
What is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right? Perhaps you don't even try any more because you think what you do is not  36   enough.

    Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time,   37   whatever it is that we work so hard doing, it seems that there is    38    someone else who can do it much better.

    I have always enjoyed music and it is    39    to me that every musician has a    40   of their own. My father__41    several instruments and when he played with others, it was not difficult to ___42   his sound in a group. Whether it was guitar or another instrument, he had his own  43  sound.

    I  44   read of a music teacher who commented to a discouraged student, “   45    else can make the sound that you make. The sound that you make may not be the same as someone else's but who is to say which is     46    . ” It is said that, “   47     is in the eye of the beholder(观看者), ” perhaps it could be said that “a delightful sound is in the ear of the     48    . ”

    Every person has a different tone of voice that     49   only to them,     50     we all know people with an unforgettable laugh or a way of     51     that is unique to them. It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all. It      52     be the way you whistle or the sound of your footsteps.

   Each person has a(an)   53  on the world in some way. Someone else can do what you do, but they cannot do it   54   the same way that you do it. The next time you feel   55  , remember “Nobody else can make the sound that you make. ”

1.A. easy B. hard     C. simple D. good

2.A. when         B. although       C. because        D. if

3.A. seldom      B. sometimes   C. never   D. always

4.A. satisfying   B. interesting    C. inspiring       D. convincing

5.A. gift    B. song     C. life        D. sound

6.A. created     B. designed      C. played           D. checked

7.A. pick out     B. call up C. turn down    D. give off

8.A. special       B. powerful      C. perfect         D. loud

9.A. even  B. yet        C. once     D. still

10.A. Nobody   B. Somebody    C. Anybody       D. Everybody

11.A. bigger     B. deeper         C. better D. lower

12.A. interest    B. beauty  C. patience       D. honesty

13.A. speaker B. receiver       C. looker D. listener

14.A. belongs    B. adds     C. adapts D. devotes

15.A. but           B. yet        C. for       D. and

16.A. speaking          B. walking         C. jumping        D. running

17.A. must        B. would C. might   D. could

18.A. effect      B. opinion         C. duty     D. choice

19.A. carefully  B. exactly  C. cautiously     D. seriously

20.A. annoyed          B. puzzled C. bothered       D. discouraged


























1.考查形容词辨析。句意:也许你不再努力因为你认为你做的不够好。easy容易的; hard坚硬的;   simple简单的;good 好的。结合语境,故选D。

2.考查状语从句的连接词辨析。句意:气馁似乎跟随这我们很多的时间,因为无论我们多么辛苦地做工作,好像总是有别人比我们好得多。when 当……时候;although尽管;because因为;if如果。结合语境,故选C。

3.考查时间副词辨析。句意:无论我们多么辛苦地做工作,好像总是有别人比我们好得多。seldom 很少;sometimes 有时候;never 从不;always总是。结合语境,故选D。

4.考查形容词辨析。句意:我一直喜欢音乐。我觉得…很有意思。satisfying令人满意的;interesting有趣的;inspiring 令人鼓舞的;convincing令人信服的。前后结合,故选B。

5.考查名词辨析。句意:每个音乐人都有自己独特的声音,我觉得很有意思。gift 天赋;song歌曲;life 生活;sound声音。根据musician一词和后一句判断,选D。

6.考查动词辨析。句意:我父亲演奏过几个乐器。当他和别人一起演奏时,…。 create创作;design 设计;play 后面加乐器名词,意为演奏;check检查。结合and后的内容判断,选C。

7.考查动词短语辨析。句意:在一片音乐声中不难辨别出他的声音。 pick out 挑出;call up 打电话、回忆起;turn down 调小、拒绝;give off发出(蒸气、光等。)结合语境,最佳选A。

8.考查形容词辨析。句意:无论是吉他还是其他乐器,他都有自己独特的声音。special专有的;独特的;powerful 强大的;perfect 完美的;loud大声的;结合前一句,故选A。


10.考查人称代词辨析。句意:没有别人能制造出你创造出的声音。Nobody没有人;Somebody某个人;Anybody 任何人;Everybody人人。结合前一句,选A。

11.考查形容词比较级辨析。句意:你的声音和与众不同,但是并不是说谁的更好。bigger 更大; deeper 更深;better 更好;lower更低。气馁的学生的想法当然是觉得自己不如别人。故选C。

12.考查名词辨析。句意:美在观看者的眼睛里。interest兴趣;beauty美; patience 耐心;honesty诚实。只有beauty和后面的a delightful sound相一致。故选B。

13.考查名词辨析。句意:也许可以说成:令人愉快的声音在听众的耳朵了里。speaker 演讲者;receiver 接受者;looker 看客;listener听众。ear当然是和听有关。故选D。

14.考查动词辨析。句意:每个人都有属于自己的不同的音调。belong to属于;add to 增加;adapt to适应;devote to奉献于……。结合语境,选A。

