
15.Every camera we sell in our shop comes with a two-year _______.(  )

分析 我们店售出的每台照相机都有两年的质保.

解答 答案:A
A:保证  B:安全  C:评估,评价  D:instruction 指令,指示 根据句意并结合生活常识,物品售出时具有质量保证,可推断出选项为"保证",故此题选A.

点评 此题考察名词的词义辨析,根据对词汇的词义了解并结合句意,可选出答案.

5.A nurse of 78 this weekend celebrates 60years of walking the wards-and she has no plans to retire.
Jackie Reid was 18 when she started work in 1953-when the National Health Service(NHS) was just five years old-and is believed to be the oldest nurse in Britain.
The diabetes(糖尿病) specialist had to retire at 65 but returned as a nurse within two weeks and still does up to four seven-and-a-half hour shifts(轮班)each week.
Mrs Reid said:"Nursing is hard if you do it correctly but I love my job.Working for the NHS has been my life.I have no other hobbies because I have worked all my life.
Jackie has worked at a number of different hospitals--including one in Scotland.
Her specialist field has been diabetes for the past 40years.She relrained after her 12-year-old daughter Michelle developed the disease.She currently works at Southend Hospital,Essex.
Over the last 60years she has treated tens of thousands of patients.
Jackie believes nursing should be protected from government cuts.She said:"There're lots of things I would say to the government.If you are going to get good care you have to have the resources(资源),you can't do it without enough money.They shouldn't need the cuts that there are in the NHS.It's hard now because there's a shortage of staff."
Jackie has lived alone in Grays,Essex,since her husband did three years ago.
The couple have two daughters Michelle,50,and Karen,54.
Jackie added:"My youngest daughter worried about me-she doesn't think I should work as much as I do.I constantly say'don't worry about me,I'm fine',but she never believes me.I don't like the thought of giving it up and will try to keep going forever."
56.In which year was the NHS set up?(with in 2words)
57.What does Jackie think of nursing?(with in 6words)
58.when did Jackie retrain in the field of diabetes?(with in 6words)
59.What does Jackie wish the government to do?(with in 7words)
60.Why does Jackie's daughter worry about her?(with in 8words)
6.The Doll and the White Rose
I was walking around in a mall,when I saw a cashier hand this little boy some money back.The cashier said,"I'm sorry,but you don't have enough money to buy this doll."The little boy seemed very disappointed.
I walked toward him and asked him who he wished to give this doll to."It's the doll that my sister wanted so much for Christmas.She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her:But Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now.I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there."His eyes were so sad."My sister has gone to be with God.Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too,so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister."
My heart nearly stopped.The little boy looked up at me and continued,"I told Daddy to tell Mommy not to go yet.I need her to wait until I come back from the mall."
I quickly reached for my wallet and said,"Suppose we check again,just in case you do have enough money for the doll."
"OK,I hope I do have enough,"he said.I put some of my money with his without him seeing and we started to count it.There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.
Surprisingly,the little boy cried,"Thank you God for giving me enough money!"Then he looked at me and added,"I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll,so that Mommy could give it to my sister.  He heard me!I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy,but I didn't dare to ask God for too much.But he gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose!"
Then I remembered two days before a local newspaper reported an accident in which a woman and a little girl were badly injured.The little girl died right away,and the mother was left in a critical state.Was this the family of the little boy?
Two days after I met the little boy,I read in the newspaper that the woman had passed away.I couldn't stop myself from going to the funeral.Teary-eyed,I felt that my life had been changed forever.

56.The boy wanted to buy the doll becauseD.
A.he had always been eager for such a doll
B.Santa Claus didn't give him any Christmas gift
C.he would give it to his mother as a birthday surprise
D.he wanted to turn his sister's Christmas wish into reality
57.We can learn from the story thatC.
A.the boy's sister died after staying in hospital for two weeks
B.the boy's family were all seriously injured in a car accident
C.the author gave the boy some extra money without his notice
D.the boy's mother always wished to receive a white rose on Christmas
58.The story most probably conveys the message thatA.
A.a kind act can bring joy and hope to others
B.a gift is a perfect way to express love for others
C.losing a family member is a heavy blow to children
D.a religious belief can help one solve problems in his life.
3.While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning,he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise.All day Andrew felt nervous and anxious as he thought about the upcoming showdown.What if Mr.Larchmont refused to grant his request?Andrew had worked so hard in the last 18 months and landed some great accounts for Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency.Of course,he deserved a wage increase.
The thought of walking into Larchmont's office left Andrew weak in the knees.Late in the afternoon he was finally courageous enough to approach his superior.To his delight and surprise,the ever frugal Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a raise!
Andrew arrived home that evening-despite breaking all city and state speed limits-to a beautiful table set with their best china,and candles lit.His wife,Tina,had prepared a delicate meal including his favorite dishes.Immediately he figured someone from the office had tipped her off!
Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered note.It was from his wife.It read:"Congratulations,my love!I knew you'd get the raise!I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you.I am so proud of your accomplishments!"He read it and stopped to reflect on how sensitive and caring Tina was.
After dinner,Andrew was on his way to the kitchen to get dessert when he observed that a second card had slipped out of Tina's pocket onto the floor.He bent forward to pick it up.It read:"Don't worry about not getting the raise!You do deserve one!You are a wonderful provider and I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you even though you did not get the increase."
Suddenly tears swelled in Andrew's eyes.Total acceptance!Tina's support for him was not conditional upon his success at work.
The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure.

