
【题目】Since it is common to copy others’designs, the Council of Fashion Designers has recently urged the government to pass laws to protect designers’ rights.

A. practice B. standard C. sense D. activity


【解析】句意:既然复制别人的模式是惯例,时装设计理事会最近已经敦促政府立法保护设计者的权利。common practice惯例,习惯作法。 practice练习;standard 水平;sense感觉,意义;activity活动。故判断选A


【题目】In October, Ubayd Steed, a sixth grader in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was taking a math test when he noticed a classmate looking at his paper. " I quickly turned my paper over," he said. Later that day, Ubayd met the cheater and told him not to do it again.

Unfortunately, Ubayd' s experience is not unusual. Whether it's kids copying class -mates' answers during tests or friends sharing homework, cheating happens in schools every day. Experts say the behavior starts in the lower grades. Surveys show that one in three elementary students admits to cheating.

Jacob Harder, a fourth grader in Ware, Massachusetts, has had classmates ask to copy his homework. "I wouldn't want to just tell them the answers," he says. So instead, he explains the task and encourages his classmates to do it themselves.

But many kids find it hard to say no. "l hear from kids all the time, ' I can' t say no to a friend,'" says Eric Anderman, a professor at The Ohio State University who studies cheating in school. He says it' s important to say no from the start. "Then you nip it in the bud, and the other kid gets the message," he says. Plus, he points out, "a real friend is not going to disown you because he or she couldn't copy your math homework."

The kids doing the copying may feel they need to cheat to be accepted by other kids. And some students may cheat simply because others do. "If you' re in an atmosphere where cheating is common, you may think that if you don' t cheat, you' re at a disadvantage," says Michael Josephson, founder of the Josephson Institute of Ethics.

But Josephson says students shouldn't think that way. "There are a lot of things kids do," he says. "You have to decide what kind of person you' re going to be."

When school becomes too challenging, Anderman suggests going to the teacher rather than relying on the work of others. "It' s good to ask for help," he says.

【1】Ubayd' s experience serves as a(n) __________

A. explanation B. introduction

C. comment D. background

【2】We learn from the text that cheating in elementary school _________.

A. results from difficult tasks

B. is popular among students

C. mainly happens during tests

D. is unusual in lower grades

【3】The underlined part "nip it in the bud" in Paragraph 4 probably means _________.

A. face the difficulty it caused

B. realize its disadvantages

C. stop it at an early stage

D. make it disappear

【4】Who advises kids to turn to teachers for help when they fall behind in studies'?

A. Ubayd Steed. B. Jacob Harder.

C. Eric Anderman. D. Michael Josephson.

【题目】The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie, which has aroused more experts' concern about this serious problem.

Many climatologists and green groups fear they will come true unless there is a concerted global effort to rein in greenhouse gas emission 排放).

In the decades to come, Asia --- home to more than half the world's 6.3 billion people will lurch (突然倾斜) from one climate extreme to another, with poor farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels.

"It's not a pretty picture:' said Steve Sawyer, climate policy adviser with Greenpeace in Amsterdam. Global warming and changes to weather patterns are already occurring and there is enough excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to come.

Already, changes are being felt in Asia but worse is likely to come, Sawyer and top climate bodies say, and could lead to mass migration (移民)and widespread humanitarian crises.

According to predictions, glaciers will melt faster, some Pacific and Indian Ocean islands will have to be abandoned or build sea defenses, storms will become more violent and insect and water-borne diseases will move into new areas as the world warms.

All this comes on top of rising populations and increasing demand for food, water and other resources. Experts say environmental degradation(退化)such as deforestation and pollution will likely increase the influences of climate change.

In what could be a foretaste of the future, Japan was hit by a record 10 typhoons and tropical storms in this year, while two-thirds of Bangladesh, parts of Nepal and large areas of northeastern India were flooded, affecting 50 million people, destroying livelihoods and making tens of thousands ill. The year before, a winter cold snap and a summer heat wave killed more than 2,000 people in India.

1In the passage, the author indicates that the weather predictions for Asia are _ _

A. frightening B. exciting

C. surprising D. satisfying

2Which of the following is NOT included in the weather prediction?

A. Some Pacific islands will have to build sea defenses.

B. Storms will become stronger.

C. The diseases spread by water will move into new areas.

D. Two-third of Bangladesh will be flooded.

3The passage is intended to_ _ .

A. tell people not to believe in the weather prediction for Asia

B. inform people of natural disasters that happened in Asia

C. increase people's awareness of the severe consequence of gas emissions

D. introduce a movie to environmental experts

4The passage is probably taken from__ _ .

A. a newspaper B. a trade journal

C. a biology book D. a fashion magazine



What makes people successful? Take a look around and talk to your friends and seniors who are very successful, you will see all of them have adopted certain values which have proved vital for their success.

It is evident that successful people take initiative 主动性).When they find something needs to be done, they never hesitate to do it.They believe that responsibility is taken, not given.They weigh immediately what has to be done and then do it with pleasure thus strengthening their reputation.

Successful people do things with great enthusiasm, especially when they believe in what they are doing.They are motivated by their own satisfaction and the joy they get from doing their work.They work hard even when no one is watching and they devote themselves to their work.

