
【题目】Have you ever imagined that you could be cloned like Dolly the sheep in the not too distant future?

The news that a human embryo(胚胎)has been____cloned for the first time has caused mixed reactions.

The____was carried out by scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology Inc(ACT), in Massachusetts, US. The group____the news on November 25.

This is____human being. A clone is alive, it walks, it breathes, said Jamie Grifo, a(n)____on the study of cloning at New York University School of Medicine.

“This is a set of cells in a lab that will be used to____someone's life.”

Such research could lead to treatment for____such as heart diseases, AIDS and even cancer, ____scientists.

Despite high hopes from other scientists, the news raised concerns immediately from religious and political leaders. Several____in the US do not allow human cloning. President George W. Bush also made it clear that he is____any type of human cloning. However, the scientists at ACT said they have no interest at present in____an early embryo into____.

Animals have been cloned repeatedly since Dolly the sheep____in 1997. And there were no real technical____to stand in the way of scientists making a cloned human embryo.

This time the research group used traditional cloning technology with a human____. ____it was given DNA from an adult cell, the egg began to____. ____it was stopped from becoming a baby—at a stage in which it was____a ball of cells. The ____technology has been used to clone sheep, cattle and monkeys.

【1】A. in failure B.never

C.successfully D.not

【2】A. research B.report

C.works D.task

【3】A. made known B.made

C.said D.had

【4】A. a cloned B.a manmade

C.a D.not a cloned

【5】A. worker B.head

C.expert D.assistant

【6】A. save B.rescue

C.cure D.treat

【7】A. patients B.health

C.diseases D.things

【8】A. according to B.including

C.besides D.argued

【9】A. countries B.nations

C.peoples D.states

【10】A. for B.against

C.researching for D.praising

【11】A. developing B.building

C.inventing D.discovering

【12】A. a baby B.a man

C.a woman D.a white man

【13】A. died B.appeared

C.turned up D.was no more

【14】A. questions B.affairs

C.business D.problems

【15】A.egg B.bless

C.meat D.cell

【16】A. Before B.After

C.While D.And

【17】A. grow B.die

C.change D.grow up

【18】A. And B.But

C.However D.Yet

【19】A. yet B.still

C.not D.also

【20】A. different B.usual

C.ordinary D.same





















【解析】【1】从本句后面的“...has caused mixed reactions.”可知,克隆人类胚胎已经成功了。

【2】根据题意此处应为“研究”,carry out research是固定搭配。

【3】make known the news是由make the news known倒装而来,意思是“发布消息”。



【6】save one's life意为“挽救某人的生命”,rescue意为“援救;营救;挽救”,其宾语一般为人或物。




【10】由句中also一词可知Bush不支持human cloning,因此选择against。












【题目】What will our future look like? As for the future home, cookers will be set so that you can cook a complete meal at_the_touch_of_a_switch. Television will give the information on prices at the nearby shops as well as news and enjoyment. Visionphones will bring pictures as well as sound to telephone conversation. Machines will control temperature, lighting, enjoyment and gardening, etc. At work, robots will take over most jobs and working hours will fall to under 30 hours a week. Holidays will get longer. Six weeks will be the holidays every year.

What most shocks us is that in the future it will be possible to use virtual reality(虚拟现实)to bring the dead back to life. People will drag out their old and boring home movies and choose a relative to bring back to life. The visual will be combined with records about that person to create a virtual relative. Then the family can have a chat with that relative, keep it running, and live with it. The experience will be like living with a ghost.

【1】This passage is mainly about________.

A.what our future life will be like

B.how machines help us with our life

C.what the use of robots will be

D.how to live with a ghost

【2】The underlined words “at the touch of a switch” in the first paragraph mean________.

A.when you are beside the switches of the cookers

B.on touching the cookers

C.the moment you turn the cookers on

D.as soon as you touch the cookers

【3】It's true that in the future________.

A.people will enjoy their holidays for 42 days a year

B.robots will do everything for man

C.people will see instead of hearing each other when they are talking on the visionphone

D.none of the above

【4】In the future, machines can do the following except that________.

A.machines can control people's body temperature

B.machines can control lighting

C.machines can do gardening

D.machines can give people enjoyment

【5】As for the dead in the future, ________.

A.they can come back to life and become real persons

B.people can use virtual reality to bring them back to life

C.they will become ghosts and come back

D.the family can't chat with them

【题目】People in the western state of California who are in the United States illegally can now request a driver's license. The law went into effect on January l. California is not the first American state with such a law, but it has the largest number of illegal immigrants. More than a million people began to request licenses shortly after the new state law went into effect. Among them was Christian Alvarado. Mr. Alvarado entered the United States from El Salvador eight years ago without permission from the U.S. government. Some call such people "illegal immigrants." Others call them "undocumented immigrants "

Mr. Alvarado thinks is so exciting, for be has been waiting for the license for a long time. But some are worried that their personal information will be used to find them and deport them. Armando Botello is a spokesman for the California Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV. He says people should not be afraid, for such information will not be shared.

The new licenses are the same as licenses given to citizens except that they have the words "Federal Limits Apply". That means the license cannot be used to travel on an airplane or enter a federal building. Ana Garcia, working at the Central American Resource Center, says some illegal immigrants fear those words will be used to abuse them. Civil rights groups say the police and others

Dan Schnur , a political scientist at the University of Southern California, said that the main argument against the new law is that it rewards illegal behavior. But Professor Schnur argued that young, white Americans generally support immigration reform, including giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

"It's simply because they grew up a much more multicultural society than their parents or their grandparents did:" Professor Schnur says he believes the changes in beliefs about illegal immigrants that have taken place in California will spread throughout the United States.

