
3.There are works of fiction that are published,enjoyed,but after a few years,more or less disappear.Then there are novels that don't just have literary success,but major cultural impact.One such book is One Hundred Years of Solitude,whose 50th anniversary is this year.It was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927-2014).
It is an epic(史诗) tale of the nation of Colombia,from the country's founding to Marquez's own time.The novel is a major example of a revolution in South American writing that was to have a far-reaching influence on global literature.The method of writing that Marquez and others are credited with inventing,"magic realism",switched normal storytelling into a style where anything could happen.
Marquez treats Colombian history skeptically.He focuses on political corruption(腐败),civil war and the negative influence of American big business.And while this could be a description of a very conventional novel,One Hundred Years of Solitude is anything but conventional.
It took a memory of his grandmother to show him the right way to write the novel.He recalled that when she told him stories in his childhood,she would put on a"brick face".Marquez remembered this trick and began to write the novel differently.He wrote,"If you tell something to someone with an absolutely serious expression on your face,you have a chance of them believing what you say."It seems that mastering this trick of his grandmother's helped Marquez create one of the greatest literary works of the 20th century.
24.What do we know about One Hundred Years of Solitude from Paragraph 1?C
A.It was written in 1927.
B.It came out as a failure.
C.It holds an important status.
D.It faded away after publishing.
25.Why did the novel have a deep effect on global literature?A
A.It created the magic realism.
B.It is an epic tale of Colombia.
C.It tells a South American revolution.
D.It used a normal storytelling method.
26.How does the author think of Marquez's writing style?D
A.Skeptical B.Realistic.C.Conventional.D.Untraditional.
27.What does the underlined phrase"brick face"in Paragraph 4 refer to?A
A.Serious look.
B.Funny expression.
C.Beautiful dress.
D.Strong face mask.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了百年孤独占有很重要的文学地位由于它创造的魔幻现实主义.

解答 24.C.细节理解题.根据第一段Then there are novels that don't just have literary success,but major cultural impact.One such book is One Hundred Years of Solitude,whose 50th anniversary is this year可知百年孤独占有很重要的文学地位;故选C.
25.A.细节理解题.根据第二段The method of writing that Marquez and others are credited with inventing,"magic realism",switched normal storytelling into a style where anything could happen可知这部小说对全球文学产生了深远的影响由于它创造的魔幻现实主义;故选A.
26.D.推理判断题.根据第三段And while this could be a description of a very conventional novel,One Hundred Years of Solitude is anything but conventional可知作者认为这本书脱离传统;故选D.
27.A.词义猜测题.根据文章He recalled that when she told him stories in his childhood,she would put on a"brick face".可知他回忆说,当她告诉他在他童年的故事,她的脸庞会变得十分严肃;故选A."

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.Fu Yuanhui is an Olympic swimmer.She is 20years old and from the Chinese city of Hangzhou.She competed in the,100-meter backstroke event this week in Rio de Janeiro.She finished third in her semi-final swim on August 7.
A Chinese reporter spoke with Fu after the semi-finals.The reporter told her that she swam the race under 59 seconds.This seemed to shock Fu."58.95?"Fu said with excitement."I was really fast!She told the reporter that she used"mystical powers"in her swim.
Her shock,joy and honesty won her many friends around the world.People began making GIFs of her excited facial expressions.Those images spread quickly.Fu's fame only grew on August 9,when she competed in the 100-meler backstroke finals.She beat her semi-final time.She swam the race in 58.76seconds.It was fast enough to earn her a share of the bronze medal.She tied for third place with Kylie Masse of Canada.
Her comments after the race won Fu even more followers in China and around the world.At first,the swimmer said she did not think she won a medal.She said she was still pleased with her time because she beat the Asian record.
A reporter told her she was just 0.01seconds behind the silver winner.Fu said she couldn't reach second place because her"arms are too short."Fu started to say even though she"did not win a medal…"when the reporter corrected her."But you got a medal.You are third,"the reporter said."Huh?"she said.Fu looked around in shock."I didn't know!"She then said,"Well,then I think that's not bad at all!"
Her reaction and personality have made Fu Yuanhui one of China's-and the world's favorite Olympians.

