
第一部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
完形填空(1) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
A bar manager was so sure that he himself was the strongest man around      1             he offered a standing $ 1,000 bet that no one could beat him.
The  2          was that the landlord would squeeze a lemon until all the      3           ran out into a beer glass, then hand the lemon to the customer. Anyone who could squeeze even one more  4       out of the lemon would win the money.
0ver the years many people had tried this, truck drivers, weightlifters, karate masters, and   5         had failed. Then one day a little fellow with heavy black rimmed glasses came into the bar and asked if he  6           try the challenge.
After the laughter had quieted down, the landlord said that it was only        7       that the man be given a chance at the bet, so he picked up a lemon and started squeezing.  8          he had done he handed the  9             to the little man who promptly squeezed out 4 more drops of juice onto the bar!
Everyone looked on in amazement as the landlord handed over the prize and asked “What do you do  10      a living that has given you such strength? Are you a lumberjack, weightlifter?” “No.” the man replied, “I work for the IRS(国税局).”
1. A. that                      B. there                        C. therefore          D. since
2. A. fact                      B. trap                         C. challenge                  D. match
3. A. flesh                           B. juice                C. seeds                     D. peel
4. A. water                   B. lemon                    C. beer glass         D. drop
5. A. none                           B. neither                     C. either                    D. all
6. A. /                         B. could                       C. had to                    D. ought to
7. A. then                           B. likely                    C. fair                       D. chance
8. A. Once                   B. Right                      C. Immediately    D. In case
9. A. container                     B. money                     C. remains                    D. other
10. A. with                          B. for                          C. on                           D. in


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
In my dual (双重的)) profession   36  an educator and health care provider, I have worked with many children infected with HIV. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great   37   can be found in the smallest individuals. Let me tell you about Tyler.
Tyler was   38   infected with HIV; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medications to 39  him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube inserted in a vein(静脉) in his chest. At times, he also needed extra oxygen to support his 40.
Tyler wasn't_41   to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not  42   to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine-loaded backpack and   43  his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon ( 小推车 ). All of us who knew Tyler were impressed by his pure   44   in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often  45  him by telling him that he moved so  46   she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she could quickly47  him.
This deadly disease eventually  48   down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately,  49 did his HIV-infected mother. When it became   50   that he wasn't going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about   51 . She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.
A few days before his death, Tyler 52  to me to come to his hospital bed and   53 ,"I might die soon. I'm not 54  When I die, please dress me in  55  Mom promised she's coming to heaven, too. I'll be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.
36. A. in                     B.for             C. as             D.on
37. A. pleasure      B. pain          C. sorrow      D. courage
38. A. seriously     B. born          C. unlucky      D. disappointingly
39. A. cause          B. enable       C. make         D. lead
40. A. breathing    B. living        C. running      D. walking
41. A. happy         B. willing      C. daring        D. discouraged
42. A. common     B. unusual     C. surprised    D. ordinary
43. A. dragging      B. carrying    C. pushing      D. taking
44. A. character     B. joy            C. moment     D. Excitement
45. A. comforted   B. scolded      C. teased        D. praised
46. A. slowly               B. happily      C. quickly      D. fast
47. A. know          B. spot          C. stop           D. observe
48. A. tore            B. broke               C. wore          D. kicked
49. A. neither               B. so             C. such           D. nor
50. A. apparent      B. hopeless    C. sure           D. terrible
51. A. life             B. dream       C. future        D. death
52. A. waved         B. said           C. signed        D. explained
53. A. whispered   B. shouted     C. cried          D. spoke
54. A. excited        B. surprised   C. scared        D. sad
55. A. red             B. white               C. bright      D. beauty

In formal paragraphs you will sometimes see a sentence at the end of the paragraph which summarizes the information that has been presented.This is the concluding sentence.The concluding sentence is similar to the topic sentence.They are both general sentences.The concluding sentence can be written in two ways:
1.State the topic sentence in different words.
2.Summarize the main points in the paragraph.
