
  If you ask about the hottest star in South Korea this year, you will certainly hear the name Rain.The 22-year-old singer is powerful and energetic on stage.His dances and voice are great! On December 18, Rain and other Korean stars, including Baby V, O, X and As One, amazed their fans at the concert “Night of Love” in Beijing.“I love his small eyes and good build(体格),” Said Hanna Kim, 12, a Korean girl who studies in China, “He's a nice person.”

  Rain's real name is Jung Ji Hoon(郑智薰).His music teacher thinks his eyes are wet and smiles are sunny.He wrote lots of the songs on his first CD during rainy days.So his teacher gave him the name Rain.

  When he was a child, he liked to be quiet.He wasn't good at studying.So no one noticed this tall boy in class.But he surprised his classmates in Grade Six.He danced for them all.Everyone looked at him in a different way.So he began to dance more.“I enjoy dancing,” he said.Rain really wanted to sing and dance.He worked hard at school, so that his father would let him dance.He gave up rugby(橄榄球)and put all his time and energy into dancing.When his mother died four years ago, he held the sadness in and kept on practising day and night.

  Now Rain has won awards with his music.His CDs have sold millions and he has acted in TV shows.Rain doesn't want to sing forever, though.He dreams of doing a different job.“When I stop singing, I'd like to design clothes.Being a designer is my childhood(童年)dream,” he said.


Whose does the word “his” in the sentence “I love his small eyes and good build …” refer to(指)?

[  ]




Baby V.O.X's.


As One's.


Rain's music teacher's.


Why did Jung Ji Hoon get his name of Rain?

[  ]


Because he liked rain.


Because he was born on a rainy day.


Because he was caught in a rain in his mother's arms on the day when he was born.


Because many songs of his first CD were written by him during rainy days.


Rain began to attract others' attention when ________

[  ]


he began to go to school


he was twelve years old


he was in Grade Six


his mother died


Rain also likes to be ________ besides singing and dancing.

[  ]


a rugby player


a scientist


a clothes designer


a salesman


  Pineapple Awards Celebrate Fruits of Science

  We live in a world of wonder but not in a world of magic.And understanding that world does not mean learning a few tricks at Hogwarts.Instead, it means understanding how important science is in our daily lives.

  Just take a moment and look around your home.The electric lamp on your desk, the silicon microchip in your mobile phone, your mother's laundry detergent; they are all the results of science.

  To get people more aware of these wonders that surround us, guokr.com, a science website, and Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Museum have established the “Pineapple Science Awards.” The awards are to be given annually and recognize recent achievements in chemistry, physics, medicine and biology, mathematics and psychology.There are also two special awards for discoveries that are imaginative, fun and thought-provoking.

  Zhou Xinyue's research certainly met those criteria.The Sun Yat-Sen University professor was among the first group of Pineapple winners.She conducted an experiment that showed that counting money can ease pain.Professor Zhou had people count money and then dipped their hands into hot water.It turns out that after flipping through a brick of RMB, people can keep their hands in hot water for a longer time.I suppose this proves that although money can't buy you happiness, it can certainly make your life less painful.

  If that sounds a bit frivolous, it's all in keeping with the spirit of the awards.They are intended to be light-hearted.That is why the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol.Ji Shisan, the founder of guokr.com, said, “This nutritive fruit has a bright color and pleasing taste while shaped in a strange way, which indicates the awards are pleasing, interesting, nourishing, and a bit strange.”

  Pineapple winner Zhou Xinyue added, “Some research topics seem to be weird but actually have deep meaning, which inspires us in a different way.The topics might be funny, but the research method should be serious and scientific.”

  Are you interested in science? Then reach for the sky.You might end up with a pineapple in your hands.


The awards recognize achievements in following fields EXCEPT ________.

[  ]










The examples in Para.2 are to ________.

[  ]


show how important science is in our daily lives


prove learning a few tricks at Hogwarts is necessary in our daily lives


get people more aware of these wonders that surround us


indicate that some research topics seem to be weird and have little meaning


From Para.5 we can know ________.

[  ]


whether the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol


how the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol


why the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol


why the pineapple looks so strange


According to Zhou Xinyue, ________.

[  ]


if you reach for the sky you might end up with a pineapple in your hands


the topics sounding funny doesn't mean the research method isn't serious or scientific


although the pineapple looks strange, it has a bright color and pleasing taste


counting money can ease pain and money can buy you happiness

Though “nanometer” is now a fashionable term all over the world,few people know exactly what it is.It has become a new favorite of manufacturers and sellers in recent years.Many “high-tech” products bearing the name “nano” have entered the market,bringing more mysterious feeling to surprised consumers.

Nanometer is a very small length unit of measure,and is very small.One millimeter is 1000 micrometers,and one micrometer is 1000 nanometers.That is,one nanometer is one billionth of a meter.Nano materials are solid materials composed of particles or crystallites of less than 100 nanometer in size.Then,is a cup made of nano material really any different from an ordinary cup in function as far as how it works?

Are nano cups really so wonderful?A reporter went to the Institute of Nanomedicine,which is the first such institute of such a sort in the world and the only one in China,specializing in researching the investigation  of the application of nano technology into medicine.

Ji(director Institute of Nanomedicine):

A water molecule is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.It can be alterchanged only by special manipulation of the atoms.The material constituting the cup can have a nanometer particles size of the nano level.But it cannot change the chemical and physical properties of the water contained in it.The water in the cup is still water.When people drink it,it will produce no special effect on human body.

