

1.In fact, your ___________(模棱两可的) words amounted to a refusal.

2.They have campaigned strongly for ___________(强制的) registration of dogs.

3.The majority of Scots favor an ___________(自制的) Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.

4.Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely ___________(脆弱的) environment.

5.In this company you have to go through complex ___________(官僚主义的) procedures just to get a new pencil.

6.He's a very a___________ athlete and he wants to play at the highest level.

7.The Government of Jamaica considered it improper to a___________ the death sentence as it might cause more violent murders.

8.They are not optimistic about a peaceful s___________ of the eleven-year conflict.

9.Archeologists unearthed an old English dictionary d___________ back to the year 1236.

10.Everyone looks up to him as his actions are always c___________ with his principles.














1. 形容词 模棱两可的ambiguous

2. 强制的compulsory

3. 形容词 自制的autonomous

4. 形容词 脆弱的fragile

5. 形容词 官僚主义的bureaucratic

6. 形容词 壮志雄心的ambitious

7. 动词 废除abolish

8. 名词 解决settlement

9. 动词短语 追溯到 ,做后置定语所以用dating

10. 形容词短语 与…一致consistent



Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened _____. As was discussed before, it was not _____ the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic _____, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the _____ of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution _____ up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading _____ through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures _____ the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in a right way. Nevertheless, it is _____ to do so.

It is generally recognized, _____, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, _____ by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, _____ its impact on the media was not immediately _____. As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became “personal” too, as well as institutional, with display becoming _____ and storage capacity _____. They were thought of, like people, _____ generations, with the distance between generations much _____.

It was within the computer age that the term “information society” began to be widely used to describe the _____ within which we now live. The communications revolution has _____ both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been _____ views about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. “Benefits” have been weighed _____ “harmful” outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.

1.A. betweenB. beforeC. sinceD. later

2.A. afterB. byC. duringD. until

3.A. meansB. methodC. mediumD. measure

4.A. processB. companyC. lightD. form

5.A. gatheredB. speededC. worked D. picked

6.A. onB. outC. overD. off

7.A. ofB. forC. beyond D. into

8.A. importantB. difficultC. honestD. concrete

9.A. indeedB. henceC. howeverD. therefore

10.A. broughtB. followedC. stimulated. D. characterized

11.A. unlessB. sinceC. lestD. although

12.A. apparentB. desirableC. negativeD. believable

13.A. sharperB. darkerC. heavierD. higher

14.A. decreasingB. increasingC. decliningD. flowing

15.A. by means ofB. in terms ofC. with regard toD. in line with

16.A. deeperB. fewerC. nearerD. smaller

17.A. environmentB. distanceC. skyD. state

18.A. regardedB. impressedC. influencedD. effected

19.A. competitiveB. controversialC. conditionalD. clumsy

20.A. aboveB. uponC. againstD. with


Three Apple engineers and three Microsoft employees are traveling by train to a conference. The Microsoft engineers each buy tickets but the Apple engineers buy only a ________ ticket.

“How are three people going to travel on only one ________?” asks a Microsoft employee. “Watch and you’ll see,” answers an Apple engineer.

They all board the train. The Microsoft employees take their ________ but all three Apple engineers cram(拥挤) into a restroom and close the door behind them.

________ after the train has departed, the conductor comes around ________ tickets. He knocks on the restroom door and says, “Ticket, please.” The door opens just a crack and an arm ________, ticket in hand. The ________ takes it and moves on. The Microsoft employees see this and agree it is quite a ________ idea.

So after the conference, the Microsoft employees decide to ________ the Apple engineers (as they always do) on the return trip and save some ________. When they get to the station, they buy one ticket. To their ________, the Apple engineers don’t buy any ticket at all.

“How are you going to travel without a ticket?” asks one ________ Microsoft employee. “Watch and you’ll see,” answers an Apple engineer.

When they board the train, the Microsoft employees cram into a ________ and the Apple engineers cram into another one nearby. The train departs. Soon one of the Apple engineers _______ his restroom and walks over to where the Microsoft employees are ________.

He knocks on the door and says, “Ticket, please...”

1.A. cheap B. single C. return D. special

2.A. ticket B. route C. means D. railroad

3.A. routes B. chances C. turns D. seats

4.A. Directly B. Shortly C. Nearly D. Quickly

5.A. examining B. receiving C. collecting D. delivering

6.A. appears B. sticks C. holds D. rises

7.A. employee B. policeman C. conductor D. engineer

8.A. strange B. foolish C. awful D. clever

9.A. learn B. copy C. accept D. watch

10.A. money B. time C. energy D. space

11.A. excitementB. agreement C. disappointmentD. astonishment

12.A. touched B. puzzled C. frightened D. delighted

13.A. bedroom B. sitting-room C. restroom D. dining-room

14.A. enters B. crosses C. leaves D. reaches

15.A. hiding B. sitting C. traveling D. enjoying


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