You can understand concluding sentences with this example.Consider a hamburger that you can buy at a fast—food restaurant.A hamburger has a top bun,meat,cheese,lettuce(生菜),and other elements in the middle of the hamburger,and a bottom bun.Note how the top bun and the bottom bun are very similar.The top bun,in a way,is like a topic sentence,and the bottom bun is like the concluding sentence.Both buns “hold” the meat,onions,and so on.Similarly,the topic sentence and concluding sentence “hold” the supporting sentences in the paragraph.Let’s see how a concluding sentence might look in our sample paragraph about Wheaton:
My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features.First,it is noted for the Wheaton River,which is very wide and beautiful.Also,on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill,which is unusual because it is very steep.The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree.This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old.These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.
Notice how the concluding sentence,“these three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place”,summarizes the information in the paragraph.Notice also how the concluding sentence is similar to,but not exactly the same as,the topic sentence.
Usually,we begin a concluding sentence with “in conclusion’’ or “in summary”.Remember,not all paragraphs contain concluding sentences,especially if the paragraph is very short.However,if your paragraph is very long,it is a good idea to use a concluding sentence.
65.What does the author mainly intend to tell us in this passage?
A.How to write a concluding sentence.
B.What the top bun and the bottom bun are like.
C.Why his hometown is a famous place.
D.To use a concluding sentence in our writing.
66.Why does the author write about a hamburger?
A.Because he can buy a hamburger at a fast—food restaurant.
B.Because a hamburger has a top bun and a bottom bun.
C.Because the top bun and the bottom bun are very similar.
D.Because he wants to explain his main idea in another way.
67.The underlined word “noted” probably means“        ”
A.written down          B.famous                   C.noticed                   D.recorded
68.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?
A.A sentence at the end of a paragraph is the concluding sentence.
B.All paragraphs contain concluding sentence.
C.It is a good idea to use a concluding sentence in a long paragraph.
D.The concluding sentence is the same as the to pic sentence.
69.The underlined phrase “These three landmarks” here refers to       .
A.the Wheaton River,Wheaton Hill and my hometown
B.natural features,the Wheaton River and the Wheaton Hill
C.the Wheaton River,Wheaton Hill and the Big Old Tree
D.my hometown,Wheaton Hill and the Big Old Tree

Until a century ago, bloodletting was used to treat many ailments. Dating back to before the time of Christ, the treatment involved letting a type of worm, called a leech, such blood from the patient. People believed that there were liquids called humors in the body and that these determined a person’s personality and heath. Bloodletting, they thought, restored a balance to these humors.
At the time, little was known of the working of the human body, but people did know that the same liquid, blood, flowed throughout everyone’s body. They knew it was a vital substance, for loss of any great amount of it meant certain death. Thus, they concluded that all diseases were carried in the bloodstream, and that if the body was relieved of bad blood, heath would return. Bloodletting, however, came to be used as a cure-all. Woman were bled to keep them from blushing while members of the clergy were bled to prevent them from thinking sinful and worldly thoughts.
From the 11th to the 18th centuries, barbers were the people to go to if you needed to be bled. This custom explains the significance of the traditional barber’s pole: the white stripes stand for bandages and the red stripe for blood.
1. This passage is concerned about            .
healthy people and doctors                         B. bleeding as a cure-all
C. barbers of long ago                                      D. leeches with special jobs to do
2. The red and white stripes on barber pole symbolize         .
sin and redemption                             B. the bleeding form
C. women who are nurses                                  D. humors in the body
3. Why is bloodletting no longer considered a cure-all?
Because more is known about the workings of the human body.
Because leeches were outlawed
Because barbers were too busy cutting hair.
Because today we know that blood is necessary for health
4. In the second paragraph, the word “Thus” could be replaced by the word       .
A. When                        B. However                  C. If                            D. So
5. Ailments means           .
A. cures                         B. women                     C. disease                     D. medicines
Not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep is not a disorder in itself but a sign of some other problems, often a physical one.