56.What was Andrew's plan that Friday?A
A.To request a wage increase from his boss.
B.To land some great accounts for the company.
C.To celebrate his success with his wife at home.
D.To get a job in the Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency.
57.The underlined word"frugal"in Paragraph 2 most probably means"C".
58.Why did Tina prepare a grand dinner for Andrew that day?B
A.She was confident of his getting a pay raise.
B.She meant to show her support whatever the result would be.
C.She believed that her husband was the best in his company.
D.She wanted to express her gratitude for his devotion to the family.
59.We can conclude from the text thatD.
A.many fears turn out to be unfounded
B.work hard and you will be rewarded
C.we should never be afraid to ask for what is due to us
D.unconditional love brings courage and strength.
7.Sharing Beauty
It was in October.I was aimlessly wandering down the street,heading into a most gloriously beautiful sunset.I had an urge to speak to someone on the street to share that beauty,but it seemed everyone was in a hurry.
I took the next-best action.Quickly I ducked into a department store and asked the lady behind the counter if she could come outside for just a minute.She looked at me as though I were from some other planet.She hesitated,and then seemingly against her better judgment,she moved toward the door.
When she got outside I said to her,"Just look at that sunset!Nobody out here was looking at it and I just had to share it with someone."
For a few seconds we just looked.Then I said,"God is in his heaven and all is right with the world."I thanked her for coming out to see it; she went back inside and I left.It felt good to share the beauty.
Four years later my situation changed greatly.I came to the end of a twenty-year marriage.I was alone and on my own for the first time in my life.I lived in a trailer park which,at the time,I considered a real come-down,and I had to do my wash in the community laundry room.
One day,while my clothes were going around,I picked up a magazine and read an article about a woman who had been in similar circumstances.She had come to the end of a marriage,moved to a strange community,and the only job she could find was one she disliked:clothing sales in a department store.
Then something that happened to her changed everything.She said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset.The stranger had said,"God is in his heaven and all is right with the world,"and she had realized the truth in that statement.From that moment on,she turned her life around.

56.The author asked the woman to go outside toA.
A.admire the sunset     
B.cheer her up     
C.offer some help     
D.have a chat
57.Four years later,the authorB.
A.found her dream job                    
B.put an end to her marriage
C.worked in a laundry room                
D.lived in the same community
58.After reading the article in the magazine,the author was probablyC.
A.disappointed     B.puzzled     
C.inspired         D.overjoyed.
18.Several years ago,I had to replace a receptionist for my unit.Before I advertised for the position,I was approached by another manager,and asked if I would consider a transfer from his staffinstead of opening a new competition.My natural question was to ask who he wanted me to consider and why.
It appeared from his description of this employee,Maria,that she was having a lot of problems performing her duties,and had difficulties with her boss,and did not appear to respond to any attempts he,the manager,had made to settle the issues.Now,after listening to his explanation,I really had severe doubts.What crossed my mind,after this discussion,was that he wanted me to take a problem off his hands.
I told him I would think about it and would let him know the next day.As promised,after   thinking more about this potential performance issue,I decided that I would agree to speak with Maria privately before I made any decision.
And,what I found out during this interview,left me deep in thought.As it tumed out,the  performance issue appeared to result from working for a boss who never extended a good morning.greeting,never gave a word of encouragement,and was constantly changing the work load and routines.The end result was a totally ruined employee who was unconfident,hated to see a new work day start.
I decided to accept her transfer to my unit.What started out as a shy,withdrawn and frightened employee turned out to be one of the most productive and loyal employee that I had eyer worked with.Maria couldn't do enough and was constantly asking for more and for more responsibility.I was more than happy to give her what she needed-praise for work well done,respect as a person,and encouragement for doing well in anything she dealt with.
Sometimes,we are guilty of holding others back from accomplishing or doing,or developing as they should or could.It may be a wise idea that we all look in the mirror,from time to time,to see what we are really like.

41.What can we leam about the writer from the first paragraph?A
A.He is a manager in the company.
B.He doesn't like his receptionist.
C.He likes to compete with others.
D.He wants to find another position.
42.After hearing his colleague's description of Maria,the writer thought that MariaB.
A.attempted to settle the issues
B.was a problem to her boss
C.shouldn't stay in the company
D.could get on well with others
43.Why did Maria fail to perform well in her previous job?C
A.Her previous job was not suitable for her.
B.She had difficulty responding to her manager.
C.Her boss didn't inspire her working enthusiasm.
D.Her boss showed no trust in her ability.
44.The writer accepted Maria's transfer to unit probably because he thought thatC
A.she was a ruined employee
B.she would need his protection
C.she would turn out to be a good employee
D.she was a shy and frightened employee
45.The writer probably believes that a good boss shouldB.
A.praise and award his employees a lot
B.respect,praise and encourage his employees
C.greet his employees and give them much work
D.always give his employees guidance in working.

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