
3.Once upon a time,there was a mother who lived alone with her son.They worked very hard all year round(61)butthey still couldn't live a comfortable life.They really looked forward to making their life better,but didn't know how.
One year,a merchant came to the village.He needed (62)to spend(spend ) some weeks there.The merchant was so kind-hearted that he made a (63)decision (decide) to help the poor mother and her son.He gave (64)them some money from time to time.Because they (65)were helped (help) by the merchant,they lived a (66)better (good) life than before.
But one day,the woman talked to her son,"The merchant will leave sooner or later.After he leaves,we'll live(67)poorly (poor) again.Since he lives alone and isn't always at home,we can go and get all his money."But the son (68)immediately (immediate) refused to do so,saying,"Oh,no,Mom!We should never do that.He helps us a lot!We should be grateful to him instead of (69)robbing (rob) him."Having heard her son's words,the woman gave up her terrible idea.When the merchant left,he took the son with him and taught him how to do business.And the son returned as(70)asuccessful merchant.

分析 从前有位母亲和自己的儿子生活很贫困.有一年来了一位商人,他不时地接济这对母子.有一天母亲想抢了这位商人的钱,但儿子拒绝了.后来这位商人教会了这个孩子做生意,成了一位成功的商人.

解答 答案:61.but;考查连词.句意表达的是转折,要用but来连接.          
62.to spend;考查动词搭配.need to do sth需要做某事. 
64.them;考查代词.句意指代的是the poor mother and her son,且作gave的宾语,要用them来指代. 
65.were helped;考查语态.句中help与主语they构成动宾关系,要用被动语态.

点评 语法填空题是考查学生的语言运用能力.解题时,要在理解文章的基础上,灵活运用语法知识,如词性,时态,名词单复数,连接词,代词,冠词等判断空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

14.Lily:Hi!Billy.Are you planning to go to Susan's party tomorrow?
Billy:No,I don't have time.I have (61)an interview tomorrow for a part-time job.With the summer vacation (62)approaching (approach),I have to get a summer job.
Lily:Is it very common for Americans to work while they're in college?
Billy:Yes.A lot of students work part-time (63)to help (help) pay for their tuition (学费).Also,a lot of students who receive financial aid from the government or from their university (64)are required(require) to pay a certain amount each year.But some students work part-time so they can get some (65)useful (use) working experience.
Lily:What kinds of jobs are most common?
Billy:Working in a coffee shop or a restaurant (66)is (be) pretty common,but lots of students get jobs on campus too,like working in the library.Do lots of students work during their college years in China?
Lily:It (67)actually (actual) isn't very common for Chinese students to work part-time.
Billy:Why do you think that is?
Lily:Well.Tuition at Chinese universities isn't as expensive (68)as it is in the USA,but I think (69)itis considered as the main reason that most students want to concentrate all their attention (70)on their studies.
Billy:That's good too.
8.Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock."Oh no!"he thought to himself."Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time."
As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door.He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside."Bigwoods Football Pools(足球赌博公司)would like to congratulate you.You have won half a million pounds."
Frank suddenly came to life.The cigarette fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.
At 11:30Frank arrived at work."Please explain why you're so late,"his boss said."Go and jump in the lake,"replied Frank."I've just come into a little money so this is good-bye.Find yourself someone else to shout at."
That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar(雪茄) when a knock was heard on the door.He rushed to the door.Outside were two men,neatly(整洁) dressed in grey suits."Mr.Smithson,"one of them said,"we're from Bigwoods Football Pools.I'm afraid there's been a terrible mistake…"

29.What do we know about Frank?D
A.He was a lazy man.
B.He was a lucky person.
C.He didn't make a lot of money.
D.He didn't get on well with his boss.
30.When he heard the knock at the door,Frank probably thoughtB.
A.someone had come to make an apology
B.someone had come to give him the money
C.his friends had come to ask about the football pools
D.his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck
31.On hearing"…there's been a terrible mistake…"Frank was most likely to beC.
A.disappointed           B.worried    
C.nervous                D.curious.
13.This is a true story that happened in Japan.In order to repair the house,a Japanese tore open the walls.Japanese houses normally have an empty space between the wooden walls.When pulling down the walls,he found that there was a lizard(蜥蜴) staying there because a nail(钉子) from outside was hammered into one of its feet.He saw this,feeling pity and curious.When he checked the nail,he found it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.
     What happened?The lizard had survived in such a position for 10 years!It has been in a dark wall partition(夹层) for 10 years without moving!Then he wondered how this lizard survived for 10 years without moving a single step-since its foot was nailed!So he stopped his work and observed the lizard:What has it been doing?What and how has it been eating?Later,he didn't know from where another lizard appeared,with food in its mouth.Ah!He was astonished and touched deeply.The free lizard had been feeding it for the past 10 year s.
     Such love,a beautiful love!Such love happened with this tiny creature…What can love do?It can do wonders!Just think about it:one lizard had been feeding the other for 10 long years,without giving up hop e on its partner.If a small creature like a lizard can love like this,just imagine how we can love if we try.
16.How did the Japanese feel when seeing the lizard there?C
A.Frightened       B.Enjoyable      C.Confused       D.Usual
17.Why did the Japanese stop his work?D
A.To watch how long the lizard can still live here.
B.To take out the nail and set the lizard free.
C.To have a rest by watching the lizard.
D.To find out why the lizard had survived there for 10 years.
18.What can we learn from the free lizard?A
A.It teaches us never to give up our loved ones.
B.It teaches us to give more help to our loved ones.
C.It tells us to take pity on the stuck lizard.
D.It encourages us to live even longer.

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