
第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend. She had just moved into the neighborhood (邻里)and her grandmother brought her down to  36  me. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother,  37  to look at each other. Soon we lost the  38  and started playing with each other.
In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her. She was  39  family problems and I deserted her to be with the “cooler people”. None of my new friends liked her as much as I did  40  they knew she had  41  . However, every summer we  42  always sit at each other’s house and watch soap operas (肥皂剧)and talk about all the boys we liked.
It was last year when I noticed the problem. I guessed I was  43  devoted in high school to  __44  she needed someone there for her. Anyway, she made a new  “best firiend” and so did I. Then I didn’t know why,  45  she started cutting herself!
She then was diagnosed as clinical depression (临床抑郁症). At first, I was very  46  , but we still stayed in  47  . I wanted to be there for her since her new best friends basically  48  her and people were calling her  49  .
Yesterday she came to me and said: “I never knew what a best friend was  50  you were the only person that would stop me from cutting. 1  51  you so much, and you didn’t even know you were  52  me.”
We both cried. And I think a kind of  53  from my life so far is to never give up on (放弃)your friends. Even if they aren’t as cool as others, or people think they are crazy, they need  54__ there. If you desert them, you will only be   55  yourself.
36. A. follow  B. meet   C. join    D. support
37. A. scared   B. angry  C. worried      D. delighted
38. A. temper  B. interest       C. confidence  D. shyness
39. A. working out     B. answering for      C. going through    D. helping with
40. A. though  B. because      C. while  D. yet
41. A. problems     B. shortcomings      C. partners       D. disabilities
42. A. should  B. could  C. would D. might
43. A. much    B. too     C. only    D. just
44. A. admit   B. accept C. consider     D. realize
45. A. but           B. for    C. or           D. so
46. A. mad     B. careless      C. upset   D. hopeful
47. A. place    B. touch  C. control       D. mood
48. A. confused      B. bothered     C. reminded    D. deserted
49. A. crazy    B. selfish C. brave  D. lonely
50. A. since    B. when  C. until   D. if
51. A. expect  B. influence          C. appreciate   D. demand
52. A. cheating       B. reminding         C. helping       D. praising
53. A. honour B. favour C. pleasure     D. lesson
54. A. someone      B. something         C. anyone       D. everything
55. A. unguilty       B. successful         C. guilty   D. reliable

36---55   BADCB   ACBDA   CBDAC   CCDAC  

You often hear people refer to Africa as a country, not a continent. It is often a region that is described as being unified around poverty, disease and despair. Africa is far from being a homogenized continent. It has more than 50 countries, each with unique culture, landscape and tradition.
Africa’s diversity is apparent to anyone who travels to the continent. In the north, you have countries like Morocco, Algeria and Egypt, which have a long tradition of welcoming visitors. Further south there is Kenya and Tanzania, both renowned for their wildlife and for Africa’s tallest peak, Mt. Kilimanjaro. On the southern tip of the continent is South Africa, the region’s economic and political superpower which in itself lies many fascinating cultures. There are also the trouble spots like Congo and Sudan which are almost all but avoided by travelers.
Travel in Africa can be rough. It can also be a great joy. If you have patience, a willingness to maintain an open mind, a desire to explore and the ability to laugh at the strange, your African travels will change your life.
There are many entry points to Africa. Your best bet in terms of cheap airfare is to fly into one of the bigger cities like Johannesburg or Nairobi. Depending on where you are starting from flights to Africa can be either quite cheap or outrageously expensive. As is true nearly everywhere, flying into the biggest cities is usually your best bet for a cheap ticket.
Many people who travel to Africa prefer to do so in a group or through an organized adventure trip. This is especially the case with safari trips. BootsnAll has some of the best African adventure trips and safaris in the world. We work closely with local tour providers to offer you many options at very affordable rates.
If you are looking for a place to stay in, check out the hotels in Africa or the hostels in Africa for those on a tighter budget.
Still want more? You can learn from those who have been to Africa by sharingideas and thoughts on our Africa community message board.
1.From the first paragraph, we know when mentioning Africa, people often_______.
A.regard it as a continent, nota country    
B.connect it with poverty, disease and despair
C.consider it a nice place to travel in
D.admit there are more than 50 countries.
2.Africa’s tallest peak, Mt. Kilimanjaro is________.
A.in the north      B.in the south      C.in the middle    D.off the sea shore
3.What can we infer from the underlined part in Para.2?
A.Travelers seldom go to visit Congo or Sudan.
B.People in Congo and Sudan are trouble-makers.
C.Congo and Sudan are as powerful as South Africa.
D.There are few sightseeing spots in Congo or Sudan.
4.Your African travels will be a great joy, if you have_________.
①patience     ②a willingness to maintain an open mind
③a desire to explore     ④the ability to laugh at the strange
A.①②③     B.①③④     C.②③④     D.①②③④
5.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.Introducing some information of Africa.      
B.Encouraging people to travel in Africa.
C.Reminding travelers of the danger in Africa.
D.Telling people the cheap air fare to Africa.

