

When I was small, my grandmother died and I couldn’t understand why I had no tears.   21   that night when my dad tried to   22  , my laugh turned into crying.

So it came as no   23   to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the   24  . Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that   25   does crying.

Whatever it takes for us to reduce   26   is important to our emotional(情绪的)health, and crying as the study shows that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men feel   27   after crying.

28  , tears attract help from other people. Researchers   29   that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more   30   to provide support and comfort. Tears also enable us to   31  our emotions better;   32   we don’t even know we’re very sad   33   we cry. We learn about our emotions through crying, and then we can   34   them.

Just as crying can be healthy, not crying — holding back tears of   35  , pain or suffering  — can be   36   for physical health.   37   have shown that too much control of emotions can   38   high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem,   39   will certainly not ask you to cry. But when y9ou feel like crying, don’t   40   it. It’s a natural-and-healthy-emotional response.

21. A. And                    B. So                           C. As                           D. But

22. A. wake me up        B. cheer me up              C. call me up                D. bring me up

23. A. gain                    B. surprise                    C. pain                         D. joy

24. A. brain                   B. lip                            C. memory                   D. mind

25. A. it                        B. either                       C. so                            D. neither

26. A. pleasure                     B. weight                      C. words                      D. pressure

27. A. better                  B. worse                      C. healthy                     D. sick

28. A. Instead               B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Therefore

29. A. expect                B. agree                        C. suggest                    D. require

30. A. interested            B. exciting                    C. unwilling                  D. ready

31. A. understand          B. offer                        C. start                         D. create

32. A. gradually             B. regularly                   C. sometimes                D. easily

33. A. if                        B. because                    C. since                        D. until

34. A. begin with           B. end up with                     C. fill up with                D. deal with

35. A anger                   B. hunger                            C. happiness                 D. calm

36. A. good                   B. bad                          C. difficult                    D. dangerous

37. A. Books                 B. Newspapers              C. Studies                     D. Instructions

38. A. turn to                      B. stick to                     C. relate to                    D. lead to

39. A. parents               B. doctors                    C. scientists                  D. teachers

40. A. fight                   B. accept                      C. strike                       D. hit


答案  21-25 DBBAC    26-30 DACBD       31-35 ACCDA        36-40 BCDBA



When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm, in the winter especially, we wear quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that my life has its  too.
One big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and  the air is so  that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it became of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.
Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever you tastes in culture or entertainment(娱乐活动). Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprising --- and , what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.
Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is , when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.
【小题1】What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?

A.Staying on the farm.B.Moving to the countryside.
C.Leaving home for the city.D.Running away from the school.
【小题2】Which of the following is true about the writer?
A.He is very old now.B.He is in good health.
C.He prefers driving a car.D.He lives in the city now.
【小题3】In the passage, the writer tries to __________.
A.express his opinions about way of lifeB.describe his life in the countryside
C.an interest in the outside worldD.persuade the reader to live in the city
【小题4】How is the passage mainly developed?
A.By inferring. B.By comparing.C.By listing examples.D.By giving explanations.


Like many sisters, Abby and Eliza Davis couldn’t be more different. Twelve-year-old Eliza is full of _21__, and always has something to say. Nine-year-old Abby is __22_. She’s happiest when she has a good book to read. Eliza __23__ to be a lawyer or a clothes designer one day. She just can’t __24__ to grow up and go to collage. Abby wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She works hard at math and science, her _25__ subjects.

Eliza is in the seventh grade. She gets up every day at 5:30, to __26__ and blow dry her hair. She’s ready to leave the house at 6:50, to __27__ her friends by the store for breakfast. The children have a mile and a half to __28__ to school, and the bell rings at 7:30.

At 11:20, the children have their __29__. Some eat the hot dog, chicken pot pie, __30__ other food that the school prepares for them, but Eliza would like to bring her own lunch in a lunchbox. At 2:15, classes are __31_ and it’s time for sports. Eliza usually has tennis practice 32__ 4:30. She’s tired by the time her mother comes to get her in the car, but she still has two or three hours of __33__ to do before she goes to bed.

Abby is in the fourth grade at Broken Ground School. She’s lucky. Her school has big modern __34__, first-class teacher, and an excellent library. The playground is surrounded by beautiful __35__, where Indians once camped.

Like many American school children, Abby starts the day by saluting the American __36__ hanging in her classroom. Then work begins. Today, She’s writing a composition about her summer holidays. Her pencil __37__ busily across the paper.

Abby will finish her story at home this evening,   38  Eliza does her homework. Will they work together   39  , or will they fight?

 “Well,” says Abby,” We have arguments, but we get along pretty well. About fifty-fifty, I’d say.” That's not   40  for two such different sisters, is it?

21. A. power          B. energy          C. strength         D. courage

22. A. quieter        B. younger         C. noisier          D. harder

23. A. needs          B. has             C. agrees           D. wants

24. A. refuse          B. accept          C.  wait            D. wish

25. A. best           B. lovely          C. fortunate        D. favorite

26. A. wash           B. clean           C. brush            D. comb

27. A. welcome        B. meet            C. see              D. receive

28. A. drive           B. move            C. walk             D. travel

29. A. lunch          B. cooking         C. game             D. supper

30. A. besides        B. except         C. without          D. or

31. A. given          B. prepared        C. finished         D. started

32. A. at             B. by              C. after            D. until

33. A. housework      B. homework        C. cleaning         D. washing

34. A. offices        B. blackboard      C. classrooms       D. windows

35. A. buildings      B. pools           C. forest           D. woods

36. A. flag           B. map             C. history          D. people

37. A. jumps          B. leans           C. lies             D. moves

38. A. while          B. and             C. if               D. then

39. A. happily        B. constantly      C. peacefully       D. carefully

40. A. bad            B. fair            C. equal            D. usual


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