Prof.Ji told the reporter,so far,the investigation of nano materials is still confined in the laboratory.No commercial micro products can be produced yet.With the present level of science and technology,the time of everyday goods age of daily use articles made of nanometer materials is still years away.

The commodities labeled with nano marks in the market now are only traditional products coated with a thin layer of nanometer material,which makes them more abrasion resistant,much easier to be cleaned,or oil repelling or moth proof.

Prof.Ji explained that nano cup is a real cup.It can also be included in the list of nano products in a certain sense.But the nano cup has not changed its property and function as a cup.It is not a magical medicine for curing and health care.

Which of the following shows the right relationship?





The underlined part in the last second paragraph but one is about_________.

A.the strong points of nano cups                        B.the shortcomings of nano cups

C.the uses of nano cups                                     D.the wonders of nano cups

Which of the following does not show that nano cups are different from ordinary cups?

A.Nano cups can’t make people healthier.

B.Nano cups are made of a different material.

C.Nano cups are much easier to be cleaned.

D.Nano cups are hard to produce.

According to the text,nano cups in the market are_________.

A.only traditional products

B.ordinary cups covered with a little nanometer material on the surface

C.cups made of a nano material

D.cups made of a mixed material

  Ji Xianlin, a famous paleographer(古文书学家), historian, and writer, was born in 1911. In 1930, Ji was admitted to Tsinghua University as a major in Western literature. In 1935, he went to Germany as an exchange student to study ancient languages, receiving his PhD degree in 1941.

Ji returned to China in 1946, and in the autumn of the same year, became a professor in Peking University.

Ji Xianlin believes, “Cultural exchange is the main drive for humankind’s progress. Only by learning from each other’s strong points to make up for shortcomings can people constantly progress, the ultimate(最终的)target of which is to achieve a kind of Great Harmony. ” Over the past ten years, Ji has actively participated in discussions on the cultural problems between the East and the West, based on the same ideology. According to him, human culture is divided into four parts: Chinese culture, Indian culture, Arabic-Islamic culture and European-American culture, with the former three making up the Eastern cultural system and the last the Western one.

With his achievements in the history of Sino-Indian cultural relations, Buddhism history, Indian literature, and comparative literature, Ji Xianlin is known as a master of Eastern studies both at home and abroad.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The brief introduction of Ji Xianlin.

B. Ji Xianlin’s ideology.

C. Ji Xianlin’s achievements.

D. Ji Xianlin’s discussions on the cultural problems between the East and the West.

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. In 1930, Ji was admitted to Tsinghua University as a major in Eastern literature.

B. The ultimate target of cultural exchange is to achieve a kind of Great Harmony.

C. Ji Xianlin is a master of Western studies both at home and abroad.

D. Ji Xianlin received his PhD degree in 1935.

3. What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean?

A. Decision. B. Measure. C. Support.  D. Aim.

4. Which of the following is different from the others according to Ji Xianlin?

A. Chinese culture.

B. Indian culture.

C. Arabic-Islamic culture.

D. European-American culture.



Obesity is becoming one of the biggest threats to children’s health, a recent nationwide investigation has warned, pointing out that students’ physical indicators are declining because of a lack of enough exercise.

The past five years have witnessed fast growth in the number of fat children—in some big cities, the number has even doubled, the survey showed.

In Beijing, for example, latest figures from the local education authorities show that the height, weight and chest measurement of young students keep expanding, while physical indices, such as lung capacity, speed and strength, are going down.

The blood pressure of half the secondary school students is above normal; and the number of obese students has increased by 50 percent compared with five years age.

In the urban areas of Beijing and five other economically more developed regions, the average obesity rate of male students in primary schools has reached 12.9 percent.

Nationwide, the obesity rate of children is 8.1 percent and 3.1 percent in urban and rural areas.

“China has entered the era of obesity,” Beijing-based Workers’ Daily quoted Ji Chengye of the Child and Adolescent Health Section of the China Preventive Medicine Association as saying.“Childhood is the first age group affected by obesity, to which society has not paid enough attention,” Ji said.“Obesity in childhood will influence health for life,” the expert added.

The increase in indoor activities such as watching television, surfing the Internet, playing computer games or doing homework, is one of the main reasons for children’s obesity, according to Ji, because it means lack of exercise and little chance for burning calories.Another reason is consumption of excessive junk food.“In the past, children used to drink water.Now they prefer sweet beverages; and some have totally given up water,” Ji said.He also blamed intensive promotions of sweets and junk food, which make it hard for children to resist the temptation.

Also, because of pressure of competition to enter good higher schools, teachers sacrifice students’ physical exercise time for classes.

For instance, about 60 percent of school masters in Beijing admitted that the one hour of outdoor physical exercises per day is not always followed.

“Problems of obesity will not only influence children’s physical and psychological development but also become a “time bomb for the country’s future economic development and public health system,” said Chen Chunming, head of International Life Sciences Institute Focal Point in China.

61.How many reasons are mentioned in the passages that cause child obesity.

A.two                      B. three                   C.four                    D.five

62.Problems of obesity will not ________

A.influence children’s physical and psychological development

B.affect the country’s future economic development

C.have some effect on the country’s public health system

D.harm human history

63.What does the underlined word “obesity” mean?

A.being strong     

B.being too small

C.being too fat

D.being too tall

64.What’s the main idea of the passage?

       A.child obesity has become a big problem

       B.the problem of child obesity is especially serious in Beijing

       C.China has entered the era of obesity

       D.lacking enough exercise is the main reason for children’s obesity

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