Like all animal species, plant species must spread their offspring to suitable areas where they can grow and pass on their parents’ genes. Young animals generally spread by walking or flying. Because plants don’t have that ability, they must somehow hitchhike(搭车). Some plant seeds scatter by blowing in the wind or floating on water. Many other plant species, though, trick an animal into carrying their seeds. How do they do this? They enclose the seeds within a tasty fruit and advertise the fruit’s ripeness by its colour or smell. The hungry animal collects and swallows the fruit, walks or flies off, and later spits out the seeds somewhere far from its parent tree. Seeds can thereby be carried for thousands of miles. It may surprise you to learn that plant seeds can resist digestion. In fact, some seeds actually require passage through an animal’s body before they can grow.
Wild strawberries offer a good example of hitchhiking tactics. When strawberry seeds are still young and not yet ready to be planted, the surrounding fruit is green, sour and hard. When the seeds finally mature, the berries turn red, sweet, and tender. The change in the berries’ colour serves as a signal to birds which then eat the strawberries, fly off, and eventually spit out the seeds.
Naturally, strawberry plants didn’t set out with a conscious intention of attracting birds only when their seeds were ready to be dispersed. Nor did birds set out with the intent of planting strawberries. Rather, strawberry plants evolved through natural selection. The sweeter and redder the final strawberry, the more birds spread its ripe seeds; the greener and more sour the young strawberry, the fewer birds destroyed the seeds by eating berries before the seeds were ready.
1.What does the underlined word “dispersed” in the third paragraph mean?
A.spread                                B.eaten        
C.born                                  D.planted
2.For plants, which of the following is NOT a way of spreading their offspring to suitable areas?
A.Hitchhiking.                           B.Blowing in the wind.  
C.Floating on water.                      D.Tracking an animal.
3.Which strategy does the example of wild strawberries describe?
A.The conscious intent of attracting birds.     B.Spreading by walking.
C.Spreading by flying.                    D.The strategy of taking a lift.
4.Why does the author describe how strawberry seeds are spread?
A.To show plants are good at adapting to the environment. .
B.To show strawberry’s special way.
C.To show the plant has different ways of spreading seeds.
D.To show the mystery of plant.
5.What’s the passage mainly about?
A.How animals disperse offspring.           B.How plants disperse their offspring.
C.Plant evolution.                        D.Plants’ hitchhiking on animals.

The first breath-taking pictures of the Earth taken from space showed it as a solid ball covered by brown land masses and blue-green oceans. We had never seen the Earth from that distance before. To us, it appeared as though the Earth had always looked that way and always would. Scientists now know, however, that the surface of the Earth is not as permanent as we had thought.
Scientists explain that the surface of our planet is always moving. Continents moves about the Earth like huge ships at sea. They float on pieces of the Earth’s outer skin. New outer skin is created as melted rock pushed up from below the ocean floor. Old outer skin is destroyed as it rolls down into the hot area and melts again.
Only since the 1960s have scientists really began to understand that the planet Earth is a great living machine. Some experts have said this new understanding is one of the most important revolutions in scientific thought. The revolution is based on the work of scientists who study the movement of the continents—a science called plate tectonics.
The modern story of plate tectonics begins with the German scientist Alfred Wegener. Before World War One, Wegener argued that the continents had moved and were still moving. He said the idea first occurred to him when he observed that the coastlines of South America and Africa could fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. He proposed that the two continents might have been one and then split apart.
Wegener was not the first person to wonder about the shape of the continents. About 500 years ago, explorers thought about it when they made the first maps of Americas. The explorers noted the east coast of North America and South America would fit almost exactly into the west coast of Europe and South Africa. What the explorers did not do, but Wegener did, was to investigate the idea that the continents move.
1. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?
A. The first breath-taking pictures of the Earth taken from space.
B. Human’s recognition of the earth’s surface.
C. The German scientist Alfred Wegener.
D. The early explorers’ discovery.
2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. We didn’t see the Earth from far away until we saw the picture taken in the space.
B. Our ancient thought that the surface of the earth is still.
C. Alfred Wegener was not the first person to investigate the idea that the continents move.
D. The coastline of India and Africa fit together.
3. The last word of the third paragraph “tectonics” mean “________”.
A. study of construction
B. study of architecture
C. earth surface
D. structural geology
4. What did the explorers find?
A. The coastlines of South America and Africa could fit together.
B. The coastlines of North America and Africa could fit together.
C. The east coastlines of North America and the west coast of Europe could fit together.
D.The coastlines of North America and India could fit together.

