
Square dancing ________ to help maintain fitness has caused conflicts between the Damas and the neighboring residents.

A. claimingB. claimedC. having claimedD. to claim




试题分析: 句意:被宣称能够帮助维持健康的广场舞已经导致了大妈和周围居民的冲突。这里是定语修饰Square dancing,因为Square dancing和claim的关系是被动关系,所以用过去分词做定语,选B。




The Fish I didn't Catch

I still remember my first fishing experience as if it were but yesterday. I have been   many times in my life (like when I got admitted to the best school), but never more intensely sothan when I received that first fishing    from my uncle.

My uncle, who knew by long   where pickerel(梭鱼)would gather,   placed me at the most favorable point. I threw out my line and waited anxiously for a bite,   the float up and down rapidly on the surface of the water. But nothing came of it. "Try again," said my uncle. Suddenly the float   out of sight. "Now for it," thought I; "here is a fish at last."

I made a strong pull, only to bring up a tangle of weeds. Again and again I cast out my line with aching arms, and drew it back empty. I looked at my uncle   ."Try once more," hesaid;"we fishermen must have 

Suddenly something tugged at my line, and swept off with it into deep water. Pulling it up quickly, I saw a fine pickerel wriggling in the sun. "Uncle!”I cried, looking back in uncontrollable    , "I've got a fish!”"Not yet," said my uncle. Just then, I saw the scared fish shooting into the middle of the stream, my hook hung    from the line. I had lost my prize.

My heart sank with it and I felt like a failure. We tend to speak of the    of childhood as matters of little importance    those of grown-ups. Controlled by reason and self-respect, the sorrows of grown-ups    the social customs and rules of conduct    the sorrows of childhood are a complete abandonment to the passion. The doll's nose is broken, and the whole world    with it.

So, overcome with my bitter disappointment, I refused to be   ,even by my uncle's guarantee that there were more fish in the river. He refitted my bait, and, putting the pole again in my hands, told me to try my luck once more.

"But remember, boy," he said, with a smile, "it's no use to boast of(自夸)anything before it's done, nor then, either,   it speaks for itself."

How often I have been reminded of the fish that I did not catch   !When I hear people talking about their distant aims as if they had already been achieved, I call to mind that    by the riverside, and the wise caution of my uncle takes the form of a proverb of    application: "NEVER BOAST OF YOUR FISH BEFORE YOU CATCH HIM."

1.A. happy  B. confident  C. curious  D. optimistic

2.A. basket  B. pole  C. net  D. boat

3.A. analysis  B. calculation  C. adjustment  D-experience

4.A. casually  B. desperately  C.considerately  D. unexpectedly

5.A. kicking  B: moving  C. releasing  D. folding

6.A. sank  B. bounced  C. flew  D. extended

7.A.understandingly B. appealingly  C. seemingly  D. approvingly

8.A. affection  B. imagination  C. competence  D. patience

9.A.amusement  B.disappointment  C. excitement D. astonishment

10.A. separate  B. heavy  C. empty  D. dull

11.A. achievements  B. sorrows  C. remarks  D. commitments

12.A. in comparison with B.in favour of C. in response to D. on account of

13.A. reform B. keep C. violate D. establish

14.A. if  B. since  C. when  D. while

15.A. goes ahead  B. takes off C.breaks up  D. comes out

16.A. criticized  B. teased  C. comforted  D. protected

17.A. for  B. once  C. if  D. though

18.A. just then  B. ever since  C. ever after  D. only now

19.A. view  B. location  C. conflict  D. scene

20.A. liberal  B. potential  C. artificial  D. universal



There's a huge power in knowing how to make adjustments in life. In fact, it's possible to turn failure into success by making the right adjustments. The trick is in knowing where the adjustment is needed and how much.

We call people who have the ability to make the best life adjustments happy. And on the other hand we call people who refuse or neglect to make adjustments sad, frustrated or confused.

Whatever your stage in life, age or financial level, everyone will face what I call the 3 C's. The 3 C's are changes, challenges and choices. The person who handles the 3 C's the best we call happy and well adjusted.

One obstacle many people trip over is assuming money will help them make the best life adjustments. Wrong! It may help in some ways, but even money won't help unless you have the knowledge and put in the effort. For instance, dysfunctional (不正常的) wealthy people who find it hard to deal with the challenges, changes and choices of life are not that hard to find.

So, what's one of the key factors of people who fail to live up to their potential? They fail to make life adjustments when faced with changes, challenges or choices.

Here are 3 simple but powerful tips to help you make effective life adjustments when faced with the 3 C's or changes, challenges and choices.

Learn To Think With Your Eyes And Ears

When you learn how to think with your eyes we call that observation and when you learn how to think with your ears we call that hearing. Most people see but few people know how to observe. The difference between seeing and observing is like the difference between reading and studying.

