 3-year-old daughter   37  with a roll of golden wrapping paper. I had bought the paper to finish a rather important project. So I became   38  and scolded her loudly, “You are not good. And you are   39  your father’s money. You don’t know how hard your parents are working.” She was   40  and cried bitterly, running away.
    41 , she brought a gift, a golden   42  made of golden wrapping paper to me the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.” I was   43  of my earlier hurting words, but my anger rose again when I found out the box was   44 . I shouted at her, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?” She   45  at me with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew   46  into the box. They’re all for you, Daddy.”
I was completely   47 . I put my arms around her and begged for her   48 . A year later, a serious   49  took the life of my daughter. I was so sad that I   50  in bed for three days and three nights, saying nothing with tears rolling down my cheek. From then on, I hated cars and kept the golden box by my bed for many years. Whenever I was   51  , I would take out an imaginary kiss and   52  the love of my daughter who had put it there.
In a very real   53  , each one of us, as humans beings, has been given a golden container   54  with unconditional love and kisses ... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There are   55  no other possessions that anyone could hold more precious than this.
A.nice B.hardC.instructiveD.dull
A.looked aroundB.looked awayC.looked upD.looked down
A.eventB.illness C.operationD.accident
A.way B.stateC.directionD.sense
A.decorated B.filledC.coveredD.linked
A.onlyB.naturallyC.simply D.actually
When my son was first diagnosed with autism (孤独症), it was a very hard time for us.In some ways it was a  16_ because we finally knew the name.of the disease after visiting many hospitals, but it also  17__ years bf uncertainty, and we didn't know what  18_was like.
When I  19__the news with my coworkers, I was so surprised but happy to receive so much immediate   20  from them .They were focused on what we_21___, not how it would affect my ability to work.
One coworker in particular was  22__, She was always kind and considerate; She called me into her  23__ a few days later, and gave me a(n) "  24__stone''.It is a small stone with an indention (凹陷)for your  25__, It gives you something to  26__ when you're worried . rubbing your thumb around on this stone.It was a lovely 27__.It turned out to be an effective way to reduce anxiety.
She then made a permanent offer to 28_ us to any appointment or testing we needed. Considering the fact that we_ 29__ 90 minutes from where most.treatments took place, this was a(n)  30_offer.She made it very clear to me that this offer  31_last-minute trips or emergencies.Anytime we needed to go anywhere , She was willing to be our transportation.
We never did need to bother her,   32__ knowing it was there and that she was so willing to 33__ made it feel like we were much less _34  
I'm very grateful to her and.  35__ around us who came together to be a support system in our time of need.We were really moved by the level of support we received.
A.surpriseB.reliefC.pleasure D.success .
A.a dreamB.4 planC.the futureD.the job
小题5:A.treatment         B.love            C, complaints           D.gifts
A.focus onB.believe inC.care aboutD.know about
A.languageB.expressionC.gesture D.message
A.butB.LC.because D.if
小题18:A, move            B.wait               C.help          D.pay
The easy way out isn't always easiest . I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug , my husband of one month , to a special meal . I glanced through my cookbook and chose a menu(菜谱) which included homemade bread . Knowing the bread would take time , I started on it as soon as Doug left for work . As I was not experienced in cooking , I thought if a dozen was good , two dozens would be better , so I doubled(加倍)everything . As Doug loved oranges , I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl . Soon there was a sticky dough (面团) covered with ugly yellowish marks . Realizing I had been defeated , I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work , I went on preparing the rest of the meal , and , when Doug got home , we sat down to eat Cornish chicken with rice . He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed . Twice he got up and went outside , saying he thought he heard a noise . The third time he left , I went to the windows to see what he was doing . Looking out , I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin , holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container . When I came out of the house , he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in our rubbish bin . Picking up the stick again , he held the lid up enough for me to see . I felt cold . But I stepped closer and looked harder . Without doubt it was my work . The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast (酵母)made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing .It looked like some unknown being from outer space. I could see why Doug was so shaken. I had to admit what the 'living thing” was and why it was there . I don't know who was more embarrassed(尴尬)by the whole thing - Doug or me.
小题1:The writer's purpose in writing this story is ___________
A.to tell an interesting experience
B.to show the easiest way out of a difficulty
C.to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman
D.to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books
小题2:Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?
A.The canned orange had gone bad.
B.She didn't use the right kind of flour.
C.The cookbook was hard to understand.
D.She did not follow the directions closely.
小题3:Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?
A.She didn't see the use of keeping it
B.She meant to joke with her husband.
C.She didn't want her husband to see it .
D.She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.
小题4:What made the dough in the rubbish bin look frightening?
A.The rising and falling movement.
B.The strange-looking marks.
C.Its shape.
D.Its size.
小题5:When Doug went out the third time , the woman looked out of the window because she was ______________.
A.surprised at his being interested in the bin
B.afraid that he would discover her secret
C.unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal
D.curious to know what disturbed him
The man sitting opposite Robert was the Financial Controller. Everybody called him “the FC” for short. He made all the decisions about money. Robert needed some more. That was why he had to see him. The two men did not get on very well. In fact, they had always disliked each other.
“Your request is out of the question,” the FC said. Robert had difficulty in controlling himself, but he managed somehow. He explained that he wanted the money in order to make more programmes.
“And why do you want to do that?” the FC asked sharply. Again, Robert almost lost his temper. “Because more and more people are listening to my department’s programmes. There’s great demand for them,” he answered.
