
Honestly, since my son was born, I have thought a lot about how to raise a child. I once heard a story that told about when a baby was born. The story said that when a baby was born, a new master was born. The parents of that baby would become the servants. The question is: Why? Based on my observation, this phenomenon is true. Most parents who don't pay much attention to their kids have difficulties with their kids' attitude.
I'll make a comparison of how two families raise their children. The first one is a family with three children. Both mother and father never say "No" to their children's demands. As a result, all of their children became stubborn and won't listen to their parents’ words, "We can't."
The second family educated their children strictly from one year old to high school. The parents never approved or agreed directly to give their children what they wanted. They always postponed one or two days, even if they could afford it. Due to the way their parents educated them, these children understood that if they wanted something, they had to wait or they had to make an effort first. As a result, all the kids from the second family successfully graduated from university on time.
In my opinion, if we want to be successful parents and raise our children well, we have to start disciplining them when they are toddlers but not wait until they become teenagers.
【小题1】Why did the writer give two different stories in this passage?

A.To help prove his opinion about raising a child.
B.To list different ways that parents may take.
C.To criticize some parents’ foolish action.
D.To prove that his way of education is right.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “postponed” in the third paragraph mean?
A.Carried out at once.B.Gave up.
C.Put off.D.Made a decision.
【小题3】 In the writer’s opinion, which of the following about raising a child is TRUE?
A.Children should be respected once they were born.
B.Parents should educate their children as early as possible.
C.It is right time to educate their children when they are teenagers.
D.Children should be helped whenever they make mistakes.
【小题4】 What do you think is the best title of this passage?
A.Make a comparison of how two families raise their children
B.To be successful parents
C.How to raise children well
D.Educate children strictly from one year old to high school




    I was being interviewed by a senior manager for a big company. I told him honestly that the principal reason that I was interviewing with them was my need to keep my family in Boston. My wife had recently died of a heart attack. A job in Boston would help me reduce some pain for my 16-year-old daughter and me. It was important to me to keep her present high school.

      Bruce, the interviewer, was politely kind, but he didn't search any further. He acknowledged(承认) my loss and, with great respect, moved on to another subject. After the next round of interviews, Bruce took me to lunch with another manager. Then he asked me to take a walk with him. He told me that he had lost his wife. And, like me, he had also been married 20 years and had 3 children. I realized that he had experienced the same pain as I had and it was almost impossible to explain to someone who had not lost a loved one. He offered his business card and home phone number and suggested that, should I need help or just want someone to talk to, I should feel free to give him a call. Whether I got the job or not, he wanted me to know that he was there if I ever needed help.

      From that one act of kindness, when he had no idea if we could ever see each other again, he helped our family deal with one of life's greatest losses. He turned the normally cold business interview process into an act of earing and supporting for another person in a time of extreme need.

According to the passage, the interviewer, Bruce, was very       .

    A. generous         B. kind            C. happy         D. mean

The underlined word "principal" in the first paragraph probably means     .

    A. main            B. unimportant     C. necessary     D. possible

We can infer from this passage that       .

    A. the writer didn't get the job in the company

    B. Bruce made the writer pass the interview

    C. another manager also lost his wife

    D. the business interview was cold

Which of the following statement is NOT true?

    A. The writer's daughter was studying in Boston at that time.

    B. Both the writer and the interviewer experienced the same pain.

    C. Bruce was a senior manager of a big firm.

    D. Bruce wanted to make Mends with him because he gave him his business card and home phone number.




A new book about Chinese-style tough parenting has caused debate in the US.Amy Chua, the author of Battle Hymn (颂歌)of the Tiger Mother, is a Chinese-American professor at Yale Law School, also a mother of two.

The  36   methods she used with her daughters would seem   37   to Westerners.In school her daughters weren't allowed to make grades   38   than As.They had to   39  playing the piano or violin even for hours a day.

There has been wide criticism (批评) of Chua's book in the US."It's kind of   40  ," said a professor at New York University, "standards of parenting need to be  41  .Children need parents to   42   them, not to force them to do things they're probably not interested in.”

Now the criticism seems to have   43   to China.A(n)  44   expert Sun Yunxiao argued Chua's method of   45   would limit children from developing their full   46   ."and that, focusing too much on test scores and good degrees," Sun said, "parents would   47   their kid's ability fully to develop and to enjoy life."

48   critics (批评家) might have sympathy for kids experiencing this parenting style, some teenagers quite   49   it."I think anyone can do well if they work hard enough,” said a 17-year-old boy, "A   50   mother is there to help her kids work hard."

Others think that Chua has a(n)  51   in setting challenging goals for kids."It's vital for children,” said an American professor, "  52  , kids need to be   53   sometimes.If you urge kids to do well, they're good at it, and they   54  .It's good to have high   55  .”

36.A.rough               B.stubborn             C.strict               D.vivid

37.A.unimaginable        B.unimportant          C.uninteresting        D.unnecessary

38.A.higher           B.fewer               C.little               D.lower

39.A.drill                 B.practise              C.exercise            D.experience

40.A.routine            B.extreme             C.excellence          D.encouragement

41.A.practical            B.high               C.specific            D.low

42.A.replace               B.love                 C.force              D.guide

43.A.spread             B.belonged             C.turned              D.referred

44.A.concerned        B.delighted            C.optimistic            D.nervous

45.A.caring             B.fond                C.supporting           D.parenting

46.A.goal                 B.potential              C.achievement         D.possibility

47.A.obtain              B.increase            C.create                D.sacrifice

