
【题目】改编】Ready to give up long showers, water parks, and unlimited water gushing(喷涌)out of your taps? A new study says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people are faced with water _________ now. The oceans are full, of course. But the liquid—fresh, clean water for drinking and watering crops is in short _________ in many parts of the world. Rivers are running low, lakes are shrinking, streams have stopped _________, and groundwater is being pumped() dry. However, the _________ for water keeps increasing. So there comes ________ the water crisis!

What is causing the crisis? Experts say it is a complex _________ of climate change and rapid population growth. On the one hand, global climate change threatens to reduce water supplies due to _________ rainfall. On the other hand, population growth is driving _________ demand for water, prompting(促使) rivers in thirsty countries to be tapped for nearly every drop and ________ governments to pump out so-called fossil water.

Lack of water may result in several ________. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters are not _________. Lack of water may also result in more international _________. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now _________ sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. And lack of water would _________ the ability of developing to improve their _________. This is because new industries often need a large amount of _______ when they are beginning.

One partial _________ to the world water shortage, at least for countries near the sea, is to _________ more desalination(去盐作用) plants that change _________into fresh water. Another suggested solution is for water-rich countries, such as Canada, to sell water to countries which are _________ in water.

【1】A. lack B. shortage C. question D. need

【2】A .level B. environment C. condition D. supply

【3】A. flying B. blowing C. flowing D. floating

【4】A. requirement B. demand C. desire D. price

【5】A. usually B. obviously C. suddenly D. unavoidably

【6】A. combination B. friend C. effect D. cause

【7】A. fallen B. increased C. raised D. decreased

【8】【原创】A. explosion B. exploratory C. explosive D. expensive

【9】A. persuading B. hoping C. offering D. driving

【10】A. opinions B. problems C. decisions D. methods

【11】A. fresh B. good C. safe D. sweet

【12】A. conflict B. meeting C. concern D. debate

【13】【原创】A. offer B. rent C. get D. provide

【14】A. help B. affect C. increase D. worsen

【15】【原创】A. industry B. agriculture C. economies D. tourism

【16】【原创】A. fund B. money C. water D. equipment

【17】A. key B. means C. evidence D. answer

【18】A. build B. find C. prepare D. provide

【19】【原创】A. ice B. seawater C. snow D. rain

【20】A. rich B. interested C. abundant D. poor




































【13】考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。有些国家从其他国家获得60%的淡水。A. offer主动提供;B. rent租用;C. get得到;D. provide提供。故选C。


【15】考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。 缺水会阻碍经济的发展。工业、农业都是经济的一部分,tourism:旅游行业。故选C。







【题目】It was raining as I ran out of the church, eager to get home and play with the gifts Father Christmas sent me. Across the street was a gas station, which was closed for Christmas, but I noticed a family standing under the narrow overhang to keep dry. I wondered briefly why they were there but then forgot about them as I couldn’t wait to see my gifts.

Once I got home, there was hardly any time to enjoy my gifts. My grandparents were still waiting for us to have Christmas dinner together at their house. As we drove down the highway, I noticed that the family was still there.

The closer we got to my grandparents’ house, the slower the car went. Suddenly, my father U-turned and said, “I can’t stand it!” “What?” asked my mother. “It’s those people back there at the gas station, standing in the rain.”

When my father pulled into the station, I saw there were five of them: the parents and three children—two girls and a small boy. Then we learned that the family was waiting for the bus to Birmingham, where the man planned to find a job.

“Well, that bus won’t come along for several hours. Winborn’s just a few miles away, and there is a shed(棚) with a cover there,” my father advised. “I will run you up there.”

Then they climbed into our car,. My father looked back and asked the children if Father Christmas had found them. Three sad faces gave him his answer.

“Well, Father Christmas said he was having trouble finding you, so he just left your toys at my house this morning. Let’s go to get them first,” my father said. All at once, the three children’s faces lit up.

When we arrived at our house, one girl spied a lovely doll, that little boy took a ball, and the other girl picked up something else. That was the Christmas when I learned the joy of making others happy.

【1】At the gas station the family might feel______.

A. anxious B. disappointed

C. frightened D. ashamed

【2】The three children received Christmas gifts thanks to_______.

A. the author B. the author’s father

C. their parents D. their grandparents

【3】We can learn from the text that the author’s father_____.

A. knew that family very well

B. got lost on the way to Winborn

C. sent that family to Birmingham

D. was happy to help those in trouble

【4】What would be the best title for the text?

A. Father Christmas saved us

B. My father never gives up.

C. Special Christmas gifts

D. A hard-working family

【题目】I went online to check if my pay was in my bank account. To my amazement I discovered that not only had I been paid, a company I’d never worked for had also paid me! I knew I’d have been beside myself if my own salary was not in my account, so I tried to get the money back to the right person. Easier said than done.

The bank couldn’t help as it wasn’t a bank problem. The human resources department at the company that paid me was unable to help as I didn’t have enough details. I rang the bank again. Thankfully, I had a sympathetic call operator who gave me a name, so I again rang the company “Daniel” worked for.

I expected the bank would contact me to arrange to take the money from my account and repay Daniel. I heard nothing for a month and the money remained in my account when Daniel called, explaining he’d tried to get back his money but had been unsuccessful as neither the bank nor his company felt it was their error. He had rung to ask if I could speak to the bank, but after chatting for a few minutes we realized we could probably fix this problem ourselves.

We decided I would take the money from my account and he would pick it up from me. Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his. I never had any intention of keeping Daniel’s pay but red tape(繁琐手续) made it difficult to do the right thing. It all came down to two people being able to do what a huge bank and a large company couldn’t do--admit a mistake has occurred and fix it.

【1】What was the attitude of the author towards the extra money in his bank account?

A. He didn’t know what to do with it.

B. He felt lucky to get it.

C. He thought of keeping it for himself.

D. He wanted to return it to the right person.

【2】The underlined phrase “beside myself”(in Paragraph1) probably


A. very fortunate B. very angry

C. really thankful D. at ease

【3】How was the problem solved in the end?

A. The author and Daniel solved the problem themselves.

B. It cost Daniel a lovely bottle of wine to get back his money.

C. The author gave the money back to the company.

D. The call operator offered to solve their problem

【4】From the passage we can infer that___________.

A. the bank could solve the problem soon and easily with the red tape

B. some large organizations usually have troublesome official rules

C. Daniel didn’t know the error before he contacted the author

D. the company gave the wrong account to the bank

【题目】Before going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear. 【1】____. We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer.

Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale.

Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide. 【2】____ .

The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury(水银)inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid ) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts(收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line is high in the glass tube. 【3】______.

First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap ; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw(吸管) through the nail hole. 【4】_____. Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily. 【5】____. As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.

A.We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other things in our daily lives.

B.Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same way when they are heated or cooled.

C.Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.

D.The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will expand and rise even higher.

E.They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees.

F.Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where the straw is struck into the cap to seal(把......粘住) them together.

G.People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.

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