
课文填空请根据所学课文原文填写空缺处的单词 (共20个空格;每空0.5分,满分10分)
Aspirin was invented in 1897. However, the __【小题1】___ chemical used to make aspirin can be found in nature. Nearly 3,500 years ago, people __【小题2】__ on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves ___【小题3】__ a special chemical to reduce body pains and __【小题4】___.
It was in 1897 that a __【小题5】___ chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced aspirin from this chemical. The first ___【小题6】__ of this medicine took place in 1899, when the company Hoffmann worked for began ___【小题7】__ the medicine in powder form to physicians to use with __【小题8】___. A year later, in 1900, aspirin was sold in shops in the form of __【小题9】___.
However, a recent survey __【小题10】___ in the USA shows that 80 per cent of Internet users __【小题11】___ it mostly to search for answers to questions. The second most common use of the Internet, for 79 per cent of Internet users, is to find out information about __【小题12】___. These statistics __【小题13】___ that gathering information is the __【小题14】___ use for the Internet.
Another truly wonderful __【小题15】___ of the Internet is the way people use it to build social ___【小题16】__. One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are __【小题17】___ on common interests, rather than ___【小题18】__ or age. Young people from __【小题19】___ backgrounds and different countries can form friendships that will last their __【小题20】___ lives.


【小题2】根据时间状语Nearly 3,500 years ago,故用一般过去时,且表示“咀嚼”的意思,故用chewed。
【小题7】begin doing sth.,故填distributing。
【小题17】be based on是固定用法,意思是“以......为基础”。


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