The same goes with listening. It only requires ears to hear, but it often takes awareness and thought to listen. One factor in helping you to listen better is to hear not only what people say but what they don't say. Reading body language and voice inflection can help you listen between the lines. All these play an effective role in helping you to think with your eyes and ears.

Learn To Go With The Flow

The people who learn to make the best life adjustments cultivate the habit of going with the flow. For example, they refuse to sweat the small stuff, they remain flexible to life changes. The best way to do that is to trust your instincts(直觉). The more you do that the more they will work for you.

Worry tends to ruin your God-given instincts. Notice people who can go with the flow and you'll find a person with sharp instincts.

Be Prepared For Changes, Challenges And Choices

If you can keep an attitude of preparation you'll have the best chance of making effective life adjustments. What kind? The kind that can see you through problems, setbacks and challenges.

As the saying goes, “If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready.” That's the best advice for anyone who wants to make the best life adjustments and win!

Title: Whoever Makes The Best Adjustments1.


Supporting details


Failure can turn into success when the right adjustments are 2. .


3C’s stand for changes, challenges and choices. And people 3. at handling 3C’s are happy and well adjusted.

WWrong 4.

Money5. than your knowledge and effort will help you make the best life adjustments.




Three tips




Learn to 6. and listen.

* Different from seeing, observation means thinking with eyes.

* 7. hearing, listening requires awareness and thought.

Learn to go with the flow.

* Adapting to life changes without being 8. about small stuff.

* Forming the habit of going with the flow by 9. on your instincts.

Be prepared for 3C’s.

With an attitude of preparation, it is more 10. that you will adjust to life effectively.


One of the most important recent medical breakthroughs has been the impact of gut flora(肠道菌群)on overall health. This dynamic mix of bacteria in the digestive tract(消化道)may affect everything from obesity to asthma(哮喘).

The Gut-Mood Link

Anyone who's ever experienced "butterflies" in his or her stomach knows that the gut and the brain are connected. But until recently, scientists hadn't realized that the trillions of bacteria in our digestive tract may be driving the relationship.

One recent experiment suggests that you can control calm. Canadian researchers gave healthy mice a mixture of antibiotics, which change the makeup of GI-tract(胃肠道)bacteria. Over two weeks, some animals became more anxious and some less, depending on which drugs they received. In another study, when gut bacteria from calm mice were transferred to anxious mice, the jittery(紧张的)creatures seemed less nervous.

UCLA professor Kirsten Tillisch, doctor of medicine, recently had healthy women eat a yogurt

rich in certain types of "good" probiotic(益生菌的)bacteria. Two 'Control groups ate yogurt without such bacteria or ate nothing. Brain scans of the probiotic-yogurt eaters indicated changes in regions that could be associated with a less-anxious response in fearful or stressful situations compared with the control groups.

Scientists are even exploring whether gut microbes(微生物)might treat some brain disorders. A new study in Cell found that mice with features of autism(自ICJ症)given a type of bacteria in healthy human GI tracts exhibited less autism-like behavior. In a recent case report, a Boston ps. chiatrist says a course of certain probiotics and antibiotics helped relieve a patient's compulsive disorder. -We tend to focus on how your mood affects your body from the top down, not the bottom up," says Dr. Tillisch. "Now we know that the gut affects how your brain responds to the environment- it's a remarkable change in thinking.”

How Bacteria Talk to the Brain Scientists aren't sure how gut flora affect brain chemistry. One theory is that the bacteria access pathways along the nerve, the main highway in the nervous system that links the brain to the gut. Another is that the bacteria influence the immune system, releasing chemicals that affect conditions like depression. Finally, researchers believe that bacteria produce or affect the metabolism(新陈代泻'i) of chemicals, which change brain function.

Dr. Tillisch told me that patients always ask which probiotics will lift their mood.Her answer:

"We don't know yet, but we hope to one day." In the future, patients might receive probiotics or transplant(移植) in which bacteria from the gut of a healthy person are transferred to the gut of a sic': one-to prevent or treat mental health issues. But these approaches are years away from primary time.Until then, a diet rich in fruit and veggies helps cultivate(培养)better-balanced microbes than a typical Western diet high in animal and processed products. Avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, particularly in early childhood, may also establish healthier gut bacteria.

1. According to the passage, gut bacteria might help us in many ways EXCEPT__.

A. lightening our mood B. treating autism

C. relieving depression D. transplanting gut flora

2.The missing sentence "Everyday foods may also affect the composition of gut bacteria, and in

turn, brain chemistry." could be put before__·

A. Paragraph 2 B. Paragraph 3

C. Paragraph 4 D. Paragraph 5

3.Which of the following can be the best subtitle for the last paragraph?

A. Cultivating a Happier Gut

B. Growing Bacteria in the Future

C. Balancing Microbes and Diet

D. Living a Happy Healthy Life


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