1Why did the new law make Mr. Alvarado excited?

A. Because he can request a driver's license.

B. Because he became a legal immigrant of California.

C. Because he got his driving license as an illegal immigrant.

D. Because a law went into effect for the new immigrants.

2What is the difference of the new licenses compared to those given to citizens'?

A. The words “Federal Limits Apply” will abuse illegal immigrants

B. They can't be used to travel on an airplane or enter a federal building.

C. They can be used to act against the police and other people.

D. With the words "Federal Limits Apply", immigrants can enjoy special rights.

3What's the public's attitude towards the new law released on January l in California?

A. supportive B. negative

C. neutral D. Controversial

【题目】Jules Verne's most famous book is "Twenty Thousand League under the Sea". (A ‘‘league” is an old word about three miles. ) In those days submarines (潜水艇)had not been but he describes an underwater ship like a modern . The captain of the submarine in this book Captain Nemo (which means no man") and

he and his men have strange adventures and find many strange things the bottom of the ocean. This book has been made into a film. you have seen it.

In all his books Jules Verne used his scientific knowledge as well as his imagination in describing future inventions. he was wrong, of course, but the accuracy (准确)of his descriptions is very clever.

He was a very good . His characters often surprising and sometimes impossible things but they always seemed real people. Sometimes they are very like able and amusing . Two of these were Mr Fogg, the hero of “Around the World Eighty Days”,and his servant. In this book Mr Fogg made a bet that he would travel around the world in eighty days. This may seem easy to you. Nowadays we go around the world in than eighty hours but in those days there were no planes or even cars. Mr Fogg and his servant traveled in many different even on an elephant at one time! If you want to know whether Mr Fogg won his bet or not, you read the book. It has been written in English which you can easily read. The book, has been made into a film.

【1】 A. meaning B. including C. referring D. speaking

【2】 A. made B. discovered C. produced D. invented

【3】 A. ship B. boat C. plane D. submarine

【4】 A. is made B. is called C. is cried D. is shouted

【5】 A. few B. any C. many D. little

【6】 A. in B. near C. at D. under

【7】 A. Perhaps B. So C. Then D. Since

【8】 A. Always B. Seldom C. Some times D. Sometimes

【9】 A. still B. always C. never D. often

【10】 A. story-teller B. sailor C. captain D. pilot

【11】 A. wanted B. made C. did D. had

【12】 A. are B. to be C. that D. as if

【13】 A. characters B. women C. men D. children

【14】 A. in B. for C. on D. during

【15】 A. in the way B. all the way C. by the way D. on the way

【16】 A. much B. little C. many D. less

【17】 A. roads B. paths C. ways D. countries

【18】 A. should B. would C. could D. might

【19】 A. simple B. good C. correct D. difficult

【20】 A. too B. either C. however D. then

【题目】I'm simple when it comes to clothes. I never wear skirts or shorts which end above my knees. That is my .

The other day, I went shopping with my mother. At a shop, I saw a fashionable too short to cover the knees, specially designed for young girls. It looked like something one of those schoolgirls would wear.

The skirt cost $ 10. I 4 my purse, and I had enough money. I walking into school and my friends' jaw dropping. Boys would ask me out, and it would make me Then I showed it to my mother. She got very but said it was my decision. I could buy it—no, I should buy it.

So, I went into the room to try it on. I was so sure that the skirt would me, somehow making me not what I was what I wished to be. I took my jeans off and put the skirt on. I looked in the . There I wasa funny girl in a superman T-shirt and sports shoes. My glasses fogged(变得模糊 up as I started to .

The skirt did not change me anyway. it fit well and might make me look in the eyes of today's world, it was not me. I am not a girl who cool clothes just to fit in.

I took the skirt off and my own jeans. My mom knocked on the . “Emily, are you okay?” she asked.

I my tears away and said,"I'm fine. When I looked in the mirror I saw a beautiful slim girl with old-fashioned glasses and a ponytail (马尾辫). I knew for sure it was the me.

【1】 A. dream B. purpose C. choice D. life

【2】 A. skirt B. shirt C. coat D. hat

【3】 A. gentle B. cool C. ugly D. clever

【4】 A. lost B. picked C. took D. checked

【5】 A. imagined B. kept C. enjoyed D. hated

【6】 A. angry B. happy C. sad D. scared

【7】 A. disappointed B. surprised C. excited D. interested

【8】 A. chatting B. reading C. waiting D. dressing

【9】 A. change B. follow C. shock D. satisfy

【10】 A. nor B. but C. and D. or

【11】 A. curtain B. face C. mirror D. corner

【12】 A. cry B. laugh C. shout D. whisper

【13】 A. Unless B. When C. Since D. Though

【14】 A. silly B. good C. strange D. young

【15】 A. makes B. buys C. wears D. washes

【16】 A. put on B. put away C. threw away D. got on

【17】 A. window B. door C. glass D. counter

【18】 A. wiped B. brushed C. put D. hid

【19】 A. last B. first C. again D. once

【20】 A. different B. great C. false D. real

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