
【题目】Are you pleased with what he has done?

It couldn't be ___________ Why didn't he put more effort into his work?

A. any worse

B. much better

C. so bad

D. the best


【解析】根据后文内容Why didn't he put more effort into his work?可知他的工作做得非常差,再也没有比他更差的了。


【题目】The new year has begun and some people may be looking to 2015 as the year they get a dog. A furry friend will bring a lot of fun and companionship to your family especially for urban residents who always feel lonely living in the fast-paced society. But looking after a pet does require some responsibility from the pet owner if you want your new friend to be healthy and happy in your family.

The following is a checklist for people who are considering adopting an animal.

Where to find a dog

There are hundreds of pet shops in Shanghai, big and small, where you can find puppies at a cost ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands of yuan. The pet shop will tell you some basic facts about dogs of a specific breed. But don't forget to ask about the vaccination status if you are buying a puppy, which needs three injections with an interval of three to four weeks between shots.

Another option is to ask your friends if they know anyone with a dog that has recently had puppies. This option is more reliable than buying a puppy from someone you don’t know, especially the street peddlers who might carry animals with diseases.

Another highly recommended option is to adopt one from an NGO dedicated to providing shelter and protecting stray animals. This is quite practical if you don't care about the dog's breed.

Vaccination (疫苗)

As a pet owner, there are some things you must do otherwise you may get into big trouble, and one of these is getting your dog vaccinated.

Dogs need regular shots to fight against canine parvovirus (犬细小病毒), rabies and other diseases or viruses.

To ensure the vaccines are not substandard, we strongly recommend you get your furry friend a shot from a qualified vet, which may cost a few hundred yuan each year.

Another advantage of using the vet as opposed to getting your dog vaccinated yourself, is that the vet will examine its condition to see whether it is suitable to get a shot now and take immediate action if it has an allergic reaction to the vaccine.

Because you are advised not to give your animal a bath for one week following its vaccination, you should clean your animal one or two days before the shot if you don’t want your dog to get too dirty.

Parasite (寄生虫) protection

As a pet owner, you need to be prepared to get rid of fleas (跳蚤), heartworm (犬心虫), roundworm (蛔虫), intestinal worms and other parasites from your dog.

Dogs need regular flea and tick control and parasite protection, even if it does not show symptoms of being affected by the parasite. An adult dog needs to be fed with a tablet every six months to make sure it does not have any parasite.

You also need to take measures every three months to help expel fleas and ticks from your animal. You need to learn the signs of a flea bite: they may immediately cause a dog to feel extremely itchy. Within 30 minutes of a bite, they may develop a red bump. Secondary infections caused by scratching are also common.

Dog training

No dog is born with good manners. Pooping on the carpet, leaping enthusiastically onto guests, pulling so hard that it practically yanks your arm out of the socket when on walks that’s all perfectly acceptable in the canine world. It's up to you to teach your dog to behave the way humans want it to.

Despite the adage(谚语;格言) about old dogs and new tricks, there are no age limits to teaching dogs. And whether you've got a brand-new puppy or an older dog, the first step is the same: learn how to be a good teacher.

Every dog is different and will respond better to a slightly different training style, but these general guidelines apply: stay consistent and patient, and reward your dog for getting it right.

【1】The underlined word “vet” means____________.

A. a surgeon B. a physician

C. a dentist D. a doctor who treats animals

【2】According to the article, how many aspects should a pet owner pay attention to?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

【3】Which of the following sentences is FALSE?

A.A dog can bring much fun and companionship to your family especially for urban residents who always feel lonely living in the fast-paced society.

B. As a pet owner, it is unnecessary for you to be prepared to get rid of fleas.

C. It's up to you to teach your dog to behave the way humans want it to.

D. After getting a dog, the first step for its owner is to be a good teacher.


【1】 To answer that question you need to ask yourself, is your drinking water supply safe?

Your water may contain many impurities(杂质) both man made and natural that can range from many different chemicals to all sorts of different bacteria. 【2】 Though these impurities aren't harmful to us, many can cause bathroom fixtures to rust and corrode and stain our laundry.

The government has set minimum standards for safe drinking water. 【3】 No one really knows the long term effects of many of the things that are allowed in our water.

There are two basic kinds of water quality standards. 【4】 Primary standards deal with the actual cleanliness of the water and whether or not it is healthy to drink and Secondary standards deal with the appearance and smell of the water. It might interest you to know that even though the EPA has set these standards, in 1997 the EPA was happy to state that 88% of the towns served by public water systems were reported to have no violations. However, it means that 12% of the water systems in the country did have water standards violations.

【5】 You wouldn't know until someone told you, if they told you. And by then you could have consumed quite a lot of substandard water. The really only safe thing to do today is take charge and do one better than the standard by either buying bottled water on a regular basis, which is expensive, or by getting a water purifier for your home.

A. What if you/span> were in that 12% ?

B. However, these are the minimum standards.

C. Most of these kinds of impurities are not harmful.

D. They are Primary and Secondary standards.

E. Is a water purifier a good choice today for you and your family?

F. Setting drinking water standards is not an easy process and there are sill many unknowns.

G. Whether you get a glass of drinking water or you take a shower, you expect that water to be safe.

【题目】When will a plant be considered a weed? Experts have a simple answer: when the undesirable qualities outweigh (胜过,强过) the good qualities. Crops generally produce several hundred seeds from each plant. By comparison, each weed plant can produce tens or even hundreds of thousands of seeds. And some buried seeds can survive up to forty years or even longer. Eradicating weeds means that you have to remove all the seeds and roots so the weeds will die completely. But birds or the wind can reintroduce them to the land.

A common way to deal with weeds is to control them enough so that the land can be used for planting. Experts suggest using more methods to deal with weeds. Chemical weed killers or natural treatments like corn gluten (玉米麸) can suppress weed growth. Bill Curran is a professor of weed science. He says the most efficient method for suppressing weeds is dense planting. Dense planting of a crop can also act as a natural control. A dense and competitive crop that quickly shades the soil will help suppress many weeds. The weed seeds need light to grow, so cutting off sunlight will reduce weed growth.

Other controls include turning over the soil, pulling the weeds or covering them with mulch (地膜) made of wood, garden waste or other materials. But even mulch has its limits. Natural resource specialists point out that weeds can be transported in mulch. This is also true of soil, grain, hay and animals. Yet animals like sheep or goats eat weeds, so they can provide a biological control. Insects and other organisms can also act as biological controls.

Preventing the spread of weeds is an important part of weed management. Farm vehicles should be kept out of areas with weeds. If that is not possible, then clean off the equipment and your shoes when leaving. Some people bum weeds or bury them deep. Experts say the economical way is to make organically rich compost (有机堆). On the one hand, the process produces heat which can kill many weed seeds. On the other hand, the compost can be added to the soil to help plants grow.

1】Why do people kill all the seeds and roots of weeds?

A. Because the seeds and roots are bad in quality.

B. Because weeds have strong ability to live.

C. Because weeds take up too much space.

D. Because the seeds and roots will be eaten by birds.

2】Which of the following methods of eradicating weeds can work best?

A. Chemical weed killers.

B. Putting the com gluten in the field.

C. Dense planting.

D. Making use of mulch.

3】How does dense planting affect weeds?

A. The crops grow stronger than weeds.

B. The crops grow deeper in the soil.

C. The crops block sunlight the weed seeds need.

D. The crops compete with weeds for shade.

4】What can we infer from the passage?

A. The weeds will surely die under mulch.

B. The buried weed seeds can’t come out.

C. Farm vehicles should be used to kill weeds.

D. People can make good use of weeds properly.

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