If you have trouble sleeping, the American Sleep Disorders Association suggests that, for a week or two, you put down the time you go to bed, get up, exercise, and drink coffee, tea or wine.  The purpose is to find the habits that may affect your sleep.
a.      Don’t drink coffee in the six hours before going to bed.
b.      Stop smoking and drinking at bedtime.
c.      Don’t sleep during the day.
d.      Go to bed at the same time every night.  Set your alarm clock for the same time every morning and get up at that time, whether or not you sleep well.
e.      Use the bedroom only for sleep.  Read, watch TV, eat and talk elsewhere.
f.       Take sleeping pills according to your doctor’s directions and don’t take them for longer than three weeks at a time.
g.      If you haven’t fallen asleep within 15 minutes of going to bed, don’t turn over worrying about it.  Get up and read or watch TV until you are sleepy, then return to bed.
If you continue to have trouble sleeping, ask your doctor for help or go to a sleep-disorders center.
小题1: According to the passage, there is probably        if you are not able to fall 
asleep or stay asleep.
A.a bad way of sleepingB.a disorder in sleep
C.a physical reasonD.a problem caused by the brain
小题2:If you have trouble sleeping, you should try to ______.
A.ask a doctor for help or go to a sleep-disorders center
B.put down the time you do things every day
C.do more physical exercise
D.find out the cause first
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following would be the best way to help you sleep well?
A.Taking some sleeping pills every day.
B.Reading books before you go to bed.
C.Setting your alarm clock at night.
D.Forming good living habits.
小题4:The author writes this article in order to ______.
A.tell us not being able to fall asleep is a serious disease
B.provide us with some suggestions on sleep problem
C.persuade us not to go to see the doctors when we are ill
D.help the American Sleep Disorders Association to find the causes of not being able to fall sleep

As A/H1N1 continues to spread, experts from the Centers for Disease Control to the World Health Organization to neighborhood doctors are calling on the people to practice smart flu prevention techniques. Here are some tips to keep body improved and immune(免疫)system ready to fight infection.
Wash Your Hands
And wash them often, in hot soapy water, and for the amount of time it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
Get Enough Sleep
This means slightly different things to different people, but try to get 8 hours of good rest each night to keep your immune system in top flu-fighting shape.
Keep Hydrated
Drink enough water each day to clear poisonous matter from your system and keep up good moisture(湿度)production in your body.
Eat Immune-Improving Foods
Keeping you body strong and ready to fight infection is important in flu prevention. Fatty foods can slow your metabolism(新陈代谢), make you feel inactive, and weaken your immune system. So stick with whole grains, colorful vegetables, and vitamin-rich fruits.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is likely to decrease your resistance to infections and further damages the immune system. So avoid alcoholic drinks to keep your immune system strong.                         
Proper exercise-for example walking for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week-supports the immune system by increasing circulation, oxygenating the body, removing poisonous material through sweat, and reducing tension and stress. So get moving!
Avoid Contact with Sick People
If you’re coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth(and then wash your hands),and if you have to be around someone who is sick, try to stay a few feet away from them and avoid physical contact.
Know When to Get Help
A/H1N1 can look like regular flu, so don’t feel like you necessarily are infected if you’re exhibiting flu-like symptoms(症状). But do go to your doctor if you live in an area where there are recorded cases, or if your symptoms are very serious.
44.To fight A/H1N1 infection, it’s helpful for us to_______ .
A.sing “Happy Birthday” while washing hands
B.eat more fatty foods and colorful fruits
C.keep away from alcoholic drinks
D.refuse communication with patients
45.A suitable title for paragraph 7 might be _______.
A.Support the Immune System    B.Keep Physically Active
C.Get Enough Sweat            D.Walk to Reduce Stress
46.The passage seems to suggest that we should_______.
A.get enough sleep after eating fatty foods
B.wash hands with soap after a cough or sneeze
C.drink more water after drinking alcohol
D.see a doctor immediately if you have flu-like symptoms
47.What can help clear poisonous matter from the body?
A.Washing your hands.       B.Eating fatty foods.
C.Getting enough sleep.      D.Drinking enough water.

Not long ago , Richard Denniston found himself suffering the same pain that millions of other pet owners have faced . His little Scottish dog had a brain tumor(肿块)and would soon die. Like others who faced the problem before him , Denniston just wanted to end his pet’s suffering . However , he took one step further.
