
【题目】假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。






Jane and Ray had been at home the most of their lives. But after their children grew up

and out of home, they decided to go on a trip around the world. It was sure that they had no

experience in travelling and they had great trouble accepted the customs of the people in the

countries where they would visit. To make them feel much comfortable and happier during

their travels, some members of the tourist group said to them, “ When in Rome, do as the Romen do”. They suggested that Jane and Ray made an effort to follow the customs of the natives. Beside, they also told them not to expect that they could feel in home when in foreign countries.


【1】the most the 去掉

【2】out of 前加 were



【5】where----that/ which








【1】the most the 去掉 此处的most表示“大多数”,故把the most the 去掉。

【2】out of 前加 were 句意:孩子们长大并离开家之后。此处缺少一个并列的谓语,故在out of 前加 were。

【3】sure----certain sure的主语通常指人,固定句式:I t is certain that---,故把sure----certain。

【4】accepted---accepting 固定形式:have trouble (in) doing sth. 故把accepted---accepting。

【5】where----that/ which 此处考查定语从句,the countries是先行词,从句缺少宾语,故把where----that/ which。

【6】much----more 根据后面的happier,可知此处用比较级,故把much----more。

【7】Romen----Romans Roman的复数是Romans ,故把Romen----Romans 。

【8】made----make suggested在此是“建议”,后面的宾语从句的谓语用(should)+动词原形,故把made----make。

【9】Beside----Besides 此处表示“另外,此外”,故把Beside----Besides。

【10】in----at 固定词组:at home.故把in----at。



Reducing the amount of sleep affects students’ performance at school. An American study asked schoolteachers to look at the effects of sleep restriction(限制) on children between six and twelve years of age. The teachers found that children who stayed up late had trouble thinking clearly and had more learning problems.

【1】 Doctor Fallone now works at the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri. He presented the results last month at a science reporter conference in Washington, D. C. The Publication Sleep also reported the findings.

The teachers were asked to complete weekly performance reports on seventy-four schoolchildren. The study lasted three weeks. During that period, Doctor Fallone and his team controlled the amount of sleep the children received.

2 During another week, every child was kept awake later than normal. Each night, the youngest boys and girls had less than eight hours of sleep. The older ones were limited to six and a half hours. During the final week of the study, each child received no less than ten hours of sleep a night.

The teachers were not told about how much sleep the students received. The study found that students who received eight hours or less had the most difficulty remembering old information. 33

The study did not find that sleep restriction caused hyperactivity(极度活跃) in the children. 4

Doctor Fallone said that the results provided experts and parents with a clear message: 5

A. The sleeping time that the students have can be changed easily.

B. They also had trouble learning new information, completing difficult work and following directions.

C. During one week, the children went to bed and awoke at their usual time.

D. The teacher should restrict the amount of sleep of the students.

E. Gahan Fallone did the study at the Brown Medical School and Bradley Hospital in the state of Rhode Island.

F. The teachers reported that students were, in fact, a little less active at school when they got less sleep.

G. When a child has learning problems, the issue of sleep must be considered among the possible causes.


Lots of people like a good fright at Halloween(万圣节). Yet, the most frightening thing of all about the night is that twice as many children are killed while out and about on Halloween compared to any other day of the year, according to a study by Safe Kids Worldwide. It can also be a worrying time for others, especially elderly people living alone. But many people think it’s just harmless fun.

But is it harmless fun?

Police forces across Britain are giving warnings about Halloween night. They are asking all those wishing to celebrate Halloween this year to respect those who don’t want to join in.

Some forces, like West Mercia Police, have produced “Sorry, No Trick or Treat”posters which can be downloaded from their website, and put up in windows. They want people to send them to the old or anyone who may be frightened by ghosts(鬼) knocking on their doors.

A spokesman said: “Children should not call on houses where the posters are put up, neither should they call on strangers, as this can put young people at risk and also make some house owners anxious, especially those who are elderly or living alone.”

The police want all trick or treaters to remember that disturbing other people or throwing objects at their homes or cars are all criminal offences(刑事罪). “What may start off as a bit of fun could end up with someone getting a criminal record,” they warn. “Parents may want to consider having a Halloween party at home, instead.”

Kent Police are warning young people never to go into the home of someone they don’t know—and to remember not to frighten people.

Warwickshire Police are also warning that tricks may seem like harmless fun but can cause trouble to others. They say behaviour such as throwing eggs can quickly cross the line between being anti-social and causing criminal damage. This can result in fines of £2,500 for small offences.

【1】The study made by Safe kids Worldwide has found that _________.

A.kids are afraid of Halloween

B.Halloween brings people no fun

C.kids are involved in criminal offences

D.Halloween night puts some kids at risk

【2】British police forces are making efforts to _________.

A.put an end to trick or treat

B.control anti-social behaviours

C.punish those who frighten others

D.make Halloween safe trouble-free

【3】“Sorry, No Trick or Treat posters are designed to _________.

A.ask people to respect the elderly.

B.make some people free from harm

C.warn little kids to behave themselves

D.express disagreement with Halloween

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