
Dear Mr Smith,
I've been now safe back to Shanghai.Thank you very much for all the help from you and your families during my stay there.I hope that everything is fine with you.
Now I wonder that you could do me a favor.On returned,I suddenly realize that I had left my English dictionary behind at your home carelessly.It is a very precious present from mine Canadian teacher,which  I treasure it very much.Would you please be so kind as send it back to me?I will pay back the postage.The dictionary is on the bookshelf in my bedroom.It is the one with the blue cover.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua.

分析 本文是写给史密斯先生的一封信,信中作者把字典落在了史密斯先生的家中,让他给寄过来的事.

解答 Dear Mr Smith,
I've been now safe back to Shanghai.Thank you very much for all the help from you and your families during my stay there.I hope that everything is fine with you.
Now I wonder that you could do me a favor.On returned,I suddenly realize that I had left my English dictionary behind at your home carelessly.It is a very precious present from mine Canadian teacher,which  I treasure it very much.Would you please be so kind as∧send it back to me?I will pay back the postage.The dictionary is on the bookshelf in my bedroom.It is the one with the blue cover.

1.safe 改成safely 考查副词.此处用副词修饰be back"安全回来".
2.families 改成family 考查名词的数.此处是指你的家庭应该是单数的,所以改成family.
3.that 改成if/whether 考查名词性从句.本句是一个宾语从句.句意:我想知道你能否帮助我.所以用if或者whether来引导.
4.returned 改成returning,考查非谓语.介词on后跟动名词returning.
5.realize 改成realized 考查时态.本句是对过去事情的叙述,所以realize应该用过去时realized.
 6.mine 改成my 考查代词.此处是我的加拿大老师,应该用形容词性物主代词my,mine是名词性物主代词.
7.去掉 it 考查定语从句.这是一个定语从句,which在句中做宾语,it是多余的,所以去掉.
8.在 send  前加to 考查固定搭配.so…as to sh so 后跟形容词 as to 后跟结构状语.句意:你如此好把它送还给我.
9.back 改成for 考查固定搭配.pay for是"为…付款"; pay back 是"还回来".句意:我会付邮资.
10.the 改成a考查冠词.句意"那是一个带蓝色封面的字典"这里是泛指,所以用不定冠词a.

点评 短文改错考查涉及面广,但却有所侧重.考查点测试频率最高的是动词,涉及动词考查的有时态、语态、非谓语动词形式、情态动词和动词的用法等.此外,还考查名词、介词、代词、冠词、形容词、副词、连词等,还涉及到句型结构、行文逻辑、固定搭配等.