Deniston , an expert who studies animals , collected a tiny skin sample from the dog and took it to his laboratory at Louisiana State University. There he  cultivated  it and froze it in liquid nitrogen.
From that idea , Denniston started a new technology .Denniston’s company will save pet’s DNA $500,plus a monthly storage fee of Us $10, until cloning becomes a reality .
Thanks mostly to the contribution of a California multimillionaire , that day may not be so far off.
“It could happen extremely soon if everything went on well.”says Mark Westhusin , a professor leading a dog cloning team . Most experts put successful dog cloning a year to five years down the road . The cost is bound to be expensive at first , but it would eventually drop to a few thousand dollars.
Since Dolly , the sheep which was first cloned in 1997 ,cattle ,goats ,mice and monkeys have been cloned in labs . Pets are likely to be next.
“I really believe that the technology is going to become available for many species in the near future ,”Denniston says .
1. After his pet died ,Richard Denniston_______.
A. did something more than the ordinary pet owners
B. did as other pet owners
C. did nothing but feel very sad
D.could not help feeling lonely without his dear pet
2. Richard Denniston_________in liquid nitrogen for an experiment.
A. was a doctor who put his dog
B. was an animal expert who put a piece of his dog’s skin
C.was an expert at collecting skin samples who then put them
D.took great interest in freezing things
3. The underlined word “cultivated ”in Para . 2 probably means_________.
A. bought     B.discovered    C.caught     D.trained
4. Cloning will cost people_______.
A. a lot of money in five years .
B. much in the beginning and then be reduced to a thousand dollars.
C. much and then will surely be reduced to thousands of dollars.
D.much at first and then might be reduced to a few thousand dollars.
When it comes to intelligence, human beings are the top dogs of the animal kingdom. But in recent years, scientists have been documenting surprising intelligence and emotional depth in animals ranging from honeybees to elephants. Here are some amazing examples.
Artistic Monkey Business
Jannet Schmid, director of the Little River Zoo in Norman, Oklahoma, learned a lot about the intelligence of capuchin monkeys. She and her busband adopted a young male, named Bailey. The capuchin particularly liked taking car rides, insisting that he insert the key and ride in the front passenger’s seat.
Now Bailey has become a devoted painter. He uses brushes to create colorful, abstract paintings, and prefers not to be disturbed.
Prairie Dog Sound
Through a variety of birdlike sounds, prairie dogs warn each other of approaching creatures. They demonstrated a surprisingly complex communication system. In his 25 years of study, Slobodchikoff, a professor of biology, has recorded them pronouncing ten nouns including hawk, deer and coyote, a number of adjectives to identify color, size and shape, and even some verbs to indicate speed.
In an ongoing study, Slobodchikoff learns that their brain contains a very extensive vocabulary. He once used his best prairie dog sound to say coyote, and they just looked at him in anger as if he had said a bad word.
Ivy League Parrot
One African grey parrot Alex is said to have the cognitive abilities of a five-year-old child. Alex can identify 50 different objects, seven colors, five shapes, quantities up to six, and the concepts of bigger, smaller, same and different.
Also Alex is considered to make reasoned decisions. During an experiment, researchers gave Alex different-colored blocks in sets of two, three and six. When asked which color group had five blocks, Alex replied, “None.” And he answered the same in repeated tests. Obviously, he interpreted the concept of “none” as an absence of quantity all on his own. That’s a lot like a high school student answering questions on a quiz show.
56.Which of the following is true?
A. Bailey is as clever as a child of five.
B. The prairie dog loves taking car rides.
C. The capuchin monkey is fond of painting.
D. Alex develops a communication system.
57.The underlined word “coyote” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. a verb                     B. an animal              C. a warning                       D. an adjective
58.The African grey parrot Alex can ________.
A. answer questions on a quiz show
B. understand the figure “7”
C. identify five colors and seven shapes
D. apply the concept of “none” correctly
59.What is the passage mainly about?
A. Animal communication                           B. Animal research
C. Animal intelligence                                  D. Animal information

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