
Pigeons may only have a brain the size of a thimble (顶针), but it appears that pigeons can categorize and name objects in the same way human children learn new words.

A new study from the University of Iowa has shown that the birds are capable of learning to categorize 128 different photographs into 16 basic categories.

Scientists taught three pigeons to sort out different kinds of dogs or types of shoes, for example by using a particular symbol in exchange for a reward. When they were shown black and white pictures of previously unseen dogs or shoes, the birds were able to correctly match these with the corresponding symbols.

The scientists behind the project say this is a similar approach taken by young children when they are first learning words for objects. However, the researchers said it look their birds around 40 days to perfect the task of learning just 16 categories.

Professor Edward Wasserman, who led the work, said: “Our birds’ rate of learning appears to have been quite slow. Would children learn faster than pigeons? Almost certainly. However, our pigeons came to the experiment with no background knowledge at all. Thus, the more relevant comparison group may be newborn babies, who indeed take 6-9 months to learn their first words.”

Writing in the journal Cognition, the researchers said their experiment was a very simple mirror of the way children are taught words — by their parents pointing to pictures and asking them to name the object.

Pigeons are known to be smarter than many birds. Professor Bob McMurray, who also took part in the study, said the results showed that human learning is not as unique as was previously believed.

He said: “Children are facing a huge task of learning thousands of words without a lot of background knowledge to go on. For a long time, people thought that such learning is special to humans. What this research shows is that the ways in which children solve this huge problem may be shared with many species.

1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Pigeons and young children take a similar approach to learn words.

B. Pigeons are known to be smarter than newborn babies.

C. Pigeons recognize objects in the same way children learn words.

D. Pigeons are unique as they can learn like humans.

2.Why does the writer think newborn babies are the more relevant comparison group?

A. They don’t have any background knowledge.

B. They learn relatively slow.

C. Pigeons and newborn babies learn at a similar speed.

D. Young children are smarter.

3.From the passage, we can learn that ________.

A. learning without background knowledge is unique to humans

B. many species may be able to learn without background knowledge

C. pigeons are able to solve many huge problems

D. pigeons are known to be the smartest birds

4.The passage is intended to ________.

A. introduce pigeons B. prove a fact

C. support an opinion D. report a study


Long ago, there was a rich man, who had a very big house with a lot of treasures and many servants. One day, two silver saucers were stolen from the cupboard. After a few days, another two saucers were stolen again. The rich man was very angry. He thought, “Someone must have stolen them. I must catch the thief, or another two saucers would be stolen in a few days.”

Then he had an idea. He called in all his servants and said. “Some of my silver saucers have disappeared. Someone among you must have taken them. Who has taken them?”

The servants looked at one another and kept quiet. Then the rich man said, “I shall catch the thief myself. I am giving each of you a stick. Look, all the sticks are of the same length, Keep the sticks. Bring them back tomorrow. The thief’s stick will two centimeters longer.”

That evening, Salleh, one of the servants, went home sadly. His wife asked him, “Why are you so sad this evening?”

“This stick will grow two centimeters longer tomorrow because I have taken the silver saucers,” he said.

“Oh, don’t worry. Cut off two centimeters from the stick,” his wife said. “In other words your stick will be of the same length as any of the other sticks.”

Hearing this, he was very happy. At once, he cut off two centimeters from the stick with a knife.

The next day, each of the servants brought back his stick. The rich man then measured each of the sticks. He found Salleh’s stick shorter by two centimeters. Salleh was the thief. He was caught and put in prison. The rich man got back the stolen saucers.

1.The silver saucers were kept in____

A. a cupboard B. a box

C. the kitchen D. the bedroom

2.The rich man found _____ silver saucers were stolen

A. two B. four

C. six D. three

3.The next day, the rich man knew that Salleh was the thief because Salleh’s stick _____.

A. remained the same length

B. was shorter by two centimeters

C. was longer by two centimeters

D. broke in two

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Salleh’s wife told him to return the stolen saucers

B. Salleh’s wife was angry with him

C. Salleh brought back the stolen saucer himself

D. Salleh did as his wife told him to.

It is 1971.Sally with Josh and Martin,her two brothers,discovers a massive whale stranded (搁浅) on the beach near their home.The three children________their sweaters into the cold sea water and rush back to wet the________ animal.Realizing the urgency,Josh runs for help and people gather to________.Though they do all they can,it becomes clear that their efforts are________Sitting by the whale,Sally tells him he’s ________ and beautiful, and that she will________him no matter what happens next.As Sally talks to him,the animal lets out “a deep_________like the wind off the ocean” and dies.

The Stranded Whale is a ________book for children carrying a(n)________life lesson about accepting the ________ of one's power.

Master storyteller Yolen and illustrator (插画家) Cataldo have________an honest picture of human weakness that is moving.Yolen________sets her story in 1971,when the lack of cell phones would delay the________of both helpers and broadcasters.This adds to the________because so much time is lost.Cataldo's paintings________ gentle and soft colors,providing vast________ views and conveying the children’s helplessness.

The ending is________.Sally expresses the irony to herself when________with a medal by the community. “So,the whale died and we were heroes.”________they have made great efforts to rescue the whale,Sally and her brothers learn that not all living creatures can be saved.This is an important truth for ________.

