
— How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

— It ______ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

A.will B. would

C. should D. Must




试题分析:句意:-你的北湖旅行怎么样,那儿美吗?-应该很美的,只是现在污染很严重。Should be...表推测,“应该...”。故C正确




Eleven-year-old Angela had something wrong with her nervous system. She was unable to ______. In fact, she could hardly make any ______. Although she believed that she had a______chance of recovering, the doctors said that ______, if any, could come back to normal after getting this disease. Having heard this, the little girl was not ______. There, lying in her hospital bed, she______that no matter what the doctors said, her going back to school was ______.

She was moved to a specialized health center, and whatever method could be tried was used. Still she would not ______. It seemed that she was ______. The doctors were all fond of her and taught her about______that she could make it. Every day Angela would lie there, ______doing her mental exercise.

One day,___ ___she was imagining her legs moving again, it seemed as though a miracle happened: The bed began to _____! “Look, what I’m doing! Look! I can do it! I moved! I moved! "she ______.

Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was ____. More importantly, they were running______safety.

People were crying, and equipment was ____. You see, it was an earthquake. But don’t____that to Angela. She has______that she did it, just as she had never doubted that she would recover. And now only a few years later, she’s back in school. You see, to such a person who can____the earth, such a disease is a small problem, isn’t it?

1.A. see B. hear C. talk D. walk

2.A. progress B. difference C. movement D. achievement

3.A. poor B. good C. little D. special

4.A. few B. all C. some D. most

5.A. satisfied B. delighted C. surprised D. discouraged

6.A. insisted B. sighed C. feared D. promised

7.A. true B. doubtful C. certain D. impossible

8.A. get up B. give up C. turn up D. stand up

9.A. disappointed B. proud C. troubled D. undefeatable

10.A. thinking B. expectingC. pretendingD. imagining

11.A. sadlyB. madlyC. carefullyD. faithfully

12.A. asB. sinceC. afterD. before

13.A. flyB. moveC. rollD. speak

14.A. jumpedB. wonderedC. screamedD. recovered

15.A. frightenedB. pleasedC. annoyedD. encouraged

16.A. inB. byC. forD. with

17.A. risingB. fallingC. missingD. gathering

18.A. tellB. doC. giveD. show

19.A. noticedB. supposedC. believedD. discovered

20.A. pushB. shockC. shakeD. save


We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck, or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.

That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.

One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time—during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.

Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of yourself-control after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…God, one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is “a pain in the neck”.

Another, well—known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn ; he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go—for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

Then, there is the man sitting next to you at lunch, smoking. He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he gets closer so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

We also call such a person a “rubber neck”, always getting close to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy learning about your personal business. People have a strong dislike for “rubber necks”. They hate being watched secretly.

1.Where can you find this passage?

A. In a medicine dictionary. B. in a kids’ story book.

C. In a social science book. D. In a science textbook.

2.According to the passage, how do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?

A. disturbed. B. bored. C. ignored. D. relaxed.

3.A “rubber neck” often __________________ .

A. says bad words behind people.

B. quarrels face to face with neighbors.

C. bargains with salespeople over the price

D. asks about other people’s business

4.Which of the following persons CANNOT be described as a “pain in the neck”?

A. Someone who often claps at the wrong time during a performance.

B. Someone who feels ache in his neck due to a cold in the muscles.

C. Someone who sits next to you smoking, which you never enjoy.

D. Someone who keeps eating or talking all through the movies.

5.What is the main purpose of the author?

A. To tell people what might be bad manners in public.

B. To criticize (批评) the people who might be a “pain in the neck”

C. To show anger to those who are described as a “pain in the neck”.

D. To tell people how to stop the pain in the neck.


There was once a group of young people searching everywhere for happiness but what they got was only annoyance, grief and misery.