6.Every Father's Day,I remember not only my father but also my mother.Both of them  (41)Ame into what I am now.
I'm one of the two sons of the poor but(42)Cparents.My father did not attend college because of(43)B.Also,my mother could only finish a vocational course,again for the same reason.When I(44)Afor the Senate (参议院) in 2010,I saw campaign materials of(45)Cwith pictures of their famous parents in the background.I did not have(46)Dcampaign materials,not because of (47)Abut because my parents are not famous in society.So,I just(48)Bmyself having a picture of my father raising my hand.
My father worked as a clerk in a logging company.He joined the ranks of the unemployed when logging was(49)D in Cagayan province.My mother got a job in a gas station.When I was in second year high school,my mother(50)C me to teach her how to write numbers from 1to 1,000 and how to add numbers with decimal points (小数点).I told my father about it.My father and I(51)Ataught her these things for many nights.I saw(52)Bin the eyes of my mother when she learned them well.
My parents might not be learned,but they had noble character,which I'm dearly proud of.I(53)D recall that when my mother's boss and his family had to leave for Manila,my parents and I had to(54)Atheir house.My mother always warned me not to(55)Banything inside(56)C she and my father mopped the floor,changed the curtains and the like.
When I was(57)Ddean(主任) of Student Affairs,I gave my parents a"(58)B"of our school,introducing them to people from both the school and local government.But(59)Athose tours were nothing compared to the"tour"they gave me.From them,I learned the(60)C of hard work and honesty.
54.A.watch overB.pick outC.let outD.fix up
56.A.althoughB.as ifC.whileD.in case
8.In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music,dance and theater in Edinburgh.The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.
At the same time,the"Fringe"appeared as a challenge to the official festival.Eight theater groups turned up uninvited in 1947,in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform,and they did so in a public house disused for years.
Soon,groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University,and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge,Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theater by little-known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.
Today the"Fringe",once less recognized,has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theater,music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts.And yet as early as 1959,with only 19 theater groups performing,some said it was getting too big.
A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971,and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself.In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries.More than 1,25 million tickets were sold.
32.What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at he beginning?A
A.To bring Europe together again.
B.To honor heroes of World War 11.
C.To introduce young theater groups.
D.To attract great artists from Europe.
33.Why did some uninvited theater groups come to  Edinburgh in 1947?D
A.They owned a public house there.
B.They came to take up a challenge.
C.They thought they were also famous.
D.They wanted to take part in the festival.
34.Who joined the"Fringe"after it appeared?B
A.Popular writers.
B.University students.
C.Artists from around the world.
D.Performers of music and dance.
35.We may learn from the text that Edinburgh FestivalD.
A.has become a non-official event
B.has gone beyond an art festival
C.gives shows all year round
D.keeps growing rapidly.
18.Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weβel made a remarkable discovery.He was examining are papers of the late Swiss publisher Emil Oprecht for an essay on Arthur Koestler's switch from writing in German to writing in English at the end of the 1930s.Oprecht was a 1eft-wing know traveler who had founded his famous publishing house Europa Verlag in Zurich in 1933.and was well known for his anti-Nazi views and support for writes who were forced to flee their homes,including the young Arthur Koestler.Weβel once said,"I was looking for letters and royalty reports,because I wanted to know how many copies were printed of the first German edition of Koestkr's Spanish Testament."He failed to find the answer to his question,but while 1ooking over the Europa holdings in the Zurich Central Library he came across a puzzling entry:"Koestler,Arthur.Rubaschow:Roman.Typescript,March 1940,326pages."
This was extremely strange Weβel knew of no such novel(Roman)in Koestler's German writings.but the name Rubaschow rang a bell.Rubasehow is the hero of Koestler's novel,Darkness at Noon.weβel hardly dared think about what he had found,suspecting a sequel(续集)or perhaps a false entry,for it was well known that the original text of the novel-the last one Koesder wrote in German before he switched to English-was lost during his flight from France at the start of World War II.That was seventy-five years ago and it has never been seen since.With unease,Weβel ordered a scan,which showed a typed carbon copy,with corrections in Koestle's handwriting.The date on the title page,March 1940,was the date on which Koestler is known to have finished the novel.There was no doubt Weβel had come across a copy of the German manuscript(手稿)of Koestler's masterpiece.
32.What is Weβel's main field of research?C
A.A Swiss publisher's papers     
B.The left-wing writers.
C.Arthur Koestlefs works           
D.The publishing house.
33.How dld Weβel feel about his discovery at first?D
34.What do we know about Rubasehow?C
A.The title of a book            
B.A Swiss publisher.
C.A character of a novel       
D.A left-wing fellow writer.
35.Weβel ordered a scan toB.
A.find out the date of the copy  
B.make out the copy's real identity
C.cheek the errors of the copy  
D.examine Koestler's handwriting.
5.Advances in health,education and disease prevention and treatments are making human life longer.But what you may not know is that some seemingly unimportant things can also influence how long and how well you'll live.Here is the latest research on longevity signs.
Sign 1:Your Mom Had You Young
If she was under age 25,you're twice as likely to live to 100 as someone born to an older mom.They think that younger moms produce healthier babies.
Sign 2:You're a Tea Lover
Both green tea and black tea contain catechins(儿茶酚),something that helps blood vessels(血管) relax and protects your heart.
Sign 3:You'd Rather Walk
"Fit"people-defined as those who walk for about 30 minutes a day-are more likely to live longer than those who walk less.So take a walk during your lunch hour,do exercise around the field while your kid is at soccer practice-try by hook or by crook to move a little more,every day.
Sign 4:You Have Strong Legs
Lower-body strength translates into good balance,flexibility and power,which,as you get older,play an important part in reducing your risk of falls and injuries,leading to better health.Now you see,it is necessary to strengthen your lower-body.But the question is:how?
25.Which of the following is TRUE?B
A.Green tea contains more catechins than black tea.
B.Generally,the younger the moms,the healthier the babies.
C.The more you walk,the longer you live.
D.Low-body strength is the most important factor for longevity.
26.The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to"A".
A.try any possible means              
B.use some tools  
C.choose carefully                    
D.Work out new ways
27.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.How advanced science helps people live longer.
B.How women give birth to healthy babies.
C.Signs that tell you your health condition.
D.The new discoveries of longevity signs.
2.Growing Minds Need Greener Spaces
It is not a secret that spending time outdoors is good for us.The more we learn about the benefits of being in nature,the more sense it makes to get outside.
(36)B New research suggests that kids may learn better when they are surrounded by  greener spaces.Green spaces are spaces filled with Vegetation-like trees,flowers and other  plants.
But these days,outdoor time is competing for a child's attention with indoor activities.Children may find it difficult to resist computers,television and electronic gaines.(37)FAll this indoor activity can hurt a child's physical and mental health.
Doctor Pavam Dadvalld and his team at the Centre for Research and Environmental  Epidemiology in Barcelona study the environment effects on health and learning.
The researchers used information from satellites to learn how much green space surrounded each schoo1.Over one year,the children took computerized tests fourtimes.(38)AThey found that the children with higher contact with green space had better ability to memorize.They were also more attentive.(39)G More trees means less air pollution.
(40)D Lisa Freund is an expert in child psychology for the National Institute of Child    Health and Human Development.She says more studies are needed to learn the reasons that  vegetation in and around schools improves mental ability.

A.They measured memory and attention span.
B.This could be especially important for school children.
C.Approximately one half of the world population lives in cities.
D.The question of why green spaces affect learning is a new one.
E.The researchers created mathematical models to compare the amount of vegetation.
F.So,in many pans of the world children are spending less and less time outdoors.
G.The research suggests good air quality is the main reason for the results.

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