
The D-word., It’s most people’s worst fear, but , in a bittersweet way , it was my greatest joy, In divorce, you gain something and you   36   something.

I’m thirteen years old, and I know what it  37   like when parents split up, because mine did last fall,

My parents had been   38   for years, When my father started cheating my mom things went downhill, I   39    they would divorce instantly, I tried to picture my life after my parents    40 up living at my mom’s house during the week, and my father’s  house on the weekend, But my mom decided to be the bigger person and try to  41    it out, so that my sibings and I would know     42     it was like to have a family, Things didn’t get better,      43  

I would always strain to hear the quiet   44   they didn’t want me to hear, They weren’t getting along and they weren’t happy,

My father has never really been there for me, He was there physically but not emotionally, He yelled a lot and never really showed any  45    in going to my piano recitals or watching my dance performances,    46   we asked him to do and he had another    47  -a lie,. We just ignored it and went on with our lives as if nothing was the matter.

Then last summer, there was real   48     in paradise, My siblings and I want out to Los Angeles to pursue acting and while we were out there, my father   49   my mom again , and this time my brother, sister, and I all found out, We decided to stay in L.A and leave my father in Florida.

Our   50    resulted in divorce, We didn’t know if we were making the right   51   or not, My mom went back and forth,. She wanted what was best for her children, She asked me if I thought we should go back to Florida or stay in Los Angeles, I replied mom “There is nothing in Florida for us any more. Out here in L.A, we have so many   52    , that can come true, We shouldn’t let him abuse us any more. Finally , we are free.

The  53   was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the rest of my family. I now know that taking chances is the best thing to do. I accept that   54   doesn’t always, If , in your heart, you can feel something that is not right, then follow your heart. In the end it’s going to be your only true guide, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, your heart will never  55   you down.


36. A. lose

B. enjoy

C. give

D. own

37. A. smells

B. feels

C. sounds

D. looks


B. satisfied

C. unhappy

D. unsatisfied

39. A. hoped

B. wished

C. doubted

D. thought

40.A. got

B. split

C. looked

D. stood

41.A .keep

B. run

C. stick

D. speak

42.A. how

B. that

C. which

D. what

43.A. though

B. however

C. meantime

D. while

44.A. talk

B. conversation

C. arguments

D. dialogue

45.A. dislike

B. care

C. concern

D. interest

46.A. Everything

B. Something

C. Nothing

D. All thing

47.A. explanation

B. excuse

C. reason

D. cause

48.A. happiness

B. puzzle

C. difficulty

D. trouble

49.A. cheated

B. beat

C. trusted

D. scolded

50.A. words

B. actions

C. thoughts

D. ideas

51.A. Judgment

B. plan

C. decision

D. arrangement

52.A. dreams

B. imagination

C. realities

D. wishes

53.A. experience

B. divorce

C. conflict

D. separation

54.A. prejudice

B. preference

C. love

D. hate

55.A .get

B. set

C. put

D. let

A      B     C     D     B     C     D     A     C     D    

A      B      D     A     B     C     A     B     C     D    


Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore so important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by bad habits.

There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.

Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided.

We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.

         are formed little by little.

A. Only good habits                         B. Only bad habits

   C. Both good habits and bad habits     D. Either good habits or bad habits

The underlined word “them” in the first paragraph refers to         .

  A. bad habits        B. good habits    C. children     D. other persons

Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?

   A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us.

   B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.

   C. Because it’s hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.

   D. Because we are forced to do them again and again.

According to the passage, early rising          .

   A. has something to do with success            B. is an easily formed habit

   C. is such a habit as should have been avoided    D. is such a beneficial habit as will be kept

    The Americans believe that anybody can become President of the United States. In a recent Hollywood comedy(喜剧), that is exactly what happens.

Dave Kovic, played by Kevin Kline, is a kind-hearted man who runs a business that finds people jobs. He leads a typical(典型的) American way of life, except for one thing-he looks exactly like the President, Bill Mitchell. In fact, the only thing that makes him different from the nation’s leader is that he is very nice!

       The president has started using look-alikes during some public appearances. Dave is offered a chance to “serve his country” by becoming one. However, things go wrong. The President becomes very ill and Dave ends up acting as the President forever.

       Director Ivan Reitman, who made the popular and successful comedies like Twins, Ghostbusters and Legal Eagles, could have gone for easy laughs by making fun of the American government. Instead, Dave is an attractive comedy about an ordinary man in extraordinary situations. Kevin Kline gives a double performance as Dave and the President, and Sigourney Weaver is at her best as his First Lady. The love story that develops between her role and Dave is a real classic(经典).

       The film is 100% American. However, if you’ve ever felt that anybody could do a better job running the country than the people in power, then you’ll enjoy Dave!

63.What is the purpose of the text?

       A. To tell the reader about the American government.

       B. To discus the Americans’ ideas about the President.

       C. To make a comparison between Dave and other films.

       D. To introduce a new film to the reader.

64.Who plays the role of the President in the film?

       A. Sigourney Weaver.         B. Kevin Kline. 

       C. Bill Mitchell.           D. Ivan Reitman.

65.The underlined word “one” in the 3rd paragraph refers to _____.