So they 36 Socrates for advice on where happiness 37 . But 38 giving any answers, Socrates asked them to help with building a 39 first. The group of guys had to 40 the task, laying aside their own business of seeking happiness. It took them a long time to cut down a tall tree, gouging out (挖空) the center. Through painstaking effort, they made a canoe out of the tree. They launched the canoe into a river, and then 41 together in it, singing with 42 .

Socrates asked, “My children, do you have happiness now?” They answered in chorus: “We 43 be happier!” Socrates 44 , “That’s it! 45 you are too busy pursuing something to notice anything bitter, happiness will occur.”

From the story I got to know that happiness 46 hides behind every tiny thing that you are involved in, and that you may only get pleasure through 47 work and creativity.

We may have to 48 pain in our daily life and in the process of 49 happiness. Sometimes we tend to look for happiness in 50 things, like a new car, clothes, etc. True long term happiness, however, comes from within our 51 and spirit. So why not turn suffering into 52 life, and 53 tears into the light in your heart? Only in this way can we make it through and find true happiness.

So my dear friends, just remember happiness is a state of mind and a matter of 54 , and I 55 you all a life of happiness.

1. A. pointed toB. referred toC. turned toD. kept to

2. A. layB. belongedC. stoodD. laid

3. A. apart fromB. instead ofC. other thanD. for fear of

4. A. house B. boatC. bridgeD. school

5. A. set about B. set downC. set outD. set up

6. A. sat B. stoodC. gotD. rowed

7. A. joyB. sorrowC. curiosityD. hope

8. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’tC. couldn’tD. needn’t

9. A. declared B. thoughtC. addedD. assumed

10. A. Unless B. WheneverC. UntilD. However

11. A. never B. alwaysC. everD. seldom

12. A. cautiousB. endlessC. hardD. effective

13. A. experienceB. avoidC. enjoyD. deny

14. A. searchingB. seekingC. hopingD. improving

15. A. spiritual B. niceC. newD. material

16.A. body B. partC. soulD. head

17. A. blaming B. praisingC. endingD. cursing

18.A. turn B. put C. divideD. draw

19.A. time B. energyC. factD. choice

20.A. wish B. promise C. bringD. Require



[1]Oops! In your rush to get to school, you drop a piece of toast on the floor. Do you throw it away or decide it’s still OK to eat? If you’re like most people, you eat it. Maybe you follow the “5-second rule”, which claims foods are safe to eat,if you pick them up within 5 seconds of dropping them. But you might want to think again. Scientists now say that 5 seconds are all it takes for foods to become contaminated with enough bacteria to make you sick.

  [2]Bacteria can cause many kinds of illnesses. Some kinds of bacteria can grow on food. If we eat foods on which these bacteria are growing, we can become sick. One of these food-borne bacteria is Salmonella. It makes 1.4 million people sick every year. Earlier this year, 370 people became sick after eating peanut butter that had been contaminated with Salmonella at the manufacturing factory. Salmonella are often found in raw eggs and chicken. Cooking kills these bacteria, which is why it is so important to cook eggs, chicken, and other foods carefully.

  [3]Being a good housekeeper is another good way to prevent infection. If household surfaces aren’t washed thoroughly, they can support Salmonella for weeks. A team of scientists at Clemson University in South Carolina have tested the 5-second rule, using sandwich ingredients. First, they placed a known amount of Salmonella cells on three surfaces: wood, tile, and carpet. They then placed a slice of bread and a slice of bologna(博洛尼亚大红肠) on each surface for 5, 30, or 60 seconds. After just 5 seconds, both the bread and bologna picked up enough bacteria to make you sick.

[4]So forget the 5-second rule. If your toast lands on the floor, throw it away. Stick a fresh slice of bread in the toaster. And this time, be careful not to drop it!

1.What is the “5-second rule” mentioned in the first paragraph? (no more than 18 words)

2.Why is it important for us to cook food carefully?(no more than 5 words)

3.What advice is given to prevent infection in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)

4.Why did the scientists at Clemson University carry out that test? (no more than 15 words.)

5.What is the author’s attitude towards the 5-second rule? (one word)


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