21.Why was Fu Yuanhui was shocked to have known her score after the Semi-final?C
A.She had used up all her powers.
B.She didn't like the GIFs after the race.
C.She never thought she could be that fast.
D.Her arms became short.
22.What does the underlined word"mystical"mean?B
23.What can we conclude from the conversation between Fu Yuanhui and the reporter?A
A.Fu is a capable and humorous swimmer.
B.Fu is not satisfied with her score.
C.Fu always plays a joke on the reporter.
D.Fu should have won the silver medal.
14.Dozens of Chicago teenagers on Monday told a small group of elected officials about their need for summer jobs to save for college,pay for food and,in some cases,avoid homelessness.
This summer,Illinois is facing the loss of 18,000jobs for teenagers.The loss comes as teen unemployment in the state has reached a record-high rate of 27.5percent.
Experts say that the slow recovery and the high unemployment rate have forced older workers to take positions for younger workers.
Jim Zeckhauser,the manager of a Chicago social service agency for troubled teens,said he used to be able to place dozens of teens in jobs before the financial crisis.This year,he has been able to place only about seven of the 34teenagers he guides in summer jobs."It's a struggle to find firms,"he said.
Brent Weiss,owner of Uncle Dan's,an outdoor-gear retailer with locations in Chicago,Evanston and Highland Park,said he is more selective about the workers that he hires,acknowledging that he is more likely to hire college students than teens,and like many other small business he is doing more with fewer workers.
Chicago-area small business say they are taking a wait-and-see approach to expanding their businesses and hiring more workers.They blame increasing gasoline prices and a lack of consumer confidence.
Nationwide,teens ago 16to 19have seen the biggest drop in employment during the past decade.In 2010,the employment rate for that age group was 26percent,the lowest since World war II,according to a report by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University In 2000,employment rate for the same group was 45percent.
If the trend continues,only one in four teenagers will hold a job this summer,according to the report.Many of the unemployed will likely be black males living in low-income communities.

29.According to the passage,why do some Chicago teenagers want to take a job?D
A.To know more about the society.
B.to get some career experience.
C.To buy some new clothes.
D.To support their education.
30.Teen workers face competition fromB.
A.adult workers and foreign students
B.older workers and college students
C.younger workers and college students
D.foreign workers and high students
31.According to the passage,which of the following is not the cause of the low teen employment rate?C
A.High gasoline price.
B.The financial crisis.
C.A lack of teenager confidence.
D.The slow economic recovery.
32.It can be inferred that workers in Chicago-area small businesses.A
A.are busier
B.are paid higher
C.have more free time
D.received higher education.
11.When you need to see a doctor,surely you will want to see a good one.But there is one important thing you may never have thought about:Has your doctor rested enough?
Doctors in our country often have to work 34 hours or longer without sleep.Most of them work 104hours a week,and some even 150.(There are only 168 hours a week!)One report said that a doctor who works such long hours cannot think more clearly than a drunk driver.Another found that doctors who sleep 5.8fewer hours than the week before might make 22% more serious mistakes.Surely no one wants to get in a car that is driven by a drunk driver.So,how safe would you feel when you are under the care of a tired doctor?
Sadly this problem has been around for a long time.There are no laws about it yet and hospital bosses don't look like they care either.And that is why we doctors are asking you to join us on the street this Sunday.Fight together with us on the street so we can fight better for your life in the hospital.
Time:1p.m  July 15Place:City Hospital Square

24.How long do doctors often have to work per week in the country?B
A.34 hours.B.104 hours.C.150 hours.D.168 hours.
25.What does the underlined word"Another"in Paragraph 2 refer to?C
A.A country.B.A doctor.C.A report.D.A driver.
26.Why does the writer compare a tired doctor with a drunk driver?D
A.To find out who can think more clearly.
B.To give an example of a common disease.
C.To show who can work longer without sleep.
D.To give the reader a clear idea of the danger.
27.What is the purpose of the text?B
A.To warn doctors not to work too long.
B.To get support for the fight for doctors.
C.To tell people how to find a good doctor.
D.To call for a law against drunk driving.
8.Besides summer break,the best time of the year of for most students is spring break.This is a week-long vacation where students can get away from all schoolwork as well as the cold weather.Spring break is usually filled with parties and beaches,but there are many other things you can do.(36)G
Make a plan(37)ESet up a time to sit down with your friends and figure out what everyone wants to do.This will prevent you from worrying about any scheduling problems during spring break.
(38)BSpring break is a great time to make memories with some of your closest friends; however,it can become a bad thing if you go down there with people you are not familiar with.You need to make a list of who you want to spend the week with and stick to the list.Save money.Plan way ahead to start saving money for spring break.When the school term starts,mark down which week is spring break and create a plan to save a certain amount of money before that time.(39)CBe safe.Even though this is not really a part of the fun,it can help you keep the fun.One of the worst things that can happen is that you,or someone you know,gets hurt or in trouble(40)D Nothing can kill a good feeling more than tragedy(悲剧).

A.What is sprig break like?
B.Select good friends to join you
C.This allows you to afford what you want to do
D.Be sure to keep everyone's safety in mind and act responsibly
E.Before thinking about having fun,you have to have a game plan
F.These are just a few of the safety tips needed for a student at school
G.The following will help you have a good time during your spring break.

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