The need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world’s supply of water. With 97% of the world’s water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture. Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺)seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfull country, many of the world’s agricultural industries experience constant water shortages.
Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seaons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配)are very high. Notonly is there the cost of the engineering itself, but there is also an environmental cost to be considered. Where valleys(山谷)are flooded to create dams, houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed. Besides, water many flow easily through pipes to fields,but it cannot be transported from one side of the world to the other. Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements.
This is particularly troubling ro countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation(灌溉). In Texas, farmers’ overuse of irrigation water be resulted in a 25% redcution of the water stores. In the Central Valley area of south eastern USA, a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry vallege, but much of the water use has been poorly managed.
Saudi Arabia’s attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have been the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves. Because there is no rainfall in these areas, such reserves can only decrease, and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry.
1. From the first two paragraphs we learnt that _______.
A.much of the world’s water is available for use
B.people in high rainfll countries feel lucky
C.the costs of water redistribution should be considered
D.water can be easily carried through pipes across the world
2.Which of the following is true?
A.The water  in Texas have been reduced by 75%.
B.Most industries in the world suffer from water shortagers.
C.The underground water in Saudi Arabia might run out in 50 years.
D.Good management of water use resulted from the project in the Central Valley.
3.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragreh that follows?
A.Steps to improving water use managet.
B.Ways tor redjuce the costs of builing dams.
C.Measured to dmal with worldwide water shortages.
D.Appmihes to handling the pressure on water supply.
4.The text is mainly about____________.
A.water supply and increasing population
B.water use management and agriculture
C.water redistribution and wildlife protection
D.water shornages and environmental protection.

When you enter a crowded room or go on a picnic or to a party, who is the most attractive and appealing person? It is the person who is cheerful, has a smiling face and behaves as if he or she is enjoying every moment of the event! Such people have an optimistic opinion on life.They are the ones with a positive attitude.On the other hand, let’s see that fellow in the corner with a long face.He is most probably thinking about the time and money wasted in having fun.He is a pessimist, one with a negative attitude.
A person with a positive attitude gets on well with the job at hand.He doesn’t worry about what’s gone before or what might happen in the future.If there is a problem, he quickly thinks of ways to solve it.If the problem cannot be solved singly, he seeks help from someone else.He doesn’t feel that it’s beneath his dignity to seek assistance.
When Sonal lost her history notes days before an important examination, she sat down and cried.Then she pulled herself together, borrowed a friend’s notes, worked day and night and managed to copy down whatever she had lost.Sonal passed the exam with flying colors.
It’s just not possible, even for the greatest optimist, to smile all the time and feel good all day.Everyone has a period of blues now and then, when everything seems sad and without cheer.But once you develop a positive attitude, once you realize that life is a series of ups and downs, dark clouds and bright sunshine, in no time at all, you’ve bounced back, ready to welcome the world again with open arms and a huge smile! So from this moment on, keep your face to the sunshine and you’ll never see the shadows.
1.What might be the best title of the passage?
A.To live with an aim in life      B.To be a pessimist or optimist
C.Life is full of ups and downs   D.Develop the positive attitude
2.The case of Sonal suggested that _______.
A.a person can solve the problem once he thinks of a way
B.Sonal made up for what she had lost by working day and night
C.Sonal was a pessimist because he lost her history notes
D.the history notes that she lost was not important for her
3.The underlined phrase bounced back in the last paragraph means_______.
A.moved back and forth     B.jumped up
C.returned to active state    D.came back
4.According to the last paragraph, which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.If you always look at the shadows, you will be in high spirits.
B.It is impossible for a person to be in a good mood all the time.
C.A negative attitude will make you welcome life with a big smile.
D.When someone feels sad, he thinks the world comes to an end.