The FC did not seem to believe him. But Robert had a report on the numbers of listeners to all EBC programmes. The FC became less confident (自信). Robert threw the report down on the table and told him to read it.
The FC looked at it in silence. The figures (数字) proved that he had been wrong, but he did not want to admit it. “Well,” he finally said, “I may have made a small mistake.” Robert noticed the word “may.” He got up to leave. But he had the feeling that he would get the money after all.
小题1:In the story the Financial Controller was a person who was in charge of________.      
A. Robert’s department’s programmes.       B. EBC programmes.
C. EBC money.                          D. both B and C.
小题2:“Your request is out of the question.” Here “out of the question”means_______.
A.without any questionB.with some question.C.impossible.D.possible.
小题3: Robert decided to make more programmes because________.
A.he wanted to meet the needs of the listeners.
B.“the FC”disliked him
C.the members of his department wanted him to do so.
D.he wanted to show himself off.
小题4:Why were more and more people listening to Robert’s programmes?
A. Because he always lost his temper (脾气).
B. Because he disliked “the FC.”
C. Because the programmes were rich and to the taste of the listeners.
D. We don’t know.
小题5:Who do you think won the argument(争论)in the end?
A.The Financial Controller.B.Robert.C.Nobody.D.The listeners.
Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A--F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. TV’s Influence on Children’s Life
B. Argument Against Violence on TV
C. TV’s Influence on People’s Leisure Activities
D. The Importance of Violence in Real Life
E. Attractions of Violence on TV
F.  TV’s Power
Television has probably been the most powerful medium in shaping the new community. The electronic community gives us our mutual friends, our significant events and our daily chats. The “produced” relationships of television families become our models for intimacy. We know media stars better than we know our neighbors. Most of us can discuss their lives better than we can discuss those of our relatives. We think a man who plays a doctor on TV actually know something about medicine
TV isolates people in their spare time. People spend more time watching music videos but less time making music with each other. People in small town now watch international cable networks instead of driving to their neighbor’s house for cards. Women watch soaps instead of attending church circles or book clubs. When company comes, the kids are sent to the TV room with videos.
Parent are not the main influence in the lives of their children. Some of the first voices children hear are from the television, the first street they know is Sesame Street. A child playing Nintendo is learning different lessons than a child playing along a creek or playing dominoes with a grandfather.
The time devoted to violence on TV in no way reflects its importance in real life. In real life, most of us exercise, work, visit our friends, read, cook and eat and shop. Few of us spend any significant amount of our time solving murders or fleeing psychotic killers. On television there are many more detective and murderers than exist in the real world. A rule of thumb about violence is “If it bleeds, it leads.” Violence captures viewers’ attention. Our programs have become increasing violent.
Some might say that there is nothing new under the sun. Of course, in a narrow sense, they are correct. There have always been murderers, and stories about violence have been the theme of literature and song. However, things are different now. Children are exposed to hundreds of examples of violence every day. The frequency and intensity of these images is unprecedented in the history of humanity. We have clear records that this exposure makes it more likely that children will be violent and increase their fear levels about potential violence.
The speaker, a teacher from a community college, addressed a sympathetic(赞同的) audience. Heads nodded in agreement when he said, “High school English teachers are not doing their jobs.” He described the inadequacies of his students, all high school graduates who can use language only at a grade 9 level. I was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 level had been established.
My topic is not standards nor its decline(降低). What the speaker was really saying is that he is no longer young; he has been teaching for sixteen years, and is able to think and speak like a mature adult.
  My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. It is also human nature to look for the reasons for our dissatisfaction. Before English became a school subject in the late nineteenth century, it was difficult to find the target of the blame for language deficiencies (缺陷). But since then, English teachers have been under constant attack.
  The complainers think they have hit upon an original idea. As their own command of the language improves, they notice that young people do not have this same ability. Unaware that their own ability has developed through the years, they assume the new generation of young people must be hopeless in this respect. To the eyes and ears of sensitive adults the language of the young always seems inadequate.
Since this concern about the decline and fall of the English language is not perceived(察觉) as a generational phenomenon but rather as something new and peculiar(特有的) to today’s         young people, it naturally follows that today’s English teachers cannot be doing their jobs. Otherwise, young people would not commit offenses against the language.
小题1: The speaker the author mentioned in the passage believed that _____.
A.the language of the younger generation is usually inferior(差的) to that of the older
B.the students had a poor command of English because they didn’t work hard enough
C.he was an excellent language teacher because he had been teaching English for sixteen
D.English teachers should be held responsible for the students’ poor command of English
小题2: In the author’s opinion, the speaker ______.
A.gave a correct judgment of the English level of the students
B.had exaggerated(夸大) the language problems of the students
C.was right in saying that English teachers were not doing their jobs
D.could think and speak intelligently
小题3:The author’s attitude towards the speaker’s remarks is ______.
A.neutral B.positive C.critical D.compromising
小题4:It can be concluded from the passage that ______.
A.it is justifiable(有理由的) to include English as a school subject
B.the author disagrees with the speaker over the standard of English at Grade 9 level
C.English language teaching is by no means an easy job
D.language improvement needs time and effort
小题5:In the passage the author argues that ______.
A.it is unfair to blame the English teachers for the language deficiencies of the students
B.young people would not commit offences against the language if the teachers did their
jobs properly
C.to eliminate(消除) language deficiencies one must have sensitive eyes and ears
D.to improve the standard of English requires the effort of several generations

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