       A. the President          B. the director     C. an actor    D. a look-alike

66.Which of the following is best supported by the text?

       A. The author makes fun of the President.

       B. The author thinks highly of the film.

       C. The author is a fan of Hollywood comedies.

       D. The author wishes to become the American President.

Healthy eating habits are one of the most important lessons a child learns. Parents can make a plan of action for each child’s nutritional needs.

Creating healthy habits

Breakfast is necessary to provide the nutrition and energy for an active day. Studies show that children do better in school when they begin the day with breakfast.

Include your child as much as possible in meal planning and preparation. He is more likely to eat food that he has helped put on the table. Cooking at home and at school encourages curiosity and motivation to try new foods.

The mealtime enviroment has a lot to do with how your child will feel about food. Try to keep the time and location of your meals consistent. Keep the meal itself as the main event by reserving the use of toys, telephone calls and television for later.

Help them regard food such as fruit as being important every day, and other food such as chips as being an occasional treat. Prepare food in a variety of ways.


Snacks provide necessary energy for children between meals. Be sure to have plenty of healthy snack choices such as fruit and yogurt available at these times. Snacks should not replace a meal but provide a valuable supplement.

The passage is written mainly to        

A. teach children to develop good eating habits.

B. exchange ideas with experienced parents

C. learn about children’s food preferrences

D. offer parents some useful suggestions

A child is more likely to try new foods      

A. when he spends time with other children

B. if he helps prepare the food himself

C. after he has had an active day

D. when he has no snacks

The underlined word “reserving” most probably means        

A. putting into    B. calling for     C. talking about   D. setting aside

What would be the best title for the passage?

A. You are what you eat

B. Cook dinner for your child

C. Healthy eating for kids

D. Pleasure in everyday meals

     The D-word, it's most people's worst fear, but, in a bittersweet way, it was my greatest joy. In divorce,
you gain something and you   1   something.
     I'm thirteen years old, and I know what it   2   like when parents split up, because mine did last fall.
     My parents had been   3   for years. When my father started cheating my mom things went downhill, I   4   
they would divorce instantly. I tried to picture my life after my parents   5   up-living at my mom's house during
the week, and my father's house on the weekend. But my mom decided to be the bigger person and try to   6   
it out, so that my siblings and I would know   7   it was like to have a family. Things didn't get better,   8  .
     I would always strain to hear the quiet   9   they didn't want me to hear. They weren't getting along and they
weren't happy,
     My father has never really been there for me. He was there physically but not emotionally. He yelled a lot and
never really showed any  10  in going to my piano recitals or watching my dance performances,  11  we asked
him to do and he had another  12 -a lie. We just ignored it and went on with our lives as if nothing was the
     Then last summer, there was real  13  in paradise. My siblings and I want out to Los Angeles to pursue acting
and while we were out there, my father  14  my mom again, and this time my brother, sister, and I all found out.
We decided to stay in L.A and leave my father in Florida.
     Our 15  resulted in divorce. We didn't know if we were making the right  16  or not. My mom went back and forth. She wanted what was best for her children. She asked me if I thought we should go back to Florida or stay
in Los Angeles, I replied mom "There is nothing in Florida for us any more. Out here in L.A, we have so many
  17 , that can come true. We shouldn't let him abuse us any more." Finally, we are free.
     The  18  was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the rest of my family. I now know that taking
chances is the best thing to do. I accept that  19  doesn't always. If, in your heart, you can feel something that is
not right, then follow your heart. In the end it's going to be your only true guide, to have and to hold, for richer
or poorer, your heart will never  20  you down.
(     )1.A. lose         
(     )2.A. smells       
(     )3.A. happy        
(     )4.A. hoped        
(     )5.A. got          
(     )6.A .keep         
(     )7.A. how          
(     )8.A. though       
(     )9.A. talk         
(     )10.A. dislike     
(     )11.A. Everything  
(     )12.A. explanation      
(     )13.A. happiness   
(     )14.A. cheated     
(     )15.A. words       
(     )16.A. Judgment   
(     )17.A. dreams      
(     )18.A. experience  
(     )19.A. prejudice   
(     )20.A .get         
B. enjoy             
B. feels             
B. satisfied         
B. wished            
B. split             
B. run               
B. that              
B. however           
B. conversation      
B. care             
B. Something        
B. excuse           
B. puzzle           
B. beat             
B. actions          
B. plan             
B. imagination      
B. divorce          
B. preference       
B. set            
C. give           
C. sounds         
C. unhappy        
C. doubted          
C. looked        
C. stick            
C. which           
C. meantime      
C. argurments       
C. concern        
C. Nothing         
C. reason         
C. difficulty     
C. trusted         
C. thoughts      
C. decision        
C. realities      
C. conflict        
C. love           
C. put         
D. own          
D. looks        
D. unsatisfied  
D. thought      
D. stood        
D. speak        
D. what         
D. while        
D. dialogue     
D. interest     
D. All thing    
D. cause          
D. trouble      
D. scolded       
D. ideas        
D. arrangement                
D. wishes      
D. separation    
D. hate         
D. let        

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