Two Englishmen were traveling in France when a policeman stopped their car and gave it a search. He found a bag of white powder, which looked suspicious(可疑的). “Drogue?” asked the policeman who was sensitive to heroin(海洛因). “Yes, dog”, the two replied, having the least idea of their misunderstanding of the French word; and in no time they found themselves in prison. Analysis(分析)of the powder disclosed that it was a chemical which gave off a smell, used to discourage dogs from using the sides of the car as a toilet . The two were set free, after promising to take a few French lessons before their next trip in France.
1. The powder found in the car looked very much like______.
A. heroin      B. gun-powder     C. medicine     D. fertilizer
2. The French word “drogue” means______.
A.“dog”, which often used the sides of the car as a toilet
B.“drunk”, a state caused by the effect of drinking
C.“drug”, matter such as heroin and cocaine(可卡因)
D.“medicine”, used to cure people of their illnesses
3. The reason why the two Englishmen misunderstood the word “drogue” was that ______.
A.the words “drogue” and “dog” are more or less alike in pronunciation
B.“drogue” happened to be a word they had learned in their French lesson
C.they knew no French at all, but were shy of showing this
D.they didn’t know this word, but had a habit of taking things for granted
4.The two Englishmen were free_____.
A.directly after the analysis was carried out
B.after they had given a satisfactory explanation of the powder
C.after the police found out that they hadn’t broken traffic rules
D.on condition that they should do something to improve their French

A holiday is any day when people lay aside their ordinary duties and cares. The word comes from Old English. At first, holidays honored some holy(神的) events or persons. People in Great Britain and other countries speak of holidays as Americans speak of vacations.
Every nation has its special holidays. China observes New Year’s Day(January 1), May Day and National Day as legal(法定的) holidays, as it was on Oct. 1, 1949 that People’s Republic of China was founded. The Chinese have long celebrated the Chinese lunar year. In the United States, congress(国会) has declared(宣告) several as legal days such as New Year's Day (January1), Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and so on. Some holidays celebrate special events in the development of a country, such as Greece’s Independence Day, Italy’s Liberation Day and India’s Independence Day.
In the United States, banks and schools usually close on a legal holiday. When such a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is often observed. Schools and organizations often observe days known as traditional holidays, although schools and businesses do not close then. Those holidays include Valentine's Day and Halloween.
1. Which of the following holidays has nothing to do with a country’s development?
A. China’s National Day            B. Valentine’s Day
C. Italy’s Liberation Day            D. America’s Independence Day
2. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. Chinese will no longer observe the Spring Festival
B. students don’t have to go to school on any holiday
C. Chinese and Americans share at least one holiday      
D. Americans can easily draw money from banks on legal days
3. In the sentence “China observes New Year’s Day(January 1)”, “observes” means_____.
A. praises         B. spends         C. celebrates        D. cares
4. If a legal holiday falls on Sunday, people usually celebrate on_________.
A. Sunday                   B. the following Sunday
C. the following Monday       D. the following Tuesday

When you look at a map of the Caribbean, you will see a bunch of little islands surrounded by. Blue waters, which include places that aren't always household names like Montserrat and Anguilla.
While some of the names may not be familiar, the fact is that the Caribbean is a popular vacation region. Those little clots on the map often turn out to be island paradises. There are more than 7,000 islands, islets, and reefs in the area, many of which are lightly populated and stunningly beautiful.
The biggest challenge you might face in planning your trip is choosing where in the Caribbean to go. All of the nations feature excellent weather. Most feature beautiful beaches. You can enjoy the waters in most of the Caribbean nations and as is often the case with island nations, you will be welcomed warmly by the locals. Here are some resources to help you.
Unless you can walk on water or you cruise the Caribbean, the best way to visit is to fly. Some destinations have more frequent and cheaper flights than others. You should do some comparison shopping on flights to the Caribbean. And if you are planning on flying there during the Christmas holiday weeks it's important to book as early as possible because prices will just keep going up as they get closer.
The Caribbean offers a wide variety of accommodation options. Check out the Caribbean hotels that are available to get a better idea of the various options. If you are on a tight budget then, the Caribbean could be challenging, as there are only a few cheap hotels and hostels that might help you save some money.
Many people see the Caribbean from a cruise ship. There is no shortage of cruises that will take you through the region. Cruise and Vacation Travel Packages is the place to go to find the cruise or vacation package that is right for you.
56. The Caribbean is popular with tourists because ________.
A. the area has a small population             B. the area has a long history.
C. there are many beautiful islands there        D. tire area is very developed
57. The underlined word "they" in the fourth paragraph refers to _________.
A. prices of air tickets                       B. tourists to the Caribbean
C. flights to the Caribbean                  D. the Christmas holiday weeks
58. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The weather in all of the Caribbean nations is fine.
B. Most of the Caribbean hotels are cheap.
C. The local people of the Caribbean are very friendly.
D. It is hard to choose a destination in the Caribbean.

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