They do not fear failure.Failures and disappointments in life are unavoidable.It is failure that teaches us much more than success.Successful people pick themselves up after a fall and try again with more determination and commitment and learn from each failure.They associate with those they can learn from and enjoy the company of those appreciating their achievement.

Having good IQ often gets a person what he wants but it's really the EQ that keeps him there and helps him enjoy a high reputation.Successful people are polite to everyone and treat others with respect.By giving respect to others, they command respect for themselves.

Another important quality of successful persons is that they never complain.It's better to praise others and win favor with them.So instead of complaining about a situation, successful people always try to solve it.

To put it shortly, take initiative and be enthusiastic about them.Do not be afraid to fail, but get up and start again.When you do so, success will be just around the corner

Title: What Makes People Successful?


Successful people all have adopted certain values which are vital for their success

1of successful people

Taking initiative

they take immediate action without 2

they take responsibility for what has to be done and do it pleasantly

Being self-motivated

theyre 3about the things they do ,with a belief in what they are doing.

They are 4to their work.

Learning from failure

they get up and start again after a failure.

They keep company of those who 5their achievement

Giving respect to others

they are polite to everyone and treat others 6

they earn respect in return by giving respect to others

Making no 7

they praise others and win favor with them

they always try to 8the problems in the face of difficulty


When you can combine the above into your action plan,youll have 10to success soon

【题目】阅读下面短文, 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

High school students in Victoria, Australia have been offered Education Department advice ahead of their written exams. The advice has been developed by the state Education Department together with a mental health organization. Exams can be a stressful time and the government is ensuring that students have the support they need to get through the period, Education Minister Martin Dixon said.

Students are advised to breathe deeply through their noses as a relaxation technique, to have a healthy diet, and to improve their mood by exercising. The importance of sleep, staying connected with family and friends, and planned study times are emphasized. Students will also learn positive self-talk. The positive way that you talk to yourself can be used for greater confidence and reducing stress, and can be a very effective way to prepare yourself for a big test or exam, students are told.

The tips encourage young people to speak up if they are having difficulty, and remember that life will go on beyond exams. At the same time, students with serious problems are urged to seek professional help.


2.用约120个单词对文中所述话题进行讨论, 内容包括:




1.作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得 直接引用原文中的句子;



【题目】 A primary school in Wuhan has used new desks and chairs to prevent students from getting short sight. The desks and chairs make students have the correct posture, especially when reading and writing. Each desk has an adjustable steel bar. The bar can help students keep their eyes at least 30cm from books.

Zhang Jianming is headmaster of the primary school. She said the new desks and chairs were provided by an eye care centre in the city. The school carried out a survey last September. It showed that about 7 percent of its 1,093 students said they suffered from short sight.

The new desks and chairs have already improved the students’ posture, but both teachers and students might need more time to get used to them.

Yang Lihua is head of the Wuhan Youth Eye Care Center. She said the desks and chairs were introduced to 19 schools on a trial basis. “During our research into short sight, we noticed that the number of students with short sight was increasing. This is because parents are teaching their children to read and write at a very early age without paying enough attention to their posture,” she said.

Feng Junying is a doctor at Beijing Jingshan School. “I think the new desks and chairs in Wuhan will certainly be helpful,” she said. “But bad reading habits at school are not the only reason for short sight. Children are using mobile phones and iPads when they are very young. This can be another reason for short sight at a young age.”

【1】According to the passage, the adjustable steel bar can help the students keep their eyes ___________ from books.

A. 20cm B. 25cm C. 29cm D. 32cm

2The schools in Wuhan introduced the desks with bars to the primary school students in order to _______________.

A. make students grow tall

B. help students have the correct posture

C. help students love reading

D. not allow students to use mobile

3Feng Junying’s words mean ___________________________________.

A. the number of students with short sight is increasing

B. the students don’t get used to the new desks and chairs

C. bad reading habits are not the only reason of the students’ short sight

D. the new desks and chairs are useless for the students to improve their eye sight

4From the passage, a good way to protect our eyesight is to___________________________.

A. buy an adjustable steel bar

B. go to the Youth Eye Care Centre often

C. have a correct posture when we are studying

D. read less and use mobile phones and iPads less

【题目】The food we eat seems to have a great effect on our health. Although science has made big steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of human illness is related to food and forty percent of cancer is related to food as well. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, some researchers realized that things commonly used to keep colors in meats and other food additives (添加剂) caused cancer.

Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it is difficult to know which things on the wrappings(包装)of foods are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin (青霉素) to their animals, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of cows. Sometimes similar things are supplied to animals not for their health, but just to make a profit.

The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price on the market. Although some countries have tried to control such things, the practice continues.

【1】According to this passage, we can know _____.

A. perhaps most kinds of cancer are related to what people eat

B. perhaps most of human illness is caused by what we eat

C. cancer was discovered in 1945

D. science has made food unfit to eat

【2】Things that are used to keep colors in meats are _____.

A. harmful B. useless C. helpless D. dangerous

【3】People use additives _____.

A. to make food more unfit to eat

B. to cause cancer

C. to change the color of the food

D. to take off the diseases of the food

【4】Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Some wrappings of food are harmful.

B. Farmers try to make more money on the market by fattening their animals.

C. "The practice continues" means "things are still going on like that".

D. We needn't take care of what we eat.

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