48.A.Why                 B.Because            C.While                  D.What

49.A.resist              B.state               C.agree              D.appreciate

50.A.lion               B.monkey          C.tiger                D.sheep

51.A.sense               B.point              C.opinion               D.idea

52.A.Honestly         B.Positively           C.Hopefully             D.Finally

53.A.pushed             B.picked              C.lifted                D.dragged

54.A.count             B.work               C.help                  D.benefit

55.A.levels                B.expectations         C.marks               D.results


When my father died, one of the tasks that fell to me was to sort through and decide which objects to save and which to throw away. Now I look at the    31    of my life as if I were dead,   32    what my children will do with the human skull(骷髅) that    33     on the bookcase next to my desk. I couldn’t   34     them if they threw it out. They’ve been wanting to do that for some years,    35    will they know how much can be learned from   36    with a skull? And what about my books?   37   they can find some place in their   38   for ten thousand books. However, I know they will look at the white, plastic head of a horse on my desk and   39   it into a Glad trash bag without any   40  , never knowing that it is the only place   41   from the first chess set (棋子)I owned.
How many boxes of mine will my children   42   ? Can I trust my children with my   43   ? Every object of our lives is a   44   , and emotion swirls(旋动) around it like fog, hiding and   45   a tiny truth of the heart.
I look at these objects that are mine and know, too, that they are   46   of how alone I am, how alone each of us is,   47    no one knows what any object means except he or she who   48    it. I have the memory of taking it home   49   one of my newly-born children from the hospital; only I have the memory of what it looked like when I lived in that apartment and where it sat in that house. I look at the objects that are mine, and the memories are   50    and permeated(渗透着)with love. I look at the objects that are mine and know that I’m going to miss me very much.
31.A.tasks         B.objects         C.books         D.pictures
32.A.wondering          B.designing     C.concluding      D.weaving
33.A.cries         B.sleeps          C.sits          D.smiles
34.A.educate        B.understand       C.blame       D.strike
35.A.and         B.so            C.or            D.but
36.A.helping       B.living          C.playing       D.speaking
37.A.Honestly     B.Luckily        C.Naturally           D.Surely
38.A.desks          B.bags         C.apartments      D.hearts
39.A.drag               B.take          C.move          D.throw
40.A.hesitation        B.love         C.  care           D.worry
41.A.casting        B.expanding     C.remaining       D.shining
42.A.enjoy          B.reserve        C.find         D.prepare
43.A.life          B.passion        C.respect        D.heart
44.A.mark          B.pleasure       C.belief          D.memory
45.A.preventing      B.spreading     C.protecting       D.encouraging
46.A.symbols      B.phenomena      C.measures       D.tracks
47.A.when          B.once         C.unless          D.as
48.A.prefers        B.repairs         C.owns          D.remembers
49.A.like         B.for           C.with               D.to
50.A.strange       B.warm              C.new         D.bitter

Most people want to know how things are made. They honestly admit, however, that they hardly know a thing when it comes to understanding how a piece of music is made. Where a composer begins, how he manages to keep going – in fact, how and when he learns his trade – all are covered in complete darkness. The composer, in short, is a man of mystery .
One of the first things the common man wants to know about is the part inspiration plays in a composer’s work. He finds it difficult to believe that composers are not much interested in that question. Writing music is as natural for the composer as eating or sleeping for all. Music is something that the composer happens to have been born for.
The composer, therefore, does not say to himself: “Do I feel inspired?” He says to himself: “Do I feel like working today?” And if he feels like working, he does. It is more or less like saying to himself: “Do I feel sleepy?” If you feel sleepy, you go to sleep. If you don’t feel sleepy, you stay up. If the composer doesn’t feel like working, he doesn’t work. It’s as simple as that.
【小题1】What would be the best title for the text?

A.Composer: a man of mystery
B.Practice makes good music
C.Relation between sleeping and music
D.Music: product of nature
【小题2】Most people seem to think that a composer ____.
A.finds it difficult to write music
B.considers it important to have a good rest
C.should like to talk about inspiration
D.never asks himself very simple questions
【小题3】The author will most probably agree that composers ____.
A.are born with a gift for music
B.are people full of mystery
C.work late at night for their music
D.know a lot about eating and sleeping

In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. Now this is perhaps the first generation of American youngsters who have never been close by during of the birth a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member.

Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. When they get sick, we send them to a hospital, where children are forbidden to visit terminally (晚期的)in patients— even when those patients are their parents. This deprives(剥夺)the dying patient of family members during the last few days of his life and it deprives the children of an experience of death, which is an important learning experience.

Some of my colleagues and I once interviewed and followed about 500 terminally in order to find out what they could teach us and how we could be of more benefit, not just to them but to the members of their families as well. We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential outcome.

It is important for family members, and doctors and nurses to understand these patients’ communication in order to truly understand their needs, fears and fantasies . Most of our patients welcomed another human being with whom they could talk openly, honestly, and frankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their great need to be informed, to be kept up - to - date on their medical condition and to be told when the end was near. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the coming of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance before death.

1. The elders of today's Americans _______ .

A. are often absent when a family member is born or dying

B. are unfamiliar with birth and death

C. usually see the birth or death of a family member

D. have often experienced the fear of death as part of life

2. Children in America are deprived of the chance to________.

A. visit a patient at hospital   B. visit their family members

C. learn how to face death    D. look after the patients

3. The need of a dying patient for people to accompany him shows________.

A. his wish for communication with other people      B. his fear of death   

C. his unwillingness to die             D. he feels very upset about his condition

4. It may be concluded from the passage that________.

A. dying patients should be truthfully informed of their condition

B. dying patients are afraid of being told of the coming of death

C. most patients are unable to accept death until it can’t be avoided

D. most doctors and nurses understand what dying patients need



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