15.考查并列连词辨析。句意:而且,我们都知道有着令人难忘的笑声或者独特的说话方式。but 但是,表转折;yet 然而,但是;for因为;and而且,表递进。四个选项中只有yet不是并列连词。排除;故选D。

16.考查动名词辨析。句意:笑声或者说话的声音很独特。speaking 说;walking走;jumping 跳; running跑。故选A。

17.考查情态名词辨析。句意:它可能是你吹口哨的声音或者脚步声。must 肯定;would将会;might 有可能;could能、会。结合前文判断,故选C。

18.考查名词辨析。句意:每个人在某一方面对这个世界都有着影响。effect 影响;opinion 观点; duty 职责;choice选择。固定搭配have an effect on的意思是:对……有影响。故选A。

19.考查副词辨析。句意:别人能做你做的事,但是他们做事的方式和你完全不一样。carefully细心地;exactly准确地;cautiously 小心谨慎地;seriously严肃认真地。结合语境,选B。

20.考查-ed形式做表语辨析。句意:下一次,当你感到气馁时,记住:没人和你的声音一样。annoyed 颇为生气的;puzzled迷惑不解的;bothered受打扰的; discouraged感到灰心丧气。结合全文,选D。




I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket Company . “What is it ?” I wondered . I   36     it over . There , in faded ink , was a hand-scrawled(手写的)   37     . Immediately my mind traveled     38    many years .

I was nine years old , walking down the cold , wet streets of Springfield , with a bag of magazines on my shoulder . On my    39     that day , I came to that Company finally , whose owner , Mr Rader , had always taken me there to ask his workers    40     they wanted any magazines .

Shaking off the     41    like a wet dog , I entered Mr Rader’s office . After a quick glance he     42    me over to the fire-place . Noticing the     43    in the top of my     44    , he said , “ Come with me !” pulling me into his pickup    45     . We pulled to a stop before a shoe store . Inside , a salesman    46     me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had    47     seen . I     48    about 10 feet tall when I got up    49     them . “ We’d like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said .

Back in his office , Mr Rader took out a     50    , wrote something on it , and handed it to me . With    51     eyes , I read , “ Do to others as you would have them do to you .” He said affectionately (深情地), “Jimmy , I want you to    52     I love you”.

I said good-bye , and for the first time I    53     a flicker of hope that somehow things would be    54     . With people like Mr Rader in the world , there was hope , kindness and love , and that would always make a    55     .

36.A.read                             B.thought                  C.turned                    D.passed

37.A.address                  B.list                        C.message                 D.information

38.A.forward                 B.so                          C.ahead                     D.back

39.A.return                    B.rounds                   C.trip                        D.arrival

40.A.if only                   B.how                      C.whether                 D.why

41.A.dust                      B.sweat                     C.tail                         D.rain

42.A.led                        B.followed               C.watched                 D.carried

43.A.hole                             B.mud                             C.water                     D.cover

44.A.magazine                   B.shoe                          C.sock                      D.bag

45.A.truck                     B.factory                   C.home                     D.store

46.A.dressed                  B.fitted                     C.showed                  D.comforted

47.A.ever                             B.already                  C.never                     D.hardly

48.A.appeared               B.seemed                  C.looked                   D.felt

49.A.for                        B.with                             C.on                         D.in

50.A.pen                      B.paper                     C.card                      D.notebook

51.A.tearful                   B.unbelievable           C.curious                  D.puzzled

52.A.admit                    B.know                     C.consider                 D.express

53.A.sensed                   B.received                 C.lost                        D.gained

54.A.mistaken               B.right                      C.all right                 D.possible

55.A.deal                      B.fortune                  C.choice                    D.difference

What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?
“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.
But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?
On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.
One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.
The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.
36    A.    teacher    B.    parent     C.    pupil       D.    teenager
37    A.    understand      B.    admit      C.    observe   D.    pretend
38    A.    add  B.    relate      C.    comes     D.    reject
39    A.    good       B.    expert     C.    special     D.    rubbish
40    A.    add  B.    make       C.    look D.    pick
41    A.    stranger   B.    me   C.    herself     D.    somebody
42    A.    funny      B.    easy C.    attractive D.    remote
43    A.    worst      B.    prize       C.    best  D.    surprising
44    A.    missed     B.    lost  C.    found      D.    chose
45    A.    get   B.    foresee    C.    fit    D.    evaluate
46    A.    however  B.    frequently       C.    mostly     D.    hardly
47    A.    suggested B.    devoted   C.    intended  D.    adapted
48    A.    well B.    sometimes      C.    seldom    D.    extremely
49    A.    enjoying  B.    hating     C.    objecting D.    mastering
50    A.    consequences  B.    reasons    C.    findings   D.    incidents
51    A.    mistake   B.    program  C.    policy     D.    revolution
52    A.    preparation     B.    reputation       C.    requirement    D.    change
53    A.    difficult   B.    general    C.    mental     D.    basic
54    A.    class B.    head C.    textbook  D.    own
55    A.    logical     B.    unbelievable   C.    direct      D.    conservative