1.A. squeeze B. dip C. throw D. dive

2.A. dangerous B. deserted C. dying D. deadly

3.A. respond B. fight C. witness D. charge

4.A. worthwhile B. in vain C. at loss D. awarded

5.A. patient B. considerate C. strong D. cautious

6.A. save B. pity C. understand D. miss

7.A. sigh B. cough C. scream D. yawn

8.A. drawing B. picture C. reference D. writing

9.A. easy B. bitter C. strict D. strange

10.A. failures B. mistakes C. limits D. shortcomings

11.A. foresaw B. made up C. took up D. created

12.A. wisely B. especially C. randomly D. usually

13.A. message B. transfer C. arrival D. protection

14.A. sorrow B. fun C. excitement D. tension

15.A. avoid B. adjust C. compare D. employ

16.A. seashore B. island C. country D. outdoor

17.A. touched B. realistic C. abstract D. comforting

18.A. replied B. provided C. presented D. related

19.A. As long as B. As though C. If only D. Even though

20.A. children B. animals C. writers D. illustrators

Afternoon teapot

Jane Austen Characters Mug

Enjoy lively companions every time you share a cup of tea or coffee with 41 characters from Jane Austen’s six loved novels. All your favorites are here, from Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, to Emma and Mr. Knightley in Emma. Best of all, Jane Austen stands in the middle of her much-loved literary children. Perfect for her fans, and for all who appreciate a large mug with a comfortable grip(把手). From a Scottish family-owned company near Loch Lomond. Our prices: $19.98

Soldiers Bus Stop Mug

Add a small amount of London happiness to your coffee break and teatime! On the Soldiers Bus Stop Mug, Her Majesty’s loyal servants----from Yeomen and Bobbies to the Queen’s Guard----queue for a ride, while a determined English bulldog takes up residence nearby. Our price: $15.98

Kings and Queens Mug

Keep royal company the next time you drink your favorite brew. Playful illustrations describe the essence of all 42 English kings and queens, from William the Conqueror, waving his sword, to Elizabeth II, waving her handbag. Perfect for readers and history lovers, and for all who appreciate a capacious(容量大的) mug with a comfortable grip. From a Scottish family-owned company near Loch Lomond. Our price: $17.98

Shakespear’s Plays Mug

Playful illustrations of Shakespear’s famous characters are the best complement to any tea or coffee. Perfect for readers and Shakespeare lovers, and for all who appreciate a capacious mug with a comfortable grip. From an English family-owned near Loch Lomond. Our price: $16.98

1.Which may you choose if Elizabeth is your favorite character?

A. Soldiers Bus Stop Mug.

B. Shakespeare’s Plays Mug.

C. Kings and Queens Mug

D. Jane Austen Characters Mug.

2.What can you find on Soldiers Bus Stop Mug?

A. A courting couple. B. A powerful dog.

C. An English queen. D. An American character.

3.What do we know about Kings and Queens Mug?

A. It shows Kings Henry VIII. B. It illustrates Shakespeare.

C. It comes from Italy. D. It describes Austen.

4.What is the price of Shakespear’s Plays Mug?

A. $15.98 B. $17.98

C. $16.98 D. $19.98

Finding time to red is an important part of developing literacy skills for all kids. And there are many easy and convenient ways to make reading a part of each day-even when it’s tough to find time to sit down with a book.

Reading opportunities are everywhere you go. While riding in the car, for example, encourage kids to spot words and letters (on billboards, store signs, etc.), turning it into a game (“Who’ll be the first to find a letter B?”). While shopping, ask your preschooler to “read” pictures on boxes and tell you about them. Point out the difference between the words and the pictures on the boxes. Encourage older kids to tell you what’s on the shopping list.

Even daily tasks like cooking can provide reading moments. You can read recipes aloud to younger kids, and older kids can assist you as your cook by telling you how much flour to measure. Give your child a catalog to read while you sort through the mail. Ask relatives to send your child letters, e-mails, or text messages, and read them together. Help your child create letters or messages to send back to the relatives. These types of activities help kids see the purpose of reading and of print.

Even when you’re trying to get things done, you can encourage reading. While cleaning, for instance, you might ask your child to read a favorite book to you while you work. Younger kids can talk to you about the pictures in the favorite books.

Make sure kids get some time to spend quietly with books, even if it means cutting back on other activities, like watching TV or playing video games.

Most importantly, be a reader yourself. Kids who see their parents reading are likely to resemble them and become readers, too!

1.What is the best title for the text?

A. The Importance of Reading

B. Finding the Reading Moments

C. Improving the Kid’s Reading Skills

D. Sitting down with a Book

2.According to the passage, encouraging the children to write letters is to ______.

A. show the function of reading

B. examine their writing skills

C. improve the kids’ reading ability

D. keep in touch with the relatives

3.To encourage older children to read, you can ask them to______.

A. make the shopping list

B. measure the flour for you

C. describe the pictures on boxes

D. read a favorite book to you

4.What does the underlined word “resemble” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Enjoy. B. Read.

C. Imitate. D. Like.

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