
11.The naughty boy spends most of his time playing computer games ________his lessons.(  )
A.rather than studyB.other than studying
C.rather than studyingD.other than to study

分析 那个顽皮的男孩把他大部分时间花费在玩电脑游戏而不是学业上.

解答 答案:C.Rather than表示而非,而不是;other than表示"除…之外",都用于平行结构,又由spend time (in)doing 用法,故答案为C.

点评 本题侧重形近短语辨析和基本语法知识,学生平时应加强相关知识的理解和记忆.

18.A healthy amount of sunshine may be the secret to staying young.British scientists have discovered.
Vitamin D is produced naturally by the skin in response to(对…的反应) sunlight and may help to slow the ageing process and protect against heart disease,according to the study.
Researchers from King's College London studied 2,160women aged between 18and 79,looking at their telomeres---a biological marker of ageing found in DNA.As people get older,their telomeres get shorter and they become more susceptible(易受伤害的) to certain illnesses.
But the study found women with high levels of vitamin D had comparatively longer telomeres---a sign of being biologically younger and healthier.
The study suggests vitamin D may help to slow down the ageing(变老,老化) process of DNA,and therefore the ageing process as a whole.
Lead researcher Dr Brent Richards said,"These results are exciting because they show for the first time that people who have higher levels of vitamin D may age more slowly than people with lower levels of vitamin D."This could help to explain how vitamin D has a protective effect on many ageing related diseases,such as heart disease and cancer."
Professor Tim Spector,a co-author of the report,added,"Although it might sound absurd(荒唐的),it's possible that the same sunshine which may increase our risk of skin cancer may also have a healthy effect on the general ageing process.
Vitamin D made by the action of sunlight on the skin accounts for 90percent of the body's supply,but lower levels can also be got through food such as fish,eggs and breakfast cereals(粥).
Other studies have suggested the vitamin plays a key role in protecting against cancer and heart disease.
25.A certain amount of sunshine helps people stay young becauseD.
A.people feel happy and energetic in the sun
B.sunshine protects people against heart disease
C.vitamin D makes one's skin look young and healthy
D.vitamin D may help to slow the ageing process.
26.From Brent Richards,we know thatD.
A.sunlight causes skin cancer to people with high level of vitamin D
B.the study generally has a healthy effect on the general ageing process
C.vitamin D can only be got from fish,eggs and breakfast cereals
D.the higher levels of vitamin D people have,the more slowly people may age
27.What can we infer from the passage?C
A.Telomeres are important as they are signs of ageing of the DNA.
B.Sunlight can be dangerous as it causes skin cancer.
C.Sunlight does more good than harm to our health.
D.Vitamin D can also be gained from food.
28.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.Secret of Staying Young    
B.Vitamin D Helps Slow Ageing
C.Sunlight and Vitamin D    
D.Sunlight and Health.
19.There are three things that will get you ahead in life:good looks,smarts,and being considered as being smart.(36)BAnd unluckily most of us are not good-looking.Let's explore some different ways to become smarter.
(37)ACollege doesn't necessarily mean you'll be smarter,just educated.It means you'll be exposed to many different ideas and hopefully you'll learn how to think.Being able to think outside the box and for yourself are features smart people possess.
Read books and educational magazines.(38)GEducational magazines are a wealth of knowledge you can share with others,thus making you sound very smart.If you do watch television,try watching something that you can learn.
Expand your vocabulary.Try to learn one new word a week.It doesn't seem like much,but adding 52new words to your vocabulary will really make you appear much smarter.Subscribing(订阅)to vocabulary.com is a good start.(39)DThis way you're actually getting 365words a year,but that is usually more than most people can absorb.
Don't repeat everything people tell you until you know that it's true.(40)FThey hear a strange claim and they repeat it to the nearest ear.You can do much harm to your seek for being smart if you are known for giving bad information.

A.Go to college and get an education.
B.The first is God-given.
C.Get educated inside or outside college.
D.You will have a new word sent to your email address daily.
E.The programs actually provide you with information you can use.
F.Uneducated people and people not considered as being smart tend to do this.
G.Reading books works the brain out more than viewing television.
16."Nature does not hurry,yet everything is accomplished."-Lao Tzu
If you are in a city where everyone rushes,realize that you don't have to be like everyone else.You can be different.You can walk instead of driving in rush hour traffic.You can be on your iPhone or Blackberry less,and disconnected sometimes.Your environment doesn't control your life-you do.I'm not going to tell you how to give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower.(36)D
1.Do less.
Cut back on your projects,on your task list,on how much you try to do each day.Focus not on quantity but on quality.(37)F Save smaller,routine tasks for later in the day,but give yourself time to focus.
2.Have fewer meetings.
(38)B And they eat into your day,forcing you to squeeze the things you really need to do into small windows,and making you rush.
When you do the important things with focus,without rush,there will be things that get pushed back,and that don't get done.And you need to ask yourself:how necessary are these things?What would happen if I stopped doing them?
4.Practice mindfulness.
Simply learn to live in the present,rather than things so much about future or the past.When you eat,fully appreciate your food.When you are with someone,be with them fully.When you are walking,appreciate your surroundings,no matter where you are.
Try these things out.Life is better when unrushed.(40)E

A.Start to put off or cancel the unnecessary.
B.Meetings are usually a"big waste of time".
C.The world likely won't end if you don't pass one of the examinations.
D.But here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt,if they work for your life.
E.Remember the quote:if nature can get everything done without rushing,so can you.
F.Pick 2-3important things-or even just one important thing-and work on those first.
G.Give yourself more time to get ready and get there.
6.I don't often lose things and I'm especially careful with money,so I was quite surprised when I reached for my wallet and it wasn't there,.At first,I thought it was possible that I could have left it at home.Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi,so I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the restaurant.I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was sitting.Unfortunately,there were several people sitting at the table at the time,so I called a waiter and explained to him that my wallet had fallen out of my pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier.I had the waiter go over to the table to see if my wallet was on the floor.While the waiter was looking for it,the manager of the restaurant came up to me and asked me if anything was wrong.I didn't want to get a lot of people involved.He had me describe the wallet to him,and then he insisted that I report the missing wallet to the police.I told him that I didn't particularly want to get the police involved in it; besides,I was in a hurry because I had an appointment with my doctor in just a few minutes.I explained to him that my biggest worry at the moment was how I was going to pay the check.He told me not to worry about that.He had me write down my name and address,and he said he would send me a bill.
21.Why was the writer so sure that he had brought his wallet with him?D
A.He remembered that he didn't leave it at home.
B.He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.
C.He believed his own memory.
D.He had taken it out to pay the taxi-driver.
22.Why did the writer walk back to the table where he had been sitting?B
A.He was sure his wallet was still there.
B.It was possible that he could find his wallet there.
C.He could ask someone there about his wallet.
D.He saw the wallet lying on the floor near the table.
23.The managerC.
A.didn't appear till very late.
B.didn't come at all because he was very busy.
C.came up pretty soon to see what had happened.
D.came to the table and found the wallet.

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