Jack Ma, the chairman and founder of China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, took down on Google’s artificial intelligence AlphaGo at the Big Data Expo1. (hold) in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, and urged Chinese enterprises not to develop such things 2. AlphaGo. Chinese Go player Ke Jie, current world No. 1, has admitted defeats in his three3. (match) against computer program AlphaGo in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, 4.led to heavy online discussions regarding the future of mankind and AI.
“Machines must have its own special thinking and must do thins human cannot do,” Ma added, 5. (believe) AI should work for humans to do useful things that human are unable to achieve, rather than just spoiling human’s fun.
But speaking for myself, I don’t really care. I6.(especial) advised that many fellow enterprises should not develop such things and we can do many other useful things.”
Ma also explained7. he didn’t like AlphaGo: “Go game is8.interesting and fun thing where I can wait for my competitor 9.(play) wrong and I can win. But the machine never plays wrong and it can work out the next 300 steps10.you can only think about the next three.”