第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
The train stopped and a girl got on. As I had become   36   by then, I could not tell what the girl looked like, but I could say she was a pretty girl.
“Are you going to Dehra Dun?” I asked her as the train   37  . Maybe my voice   38   her. She screamed in a low voice and said, “I don’t know anyone else here.” Well, it often    39  that people with good   40   fail to see what is right in front of them. “I didn’t see you either at first,” I said. “But I   41   you come in.” I wondered if I would be able to   42   her from discovering that I couldn’t see. I thought,   43   I kept to my seat, it shouldn’t be too difficult.
She was silent. Then I made a   44  . “What is it like outside?” I asked. She seemed to find something   45   in the question. Had she already noticed that I could not see? But her next question   46   my doubts. “Why don’t you look out of the window?” she asked quite   47  . I smiled, “You have an interesting face.” I thought it was a   48   remark as few girls could be tired of hearing that.
She laughed pleasantly. “It’s   49   to be told that,” she said. “But I’m so tired of people telling me that I have a   50   face.” Oh, so you did have a pretty face, thought I, and aloud I said, “Well, an interesting face   51   also be pretty.” “You are a good   52  ,” she said. “But why are you so serious?” Just then, the train   53   slowly into the next station, and the girl said goodbye to me.
“She was an interesting girl,” I said to a new   54   and then I asked him, “Did she keep her hair long or short?” “I don’t remember,” he replied, sounding   55  . “But she was completely blind. Didn’t you notice?”
36. A. sleepy  B. blind   C. hungry       D. dull
37. A. pulled out                  B. pulled in           C. left off                     D. sent out
38. A. annoyed      B. cheered      C. shocked      D. touched
39. A. appears B. turns   C. proves D. happens
40. A. intension     B. eyesight     C. power D. ability
41. A. watched       B. heard  C. observed    D. forgot
42. A. prevent B. cheat   C. protect       D. hold
43. A. unless   B. until   C. if        D. though
44. A. promise       B. plan    C. trick   D. mistake
45. A. interesting      B. difficult            C. strange           D. unfamiliar
46. A. removed         B. canceled         C. disappeared               D. added
47. A. simply                B. naturally        C. nervously     D. calmly
48. A. special  B. popular      C. safe    D. familiar
49. A. boring                B. fortunate    C. confusing      D. nice
50. A. pretty   B. common     C. similar       D. blind
51. A. must    B. should      C. can    D. shall
52. A. liar             B. talker  C. neighbor    D. passer-by
53. A. dragged       B. slipped       C. entered       D. drew
54. A. conductor     B. passenger           C. waiter         D. policeman
55. A. excited      B. disappointed        C. puzzled        D. indifferent

A school teacher decided to let her class play a game. The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few    16  . Each tomato will be given a name of a person that the child    17  , so the number of tomatoes that a child will put in the plastic bag will depend on the number of people the child hates.
So when the day came, every    18   brought some tomatoes. Some had two; some three while some up to five tomatoes. The teacher then told the children to    19   with them the tomatoes in the plastic    20   wherever they go.
Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the    21   smell let out by the rotten tomatoes. Besides, those having more tomatoes had to carry    22   bags. After 1 week, the children were relieved because the game had finally ended.
The teacher asked: “How did you    23   while carrying the tomatoes with you for 1     24  ?”
The children let out their frustrations and started    25   of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the heavy and    26  tomatoes wherever they go.
Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the    27  .
“This is exactly the    28   when you carry your hatred(憎恨) for somebody inside your heart. The unpleasant smell of hatred will pollute your    29   and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot tolerate the smell of rotten tomatoes for just 1 week, can you imagine what is it like to have the smell of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?”
So    30   others is that best attitude to take!


Remembering names is an important social skill.Here are some ways to master it.
Recite and repeat in conversation.
When you hear a person’s name,repeat it.Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips.You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.
Ask the other person to recite and repeat.
You can let other people help you remember their names.After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name and pronounce it correctly for you.Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names.
Admit you don’t know.
Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed.Most of them will feel sympathy if you say.“I’m working to remember names better.Yours is right on the tip of my tongue.What is it again?”
Use associations.
Link each person yon meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual.For example,you could make a mental note: "Vicki Cheng -- tall, black hair.” To reinforce (加强) your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.
Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.
When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering every one. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.
Go early.
Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up on time. That's fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others -- an automatic review for you.
【小题1】How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?

A.They will be moved.B.They will be annoyed.
C.They will be delighted.D.They will be discouraged.
【小题2】 If you can't remember someone's name, you may __
A.tell him the truthB.tell him a white lie
C.ask him for pityD.ask others to help you
【小题3】When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember __
A.all their namesB.a couple of names first
C.just their last namesD.as many names as possible
【小题4】What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Tips on an important social skill.B.Importance of attending parties.
C.How to make use of associations.D.How to recite and repeat names.

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